The dynamic development of road transport has caused an imbalance in transport systems. For the balance of the transport system, an increasingly important role should be played by networks such as railways and inland waterways, which, due to ecological aspects and minimal participation in the generation of external costs, are the most socially friendly. The layout and length of inland waterways in Poland has remained at a similar level for years. The specificity of the waterway infrastructure influences the factors that shape the demand for transportation by inland waterways. The navigation conditions impact directly the main design parameters of the ships used for transportation on inland waterways, including the relatively small carrying capacity of the barges, as well as the volume of traffic. An inadequate development of navigable waterways in Poland, concerning both natural elements (channeled rivers, free-flowing channels) and shipping parameters (discharge dimensions, depth and width of the trail, height of bridges), affects the specificity of inland navigation and relegates it to a marginal role in the Polish transport system. The share of inland waterway transport for total freight decreased from 0.8% to 0.4% between the years 2000 and 2014. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the fact that inland shipping services, in the transport market, are sufficient to determine the existence of waterways. All other factors only stimulate or restrict its place in the transport system. The preferential use of natural waterways is the essential limitation which restricts their adaptation to the changing transport needs. Thus, the density of waterways is much lower compared to other transport networks and the development of potential inland waterway transport is primarily determined by the quality and spatial arrangement of the existing waterways.
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Transport śródlądowy uznawany jest za bardzo ekonomiczny i bezpieczny rodzaj transportu. Może on stanowić znakomitą alternatywę dla innych rodzajów transportu (głównie drogowego i kolejowego). Jednak możliwość jego wykorzystania zależy przede wszystkim od stopnia rozwoju śródlądowych dróg wodnych oraz taboru pływającego w danym kraju. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie stanu śródlądowych dróg wodnych - długości oraz gęstości, a ponadto zmian we flocie śródlądowej w krajach europejskich. Analiza zmiennych została przeprowadzona głównie na podstawie danych Urzędu Statystycznego Unii Europejskiej (Eurostat).
Inland waterway transport is regarded as a very economical and safe type of transport. It is a very good alternative for some other types of transport (mainly road and railway). However the possibility of using this type of transport depends mainly on the degree of inland waterways development and inland fleet possessed by each country. In this connection the main aim of the article is to present the state of inland waterways (length and density) and also changes in the inland waterway fleet of European countries. The analysis of the above-mentioned variabIes was based on the Statistical Office of European Communities data.
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Śródlądowy transport w Polsce skoncentrowany jest na ODW. Historycznie przez wiele lat transport na Odrze zdominowany był przez transport ładunków masowych w relacji zespół portowy Szczecin – Świnoujście – Górny Śląsk. O możliwościach transportu rzecznego w relacji Śląsk zespół portowy Szczecin - Świnoujście decyduje przepustowość Kanału Gliwickiego. Odmienne parametry budowli hydrotechnicznych na Kanale Gliwickim i Odrze skanalizowanej utrudniają optymalne wykorzystanie floty. W referacie przedstawiono różne warianty organizacji transportu na Kanale Gliwickim. Wykazano, że zastosowanie pchaczy kanałowych może zmniejszyć koszty i umożliwić efektywniejsze wykorzystanie floty. Wymaga to jednak budowy serii pchaczy kanałowych, tańszych w produkcji i eksploatacji od pchaczy trasowych.
Inland waterborne transportation in Poland is concentrated on the ODW. Considering it in historical terms, for many years the transportation of bulk cargo between the port complex of Szczecin-Świnoujście and Upper Silesia dominated on the Oder River. The potential of waterborne transportation between the port complex of Szczecin-Świnoujście and Upper Silesia is determined by traffic capacity of the Gliwice canal. Parameters of hydraulic structures on the Gliwice canal and on the canalized Oder River are different, and this hinders the optimal usage of fleet. In this paper the different variants of organization of transport on the Gliwice canal are presented. It was proved that application of canal pushboats may reduce the cost of transportation and enable more effective usage of fleet. However, the construction of a series of canal pushboats is required which are cheaper in production and operation than conventional river pushboats.
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