Sizing methods can be used to get a first estimate of the required Hall thruster dimensions and operating conditions for a given input power and a corresponding thrust level. After a review of the existing methods, a new approach, which considers the three characteristic thruster dimensions, i.e. the channel length, the channel width and the channel mean diameter as well as the magnetic field, is introduced. This approach is based on analytical laws deduced from the physical principles that govern the properties of a Hall effect thruster, relying on a list of simplifying assumptions. In addition, constraints on the channel wall temperature as well as on the propellant atom density inside the channel are taken into account. The validity of the scaling laws is discussed in light of a vast database that comprises 23 single-stage Hall effect thrusters covering a power range from 10 W to 50 kW. Finally, the sizing method is employed to obtain a preliminary geometry and the magnetic field strength for a 20 kW and a 25 kW Hall effect thruster, able to deliver a thrust of 1 N, respectively 1.5 N.
An ozonizer using a rotating electrode was used to improve the ozone production characteristics. The ozone concentration increased up to maximum about two times lager compared with the case of no rotation. The input power increased with the rotating speed and discharge area grew up too. The reasons came from the increase of discharge length of canals during the rotation of electrode. During the experiments three types rotation electrode: different material (i.e. brass, copper and coaled gold) was used.
Zastosowanie elektrody obrotowej zwiększyło wydajność procesu generacji ozonu. Koncentracja ozonu wzrosła dwukrotnie w porównaniu z elektrodą nie obrotową. Zaobserwowano zwiększenie mocy wejściowa przy takich samych parametrach eksperymentu, strefa wyładowań stała się jednorodna i bardziej intensywna. Kanały wyładowcze zmieniły swoją długość, wydłużając się o około 10 % podczas rotacji. W eksperymencie użyto elektrod wykonanych z trzech różnych materiałów: miedziana, brązowa oraz miedziana elektroda pozłacana.
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