It is shown that the convex linear combination of the Hurwitz polynomials of positive linear systems is also the Hurwitz polynomial. The Kharitonov theorem is extended to the positive interval linear systems. It is also shown that the interval positive linear system described by state equation x ̇ = Ax, A ϵ ℜn×n, A1 ≥ A ≤ A2 is asymptotically stable if and only if the matrices Ak = 1, 2 are Hurwitz Metzler matrices.
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Seismic strain and b value are used to quantify seismic potential in the Zagros region (Iran). Small b values (0.69 and 0.69) are related to large seismic moment rates (9.96×1017 and 4.12×1017) in southern zones of the Zagros, indicating more frequent large earthquakes. Medium to large b values (0.72 and 0.92) are related to small seismic moment rates (2.94×1016 and 6.80×1016) in middle zones of the Zagros, indicating less frequent large earthquakes. Small b value (0.64) is related to medium seismic moment rate (1.38×1017) in middle to northern zone of the Zagros, indicating frequent large earthquakes. Large b value (0.87) is related to large seismic moment rate (2.29×1017) in northwestern zone, indicating more frequent large earthquakes. Recurrence intervals of large earthquakes (M > 6) are short in southern (10 and 14 years) and northwestern (13 years) zones, while the recurrence intervals are long in the middle (46 and 114 years) and middle to northern (25 years) zones.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest interpretacja anonimowego traktatu łacińskiego Mensura instrumenti organici z X w. Tekst jest bardzo zwięzły, ma charakter prostego instruktażu przeznaczonego dla potencjalnego konstruktora organów. Strojenie piszczałek (o jednakowym obwodzie) dokonuje się wyłącznie za pomocą dwóch stosunków liczbowych – epitrytycznego (4:3) i epogdoicznego (9:8). Dokładne wyliczenia potwierdzają, że ta metoda okazała się pewna i daje rezultat w postaci dobrze nastrojonych piszczałek w stroju naturalnym (pitagorejskim) w zakresie trzech oktaw. W artykule przeprowadzono sporo działań matematycznych oraz przedstawiono miarę piszczałek za pomocą rysunków. Szczegółowo wyjaśniono również zagadnienia terminologiczne oraz zaprezentowano teksty greckie i łacińskie niezbędne do właściwej interpretacji traktatu.
The paper is intended to interpret the anonymous Latin Treaty entitled Mensura instrumenti organici written in the X century. The text is very concise and takes the form of a simple instruction intended for a potential constructor of pipe organs. Tuning pipes (of the same circuit) is performed exclusively by means of two ratios – epitritos (4:3) and epogdoos (9:8). The exact calculation confirms that this method proved to be reliable and results in well-tuned pipes using natural Pythagorean tuning in three octave range. Numerous mathematical calculations and the figures of pipes measurements are presented in the paper. The issues of terminology are explained in detail and Greek and Latin texts necessary for the proper interpretation of the treaty are also presented.
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