The paper presents an attempt at assessment of Alnetum incanae LÜDI 1921 transformations in the Skawica River valley. The field studies were carried out in the whole Skawica valley. On the basis of phytosociological relevés, the participation of species which prefer riparian habitats, the number and cover of anthropophytes, including invasive plants, were analyzed. The presence of synanthropic sites was also taken into consideration. The research demonstrated that in the study area phytocoenoses of the Alnetum incanae association have primarily retained natural character, in spite of a noticeable influence of human impact. The results suggested that the vicinity of synanthropic sites does not eliminate natural components of phytocoenosis.
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A new stand, formed by some fifty individuals of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., an invasive plant of alien origin, was discovered at the Katowice railway station (southern Poland), in 2011. Two years later, the stand (increased to more than 160 individuals in the meantime) was re-visited, phytosociological survey was made, and four soil cores (5 cm deep and 80 cm2 surface area, each) were taken for seed bank studies. The phytosociological sampling revealed 28 co-occurring vascular species, most of them representing hemicryptophyte and geophyte life forms. According to Ellenberg's values, the species pool indicated sunny (L7 and L8 species dominating) and semi-dry (mainly F4 species) habitat for the common ragweed population, whereas Zarzycki's soil granulometric data reflected coarse-grained soil. Albedo of the soil was lower than that of the vegetation thus sparsely vegetated sites were considered as heat accumulating microhabitats that might support establishment of the thermophilic A. artemisiifolia. During soil seed bank analysis a high number of naturally opened fruits (dehiscent achenes) were found (718.75 per m2) most probably indicating frequent germination in previous years. Greenhouse germination tests proved successful germination of 125 individuals per m2, which was considered enough to maintain the A. artemisiifolia stand at the station. The results call attention to a newly discovered, established population with increasing demography of A. artemisiifolia, a highly allergenic introduced weed of Poland.
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The Black Cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), a North American forest tree, had been extensively planted for timber production in order to improve soil quality in pine plantations in European forests during the first half of the 20th century. Unfortunately, it failed to meet the foresters. expectations. It has instead spread rapidly in silvicultures becoming a notorious weed species, difficult to control. Although it still has alien plant status, it seems that 150 years of its presence on the European continent might suffice for this neophyte to become adopted as a host plant by the native fauna of insect herbivores. The observations of Prunus serotina were conducted in 2009-2010 in the Rudno Forest District, Lower Silesia, Poland, on Prunus serotina plants growing as a thick understorey shrub layer in fresh mixed deciduous forest. The analyses, performed in 7-10 day intervals from April until the end of July each year, aimed at monitoring the population dynamics of Gonioctena quinquepunctata on P. serotina plants, and the dynamics of leaf perforation caused by this herbivore, in order to determine the relation between these two species. The insects were observed on 100 shoots on 10 plants on each observation date, and were recorded in situ. Based on the estimates of the leaf damage, the mean perforation index (P[I]) (%) was calculated on each date for each plant shoot, expressed as the mean percentage of the perforated leaf blade area. P[I] (%) was subsequently correlated with the beetle and larvae density on the plants. It has been demonstrated that the feeding of G. quinquepunctata on Black Cherry plants is more closely associated with the presence of its larvae, than with that of the beetles. Although the mean PI value on each observation date was never higher than 12%, the maximum perforation of individual leaf blades occasionally exceeded 50%, whereas the maximum mean P[I] calculated for individual shoots on each observation date reached as much as 47%. The authors suggest that feeding of G. quinquepunctata on P. serotina may represent an example of a well established trophic link between a native herbivore and a plant species still considered a neophyte.
The objective of this contribution is to evaluate such energetic plants that will not compete with conventional agriculture. Our analysis is based on definition of energetic plant - a plant grown as a low cost and low maintenance harvest used to make biofuels, or directly exploited for its energy content (heating or electric power production). It was emphasized that besides of woody plant species as energetic plants can be also used both crops and non-food plants. Besides switch grass (Panicum virgatum L), jatropha (Jatropha curcas L) or algae some species from family Euphorbiaceae and Asteraceae store high concentration of triacylglycerols and latex, that can be used for production of biocomponents into the fuels. Species Amaranthus sp., Miscanthus sinensis Anderss., Euphorbia marginata L, Ambrosia artemisifolia L, Helianthus tuberosus L, and Solidago canadensis L successfully grown under climatic conditions of Slovakia, are presented as a potentially used energetic plant species - herbs - that will not compete with the crops. However, it should be stressed that mentioned species are (like jatropha) invasive plants. Since production of biofuels from crops as well as from non-food plants is still actual, carbon dioxide emission and energy balance of biofuel production is presently intensively discussed. Life-cycle analysis (LCA) appeared as a useful tool to appreciate impact of biofuels on the environment. LCA is presented as a scientific method to record environmental impacts from fuel production to final disposal/recycling. This approach is also known as “well to wheel” for transport fuels or “field to wheel” for biofuels. In order to investigate the environmental impacts of bioenergy and biofuels it is necessary to account for several other problems such are acidification, nitrification, land occupation, water use or toxicological effects of fertilizers and pesticides.
Celem pracy było wytypowanie takich roślin energetycznych, które nie będą konkurować z rolnictwem konwencjonalnym. Punktem wyjścia przedstawionej analizy jest definicja roślin energetycznych - roślin uprawianych przy niskich kosztach utrzymania i zbioru, stosowanych do produkcji biopaliw lub bezpośrednio wykorzystywanych do produkcji energii (ciepła lub wytwarzania energii elektrycznej). Podkreślono, że oprócz gatunków roślin drzewiastych roślinami energetycznymi mogą być również zboża i rośliny niebędące pożywieniem. Oprócz trawy (Panicum virgatum L) i jatrofy (Jatropha curcas L), niektóre gatunki glonów z rodziny Asteraceae i Euphorbiaceae zawierające duże stężenia triacylogliceroli i lateksu, mogą być wykorzystane do produkcji biokomponentów paliw. Gatunki Amaranthus sp., Anderss Miscanthus sinensis, Euphorbia marginata L, Ambrosia artemisifolia L, Helianthus tuberosus L, Solidago canadensis L mogą być pomyślnie uprawiane w warunkach klimatycznych Słowacji. Rośliny te przedstawiane są jako potencjalnie użyteczne gatunki roślin energetycznych, niekonkurujących z uprawami roślin spożywczych. Należy jednak podkreślić, że wymienione gatunki (np. jatrofa) należą do roślin inwazyjnych. Ponieważ produkcja biopaliw zarówno z roślin uprawnych, jak też z roślin nieżywnościowych jest nadal prowadzona, dlatego emisja ditlenku węgla i bilans energii z biopaliw obecnie są intensywnie dyskutowane. Analiza cyklu życia (LCA) to użytecznenarzędzie określania wpływu biopaliw na środowisko przyrodnicze. LCA jest przedstawiona jako metoda naukowa, pozwalająca na ocenę oddziaływania paliwa na środowisko od produkcji do ostatecznej jego likwidacji/recyklingu. Takie podejście jest również znane jako „szyb naftowy do koła“ dla paliw transportowych lub „pole do koła“ w odniesieniu do biopaliw. W celu zbadania wpływu bioenergii i biopaliw na środowisko należy uwzględnić kilka innych problemów, takich jak zakwaszenie, nitryfikacja, użytkowanie terenu, zużycie wody lub toksycznych nawozów i pestycydów.
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This study aims to gain insights into the allelopathic effects (by using leaf extracts) of the notorious invasive Solidago canadensis L. on seed germination of the associated Pterocypsela laciniata (Houtt.) C. Shih under different nitrogen (N) forms added: inorganic (NO3- -N and NH4+ -N), organic (urea-N), and mixed N (a mixture of the three N forms at 1:1:1 ratio). Among the two used concentrations of S. canadensis leaf extracts the higher exhibited inhibitory allelopathic effects on seedling height and biomass, germination potential, germination index, and vigor index of P. laciniata. N demonstrated positive effects on seed germination of P. laciniata. The effects of mixed and organic N on the seedling biomass of P. laciniata were more pronounced than those of inorganic N and control treatment. The vigor index of P. laciniata under mixed N was significantly higher than those under single N form and control treatment. Thus, organic and mixed N showed higher ecological effects on seed germination of P. laciniata than inorganic and single N form. All N forms could alleviate the inhibitory allelopathic effects of S. canadensis on seed germination of P. laciniata. Overall, the inhibitory allelopathic impact of S. canadensis on seed germination of native species may be attenuated under increased and diverse N deposition, thus it could prevent its further invasion.
Na murszejącym drewnie i na wykrociskach w lasach Karkonoszy stwierdzono trzy inwazyjne antropofity, tj.: dwie rośliny naczyniowe – Digitalis purpurea L. i Impatiens parviflora DC. oraz jeden mech – Orthodontium lineare Schwägr. Stanowi to zaledwie 1,9% flory analizowanych siedlisk (1,1% flory mchów, 2,9% flory roślin naczyniowych) i 3,5% kenofitów znanych we florze kwiatowej Sudetów. Gatunki te rosły przeważnie sporadycznie i z niską frekwencją, na 3,5% zbadanych obiektów (na 3,1% murszejących kłód i pniaków oraz na 5,6% elementów składowych wykrocisk), we wszystkich typach zbiorowisk leśnych w granicach Karkonoskiego PN i poza nim. Obecnie inwazyjne kenofity nie zagrażają różnorodności narażonej na wyginięcie flory epiksylicznej. Omawiane siedliska wydają się wykazywać odporność na wnikanie antropofitów.
Three invasive anthropophytes, i.e. two vascular plants Digitalis purpurea L. and Impatiens parviflora DC. as well as one moss Orthodontium lineare Schwägr, were recorded on decaying wood and tree-fall disturbances (pit-mound-root plate complex). It contributes only 1.9% to the flora of analyzed habitats (1.1% of moss flora, 2.9% of vascular plant flora) and 3.5% of neophytes known in Sudeten Mts. They grew, sporadically and with a low frequency, on 3.5% of studied objects (on 3.1% of decaying logs and stumps and 5.6% of tree-fall disturbances) in all types of forest communities in the area of Karkonosze National Park and in the vicinity. Nowadays, invasive neophytes do not pose a threat to diversity of endangered epixylic flora. Described habitats seem to be resistant to penetration by anthropophytes.
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