The electron spin resonance (ESR) dating was used for freshwater mollusc fossils taken from interglacial deposits at the Gailiunai and Neravai sites (Butenai/Holsteinian In-terglacial), Valakampiai site (Snaigupele/Drente-Warthe Interglacial), Jonionys and Netiesos sites (Merkine/Eemian Interglacial) in Lithuania. Freshwater mollusc samples from the Butenai/Holsteinian and Merkine/Eemian Interglacials estimated by ESR yielded different ages: Butenai O 455.0 to 307.0 ka and Merkine O 112.5 to 101.5 ka BP. Two ESR dates determined for Snaigupëlë Interglacial deposits suggest an average age of about 113.0 ka. This is therefore younger than expected from the palynological data, and it places Snaigupëlë into the interglacial stage, possibly assigned to the MIS 5d that can likely be correlated with the Merkine/Eemian Interglacial (s.l.). Thus, further studies of the deposits and additional ESR dates are needed to make sure that the Snaigupele bed is really much younger than expected (about 200 ka) in all recognized sites in different parts of Lithuania.
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The chronostratygraphically important Quaternary buried peats from the site "Fili Park" (located on the territory of Moscow) on the Russian Plain were studied by the methods of uranium-thorium dating (UTD) and palynological analysis. The deposits under study were the subject of intense debate: some number of the palynologists assigned ones to the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial, while the another investigators - to the Odintzovo Interglacial (Middle Pleistocene). Detailed palynological study gave the possibility to mark out the 3 palynozones (M2, M3 and M4) in section vertical profile and refer the deposits to the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial. The uranium-thorium dating (by "leachate alone" method) was carried out in the middle layers, which would be expected to be a closed system in respect to uranium and thorium isotopes. The direct uranium-thorium dating of inner layers showed the first UTD ages from 78.9 to 105.0 ka for deposits from the site "Fili Park". The corrected uranium-thorium age of buried peat turned out to be younger than the currently adopted boundaries of the last Interglacial (116-128 ka) and comprised 89š11 ka. There was probably an additional post-deposition uranium uptake in the internal section layers that in general have led to an underestimated age value. Nevertheless, we refered these questionable in chronostratigraphic respect deposits to the Mikulino Interlacial. The geochronological data obtained were compared with the uranium-thorium dating results (113š11 ka) for the closed geochemical samples from the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial peats of the stratotypical section "Mikulino" (Russian Plain). This comparison confirmed the reliability of our conclusions.
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Przedstawiono zasady korelacji stratygraficznej 11 plejstoceńskich cykli glacjalno-interglacjalnych i lessowo-glebowych (od A do K) na obszarze Polski i Ukrainy. Stwierdzono zgodny rytm zmian klimatycznych w strefie pomiędzy Morzem Bałtyckim a Morzem Czarnym. Jednostki glacjalne i interglacjalne wyróżniane w Polsce odniesiono do sekwencji lessowych z glebami kopalnymi na Ukrainie. Analiza liczby i czasu trwania tych cykli potwierdza możliwość ich korelacji z cyklami astronomicznymi w przedziale 110-90 tysięcy lat. Podczas starszych cykli (od F do K) możliwa jest obecność większej liczby zlodowaceń i interglacjałów niż się dotychczas przyjmuje. W pierwszej kolejności może to dotyczyć sugestii wyodrębnienia ochłodzenia (zlodowacenia?) w interglacjale ferdynandowskim, a w dalszej kolejności pełniejszego dokumentowania ochłodzeń (zlodowaceń?) i ociepleń (interglacjałów) w interglacjałach małopolskim i podlaskim. Możliwość grupowania 2-3 plejstoceńskich cyklów klimatycznych w odrębne megacykle, wiąże się najprawdopodobniej z tym, że czas trwania niektórych cykli mógł się nieco różnić z racji obejmowania przez nie zarówno krótszych interglacjałów (np. eemskiego) jak również krótszych zlodowaceń (np. liwca). Taka identyfikacja megacyklów klimatycznych może także nawiązywać do koncepcji grupowania niektórych zlodowaceń plejstoceńskich w megaglacjały oraz stwarzać podstawy dla ich lepszego nawiązania do klasycznego schematu zlodowaceń alpejskich.
Presented are main principles for stratigraphic correlation of 11 Pleistocene glacial-interglacial and loessy-palaeosol cycles (from A to K) in Poland and in the Ukraine. Concordant rhythm of climatic changes in the territory between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea was found. Glacial and interglacial units in Poland were correlated with loess sequences and palaeosols in the Ukraine. Number and duration of the detected cycles support their possible correlation with astronomic cycles, 110-90 kyr long. More glaciations and intervening interglacials are to be found for the older cycles (from F to K). There is a distinct cooling (glaciation?) within the Ferdynandovian Interglacial as well as coolings (glaciations?) and warmings (interglacials) within the Malopolanian and Podlasian Interglacials. Some cycles could be shorter or longer if they comprised shorter interglacials (e.g., Eemian) or glaciations (e.g., Liviecian) and therefore, two or three climatic cycles can be grouped into separate megacycles. Such climatic megacycles could be referred more closely to the complex glaciations (megaglaciations). The approach presented in the paper may also enable closer correlation with the classical Pleistocene glacial epochs in the Alps.
The paper discusses issues of the distinguishing mono-interglacials (Eemian, Mazovian and Zbojnian ones) and bi-interglacials (Ferdynandovian and Augustovian ones) pollen successions as well as a problem of cooling/glaciation within Ferdynandovian and Augustovian pollen successions. Division of the Ferdynandovian and Augustovian pollen successions into two separated interglacials each (FI and FII, AI and A II, respectivaly) and the glaciation sensu lato (F I/II and A I/II) between these interglacials from the climatostratigraphical point of view is proposed.
The term Middle Polish Complex was introduced by the authors in 2007 as an informal superstage of the younger Middle Pleistocene in Poland. It replaced a previous inconsistent term of Middle Polish Glaciations, composed both of glaciations and interglacials. The Middle Polish Complex comprises deposits of 3 glaciations (Liwiecian, Krznanian and Odranian) and 3 interglacials (Mazovian, Zbójnian and Lublinian). Glacial and lake-marshy deposits of the complex correspond with loess sequences and separating palaeosols. Their common superposition in Poland and recorded palaeomagnetic episodes Emperor, Chegan, Jamaica and Blake of the Brunhes epoch verify a chronology of climatic changes and climatostratigraphic subdivision of the complex. Mutual relation of climate changes and their reference to glacial-interglacial and loessy-palaeosol cycles in neighbouring countries support usefulness to more specified correlations. Successive interglacials and glaciations of the Middle Polish Complex correspond to rhythmic global climate changes reflected by oxygen isotope stages in deep-sea boreholes (MIS11-6)
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An integrated analysis of climatic rhythms in the territory between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea is presented. There is precise agreement betwen the Pleistocene climatic changes in Poland and Ukraine, expressed on the one hand by continental glaciations and loess deposition, and on the other hand by interglacial lake deposition and the development of soil-forming processes. These changes are expressed by eleven (from A to K) climatic cycles. Each of them comprised a glaciation and a following interglacial. The number and duration of these cycles (from F to K) there were presumably more glaciations and separating interglacials than accepted at present. Grouping either of two or three climatic cycles into megacycles is presumably due to the varied duration of the former, either because of shorter interglacials (e.g. Eemian) or glaciations (e.g. Liviecian). The recognition of climatic megacycles could result from grouping some Pleistocene glaciations into megaglaciations in order to establish close correlation to the classic scheme of the Alpine glaciations.
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Recent stratigraphic subdivision of the Pleistocene of Poland presents 4 complexes: Preglacial, South-Polish, Middle-Polish and North-Polish ones. Each complex comprises a set of stratigraphic units, corresponding to the previously distinguished 8 glaciations/coolings and 7 interglacials/ warmings. Three younger complexes and corresponding extents of Scandinavian ice sheets in Poland are described in more detail. Three older interglacials in Poland Augustovian, Kozi Grzbiet and Ferdynandovian) are characteristic for their bi-optimal climatic sequences but so far, they have no equivalents in loess sections of the Volhynian Upland in the Ukraine. Coolings between the optima of these interglacials are occasionally considered as small glaciations, during which the ice sheet could occupy only a northern part of Poland. All younger interglacials are mono-optimal in Poland and as such, they are also reflected by single palaeosols in loess sections of both countries. Till occurrences in key loess sections of Poland and Ukraine enabled precise delimitation of ice sheet extents, especially within the Middle-Polish Complex with the glaciations Liwiecian, Krznanian and Odranian ascribed to OIS 10, 8 and 6, respectively. During the youngest (Vistulian, Valdai) Glaciation, 3-4 loess deposits were formed in the Lublin and Volhynian Uplands; they are separated by palaeosols that developed during interstadial-rank warmings.
Climate changes during the Pleistocene were driven by large-scale orbital perturbations as well as by internal feedbacks on the Earth. One of the main roles in climate modelling is played by the Southern Ocean that is a great source of sea ice, carbon dioxide, dissolved silica and nutrients. Numerous sediment and ice records derived from the Southern Ocean and Antarctica document high-resolution climatic changes that allow us a better understanding of global climate evolution. Consistently with the global climatic trend, several sea surface temperature (SST) records of the Southern Ocean are marked by a distinct shift from low to high glacial/interglacial variability around Termination V (T V), called the Mid-Brunhes Event (MBE). Prior to T V, the Southern Ocean’s SST displays lower values and low variability. It points to a distinct expansion of the Southern Ocean cold water masses and positional changes of hydrographical fronts during most of the lower Middle Pleistocene, which started in the Pliocene. Beside large climatic changes, several abrupt distinct warming and cooling phases have been recognized. Some of them (MIS 22–19, MIS 11 and MIS 5) show similarities to MIS 1, which could be used for future climate predictions. In this paper we would like to present the middle and late Pleistocene climatic mechanisms in the Southern Ocean, and to show SST changes in relation to the hydrographic frontal movement, sea ice development and CO2 oscillations.
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A stratigraphic approach to the Quaternary which takes into account the changes in climate (Pleistocene cold stages = glacials, and Pleistocene warm stages = interglacials, with considerable variations in temperature and humidity), and appearance and disappearance of ice sheets in certain areas. Reduced ice sheets might have remained during the interglacials.
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