Information technology (IT) sector is one of the most dynamic and innovative sectors with the highest growth potential, due to the constant automation of global manufacturing processes and growing popularity of e-commerce and e-services. The development of technologies is rapidly changing modern economic processes at the micro and macro levels, automating and upgrading all areas of national economies. Besides the direct benefits in forms of the sector contribution to gross domestic product, employment, investments and other economy indicators, the emergence and subsequent development of IT has a significant impact on the progress of all sectors of the economy. The overall development and use of IT is followed by significant costs reduction for the implementation of new technologies. The positive effect is achieved through synergy and multiplier effect of the use of IT in all spheres of economy and in everyday life. To analyze the overall impact of the IT sector on the economy, it was decided to carry out two studies about each effect separately. The first effect to research, which is more tangible and measurable, is the direct effect of IT sector on economy. Thereby the main purpose of the article is to analyze the direct effects of information technology on economy in a context of the sector development in the European Union. In the first part of the article, trends of the main economic impact factors of IT sector in the European Union were explored. Comparing the average growth rate of the main IT sector’s economic indicators with the average indicators across all sectors, an extremely rapid growth rates of IT sectorís indexes were discovered. To compare situation across all European Union countries a ranking method was used, that let to figure out leader countries in terms of different IT sector’s economic indicators in the region. Finally, a correlation method has helped to discover that IT sector indicators are not necessarily linked with each other and all 4 observed indicators are important and characterize the different aspects of the IT sector impact on the economy. In the second part of the article, an analysis of the main economic indicators of the IT sector was carried out to determine the direct impact of the sector on economy. The data analysis let to clarify the sectorís impact on innovations, employment and international trade balance of the European Union. The statistic data about the turnover, value added and personnel costs across different service sectors was examined, that led to conclusion that the information technology sector is an undisputed leader in terms of economic efficiency and is one of the highest-paying sectors in the region.
Technologie informatyczne (IT ) pełnią znaczącą rolę w globalnej ekonomii. Sektor technologii informatycznych (sektor IT ) należy do jednych z najbardziej rozwijających się na Łotwie i na świecie. Szacowany do 2016 roku 5% wzrost globalnego rynku IT sprawia, że jest on jedym z głównych szybko rozwijających się ryków na świecie. Znaczący wpływ, jaki ma na wzrost produktywności i jakości życia powoduje, że zajmuje on szczególne miejsce w ekonomii. Jest to sektor mobilny, dynamiczny i nie wymaga znaczących inwestycji w aktywa trwałe. Wszystkie te cechy wskazują na potrzebę wspierania i rozwoju sektora IT , jak również śledzenia bieżących trendów w kraju i regionie. W artykule przedstawiono ekonomiczne aspekty sektora IT , jego znaczenie dla światowej ekomonii oraz zbadano istotę jego potecjału rozwojowego w Łotwie. Artykuł ukazuje stan sektora technologii informatycznych na świecie oraz wskazuje miejsce rynku łotewskiego wśród krajów Unii.
Information technology (IT ) takes significant role in the global economy. The information technology sector (IT sector) is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world and in Latvia. The global IT market growth amounted to an average of 5% until 2016 that puts it among the fastest-growing major markets in the world. It occupies a special place in the economy and its status is determined by a great impact on productivity growth and quality of life. The sector is mobile, dynamic and does not require significant investments in fixed assets. All these factors characterize need to support and develop the sector, as well as to trace current trends of its condition in the country and region. The article deals with the economic aspect of the IT sector, the importance of the sector in the world economy, analyzes question of its development potential in Latvia. The article reveals state of the sector in the European Union (EU ) and determinates Latvia`s place among the countries of the Union.
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