Inflations algorithm is a procedure that appears implicitly in Ovsienko’s classical proof for the classification of positive definite integral quadratic forms. The best known upper asymptotic bound for its time complexity is an exponential one. In this paper we show that this bound can be tightened to O(n6) for the naive implementation. Also, we propose a new approach to show how to decide whether an admissible quasi-Cartan matrix is positive definite and compute the Dynkin type in just O(n3) operations taking an integer matrix as input.
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Following the spectral Coxeter analysis of matrix morsifications for Dynkin diagrams, the spectral graph theory, a graph coloring technique, and algebraic methods in graph theory, we continue our study of the category UBigrn of loop-free edge-bipartite (signed) graphs ∆, with n > 2 vertices, by means of the Coxeter number oa, the Coxeter spectrum specc∆ of ∆, that is, the spectrum of the Coxeter polynomial cox∆(t) ∈ Z[t] and the Z-bilinear Gram form b∆ : Zn x Zn →Z of ∆ [SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27(2013)]. Our main inspiration for the study comes from the representation theory of posets, groups and algebras, Lie theory, and Diophantine geometry problems. We show that the Coxeter spectral classification of connected edge-bipartite graphs A in UBigrn reduces to the Coxeter spectral classification of rational matrix morsifications A ∈ MorD∆ for a simply-laced Dynkin diagram D∆ associated with ∆. Given ∆ in UBigrn, we study the isotropy subgroup Gl(n, Z)∆ of Gl(n, Z) that contains the Weyl group W∆. and acts on the set Mor∆ of rational matrix morsifications A of ∆ in such a way that the map A → (speccA, det A, c∆) is Gl(n, Z)∆-invariant. It is shown that, for n < 6, specc∆ is the spectrum of one of the Coxeter polynomials listed in Tables 3.11-3.11(a) (we determine them by computer search using symbolic and numeric computation). The question, if two connected positive edge-bipartite graphs ∆, ∆' in UBigrn, with specc∆= specc∆,, are Z-bilinear equivalent, is studied in the paper. The problem if any Z-invertible matrix A ∈ Mn(Z) is Z-congruent with its transpose Atr is also discussed.
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