W badaniach doświadczalnych na zwierzętach określono niektóre właściwości farmakodynamiczne naturalnej wody fluorkowej oraz wodnego roztworu NaF. Stwierdzono oddziaływanie tych wód na gospodarką lipidową i wodno-elektrolitową, równowagę kwasowo-zasadową oraz perystaltykę jelita cienkiego.
Basing on the carried out investigations it has been shown that the fluoride water from the spring „Zdzisław" from Lądek Zdrój and the aqueous solution of NaF in the F" concentration like that in the curative water, used in rats intragastrically in a single daily dose of 14.3 ml/kg of body weight or ad libitum for a period of 20 days, brought about a statistically significant decrease of whole cholesterol, of the HDL fraction of cholesterol, of whole lipids, triglicerydes, sodium and magnesium and about an increase of potassium and calcium in the blood serum as compared with the control group of animals. Observed at the same time were changes that testified to the occurence of respiratory decompensated acidosis and alkalosis. No essential influence of the investigated waters on the protein, carbohydrate metabolism, smear and the morphological composition of the peripheral blood and on the bone marrow smear could be stated. The investigated waters acted spastically on the smooth muscles of the small intestine of the rabbit, they were showing diuretic action in the rats and caused an increased water turnover in the organism.
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