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In modern conditions, competition increases not only at the level of individual enterprises but also at the level of regions, countries and groups of countries. The problems of competitive states are insufficiently studied. This paper focuses on the problems of search tools to enhance national competitiveness through the analysis of the factors of information society development. The work consisted in identifying factors of informatization that have not been taken into calculating the indices of competitiveness in the data of the World Economic Forum. Next, the correlation coefficients between the identified factors of informatization and the main indices of competitiveness were calculated. This reveals the most significant dependencies and provides a basis for recommendations for the use of these instruments for some countries. As an example the main directions of improving competitiveness by improving factors for informatization of Ukraine and Poland were formulated.
Obecnie mamy do czynienia ze wzrostem konkurencji nie tylko na poziomie przedsiębiorstw, ale także na poziomie regionów, krajów i grup krajów. Problem konkurencyjności państw nie został dotychczas dostatecznie zbadany. Artykuł poświęcony jest poszukiwaniu nowych narzędzi konkurencyjności państw, które maja źródła w społeczeństwie informacyjnym. W pracy zidentyfikowano wskaźniki informatyzacji, które nie zostały wzięte pod uwagę przy obliczaniu wskaźników konkurencyjności edytowanych przez World Economic Forum, a następnie policzono współczynniki korelacji między tymi wskaźnikami a indeksami konkurencyjności. Pozwoliło to na sformułowanie zaleceń dotyczących poprawy konkurencyjności wybranych państw. Jako przykład sformułowano główne kierunki poprawy konkurencyjności poprzez poprawę współczynników informatyzacji w Polsce i na Ukrainie.
The aim of the article is to study the role of information technology in the educational process. Two main interrelated groups of information technology (basic and applied) are described. Using the Web 2.0, cloud computing, educational expert systems, multimedia applications, hypertext, hypermedia, E-mail, and social networks are considered.
Purpose: attempt to define the role and place of information in archives and archival features informatization process personal funds. Methods: terminological analysis, comparative historical research method, the method analogy method simply theoretical analysis and synthesis, descriptive method. Results: Research archival collections that are owned and their introduction to the scientific revolution came today to the level of their representation in the Internet environment. After all, no one would argue that today of information - the driving force of society. After all, access to information and the ability to get it – the priority aspects of the study. Communication – a necessary precondition for the functioning and development of social systems, since it allows to accumulate and transmit social experience, provides a link between people, division of labor, the organization of joint activities broadcast culture. An important place in society takes documentary communication.
This paper investigates material and program support of informatization process of state regulation. The author has analyzed the structure of the system of information-analytical support of state regulation. The main stages of informatization of state regulation are determined.
Informatization is an important component of the system of higher education, which includes not only traditional methods and forms of training, but also the use of multimedia, telecommunications, remote sensing means of training. The use of it in teaching gives the possibility to the students carry out course and diploma projects with the use of the programs: Word text editor, Excel spreadsheets, drawings are done in AutoCAD or ArchiCAD, graphics, Power Point, Corel Draw and Photoshop. Thanks to the introduction of information technologies into the process of teaching students with an interest carry out the work, as it allows you to show the individual abilities and increases the cognitive interest in the subjects. Information technology is convenient to use when conducting ratings of the tests (with multiple choice answers, with alternative answers, with freely конструируемыми answers), the independent work of the students. Regular use of computer programs facilitates the acquisition of in-depth and profound knowledge, development of creative thinking and abilities, the formation of the students ' motivation readiness to use the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills for the future profession of a teacher. Future specialists of the educational sphere should own it, to solve their professional tasks, successfully work with the children. Substantial assistance in this may have a modern information and computer technologies, without which the teachers of today are simply not do. Ability to use in their work modern it becomes one of the main components of professional training of teachers.
Artykuł przedstawia zestawienia dotyczące liczby projektów i wydatków na przedsięwzięcia informatyczne. Dane te zostały zebrane na podstawie analizy budżetów administracji samorządowej oraz badań własnych. Przeanalizowane zostały również przedsięwzięcia informatyczne realizowane w ramach Regionalnych Programów Operacyjnych. W artykule omówiono również stopień informatyzacji urzędów w Polsce i pokazano podstawowe problemy w rozwoju elektronicznej administracji.
The article presents information about number and cost of IT projects which were realized by local government units. Information is based on budget analyze and own research. Information of IT projects implemented in framework of the Regional Operational Programs were also analyzed. The article presents the degree of informatization of offices in Poland and shows basic problems in the development of e-Administration.
The development of theoretical foundations for computer networks and their practical implementation has given rise to the progressive computerization of armed activities. The idea of a communication medium resistant to a nuclear attack, which was developed in the late sixties of the twentieth century in the form of the ARPANET, affects strategic, operational and tactical dimensions of the modern battlefield. It is also an important element shaping the processes related to ensuring the security of the state, both in the internal dimension as well as in dealings with other actors of international relations. Multi-layeredness and the growing complexity of cyber space cause that cyber security policy has been placed not only in the context of critical infrastructure, but also all the aspects of ethical and legal issues are taken into account. The armed forces have become an integral part of the information society, and as such, have been increasingly influenced by the civil sphere. The militarization of cyber space results directly from increasing saturation of the state structure with ICT technologies and the growing importance of these components in the process of ensuring security. The wide access to ICT generates a new threat to the defense system, including the armed forces. The ability of the digital impact on the military sphere, evidenced by many non-state actors, is today the main reason for implementing regulations restricting the activity of citizens in the global network.
Działania związane z informatyzacją sektora zdrowia nie przyniosły dotycliczas oczelciwanycli efelctów. Przyczyn upatruje się w sytuacji politycznej państwa oraz braku odpowiednicli uregulowań w przepisach praw-nycli. Przedstawiono dwie koncepcje informatyzacji służby zdrowia, oparte na tzw. rekordzie pacjenta oraz systemie rozliczeniowym RUM (rejestr usług medycznych) oraz omówiono perspektywy rozwoju.
The previous actions concerning informatization of health sector have not brought expected effects. The political situation of Poland as well as lack of the appriopriate regulations caused this. Two conceptions of informatization of health sector, based on the patient record and clearing system (Medical Services Register) were presented as well as the prospects of development were discussed.
The article analyzes theoretical and experimentalforeign research on the use of electronic toysin pre-school education as a means of information and communication technologies.The problem of the use of electronic toys in preschools consideredresearch within different levels: global – project «Recognizing thepotential of ICT in early childhood education» under the auspices of UNESCO;European – «The Fibonacci Project» financed byThe European Union; National – British project «Computers and Children’s Electronic Toys» and scientific exploration of individual Russian researchers. The researches were built around the use of toys such as Bee-Bot, Furby and Lego WeDo. Some other researches were built on simultaneous use of different approaches such as combination of PC and toys interaction, combination of children interaction and parallel use of different ICT means. Receivedresults indicate that the world scientific community considerselectronic toys as a means of information and communication technologies with only some difficulties in the proper use of electronic toys as such. Older researches had a goal to prove or disprove bad influence electronic toys can exert on education process in preschool. And they successfully disproved existence of such bad influence. More recent work provedpositive impact on the development of children due to electronic toys that to some extentdepends on the type of a toy and made some suggestions on proper use of the electronic toys in preschool education. So in general experiments conducted by researchersprove the feasibility of the use of information communication technologies means in preschools. Considerable attention is given to the global results of the project «Recognizing the potential of ICT inearly childhood education» based upon use of Bee-Bot – programmable electronic toy with possibility to move according to custom list of actions the user enters. Children were the operators of such toys and were given insights on basic principles of programming. Results lead to conclusions onthe use of electronic toys in preschool education, on shapinginformation and communication competence of the teachers of preschool institutions,on the use of electronic toys in the educational process.In summary, the author suggests paying attention to formation ofinformation and communication competence of teachers in preschool institutionsin the light of the experience of other countries with the use of electronic toys inpreschools.
Content available Wokół problematyki e-administracji
Niezbędnym elementem każdej definicji e-administracji jest fakt wykorzystywania przez nią w swojej bieżącej działalności narzędzi informatycznych, a zwłaszcza Internetu. Dodatkowo niezbędnym atrybutem e-administracji staje się jej powszechna dostępność. Utożsamiana jest ona z nieograniczonymi ramami czasowymi - urząd dostępny jest dla obywatela 24 godziny na dobę i 7 dni w tygodniu. Akcentuje się także na jej elastyczność, otwartość i przyjazny mechanizm zapewniający współdziałanie pracowników różnych szczebli w celu załatwienia indywidualnych spraw interesantów (w tym obywateli i przedsiębiorców, osób fizycznych i prawnych) oraz zaspokajania ich zbiorowych potrzeb. Ale e-administracja wymaga także odpowiedniej organizacji i kadry, która swoimi umiejętnościami i zaangażowaniem jej idee będzie potrafiła wprowadzać w życie.
An indispensable element of each and every definition of e-administration is the fact of using by it, in its ongoing activity, computer tools, in particular, the Internet. Additionally, its common accessibility is becoming the indispensable attribute of e-administration. This is identified with unlimited temporal frameworks – the office if available to a citizen 24 hours a day and 7 seven days a week. What is also emphasized, is its flexibility, openness and a friendly mechanism ensuring the collaboration of employees of various levels in order to deal with the individual problems of clients (including citizens and entrepreneurs, natural and legal persons), and also meeting their collective needs. Nevertheless, e-administration also requires appropriate organization and staff, which, thanks to their abilities and dedication, will be able to put its ideas into practice.
Content available Logistyka informacji odnośnie Internetu
Artykuł objaśnia pojęcia „logistyki informacji”. Przedstawione zostały zasady i dążenia logistyki informacji oraz jej pozycja jako dziedzina nauki.
The article explains about concept of “information logistics”. Rules, aspirations and its position as branch of science has been presented in this article.
The purpose of this article is to present a number of IT systems and technologies that support the solutions of the Lean Manufacturing (LM) concept. The enterprises’ pursuit to improve the efficiency of their business activities caused a revolution in the use of information systems. Contemporary organizations wanting to occupy leading positions on the market cannot do it without appropriate IT solutions that will facilitate the analysis of business processes and making the right economic decisions. Nevertheless, each company is a separate “living organism” that should be treated individually, and the information technology used should become a way to solve specific problems and support the implementation of certain improvements. This article presents a number of IT solutions that are or may become in the near future support for Lean initiatives.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie szeregu systemów i technologii informatycznych pełniących funkcję wsparcia dla rozwiązań koncepcji Lean Manufacturing (LM). Dążenie przedsiębiorstw do poprawy efektywności swojej działalności gospodarczej spowodowało rewolucję w zakresie stosowania systemów informatycznych. Współczesne organizacje, chcąc zająć czołowe pozycje na rynku, nie mogą obejść się bez odpowiednich rozwiązań informatycznych, które ułatwią analizę procesów biznesowych oraz podjęcie właściwych decyzji gospodarczych. Niemniej jednak każda firma jest odrębnym „żywym organizmem”, który powinien być potraktowany w sposób indywidualny, a zastosowana technologia informatyczna powinna stać się sposobem na rozwiązanie konkretnych problemów i wsparciem we wdrożeniu określonych usprawnień. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania informatyczne, które są lub też mogą stać się w najbliższym czasie wsparciem dla inicjatyw Lean.
Współczesnym przedsiębiorstwom trudno osiągać zadowalające wyniki bez należytego wsparcia informatycznego w sferze zarządzania. Wiąże się to z potrzebą posiadania odpowiedniego sprzętu, zatrudnienia specjalistów do jego obsługi oraz stałej rozbudowy infrastruktury teleinformatycznej. W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie informatyczne wdrożone w Kopalni Wapienia "Czatkowice" Sp. z o.o., wspomagające procesy gospodarki maszynami, gospodarki remontowej, włączając rozliczanie zleceń usług remontowych.
tom 42
nr 1
Education systems confront new requirements to become more efficient and contribute more to the economic success of society. At the same time there are new challenges for the education systems to perform their tasks using advanced technology. In capacity, information technology considerably surpasses the current learning technology. Supported by Internet it creates an electronic parallel to the standard school and learning. Unfortunately there is only sporadic evidence that supported by information technology, learning and education system as a whole can be considerably improved. In spite of that, we believe there is no way back and e-education is not just a temporary whim. Even though we do not know exactly who should perform what and to which scope. The passiveness of pedagogues, the lack of empirical research and the occurring expansion of the market for e-education products without their quality assessment is not of advantage to this progress. The spread of e-education production without considering the professional opinion of pedagogues, who beside their practical work must also engage in developing their own pedagogical theory, might not benefit the existing education achievements. On the other hand, didactics can by analogy be applied also in the web environment, consequently creating the related assessment mechanisms of the electronic education elements.
The article discusses the importance of informatization of education in accordance with modern trends of modernization of the educational system in Ukraine, in the era of globalization of global educational space. Pedagogical activity is regarded to be the way to practice social and cultural personality, which implements the tasks of preserving national traditions, adaptation and regulation of professional development of future teachers. Modernization of the educational system in Ukraine, determined by the trends of European integration, which can be regarded to be an essential level of success, in not only an economic and political transformation of society, but also of strategic changes of educational policy of Ukraine.
W artykule zanalizowano modernіzację systemu edukacyjnego na Ukrainіe pod kątem procesów eurointegracyjnych, nie tylko jako czynnika ekonomіcznych i polіtycznych transformacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, ale też jako czynnika strategіcznych, edukacyjnych zmian na Ukrainie, w czasach procesów globalizacyjnych. Opierając się na analizie badań teoretycznych, określono tendencje rozwoju edukacji w społeczeństwie informacyjnym, w tym tendencje rozwoju technologii informacyjnych: ciągłość; jej korelację z obecnym poziomem nauki; tworzenie edukacyjnego środowiska informacyjnego; humanizację, liberalizację, fundamentalizację, orientację technologii informacyjnych na działalność; ewolucję technologii informacyjnych jako uniwersalnych, wielofunkcyjnych zasobów rozwoju procesów poznawczych; pogłębienie funkcji światopoglądowej nauki jako formacji metaprzedmiotowej.
The factors of competitiveness of educational establishment are investigational inthe article, the basic tasks of informatization of institution of higher learning are certain,the analysis of quantitative and quality indexes of realization of the complex program ofinformatization of university is conducted
Исследованы факторы конкурентоспособности образовательного учреж-дения, определены основные задачи информатизации вуза, проведен анализколичественных и качественных показателей реализации комплексной программыинформатизации университета.
W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązania merytoryczne i programistyczne opracowanego w COIG SA Internetowego systemu e-SP Sprawozdawczość Państwowa. Realizuje on model informatycznej obsługi w zakresie sprawozdawczości państwowej i branżowej dla poziomu jednostek typu koncernowego oraz dla poziomu branży górnictwa węgla kamiennego. System umożliwia zebranie informacji pochodzących z różnych baz danych, co pozwala spełnić wymóg dostarczenia właściwej informacji, we właściwym czasie, we właściwej formie, właściwemu odbiorcy.
The article presents the programmistic and substantial solutions of the e-SP National Reporting system developed in COIG SA The system carries out the model of informatic service in the range of national and branch reporting at the level of concern-type units and at the level of the bard coal mining branch. The system bas rendered it pos-sible to collect the information from various databases, which allowed of complying with the requirement to pro-vide the proper information, in the proper time and in the proper form, to the proper receiver.
This article expresses the results from a set of analyses that had the following goals: 1) to describe the nature and process of informatization in Poland from 1988 to 2003; 2) to understand the factors that contribute to the digital divide in Poland; and 3) to contribute to the theoretical discourses on social dynamics and modernization. Studying the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Poland is useful for both theoretical and methodological reasons. In 1989 the penetration of digital technology was low, however in 15 years since then, informatization has progressed to the point where it is on par with the rest of Western Europe and North America. This provides a good opportunity for examining the factors associated with the digital divide. Furthermore, as Poland developed intensely over a short period of time, it is likely to demonstrate a pattern similar to those countries which will go through the digital revolution in coming decades.
Content available remote Formalizm - kluczem do informatyzacji geodezji, kluczem do geomatyki
Polish geodesy found itself in a peculiar position: is not able to take effective advantages of computer science and technologies. The reason of this is an obsolete methodology used. The only solution is to formulate geodetic problems using mathematical terms, to formalize them. Formalism is a precondition for computerization . Computerization of geodesy is a precondition for implementation of geodesy as a part of geomathics.
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