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Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki PŁ prowadzi w ramach zajęć dydaktycznych inwentaryzacje zabytkowych budowli. Pomiary te realizowane są w ramach dwutygodniowych praktyk letnich dla studentów 4. semestru. W roku 2000 praktyki przeprowadzono w Łodzi, Zduńskiej Woli i Radomiu. W tym ostatnim przypadku inwentaryzacja związana byla z badaniami architektoniczno-archeologicznymi, dotyczącymi rozpoznania relików zamku królewskiego. Jego pozostałości umiejscowione są w murach budynku plebanii kosciola św. Jana Chrzciciela.
It is part of the curriculum at Architecture Studies at the Institute of Architecture and Town Planning (IAiU) at Lodz Technical University to survey the historical architecture during the outdoor classes held after the 4th semester. The students are asked to make a detailed measurement of the building in scale 1:50, alongside with getting acquainted with its historical alterations and the relevant preservation problems. In 2000 such a course at Radom was attended by 5 students supervised by IAiU tutors. The building surveyed was a rectory of St John the Baptist located on the premises of the former Royal castle. This hitherto hardly penetrated complex this year became subject of archaeological and architectural examination. To run them properly it was necessary to take measures of the rectory which has in its outer circuit walls the remainders of the main (southern) wing of the castle. The building situated along the defence walls was erected in the dawn of the 2°d half of the 14th century. It was built of bricks on the foundations of natural stone. In the 16th century it underwent significant alterations, first Renaissance, then Baroque. After destruction and 181h century demolition, right on the relics of the castle's structure a rectory was erected, still preserved. The executed survey provides for better understanding of the complex structure of the building and in future will be the basis for a detailed strati graphical study. Initially it may be presumed that the Gothic wing was originally shorter and was extended in the course of the 2nd, Gothic or Renaissance, stage. One can identify the remainders of the eastern, so called White Tower. Further research is due to verify the hypothesis.
Many photographs are taken of the conservation monuments to obtain a photographic documentation. However they do not permit to measure the depth of deteriorations or the tickness of the objects. The stereographic methods require a complicated and precise equipment according to the monophotostereographic method, invented by the author of the article the photographs are taken by an equipment which includes a lightproof case with a photographic apparatus attached to the upper wall of it. In the lower wall there is a rectangle hole with the streched nylon threads. Thanks to the low voltage lamp situated into the case it is possible to obtain not only the threads in the photographs but also their shadows, which have the constant p:tch to comparative plane. This permits to notice easily the difference of the monumental layers. Light at a greater angle and from several points of the case should be thrown upon more plastically differential surfaces.
Во время составления фотографической документации консервированных дел искусства, совершается целый ряд снимков, которые однако не представляют возможности к определению глубины повреждения или толщины снятого слоя. Стереофо- тограметрический метод требует очень сложной и точной аппаратуры а также вторичного снимка стереопары. Монофотостереограметрический метод представляется с целью совершания снимков при помощи аппарата, разработанного автором этой статьи. Аппарат состоит из светочувствительного ящика с укреплённым в его верхней стенке фотографическим аппаратом. В нижней стенке находится прямоугольное отверстве с натянутыми нитками, сделанными из стилона. Постоянный пункт источника света внутри ящика делает возможным получение на снимках, кроме натянутых ниток, их теней, брошенных из постоянно светящегося пункта, следовательно, с постоянным углом наклона к плоской сравнительной поверхности, что даёт возможность к легкому прочтению разницы слоев, подданого исследованию фрагмента. Более дифференцированные пластически плоские поверхности следует освещать под значительно большим угл'ом, из различных источников светящихся пунктов, вмонтированных в аппарат.
Der Beitrag setzt sich mit der Denkmalinventarisation als einem spezifischen Teil der Wissenschaftsgeschichte auseinander und untersucht diesen für die ehemalige Provinz Westpreußen des preußischen Königreiches, die Freien Stadt Danzig und den Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreußen. Die Denkmalinventarisation wird dabei als Schnittstelle verstanden, an der kunstgeschichtliche Paradigmen in denkmalpflegerische Praxis transformiert werden. Die Studie setzt mit den preußischen Dotationsgesetzen von 1875 ein, die den preußischen Provinzen einen größeren Umfang an Selbstverwaltung übertrugen, worin auch die Pflege des architektonischen und künstlerischen Erbes eingeschlossen war.
Content available Trzydziestolecie konserwatorstwa polskiego
Lliinventaire des richesses d’a r t mobilières réalisé par les services de la Conservation des monuments historiques constitue l’objet du présent article. Cet in ventaire est réalisé indépendamment de la publication permanente „Catalogue des (Monuments d’A rt en Pologne” (Institut de l’A rt Polonais près l’Académie des Sciences à Varsovie). 'Les informations contenues dans le „Catalogue” susmentionné, malgré leur valeur réelle, ne peuvent forcément suffire aux besoins des services de conservation tels que: Office des Musées et de la Protection des Monuments près du Ministère de la Culture et des Arts, conservateurs des voïevodies e t conservateurs des grands centres urbains. Pour cette raison les travaux d ’enregistrement ont été entrepris. L’enregistrement dés richesses d’a rt mobilières initié en 1948 sur des fiches spéciales n ’apporta point les résultats escomptés. Parmi les causes de cet insuccès il faut mentionner le manque de personnel pouvant réaliser ce travail, le manque de dispositifs appropriés et surtout la nécessité de diriger tout l’effort en premier lieu pour sauvegarder les monuments d’architecture tombant en ruine ou endommagés au cours des hostilités. En 1961, l ’Office des Musées et de la Protection des Monuments près du Ministère de la Culture et des Arts en trep rit de nouveau d’établir l’inventaire des richesses d ’art mobilières en Pologne. Un nouveau modèle de fiche fu t élaboré. Dûment remplie cette fiche présenterait un matériel d’information substentiel, nécessaire aussi bien pour l’entreprise des tra vaux de conservation que pour les recherches scientifiques dans le domaine de l’histoire de l’art. La fiche de l’inventaire actuellement en vigueur pour les biens culturels meubles contient les rubriques suivantes: 1. Définition de l’objet. 2. Matériel et technique. 3. Style. 4. Origines. 5. Auteur, école, atelier. 6. Dimensions: hauteur, largeur, longueur. 7. Nombre. 8. Historique. 9. Description de l’objet, signatures, inscriptions, photographie 6X9 (il est admis et même indiqué d’avoir d’autres photographies annexées). 10. Sources e t bibliographie. 11. Localité, district, commune, voïevodie. 12. Lieu de dépôt. '13. Propriétaire et son adresse actuelle. 14. Moyens d’y accéder (par ex. où se trouve la clef du magasin, etc.). 15. Date d’enregistrement et no. de l’inventaire. 16. Actes. 17. Iconographie et négatifs phothographiques. 18. Etat de conservation et besoins de conservation, date et nom de la personne qui (l’inscrit sur le fichier. 19. Les interventions des conservateurs effectuées, durée, exécuteur. 20. Remarques. 21. Nom et prénom de la personne qui étab lit la fiche. 22. Date du contrôle et nom du contrôleur. L’enregistrement concerne tous les biens culturels meubles se trouvant en dehors des collections e t des musées. On a donné une large portée à la notion du bien culturel meuble — outre les objets historiques types elle concerne non seulement les peintures murales et les stucs mais aussi les parquets, les détails architecturaux sculptés, les portails, etc. Chaque fiche est remplie en deux exemplaires dont l’un reste dans le fichier du Conservateur de la voïevodie ou de la ville. L’autre fiche est envoyée au Dossier Central des biens culturels meubles au Centre de Documentation des Monuments Historiques à Varsovie. Les travaux d’enregistrement continuent. Le contrôle de leur réalisation incombe non seulement aux o rganismes te rrito riau x du service de conservation mais aussi au Centre de Documentation des Monuments Historiques. Le Centre exerce ce contrôle su r place, et il rédige des opinions concernant le m a térie l qui lui est envoyé. Il influe également su r le choix des travailleurs qui s ’occupent de l’enregisitreiment sur place. Les frais de cette en trep rise sont couverts en principe par l’Office des Musées e t de la Protection des Monuments. Les Conservateurs te rrito riau x prennent à leur charge 30% de ces frais. Ju sq u ’à la fin de l’année 1967 on a établi 77.000 fiches du répertoire ce qui ne répond pas au nombre des richesses d’art mobilières car pour les oeuvres identiques (par. ex. complet de chaises, des lampadaires, etc.) on établit une seule fiche en ma rq u an t dans la rubrique correspondante le nombre des oeuvres considérées. En 11969 les travaux dans la plupart des voïevodies seront terminés ce qui perme ttra d ’accélérer les trav au x concernant les terrains pour lesquels des Catalogues de Monuments Historiques ont été déjà élaborés. L ’on a droit de supposer qu’en 1971—72 le répertoire se ra réalisé et alors le Dossier Central des richesses d’a rt mobilières comptera 120 à 130.090 fiches dans son fichier. Au cours des travaux d’enregistrement on procède à la première classification des monuments rép a rtis selon 3 catégories — les oeuvres pouvant rep ré sen te r l’a rt polonais su r le plan mondial, les oeuvres d’importance nationale e t les oeuvres ayant une valeur locale. Pour le groupe III (valeur locale) Гоп ne remplit que partiellement la fiche notamment les rubrique s no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 21. Les fiches remplies de cette façon constituent ce qu’on appelle des „cartes d’adresse” et demandent un trav a il limité donc sont beaucoup moins chères à rédiger. Dans la dernière phase des trav au x d’enregistrement sur le territoire de chaque voïevodie une commission de spécialistes est créée. Elle effectue le contrôle des fiches et elle propose des suggestions de classement selon les 3 catégories susmentionnées en accord avec le Conservateur de voïevodie soit de la ville. Lorsque le répe rtoire concernant la majorité des voïevodies sera terminé, une Commission de Classement Centrale sera créée, groupant les spécialistes les plus éminents de diverses disciplines de l'histoire de l’art. Ils procéderont au classement des biens culturels dans chaque domaine (en particulier — orfèvrerie, mobilier, tissus, etc.). Ainsi se ra établi un relevé des biens culturels de la plus haute valeur dans un domaine donné, sur tout le territoire de notre pays. Déjà au jourd’hui, on établit un dossier spécial, séparé, concernant les oeuvres d’orfèvrerie et les orfèvres, au Centre de la Documentation des Monuments H istoriques. Le fait d’avoir un dossier des richesses d’a rt mobilières à leu r portée permet aux services de conservation de délivrer des attestations légales indiquant que lé dit objet a été reconnu comme bien culturel. Ce dossier constitue aussi la base de l’élaboration des plans de conservation des monuments historiques et de ce fa it il réalise les motions essentielles du Service de Conservation. Le Dossier Central des richesses d’art mobilières permet de rédiger une publication d’inventaire s des objets, dont se chargera bientôt le Centre de Documentation des Monuments Historiques. En 1968 un programme de ce genre de publication sera créé et après avoir été soumis à la discussion des organismes intéressés, il sera publié dans la „Protection des Monuments”.
Content available remote Wyprawa - Bari 2001
tom nr 2
Content available remote Pięknie i precyzyjnie
tom nr 1
Review of the book by Anna Sylwia Czyż, Bartłomiej Gutowski, „Podręcznik do inwentaryzacji polskich cmentarzy i nagrobków poza granicami kraju”, Narodowy Instytut Polskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego za Granicą POLONIKA, Warszawa 2021, ss. 210, il. 83, tabl. XXIV
Recenzja książki Anny Sylwii Czyż i Bartłomieja Gutowskiego, „Podręcznik do inwentaryzacji polskich cmentarzy i nagrobków poza granicami kraju”, Narodowy Instytut Polskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturowego za Granicą POLONIKA, Warszawa 2021, ss. 210, il. 83, tabl. XXIV
Content available Pierwsze dziesięciolecie
The author, a Director of the Historical Monuments Documentation Centre, taking the opportunity of the ten-year period that elapsed from the time when the Centre 'has been established, presents its 'history, its tasks and discusses its plans for the future. The Historical Monuments Documentation Centre was called into being on January 1, 19(02 by the Minister of Culture and Arts decision issued on the 2i2nd December, 1901. Ilts finst residence consisted of a couple of rooms in the former Palace of the (Polish Primate, Senatorska (Street Ii3—1(5. On January 1, ,1971 its siege became an ancient house located at Brzozowa Street ,36 in the Old Town quarter of Warsaw. The activities of the Centre are based on co-operation and contributions made by a number of its constant collaborators recruiting from among conservators and scientists. In addition, a steady co-operation has been established with several institutions throughout the country of whom most fruitful proved to be relations with Technical Universities, the State Ateliers of Historic Monument Conservation, museums, scientific and research institutes, archives and so forth. The scope of tasks of the Centre consists in gathering and elaborating the complex documentation for all the kinds of movable and immovable historical monuments in this country. Up to now considerable amounts of historical, iconographie (illustrative), bibliographic, photographic and survey materials have been gathered, in other words, of all these materials that are allowing for full appraising of the monument’s values. That type of material also permits for right planning, influences the conservator’s decisions and proves highly helpful for appropriate conservation thus representing an excellent source for scientific work and interpretation. In addition, the Centre has been furnished with the rights to supervise the inventory works and classification of movable monuments that is organized and financed by the conservators. Thus it is in tight co-operation with the field Monument Documentation Offices that were founded recently as the sections in Conservator’s Offices. ' In the nearest future it is planned to start the preparation and publishing of Monument Inventories, among them of those in the field of architecture as, for instance, palaces, town halls, churches etc., and of movable monuments tike the goldsmith’s pieces, paintings, ancient organs, sculptures and s.o. The inventories of all monuments accurately prepared as to the documentation accompanying each item are expected to fullfill the task of the complex documentation. Preparatory works have already been started but for completing the whole task several years of a methodical action are required. No interpretations are to be contained in those catalogues, they are thought as supplying only the purely documentary material basing on the scientific research methods. The Centre’s other tasks consist in subsidizing the research work and organizing the conservators’ conferences. These latter are to play a many-sided part as they are intended to serve the exchange of experiences and views of the professionally active conservators, and at the same time constitute a forum where they encounter the representatives of natural sciences. Materials gathered as a result of each conference as well .as the proceedings in their printed form are being used as instructional materials for the higher schools at which the conservators are trained and also supply an evidence of development of the Polish thought in the field of conservation. This is exactly these conferences that are solving a number of essential problems characteristic of the conservators’ milieux and thus help to improve the methods used in conservation. Both the results of works carried out by the Centre and those on its initiatives find their expression in publications. Each forthcoming year brings the speeding up and increasing the number of publications dealing with the perplexed problems of monument protection and conservation. Through a wide exchange of our publications the Centre plays an important role in the field of instruction and also that of popularization of monument protection and conservation in Poland.
Students of the Geodesy Faculty of AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow organized in the years 1974.2001 fourteen scientific expeditions. The aim of each expedition was to perform surveying documentation of an object of the world cultural heritage in Europe, Asia and Africa. The objects covered by inventory were as follows: Koranic school El-Attarine in Fez (Marocco), citadel (Fig.3) in Aleppo (Syria), medieval school Mustansirija College in Bagdad (Iraq), amphitheatre Sabratha (Libya), Templar church in Segovia (Spain), Saint George rotunda in Thessaloniki (Greece), old city buildings (including Kevelaer, Germany), city walls of Kotor (Montenegro), Koranic school Bu Inania in Fez (Marocco), old wooden buildings in Bergen (Norway). Fig. 1, 3, 6, 7 present typical inventory documents . drawings in orthogonal projection, Fig. 2 presents horizontal section. Fig. 5 shows hard and dangerous inventory measurements (leveling measurement on citadel walls in Aleppo (Syria). The inventory works were partly ordered by UNESCO and documentations were handed down to this organization. The students. activity supported restoration of historical buildings in order to preserve them for the future generations.
Content available remote Laser w służbie dziedzictwa
Content available Ogólnopolski Zjazd Konserwatorów
L’idée même de l’inventaire des monuments d'art ainsi que les véritables travaux d’inventaire sont de tiadition ancienne en Pologne. Cependant, en raison des conditions difficiles en lesquelles le pays se trouvait lors des partages de la fin du XVIII-e s., l'organisation et la continuité du travail eurent à souffrir dans leur développement. Tout ce qui a pu se faire jusqu’au jour où la Pologne eut recouvré son indépendance était dû, en majeure partie, au travail et à la générosité de quelques particuliers (Stronczyński, Łepkowski, Tomkowiez). En 1929, on constitua le Bureau Central de l'inventaire, des Monuments Artistiques; c’est là une date importante dans le développement du travail d'inventaire, car on forma alors les cadres d’une organisation uniforme. Pendant la première décade de son activité, le Bureau s'attacha tout d’abord à organiser de précieuses archives d’inventaire (plus de 46.000 cliches photographiques à l'heure actuelle), à élaborer une méthode de travail ajustée aux conditions polonaises, à établir un type polonais d'inventaire, enfin à commencer la publication de l'inventaire Topographique de Pologne. Les travaux d’aprèsguerre sont de deux sortes: continuer l'inventaire topographique des monuments d'art et établir le cataloguedeces monuments. Des subsides, actuellement plus importants, permettent de mener les travaux sur le terrain à une plus grande échelle.
The diverse history of Polish gardens is centuries old. The great variety of forms, composition principles and purposes constitutes an important chapter in the history of Polish art and assigns the Polish garden a high rank in the European art of gardening. What is the reason for the need and necessity of recording historical gardens and other monuments? Registers as such are not the ultimate targets, but remain rather a means or an instrument intended for scientific or practical application. Without them it would be impossible to create a scholarly and exhaustive synthesis dealing with the history of art, including the art of gardening. Inventories of historical monuments in Poland date back to the eighteenth century (the initiative of Rev. Ksawery Zubowski), but after the loss of state independence Polish society grew increasingly aware of the historical and national value of its monuments. Official decisions led to records and first inventory regulations. Unfortunately, they did not relate to historical parks and gardens. The progress of a movement intent on the protection of historical monuments finally recognised garden premises as monuments which, in time, were included in inventories (the Central Office for Art Monument Inventories was established in 1929). Larger-scale inventories of Polish monuments of the art of gardening were conducted in the interwar period by Franciszek Krzywda-Polkowski, Oskar Sosnowski and Gerard Ciolek (Warsaw University of Technology). During the 1950s and 1960s similar inventories were entrusted to the Ministry of Culture and Art. At the same time, work at the Warsaw University of Technology was continued by Gerard Ciolek, and subsequently Witold Plapis and Longin Majdecki. Similar research on Polish gardens was pursued at the Cracow University of Technology by Tadeusz Tolwinski and Zygmunt Novak. Janusz Bogdanowski acted as the heir of their accomplishments and resumed this particular trend of research. Inventories of historical gardens initiated in 1975 are carried out up to this day. The task consists of listing all parks and gardens, including relics, regardless of pertinent information or the degree of conservation. In this manner, inventories are to reflect the actual state of the preservation of all park and garden premises across the country.
Digitization of documentation of white cards is currently a key aspect of preservation of national heritage. Destructive processes of archival documentation, escalation of acts of vandalism, consequences of war operations that have left their stamp on architectural objects as well as monuments of nature contributed to adaptation and introduction of the fifth form of national heritage, which is “digitization”. Digitization shall ensure the re-creation of not only lost national treasures in the future, but also shall enable researchers in architecture, archeologists, historians, conservators a research and an analysis of chosen objects and records related to it in a non-invasive and interactive way. Objects subject to digitization will be able to be analyzed more thoroughly since digital data rendered available by electronic means shall enable and facilitate an interdisciplinary research process. In the article, the author presents results that compare two methods for digitization of the chosen architectural object. Documentation consists in recording and preserving of the fragment of façade and the chosen architectural detail of the considered object. The object subject to analysis is the "Tenement under the singing frog" built in 1889-90 acc. to the project by Teodor Marian Talowski, in Kraków at Retoryki 1 St. For an analyzed example, research has consisted in application of photogrammetry and laser scanning methods to acquire information on spatial geometry of researched object and compare discrepancies of newly generated 3D models. The object presented has undergone a comparative analysis, based on which the key aspects have been isolated and then demonstrated in a graphic way, as well as specific issues related to them, such as precision and effect of distortion have been discussed. The objective of the work has been presentation of possibilities of practical application of photogrammetry as a cheaper method of digitization of architectural objects in relation to scanning method, applicable in digitization and preservation of national heritage consisting in development of new interactive documentation (white card).
Content available remote Model gęsty od rzeźb i sztukaterii
This artide discusses the problem of errors caused by the variability of principal distance in creating orthophotoplans of historic polychrome. Photographs used in the process of orthorectification need to have stable and known interior orientation elements, and photographs used in heritage documentation have to achieve the highest possible visual quality (including sharpness). The highest possible sharpness, provided by the variability of principal distance, and the stability of interior orientation elements are conditions which mutually exclude themselves. Analytical studies were conducted to calculate errors that would occur on resultant orthophotoplans if in the process of computing photographs (taken in autofocus mode) would take part IO elements established for average distance from the object plane. The analysis is based on the assumptions similar to the conditions found in historic sites. Three types of lenses (20 mm, 50 mm and 150 mm) were taken into consideration, two resolutions (0.3 mm and 1 mm) of final orthophotoplans. Neither the scale of adjoining photographs should be different more than ±10% nor the error caused by the variability of principal distance exceed 0.25 pixel. There were two types of objects adopted for the analysis: polychrome on the flat wall and the stone wali. Conducted studies showed a relatively small influence of approximated principal distance on geometrical accuracy (radial shifts) of resultant orthophotoplans.
W artykule podjęto próbę znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, na ile zmienność odległości obrazowej obiektywu związana z ustawieniami najlepszej ostrości zdjęć pomiarowych w aparacie ma wpływ na błędy ortofotoplanów wygenerowanych na ich podstawie. Zdjęcia wykorzystywane do tworzenia ortofotoplanów z założenia powinny mieć stałe i znane elementy orientacji wewnętrznej, a technika pomiarowa wykorzystywana do inwentaryzacji zabytkowych malowideł ściennych powinna zapewnić jak najlepszą jakość (w tym ostrość) rejestrowanych obrazów. Stałość odległości obrazowej obiektywu, jako warunek odtworzenia wiązki promieni rzutujących, i jej zmienność, jako warunek maksymalnej ostrości obrazu, są warunkami nawzajem się wykluczającymi. Wykonano wielowariantową analizę analityczną, przyjmując założenia odpowiadające warunkom wykonywania takich zdjęć w obiektach zabytkowych. Przyjęto, że zdjęcia są wykonywane trzema rodzajami obiektywów stałoogniskowych (20 mm, 50 mm i 150 mm), rozważano dwie rozdzielczości obiektowe (0,3 mm i 1 mm) wynikowych ortofotoplanów. Skala sąsiednich obrazów nie powinna się różnić o więcej niż 10% oraz błąd położenia punktu na ortofotoplanie spowodowany niestałością odległości obrazowej nie powinien przekraczać 0,25 piksela. Analizie poddano dwa rodzaje powierzchni: polichromię na ścianie oraz mur. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono znikomy wpływ przybliżonych elementów orientacji wewnętrznej na dokładność geometryczną - przesunięcia radialne na tworzonych ortofotoplanach.
Content available remote Metody fotogrametrii cyfrowej i skanowania laserowego w inwentaryzacji zabytków
This paper describes the current level of photogrammetric as well as laser scanning technologies used for historic monuments documentation. The digital photogrammetry creates new possibilities at all stages of documentation process: measurement, presentation and storage. Digital recording of common products including: frontal views, horizontal and vertical cross-sections and photomaps offers wider possibilities of use compared to analogue counterparts. Digital technology expanded documentation products choice, now it is possible to develop 3D models of real world object. Besides, intermediate products in the form of oriented digital stereopairs can be made. Digital recording of images allows the use of passive object documentation (it includes only photographs with measured control points). Along with progress of photogrammetric documentation, there is hardware and software development. Improved density of CCD matrices, and loseless, above 8bit image formats brings about increasing usage of digital cameras. There is also significant development of photogrametric digital stations Laser scanning is the most up-to-date technology used in historical monuments documentation. It is based on short interval measurements with the use of laser scanners. Measurement yields dense cloud of points describing the object. Above all, laser scanner can record radiometric information (brightness or colour) in addition to spatial localization. It can be used to produce wide range of products.
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