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Content available remote Initiation Strength of Detonators - Air Gap Test Method
The present paper describes a new method of Air Gap Test used for determination of initiation strength of detonators. Factors influencing initiation strength of detonators are stated. Results of the experiments performed at the Institute of Energetic Materials are summarized.
Content available remote Study on Primary Step of Initiation Mechanisms of Two Polynitro Arenes
tom Vol. 2, nr 4
Each one of the 2,6-bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine (PYX) and 2,4,6-tris(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenylamino)-1 ,3,5-triazine (TMPM) molecules contains two potential centres of primary fission in its initiation. This fission should be accomplished by migration of the y-hydrogen atom to the oxygen atom of the ortho-nitro group ("trinitrotoluene mechanism"). The morę probable pathways of initiation of the named molecules are estimated from considerations involving the several relationships: (1) between impact sensitivity and the 13C NMR chemical shifts of some polynitro arenas; (2) between Mulliken charges on nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting nitro group and onsets of thermal decompositions from differential thermal analyses of the said compounds; and, (3) with computations obtained using the DFT-B3LYP/3-21g methods in the GAUSSIAN 98/03 program.
The stimulus needed for initiation of an energetic material is an important quantity to determine for reliable functioning and safe handling. When considering the gamma of impact, friction, spark and heating tests in use one runs into the problem of how to compare results and how to make a prediction for practical situations that an initiation certainly will happen or definitely can be excluded. The way forward is not easy. The initiation process, which in order to be successful, should be followed by sustained propagation, is not simply accessible. This paper tries to produce a contribution by considering the fundamental aspects and to show as an example some simulation results of a gas phase initiation model. Some suggestions are made for making further progress.
tom 5
After the restoration of catechumenate in the Church its ideas are still more often applied in a post-baptism formation according indications presented in the 4th chapter of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. New suggestions appeared for marriage preparation since it should be similar to catechumenate. The main rules of catechumenate are considered in this text concerning Christian formation and applied to an initiation to the „Church of the home”. The last should be analogous to Christian initiation, being the pre-marriage catechumenate, as is shown in Familiaris consortio. It is possible to fulfill all the required periods, degrees and celebrations during one year, as it is in formal catechumenate. The article presents pastoral and liturgical foundations for such a formation.
Genuine, physics-based understanding of initiation phenomena in plasticbonded explosives (PBXs) requires knowledge of the physics and chemistry at mesoscopic scales that are far larger than can be simulated directly using atomistic detail, yet far smaller than is directly resolvable in practical engineering scale continuum simulations. Initiation is determined by localization phenomena that arise due to the heterogeneous character of most explosive formulations. Indeed, the "average" temperature behind a weak shock is not a useful measure for understanding initiation phenomena; rather, it is the tails of the distributions in temperature, stress, and strain rates, localized to small, spatially distributed volumes in the material (hot spots), that dictate the outcome of a given loading event. Important factors for predicting hot spot formation and subsequent extinction or growth/coalescence include particle size, concentration, morphology, and void content; physical and chemical interactions between grains and binder; thermophysical and mechanical properties of the constituents and interfaces between them; and, of course, the inherent chemical stability of the explosive component(s) in the formulation. We are in the process of computing many of the thermophysical and mechanical properties required for a complete specification of constituent models for use in mesoscale simulations, wherein grains and binder in representative volumes of a PBX are spatially resolved and then studied within a continuum hydrodynamic framework. In addition to calculating specific properties of interest, we have recently undertaken a series of large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of energetic crystals to understand dissipation phenomena in dynamically loaded single- or poly-crystalline samples; for instance, plastic deformation and stress/energy localization mechanisms, phase transitions, and so on. Recent and ongoing work in these areas will be discussed, along with their specific relevance to emerging mesoscale simulation capabilities.
nr 9
Cel badań. Celem badania było przeanalizowanie, w jaki sposób Maria Konopnicka wykorzystała w swej noweli Anusia, po części o charakterze wspomnieniowym, motyw inicjacji, zwłaszcza w kobiecość. Metodologia. Dociekania oparłam na ustaleniach Mircei Eliadego, Brunona Bettelheima czy Mary Douglas. Powstało dzięki temu szerokie tło, uwzględniające perspektywę religioznawczą, antropologiczną i psychiatryczną, na którym dobrze widać wielkie zalety ujęcia literackiego, całą jego subtelność i sugestywność. Czerpałam również z rozpoznań feministycznych, z tekstów Sandry M. Gilbert i Susan Gubar, Nancy K. Miller czy Krystyny Kłosińskiej, aby podkreślić wyraźną u Konopnickiej persewerację motywów często obecnych w literaturze kobiet: szaleństwo, przebywanie na marginesie, szycie, żałoba. Wyniki. W literaturze XIX wieku i nieco młodszej spotykamy nieraz obrazy domów, w których część kobiet mieszka za kulisami, w miejscach, gdzie życie toczy się intensywniej niż to odmienne, poddane pełnej kontroli życie salonów, często przedstawianych jako bezduszne, a u Konopnickiej wręcz nieobecnych. Ta inna przestrzeń staje się też przestrzenią innej kultury. By to pokazać, przywołuję przykłady baśni i ballad, a także modlitw, legend, pieśni nabożnych, w kulturach tradycyjnych wykonywanych przez kobiety dla kobiet, również dla dzieci. W taką właśnie kulturę włącza Anusia troje swych wychowanków. Następnie za pośrednictwem wariatki Kani, niegdyś ladacznicy i gorszycielki, przez wszystkich odpychanej i pogardzanej, której Anusia udziela swojej opieki, wkracza w ich życie seksualność i śmierć. Wnioski. W Anusi, przypowieści inicjacyjnej, spełnia się potrójne wtajemniczenie zasugerowane przez Eliadego: wedle tego badacza, człowiek wstępuje w dorosłość za sprawą sacrum, Erosa i Tanatosa – z chwilą, kiedy pozna te trzy obszary, nie jest już dzieckiem.
Introduction. In this article, the aim of the author is to analyze how Maria Konopnicka uses the motive of initiation in her early novella called Anusia, bearing a clear resemblance to the author’s past. Methods. Drawing from sources which could be associated with psychiatry, anthropology or feminist critique, by among others Bruno Bettelheim, Mary Douglas, Mircea Eliade, Sandra M. Gilbert, Susan Gubar, Nancy K. Miller or Krystyna Kłosińska, the author has created a background of perspectives which allow Konopnicka show the advantages of a suggestive, subtle and meaningful literary approach. Results. In nineteenth century literature we often meet a special class of women living in the backstage of the house, where life throbs more intensively than in the parlor, so frequently portrayed as stiff and soulless, a parlor which in the story by Konopnicka is significantly never mentioned. Instead we are invited into a small wardrobe, Anusia’s kingdom and center of the children’s world. Here, undisturbed, freely and wildly, blossoms a kind of culture that is partly oral and partly written, and may be easily described as semi-folk. That places Konopnicka in a rich context which the author Illustrates using examples of fairytales, prayers, legends, ballads, and religious songs, traditionally connected with female audience, and the art of interpretation cherished by them. The other crucial question in the children’s lives is their sudden encounter with a despised outcast and scandalizer, a mad woman known by the entire town and notorious for having formerly been a city harlot. Anusia, a respectable, modest old maid, pities her and nurses her when she falls sick, thereby exposing her pupils to the mystery of erotism and death. Conclusion. Konopnicka’s novella seems to be consciously shaped after Eliade’s scholarly work, where the initiation process is divided clearly into three parts: sacrum, death and sexuality.
nr 37
Due to the progress and globalization the contemporary world more and more differs from Christ and the teaching of the Church. Therefore, there is a need to look again at the essential though often discounted aspect of the sacraments of initiation and their role in pastoral and liturgical life of a parish. The aim of the review of fr. Andrzej Megger’s monograph entitled Sacraments of Christian Initiation in a Parish is the encouragement to read and explore the model of the pastoral work which often meets with ignorance or incomprehen sion in parish life reality. While reading the monograph it might be helpful to point the book’s specificity and to present the reviewer’s insights so that the people interested could analyze the thesis with the knowledge ofits assumptions and the scope of the research. Particularly significant for the future readers is the emphasis of the monograph’s role as a source of valuable knowledge which could be used in community pastoral work and therefore, it might be a compendium of appropriate and effective pastoralpremises. In order to provide content’s clearness the text is divided into paragraphs so that the main part of the article corresponds to individual chapters of the book. Accordingly to its nature, the review is fully based on the title mentioned above. To sum up, the result of the review is to outline the issues that are broadly discussed in the monograph. The article is also an incentive to read the book which might seem only a theoretical study but might as well greatly affect practical dimension of preparation and celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation in a parish.
tom 61(3(458))
This paper pertains to participation of young Athenian girls in rituals. Some researchers perceive these rites as initiation rites. The Athenian girls’ participation in rites-related duties shows how important they were not only for the Athenian girls, but also for women in general. The ritual was treated as a substitute of men’s public activity. We can divide the Athenian girls’ participation into two categories: rites in which they played the main role, and rites in which their role was auxiliary or simply marginal.
tom 9
The material of the research in this message is the super-story of Elena Guro “Poor Knight” (1913), considered in the context of philosophical and aesthetic searches in Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The work is aimed at contextual analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of this work, and takes into account the specificity of perception by the author of the phenomenon of chivalry. The novelty (originality) of our research is that the interpretation of the above superstate in the context of the chivarlic tradition, the chivarlic myth of Parsifal and Lohengrin, which was undoubtedly present in the Russian cultural discourse at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, is offered for the first time. The proof of this will serve the works of V.S. Soloviev, M.O. Menshikov, D. Merezhskovski. In the analysis of the work, the important will be associative connections and references to the primary images-that is, Pushkin's knight (The poor knight lived in the world...), the Wagner swan knight, Lohengrin, and the knights of the round table (Grail symbolism, the symbolism of Christ’s sacrifice), etc. The subject of detailed research are the ways and forms of author's (personal) comprehension of the cultural chivarlic myth by Elena Guro. The analysis of the Poor Knight will be aimed at deciphering chivarlic and initiatory symbolism (riminism of the initiation ritual), which is inherently associated with the axiological category of chivalry.
Materiałem badawczym w niniejszym artykule/opracowaniu uczyniono „swierchpowieść” Eleny Guro Бедный рыцарь (1913), rozpatrywaną w kontekście poglądów filozoficznych i tendencji estetycznych w Rosji na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Przedmiotem badań szczegółowych są sposoby i formy autorskiej interpretacji kulturowego mitu rycerskiego. Analiza utworu miała na celu deszyfrację symboliki rycerskiej i inicjacyjnej, która jest nieodłącznie związana z aksjologiczną kategorią rycerstwa. Artykuł przynosi pierwszą próbę interpretacji danego utworu w kontekście tradycji rycerskiej, a zwłaszcza mitu o Parsifalu i Lohengrinie, niewątpliwie obecnego w rosyjskim dyskursie kulturowym na przełomie XIX i XX wieku (W.S. Sołowjow, M.O. Mieńszikow, D. Mereżkowski). W procesie analizy dowiedziono, iż Guro, odwołując się do symboliki rycerskiej, twórczo wykorzystuje schemat inicjacji, w ramach którego bohaterka doświadcza aktu duchowego olśnienia i wtajemniczenia w istotę miłości agapicznej.
Материалом исследования в настоящей статье является сверхповесть Елены Гуро Бедный рыцарь (1913 г.), рассматриваемая в контексте философско-эстетических ис- каний в России рубежа XIX–XX веков. Работа направлена на контекстуальный анализ и герменевтическую интерпретацию данного произведения, и учитывает специфику восприятия самим автором феномена рыцарства. Новизна предпринятого нами ис- следования заключается в том, что впервые предлагается интепретация вышеуказан- ной сверхповести в контексте рыцарской традиции, рыцарского мифа о Парсифале и Лоэнгрине, который несомненно присутствовал в русском культурном дискурсе на рубеже XIX–XX веков. Доказательством этого послужат произведения В.С. Соло- вьева, М.О. Меньшикова, Д. Мережсковского. При анализе произведения важными окажутся также ассоциативные связи и отсылки к первообразам – т.е. пушкинскому рыцарю (Жил на свете рыцарь бедный...), вагнеровскому рыцарю-лебедю, Лоэнгри- ну, и рыцарям круглого стола (символика Грааля, символика жертвенности Христа) и др. Предметом подробных изысканий являются способы и формы авторского (личного) осмысления Еленой Гуро культурного рыцарского мифа. Анализ Бедного рыцаря будет направлен на расшифровку рыцарской и инициатической символики (реминисценции ритуала посвящения), что неотъемлемо связано с аксиологической категорией рыцарства.
nr 4
This article studies the phenomenon of overcoming and provides a rationale of the understanding of the totality of human experience that integrates the situation of over-coming as that of the transcendence of human existence. As the basis of the research we use an integrated model of archaic cultural overcoming of the life–death dichotomy— a metaphysics of overcoming. A result of this metaphysics is a specific dialectical on-tology of myth, represented as an ontology of return. Manifestationism, holism, alo-gism, metamorphism, animism, cyclism, and sacralism are the general principles of this ontology. Return ontologies are in conflict with the ontology and metaphysics of the finite present in the religious and scientific worldviews. The author sees the prospects for a further study of the phenomenon of overcoming in using the subjective energistic approach that leads to understanding the phenomenon of overcoming at the biosocial level. The results of the research can be used as a philosophical basis for the develop-ment of an archaeological activity theory, in particular, a unified integrated approach to the ancient burial ritualism. They also allow to deepen the theoretical concepts of man, society, and culture.
Content available remote Dislocation - Assisted Initiation of Energetic Materials
The role of dislocations in assisting initiation of (explosive) chemical decomposition of energetic materials has connection with the known influences for crystals and polycrystals of dislocations facilitating permanent deformations and phase transformations. X-ray topographic observation of relatively few dislocations in solution-grown crystals relates to the influence of large Burgers (displacement) vectors that are characteristic of molecular crystal bonding. Both model evaluations of the load dependence of cracking at hardness indentations and the derived hardness stress-strain behaviors show that dislocation movement is difficult whether in the indentation strain fields or at the tips of indentation-induced cracks. Thus, energetic crystals are elastically compliant, plastically hard, and relatively brittle [1]. Nevertheless, cracking is shown to be facilitated by the shear stress driven, normally limited, dislocation flow that, on molecular dynamics and dislocation pile-up model bases, is shown to be especially prone to producing localized hot spot heating for explosive initiations. Such model consideration is in agreement with greater dropweight heights being required to initiate smaller crystals. The crystal size effect carries over to more difficult combustion occurring for compaction of smaller crystals. The total results relate to dual advantages of greater strength and reduced mechanical sensitivity accruing for the development of nanocrystal formulations. In consequence, also, several levels of dislocation-assisted modeling are described for initiation mechanisms under shock wave loading conditions.
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