Nowadays, some manufacturing organizations may well face production restrictions. For example, in case the number of products goes up, the company might not be capable of producing all products. As a consequence, the company may face backlogging. In the meanwhile, in case the demand for products rises, the given company may experience a restricted capacity to react to that kind of demand properly; thus, it will suffer backlogging. Over the course of this study, that kind of company facing the mentioned circumstances is considered. To meet those exceeded demands, companies would be forced to purchase some products from outside. Thus, the study's primary aim is to define and calculate the optimum make and buy a number of products so that overall inventory cost is reduced and optimized. To do so, a model is proposed referred to as the make-with-buy model. This model is designed and solved by exact solution software in the based branch and bound method. The results of the study confirm the feasibility and efficiency of this method and demonstrate that this model can be applied to lessen the overall inventory costs, including maintenance, order, setup, and purchasing costs, and also the total costs of products.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy ekonometrycznej miesięcznych wartości zapasów w trzech kolejnych latach w jednej z elektrowni Południowej Polski. Pod uwagę wzięto te zapasy, których utrzymywanie ma największy wpływ na ogólną działalność finansową elektrowni. Analizie poddano wartość zapasów z wyłączeniem zapasów bezpośrednio produkcyjnych (węgiel, mazut), dla których zbudowano modele autoregresyjne.
In the article effects of the econometric analysis of the monthly stock value in the three next years in one of power stations of Southern Poland were presented. Inventory which has the biggest influence on the general financial activity of the power station was taken into consideration. The value of inventory excluding stock which is direct used in the process of energy production (coal, mazout) was analyzed. The autoregressive moving average models were constructed for distinguished groups of inventory.
Dysponowanie materiałami i produktami wymaga od przedsiębiorstw zorganizowania sprawnego systemu magazynowego. W pracy przedstawiono rolę magazynowania w działalności przedsiębiorstw branży metalowej na podstawie badań ankietowych. Uwzględniono dysponowanie magazynami, metody sterowania przepływem towarów, wyodrębnienie kosztów magazynowania, miejsce magazynowania wśród zadań logistycznych, cele i perspektywy zmniejszania poziomu zapasów.
The possession of materials and products requires from enterprises organization of effective and modern storing system. The paper present the role of storing in the activity of metal industry enterprises on the basis of research in the from of a questionnaire. The following have been taken into account: the possession of warehouses, methods of controlling the way goods flow, the place of storing, among the logistics aims and perspectives of diminishing the level of inventory in enterprises.
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