The transformation of pseudo-Newtonian dimensionless numbers: Re and fs, describing flow of power-law non-Newtonian fluids in circularly curved tubes, has been done. It has been shown that the multi-parameter friction curves of power-law non-Newtonian fluid can be described, in new dimensionless coordinate system, with the help of single curve in the laminar as well as turbulent flow region. Moreover, the criterion of transition from laminar to turbulent region was clearly determined.
Przeprowadzono transformację pseudonewtonowskich liczb bezwymiarowych opisujących przepływ płynów nienewtonowskich, spełniających prawo potęgowe, w rurach zwiniętych kołowo. Wykazano, że wieloparametrowe krzywe oporów potęgowych cieczy nienewtonowskich mogą być opisane w nowym układzie bezwymiarowych współrzędnych za pomocą pojedynczej krzywej zarówno w zakresie laminarnym, jak i turbulentnym. Ponadto jednoznacznie określono kryterium przejścia od ruchu laminarnego do turbulentnego.
The energetic performance analysis of an experimental series of lithium-thionyl batteries (Polish production, CLAiO) has been carried out at temperatures -25st., 0 st., and 25st.C. Temperature coefficient of electromotive force of the cells (d(emf)/dT) was found. Practical charge gp , practical energy Ep , practical specific energy Epw energy and coulomb yields, W and f, and mass of reacted anode material mLiw, were calculated from discharge curves for the discharge process and were compared with theoretical values. Faradaic impedance measurements were carried out by the alternating current impedance technique at -25st. and 25st.C as a function of frequency and inner resistance values, Rw of the cells were found. They were used to calculate the current (I) in the cell discharge processes, the values of practical electric charge, Q p, practical energy, Ep, and practical specific energy, Ewp of the cells.
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