This article attempts to determine the rules for lawful use of floating objects for residential purposes. It presents the currently existing legal solutions applied in Europe for such floating structures. Further, the article describes a classification of residential floating objects from the legal perspective. The existing regulations are analyzed with regard to the provisions of the Water Law Act and the Inland Navigation Act. Moreover, the paper describes three different types of water usage, i.e. common, ordinary and special, and discusses in which of these forms the residential use of public waters falls. The analysis allows for the determination of the directions of further research, so that an accurate procedure ensuring a lawful use of houseboats can be adopted.
In many cases, sea ships are required to call at ports situated several hundred kilometers inland, including several different types of ship (freight, passenger, recreational). The main benefit of sea-river navigation is that ships may enter inland and carry cargo to the ports of other countries without their cargo having to be transferred several times. This method significantly reduces the risk of damage to the cargo and also lowers transport costs. An important element in sea-river shipping which is showing an increasing trend is that of passenger shipping (cruisers). This article analyzes the current situation of this type of navigation in Poland. Several examples of shipping routes on inland waters are presented.
The paper presents an insight into the issues related to the specifics of using hospital vessels in inland waters. It provides a conceptual basis in terms of inland waters as a field of operation, as well as the legal framework for the use of hospital vessels, which are characterised by their organisation and function. Experiences resulting from the use of hospital vessels on inland waters from the First World War to the present day are discussed, primarily in the context of specific events illustrating the various dimensions of their activities. On this basis, postulates relating to their future use were formulated.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono zagadnienia związane ze specyfiką wykorzystania statków szpitalnych na wodach śródlądowych. Stanowi ono bazę pojęciową w zakresie wód śródlądowych jako obszaru działania, ram prawnych wykorzystania jednostek szpitalnych, które scharakteryzowano pod względem organizacyjnym i funkcjonalnym. Przedstawiono doświadczenia wynikające z wykorzystania statków szpitalnych na wodach śródlądowych od I wojny światowej po współczesność. Dokonano tego przede wszystkim w kontekście konkretnych wydarzeń ilustrujących różne wymiary ich działalności. Na tej podstawie sformułowano postulaty odnoszące się do ich wykorzystania w przyszłości.
China's extensive inland navigable water system determines that inland navigation must be an important part of China's shipping industry. The collision process of ship striking the anti-collision pier is analyzed through simulation experiment in this paper. The results show that the collision process usually lasts less than 2 seconds, and the peak value of the collision force, friction and resultant force appears 0.5 after the start of the collision.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji pojazdu PRWL ratownictwa wodnego przeznaczonego do prowadzenia akcji ratunkowej na akwenach pokrytych lodem. Opisano problem badaczy, przedmiot badań - pojazd PRWL, metodę badań oraz elementy wyników badań ukierunkowanych na opracowanie demonstratora technologii pojazdu PRWL. Podano też informacje na temat zastosowania pojazdu PRWL. Przedstawione w artykule informacje stanowią elementy prac autorów i wyników wstępnych badań przeprowadzonych na Politechnice Gdańskiej na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej w latach 2014-2015.
In the paper the basic problems associated with development the concept of an inland water rescue vehicle PRWL which is devoted to perform the rescue activities on the inland waters covered by ice is presented. The research objective, PRWL vehicle, research method and some elements of the research directed towards development of the PRWL vehicle technology demonstrator has been described. Some information on a possible application of the PRWL vehicle have been given. The information presented in the paper are the results of work of the authors and results of research investigations conducted at the Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology between 2014 and 2015.
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