This article pays attention to formative assessment of students within the subject Technology in elementary school, where the emphasis is put on a feedback and a self-assessment of students. Innovative methods of teaching supporting formative assessment of students within the subject Technology are drafted from the didactic point of view in a university textbook, which constitutes one of the output solutions for given topic in the KEGA project. As a demonstration we would like to point out basic information regarding the teaching methodology for selected content of learning topics as well as example of learning task and its solution.
The first part of the article presents the meaning of difficulties as well as their classification. It gradually moves on to natural and specific difficulties within mathematical education. It considers those difficulties that have been neglected within the analyses of the researchers concerning existing difficulties within mathematical education.
The article substantiates and characterizes the role of the native lan-guage in formation and development of the ethnocultural community of immigrants and their descendants in the country of settlement/birth and in its foreign environment. Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign/second language by ethnic Ukrainian in the western diaspora in the second half of the XX-early XXI century. It has been found out that this process takes place under the influence of the official/state language). It has been established that in these coun-tries, ethnic Ukrainians have formed a system of teaching the Ukrainian language, starting with kindergarten/room and finishing with universi-ties. Language acquisition begins with the development of oral speech (preference is given to formation of communicative competencies of pupils/students), then pupils learn to read and write and gradually ac-quire a knowledge of its basic linguistic concepts and categories and master the skills of their practical use. The main goal of the native lan-guage education of Ukrainians in the diaspora is to ensure free posses-sion of the younger generations of foreign Ukrainians in all vital situa-tions, in communication with Ukrainians on all continents of the planet. It is established that the foundations of Ukrainian lingvodidactics in the mid-40's of the twentieth century was laid by the Canadian teacher Illia Shklianka. His ideas found continuation in scientific works, text-books and pedagogical activity of Maria Deiko, Yar Slavutych, Roma Franko, Bohdan Shkandrii and other educators of the Western Ukra-inian diaspora. Today they are fruitfully developed by Romana Bedriy, Olenka Bilash, Maria Savdyk, employees of the Ukrainian Language Center of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta, other educational and scientific institutions and establishments where Ukrainian language is studied. The main goal of their activity is to create an appropriate language environment for children, pupils and students who learn Ukrainian by means of modern methods and tech-nologies, innovative educational resources, including those made in Ukraine.
Prezentowana publikacja dotyczy nowego modelu kształcenia ustawicznego przeznaczonego dla osób pomiędzy 50 a 64 rokiem życia. Szczególnie mocno akcentowane jest znaczenie doboru metod pracy dydaktycznej do przyjętych efektów kształcenia. W tekście dokonano opisu przyjętych metod pracy z dorosłymi, które w znacz-nym stopniu opierają się na aktywizacji słuchaczy poprzez: włączanie osób uczących się do procesu nauczania dzięki odwróceniu ról (nauczający słuchacz); stosowanie gier edukacyjnych; wykorzystanie platformy moodle oraz dedykowanej platformy e-learningowej w procesie nauczania języka angielskiego.
The following publication relates to a new model of continuing education for persons between 50 and 64 years old. Especially strongly emphasized the importance of the choice of teaching methods to adopt learning out-comes. The text has been made notes on methods of working with adults, which are largely based on the activa-tion of listeners through: Enabling learners in the learning process with reversed roles (student teaching); the use of educational games; the use of Moodle platform and a dedicated e-learning platform in the process of teaching English.
The problem of increasing relevance preparation of the new generation teachers, having strong economic knowledge that can quickly navigate according to the flexible market conditions and actively participate in the socio-economic transformation is examined in the article. It is noted that the current level professionals must not only have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also be able to freely navigate in the economic environment, critically interpretate and transform the information, to be proactive, to strive for self-education and self-improvement. It is emphasized that the formation of thinking, advanced, creative personality is complicated by the traditional conditions and approaches to learning activities. The effectiveness of the innovative educational technologies implementation to the educational process during the study subjects of the economic cycle «Economics theory», «Economics of production» in Teachers College is proved. The questions of the use of innovative methods, forms of work is highlighted, including such as integrated classes; a questioningly-appropriate interview; demonstration of electronic, computer presentations and science reports of students; test ratings; methods «Microphone», «Brainstorm», «Take a Position», «Unfinished sentence», «Continue an opinion», «We know – we want to know – we know», «Board of Questions», «Associative bush», «Searching the interesting questions», «Sharing the problems» and others; various forms of discussion –«round table», «meeting of the expert group», forums, symposia, debates. The use of the role-play game is presented as an example of the practical lesson «Business activity». Such sessions are preceded by the thorough training of the students: they decide what type of business will be engaged in their firm, which specialize products, coming up with the name of the company, determine the form of an ownership and issue a report in the form of computer presentations. The individual tasks are performed in accordance with the distributed roles. The role-playing game starts in the class with the representations of the experts and rivals. Simulating business activities the role-playing game awakens the interest in the subject classes, enhances teaching and learning activities, deepening knowledge, forming business style communication, teamwork skills. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of mobile students navigate the flow of scientific information via the Internet; find, analyze, structure and highlight the main in economic writings, analytical reports, etc; perform the students’ teaching and research projects.
The article provides an overview of the latest textbooks, articles and dictionaries published by the Department of Ukrainian Studies at Warsaw University over the last decade. The development and implementation of a competency-based approach to the study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language signifi cantly stimulates the development of language didactics, opens new perspectives for the practical use of its achievements.
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