The objective of this paper was to improve the well established in clinical practice Marmarou model for intracranial volume-pressure compensation by adding the pulsatile components. It was demonstrated that complicated pulsation and growth in intracranial pressure during infusion test could be successfully modeled by the relatively simple analytical expression derived in this paper. The CSF dynamics were tested in 25 patients with clinical symptoms of hydrocephalus. Basing on the frequency spectrum of the patient's baseline pressure and identified parameters of CSF dynamic, for each patient an "ideal" infusion test curve free from artefacts and slow waves was simulated. The degree of correlation between simulated and real curves obtained from clinical observations gave insight into the adequacy of assumptions of Marmarou model. The proposed method of infusion tests analysis designates more exactly the value of the reference pressure, which is usually treated as a secondary and of uncertain significance. The properly identified value of the reference pressure decides on the degree of pulsation amplitude growth during IT, as well as on the value of elastance coefficient. The artificially generated tests with various pulsation components were also applied to examine the correctness of the used algorithm of identification of the original Marmarou model parameters.
W artykule opisano przebieg krążenia płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego, podstawy teoretyczne testu infuzyjnego oraz celowość jego stosowania w diagnostyce wodogłowia. Zaprezentowano opracowany i wykonany w Katedrze Systemów Wytwarzania AGH system pomiarowy do pomiaru ciśnienia śródczaszkowego oraz określania charakterystyki ciśnieniowo-objętościowej przestrzeni śródczaszkowej metodą testu infuzyjnego. System ten został poddany praktycznej weryfikacji w Klinice Neurochirurgii Collegium Medicum UJ.
The article includes principles of the cerebral circulation system and the theoretical aspects of the infusion test (IT) method of hydrocephalus diagnostics. Authors presented the intercranial pressure (ICP) monitoring measurement system designed in the Department of Manufacturing Systems of University of Science and Technology AGH. The measurement system was practical verified in the Department of Neurosurgery of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
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