Popularność technologii informatycznych wykorzystywanych w przemyśle ciągle rośnie. W artykule opisano istotę zakupów zaopatrzeniowych w łańcuchu dostaw. Zwrócono również uwagę na technologie informatyczne stosowane w dziale zakupów zaopatrzeniowych. Pokazano nieefektywność tradycyjnych procedur zakupów i zalety wypływające z zastosowania w nich nowoczesnych technologii.
The popularity of the IT used in industry is still growing. The article is about purchasing and supply chain management. It is paid attention to IT applied to purchasing and supply. It is showed also ineffectivity of traditional purchase systems and advantage of using modern IT in it.
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Nowadays the economy is fusing together information technology (IT) and business operations and creating what has come to be called the Real-Time Enterprise (RTE). Gartner Group, a prominent research firm, defines the idea of RTE as an organization that "achieves competitive advantage by using up-to-date information to progressively remove delays in the management and execution of critical business process". The central concept of Gartner definition's is about continuously improving key business process and adopting them to changing circumstances. Although IT is not the most important, it is the enabler that allows a company to become real-time. This article presents the concept of real-time activity. The authors are also attempting at characterizing the technology supporting RTE. They show Real-Time Enterprise as an organization in which specific and relevant information flows continuously to individual people throughout the organization and makes them perform their job at levels of efficiency and responsiveness not possible before.
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