Current Polish legislation demands to appoint at least two court experts — psychiatrists which are appointed to evaluate the state of mental health of the accused and in specific cases to include a sexologist in the team of experts. The present knowledge allows to draw a conclusion that very often it is necessary to include in the team of court experts specialists from other fields, for example a psychologist or a sociologist. The authors of this article consider the possibility of including in the team of court experts also persons who evaluate the state of mental health in different areas.
The aim of this article is to confront the category of the naked evil, based on the literary example of the Ukrainian trilogy (Wyspa ocalenia, Zasypie wszystko zawieje…, Zmierzch świata) by the polish author Włodzimierz Odojewski, with the category of the invisible evil. The latter is taken as the mediation of today`s world, mainly perceived in the optics of the media, manipulating the information and distorting the objectivity, causing it to form a distorted image, which is hard to evaluate. This takes away the possibility to emerge one, true picture of the world. Evil in this meaning leads us to question the human and his perception, which in both cases is exposed to destruction, bordering with the insanity. Literary view of the world and human in the works of Odojewski is like a dark, rapid river, which is impossible to control. It depicts the trembling, individual psychology, which is lost in the wartime cataclysm. The omnipresent evil is portrayed by Odojewski by the stream of consciousness. Juxtaposition of the visible and unseen evil is the tool of reflection on the world. It gives the pretext to analyze today`s perception of the reality. The characters in the prose reacts with the insanity to the wartime realm. Their sensual reception is adapted to their life – the warzone. This situation creates the space of afterthought on the way in which we organize our world nowadays. We perceive more and more information about another bloody conflicts. However, the medium has changed. Our senses are also mediated – but now, by the mass media and other devices. How does today`s man copy with this double mediation? Does it bring us closer to the insanity, as seen in the Ukrainian trilogy?
The subject of this article is the analysis of the possibilities of using research methods and findings applied in the field of neurolaw in the process of assigning guilt to offenders under criminal law, as well as determining the degree of their guilt. The article presents the achievements of neurolaw – a field that uses research methods used in neurology and related sciences to study law. The study examines the usefulness of research methods used in neurolaw in the process of assigning guilt to the perpetrator of a prohibited act. For this purpose, the theories of guilt and the possibility of using neurolaw research methods in a criminal trial are discussed. The results of studies that show damage to specific areas of the brain have also been cited, and then it has been shown how the damage can affect the ability to recognize the meaning of the act and guide its behavior.
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza możliwości wykorzystania metod badawczych i ustaleń, stosowanych na gruncie neuroprawa, w procesie prawnokarnego przypisywania winy sprawcom czynów zabronionych, jak również ustalania stopnia ich zawinienia. W artykule przedstawiono dorobek neuroprawa – dziedziny, która do badania prawa wykorzystuje metody badawcze stosowane w neurologii oraz naukach pokrewnych. W opracowaniu zbadano przydatność metod badawczych wykorzystywanych w neuroprawie, w procesie przypisywania winy sprawcy czynu zabronionego. W tym celu omówiono teorie winy i możliwość wykorzystania metod badawczych neuroprawa w procesie karnym. Przytoczono również wyniki badań, które przedstawiają uszkodzenia konkretnych obszarów mózgu, a następnie wykazano, jak uszkodzenia te mogą wpłynąć na możliwość rozpoznania znaczenia czynu i pokierowania swoim postępowaniem.
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