The analysis of the international transmission of the economic shocks and influence, among them the international effects of the national macroeconomic policies, constitutes a very wide and multi-aspectual field of the open economy macroeconomics. Flourishing interest in this field of theory and research, resulting from the post-war dynamic development of the international economic relations (in many facets of this issue) and more broadly − globalization, has led to improving the ”old” schemes and models considered as underlying the core of the open economies’ theory. The evolution of the thougts on international economic linkages and progress made in analysing them were marked by including into the analysis some new assumptions more adequate to the changes observed in the global economy and more perfectly reflecting new tendencies creating modern global ”reality”. All above has led to shaping so called new advanced approach to the open economy macroeconomics. In the empirical aspect, this approach is based on wide implementation of econometric modelling and panel data analysis. As to the theory we can say it is a synthesis – the effect of many years’ scientific research in the field. The aim of the article is to present the new advanced models of the global economy, in particular this part of them which refers to the international transmission of the effects of national macroeconomic (fiscal and monetary) policies and other shocks influencing modern open markets (interest rate shocks, price shocks, terms of trade shocks etc.). To realize so specified goal the following models will be briefly presented: International Monetary Fund’s Multimod, INTERLINK OECD (widely used in the global research in the 80s and the 90s) and the New Global Model OECD (currently implemented). As the background the chosen key steps of the evolution in the theoretical approach as well as empirical research in this stream of the open economy macroeconomics will be overally presented, starting from the Mundell-Fleming model being the crucial turning point of the thoughts on international linkages and macroeconomic policy influence. The author is going to underline the following aspects of the progress which has taken place in the questioned field of research: implementation of new approaches originating from the neo-classical concepts (e.g. the monetary approach to modelling the exchange rates), incorporating the monopolistic competition, monopolistic and oligopolistic economy models into the overall analysis, taking into consideration the short-term effects of the dynamic changes coming from temporary or permanent price, demand or terms of trade shocks, taking the assumption of the incomplete markets and intertemporal choice as an integral part of the analysis.
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The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Croatian economy and discover how it might be affected by the EU Accession of 2013. The paper describes Croatian integration path in the last decades and reviews the country’s main economic indicators and foreign trade. Moreover, it focuses on the economic changes related to the EU accession. We show that the EU accession will most likely be beneficial for the Croatian economy. With regard to the accession, adaptability of Croatian agriculture sector and privatization of state owned companies are identified as vulnerable points. One way or another, the EU accession of such small economy as Croatia is not going to have any substantial impacts on the EU economy as such.
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This paper focuses on Ukrainian remitting migrants in the Czech Republic. Empirical evidence from two unique survey questionnaires carried out in Western Ukraine in 2010 and 2011 was used to test our hypotheses. The households in the 2010 survey were selected using the snowballing sampling in order to rule out remitting migrants residing in countries, other than the Czech Republic. The households for the 2011 survey were selected by randomly choosing parishes and primary schools in Zakarpat’ye district of Western Ukraine. Both remittance-receiving households and households without remittances were included in both surveys. The analysis of the data obtained with the help of both surveys helped us to build a profile of a typical Ukrainian migrant who is sending remittances. The paper’s outcomes contribute to the research literature on migration and remittances and bring some novel insights of migrations in Central and Eastern Europe.
This article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the functioning of special economic zones in Aqaba, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Ukraine. The work gives the concept and classification of the Free trade zones (FTZ), reflects the goals of creating zones and their purpose. The main goal of the work is to study the features of FTZs in Jordan and Ukraine and determine what experience Ukraine can gain from Jordan to optimize the work of the Ukrainian FTZs. During the research we grounded that Ukraine has essential resource opportunities, such as: natural resources, working capital, and geographical location compared to Jordan, which despite of all the obstacles could implement ASEZ and gradually improve its economy. Jordanian experience proves that the desire of a strong Leader and his loyal team, despite of the concentration of hot points all around the borders, unstable political relationship with its neighbors, high refugees inflow definitely led to the deterioration of economic situation in the country. A large stock of foreign debt, insufficient supplies of water, oil, and other natural resources, high level of unemployment – succeeded in its effective implementation of ASEZ and overcame all the severities. Thus, hopefully this research might inspire the Ukrainian leaders to promote the development of Ukrainian FTZs in order to prosper our economy and improve the standard of living.
The aim of the article is to compare the total real GDP growth of European countries from the 3rd quarter of 2008 with the 3rd quarter of 2012, the period characterized by a predominant economic stagnation or economic recession in the majority of examined European countries. The countries are divided into groups based on the following grounds: whether they are geographically close to the economic center (Germany) or peripheral, whether they are in the eurozone or not, whether they are (new) EU members or ‘old’ ones, etc. The main findings from the comparisons are as follows: 1. European countries close to the economic center (Germany and its neighbours) experienced, on average, positive economic growth during examined period, while countries from European periphery on average experienced negative economic growth during the same period. This difference was found statistically significant at the α = 0.01 level. 2. Differences between eurozone and non-eurozone, old and new EU members, and between more and less populated countries were found statistically insignificant. 3. European regions with the most negative real total GDP growth included the Baltics, the Balkans, Southern Europe (Italy, Portugal) and Iceland. The most successful countries with the most positive real total GDP growth were central European countries (Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria) and those in northern Europe (Sweden and Norway).
Celem artykułu jest porównanie całkowitego wzrostu realnego PKB w krajach europejskich od III kwartału 2008 roku do III kwartału 2012 roku, w okresie charakteryzującym się przewagą stagnacji i recesji gospodarczej, która miała miejsce w większości badanych krajów europejskich. Kraje zostały podzielone na grupy na podstawie następujących kryteriów: geograficzna bliskość lub peryferyjność w stosunku do centrum gospodarczego (Niemcy), członkostwo w strefie euro lub jego brak, członkostwo w UE (z podziałem na kraje starej i nowej Unii) lub jego brak. Główne wnioski z porównania są następujące: 1. Kraje europejskie blisko centrum gospodarczego (Niemcy i sąsiedzi) zanotowały dodatni wzrost gospodarczy w badanym, okresie podczas gdy w tym samym okresie kraje europejskiej peryferii wzrostu gospodarczego osiągnęły wzrost ujemny (średnio). Różnica ta była statystycznie znacząca na poziomie α = 0,01. 2. Różnice pomiędzy krajami w i poza strefą euro, różnice między starymi i nowymi członkami UE oraz różnice między bardziej i mniej zaludnionymi krajami UE nie były statystycznie znaczące. 3. Europejskie regiony z najwyższym ujemnym wzrostem realnego wzrostu PKB obejmują kraje bałtyckie, Bałkany, Europę Południową (Włochy, Portugalię) i Islandię. Najwyższy dodatni wzrost PKB osiągnęły kraje Europy Środkowej (Polska, Słowacja, Niemcy, Austria), Zachodniej (Szwajcaria) i Północnej (Szwecja, Norwegia).
Budowa Nowego Szlaku Jedwabnego przez Chiny,nawiązującego do antycznego szlaku handlowego staje się jednym z najciekawszych zjawisk zachodzących we współczesnym świecie i może stanowić jedno z największych wydarzeń w XXI wieku, trwale zmieniając światową gospodarkę i politykę. Celem artykułu jest analiza koncepcji Nowego Szlaku Jedwabnego pod względem jego znaczenia dla międzynarodowych stosunków ekonomicznych i politycznych oraz potencjalnych zmian, które może spowodować w gospodarce światowej. W celu realizacji tematu zakłada się przeprowadzenie analizy literaturowej oraz zbadanie wpływu budowy Nowego Szlaku Jedwabnego na podstawie dostępnych oraz prognoz. Artykuł składa się z trzech części, które kolejno będą poświęcone analizie roli Chin we współczesnym świecie, koncepcji Nowego Szlaku Jedwabnego oraz jego wpływowi na funkcjonowanie gospodarki światowej.
Building the New Silk Road by China is becoming one of the most interesting phenomena in the contemporary world. Its construction, referring to the ancient trade route, may be one of the biggest events in XXI century, permanently has changed the world economy and politics. This article aims at analyzing the concept of the New Silk Road in terms of its importance for international economic and political relations and the potential changes that could result in the world economy. To understand the subject, the author is to analyze literature and to examine the impact of the construction of the New Silk Road on available forecasts. The article consists of three parts, which in turn will be devoted to the analysis of China's role in the modern world, the concept of the New Silk Road and its influence on the functioning of the global economy.
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