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Immersed in the world dominated by pragmatism, contemporary man seems to be thinking and functioning only according to the criteria of effective acting. However, life experience, philosophical reflection, and the truth of Revelation lead to the conclusion that the laws of nature must be respected in the name of care for man and for one’s genuine good, even though they may, in certain cases, limit the effectiveness of acting and the possibility to acquire current profit. This article justifies the necessity to respect natural law in the sphere of transmission of human life. The starting point of this scientific reflection is the theological vision of values and of the inviolability of human life on the basis of the description of creation from the Book of Genesis. The fundamental truths and moral norms are being neglected nowadays as—being so proud of modern technological achievements—man makes himself the creator and the master of human life. Although such activities seem impressive from the scientific point of view, they actually result in a number of serious contemporary and future threats. The second part of the article presents alarming aspects of artificial interventions in the sphere of life transmission. By exposing the threats and by trying to prevent them in the sphere of infertility treatment, the Church opposes the methods of artificial insemination and becomes engaged in promoting naprotechnology which is a method that expresses genuine humanism, and which gives hope not only to the parents who want to have a baby but also to the mankind that longs for propitious future.
Recenzja książki: Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden, Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness (Princeton University Press, 2015.
Book review: Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden, Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness (Princeton University Press, 2015.
Background The process of treating infertility using the in vitro method can affect both physical and mental health. The study aims to determine the impact of trying to conceive using the in vitro method on the quality of life and psychological well-being of women. Material and methods Respondents completed an online questionnaire. The experiment was conducted from July to December 2023 and 100 women involved. It was based on an questionnaire created by the authors and questionnaire tools: Fertility Quality of Life, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) , and selected subscales from Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS). Results Among the respondents, 85% of women do not have children.The average age of the women studied was 34 years, while the average number of years of infertility treatment was 6 years. Respondents rate their quality of life the best in the area of relationship, but the worst in the area of emotions. More than 80% of respondents were at risk of developing depressive disorders of varying severity. Nevertheless, the vast majority are satisfied with the support they receive. Conclusions Negative emotions that accompany women during in vitro process significantly affect their quality of life. They also contribute to an increased risk of mental disorders.
The goal of this study was to investigate how infertility changes couples’ relations, communication and sexual functioning. In the research participated 50 women during the treatment of infertility and 50 healthy women in the control group. The study confirmed our hypothesis. Couples during the treatment of infertility have more problems in their relationship (in comparison to couples without infertility problem) in following aspects: communication, task accomplishment and role performance, affective expression, affective involvement, values and norms. Communication in both groups (study group as well as control group) correlates with sexual satisfaction, the correlation between couples’ relations and sexual satisfaction are higher in healthy women group than in infertile women group.
Unplanned childlessness or inability to give birth again are nowadays a serious social problem – different statistics say there are from 1 to 3 million pairs impacted. Childlessness is not only an inability to have children but the entire scope of factors affecting social everyday life. It influences financial, professional and interpersonal relations situation but, above all, it changes intrafamilial relations. Harsh and long-lasting therapies require redefining relations between partners and crossing many barriers – intimacy (in both purely physical and illness related sense), strength (physical and emotional) or trust. It forces couples/ marriages to redefine their relations – build new rules of family (and social) life devoted (or not) to a common (or not) goal. Partners’ bodies no longer belong to them and start being treated as a tool necessary for reproduction. They way of “using” the body changes, the way one sees one’s changes – there is a separation between the mind and the body which is subject of therapies, the new language allowing partners to talk about the body and its parts is created (the language that eases familiarizing with the problem) – often childish, e.g. snowflake = frozen embryo, soldiers = sperm). The goal of the article is to outline everyday life problems that couples/marriages face when trying to have children for a very long time. Previous, media driven approach to the topic reduces it to political discussions about in vitro without mentioning mental, social and existential fear that accompanies infertile couples and changes their relationships. The topic is illustrated by the preliminary results of quality research carried out in 2010 on couples struggling with infertility.
The aim of the conducted studies was to learn about the opinions of women suffering from infertility regarding the most controversial issues connected with assisted reproduction, which are still being publicly discussed in Poland, despite the Act from 2015 regulating these issues. The studies compared opinions of women in different stages of experiencing infertility. The studied group comprised of 884 women: undergoing treatment, raising a child (born as a result of treatment or adopted), undergoing adoption procedures and those who decided to remain childless. The Attitudes Towards Bioethical Problems of Infertility Scale was an original tool used in the studies. Polish women have liberal views on most ethically controversial issues. The tested subjects had conservative views on the issue of IVF availability for homosexual couples (over 60% of subjects had conservative views) and IVF availability for unmarried couples (over 40% of subjects had conservative views). A comparison of opinions regarding the bioethical dilemmas of women on different stages of infertility revealed some interesting and statistically significant results (p < .001). Techniques where the partner’s cells are used were widely accepted (over 80%), contrary to techniques where a donor’s cells are used (accepted by approx. 40% of the subjects). Significant information concerning bioethical dilemmas on infertility treatment can be used to predict decisions concerning the course of infertility treatment. The gathered opinions constitute an important voice in the public debate on legal regulations in the area of bioethical issues connected with assisted reproduction.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było poznanie opinii kobiet cierpiących na niepłodność wodniesieniu do najbardziej kontrowersyjnych zagadnień związanych z reprodukcją wspomaganą, która nadal jest przedmiotem publicznej dyskusji w Polsce pomimo ustawy z 2015 r.regulującej te kwestie.Badania porównują opinie kobiet na różnych etapach przeżywania niepłodności. Badana grupa składała się z 884 kobiet: poddawanych leczeniu, wychowujących dziecko (urodzone dzięki leczeniu lub adopcyjne), przechodzących przez procedury adopcyjne i tych, które postanowiły pozostać bezdzietne. Postawy wobec bioetycznych problemów wniepłodności badano przy użyciu autorskiej skali. Polskie kobiety mają zróżnicowane poglądy na temat najbardziej kontrowersyjnych etycznie kwestii. Osoby badane przejawiały najbardziej konserwatywne poglądy wobec dostępności IVF dla par homoseksualnych (ponad 60% badanych miało poglądy konserwatywne) oraz dostępności IVF dla osób niezamężnych (ponad 40% badanych miało poglądy konserwatywne). Porównanie opinii na temat dylematów bioetycznych kobiet wróżnych fazach niepłodności ujawnia interesujące istatystyczne istotne wyniki (p < ,001). Techniki wspomaganego rozrodu zwykorzystywania komórek partnera były bardzo szeroko akceptowane (ponad 80%), wprzeciwieństwie do technik, w których wykorzystuje się komórki dawcy (zaakceptowane przez ok. 40% badanych). Istotne informacje dotyczące dylematów bioetycznych w kwestii leczenia bez-płodności mogą być wykorzystywane do przewidywania decyzji co do przebiegu leczenia niepłodności. Zebrane opinie stanowią ważny głos wpublicznej debacie na temat przepisów prawnych w zakresie bioetyki związanych z reprodukcją wspomaganą.
The paper presents the consequences of unintended childlessness, which can concern both men and women, as well as the partnership. The primary and secondary network of social support has been discussed and its importance in the diagnosis andtreatment of fertility problems. Amongmany benefits arising from the support ofchildless partners, the improvement of their quality of life is emphasized as well as making the communication in patient - medical personnel relationships better, increasing the chance of having the child and reduction of the time to get pregnant. Social support was emphasized to be particularly needed by partners at the stage oftaking decision to start treatment, subsequent stages of treatment and change of methods (procedures),termination of treatment (taking into account its effect), and adoption. Later the paper presents global and European initiatives to improve the quality of life of infertile couples, including the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to all infertility treatment centers, objectives and tasks of the annual celebration of WorldFam, Fertility Awareness Month and proposals for new developments of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Basing on existing literature the evaluation of implementation of these recommendations and proposals in selected countries have been discussed. The problem of provision of support to infertile couples in the Polish reality, including in the region of Lublin, has been also presented.
W pracy przedstawiono konsekwencje niezamierzonej bezdzietności, które mogą dotyczyć zarówno kobiet, mężczyzn, jak i związku partnerskiego. Omówiono pierwotną i wtórną sieć wsparcia społecznego oraz jego znaczenie w procesie diagnozowania i leczenia zaburzeń płodności. Wśród wielu korzyści, wynikających zewsparcia bezdzietnych partnerów, wskazano na poprawę jakości ich życia, ułatwienie komunikacji w relacjach pacjent - personel medyczny, zwiększenie szansy na dziecko oraz skrócenie czasu do uzyskania ciąży. Podkreślono, iż wsparcie społeczne jest szczególnie potrzebne partnerom na etapie podejmowania decyzji o rozpoczęciu leczenia, kolejnych etapach leczenia i zmianie metody (procedury), zakończeniu leczenia (z uwzględnieniem jego efektu) oraz adopcji. W dalszej części pracy przedstawiono światowe i europejskie inicjatywy narzecz poprawy jakości życia par niepłodnych, w tym zalecenia Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO, World Health Organization) dla wszystkich ośrodków leczenia niepłodności, cele i zadania corocznych obchodów Światowego Miesiąca Wiedzy o Płodności (WorldFam, Fertility Awareness Month) oraz propozycje nowych rozwiązań Europejskiego Towarzystwa Reprodukcji Człowieka i Embriologii (ESHRE, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology). Na podstawie przeglądu aktualnego piśmiennictwa dokonano oceny realizacji tych zaleceń i propozycji wwybranych krajach. Przedstawiono problem świadczenia wsparcia wobec par niepłodnych w realiach polskich, w tym w województwie lubelskim.
Introduction and aim. Endometriosis is a complex condition in which endometrium, tissue that resembles the uterine lining, develops outside the uterus. It is considered to be a chronic, estrogen-dependent, inflammatory gynecological disorder having multi-factorial origins. This review paper aims to consolidate recent information on ethnic differences, endometriosis risks, and the disease’s etiology in the global context. Material and methods. A systematic search was performed using a variety of international electronic databases, including “PubMed” and “DOAJ”, using the terms endometriosis, endometriosis and infertility, endometriosis and cancer, and treatment of endometriosis. Analysis of the literature. Endometriosis can appear anywhere in the body, including the umbilicus, the cecum and ileum of the digestive tract, the breast, the lungs, and the genitourinary organs. It is typically clinically asymptomatic with no obvious clinical manifestation and expensive treatment, which makes the diagnosis late. There is a complex interplay between socioeconomic status, family history, societal beliefs and laws, personal habits, reproductive and gynaecological conditions, and environmental influences in the development of endometriosis. Conclusion. Women with endometriosis should be given more attention, and specific resources in the healthcare system should be utilized to provide more efficient multidisciplinary healthcare and treatment.
Content available Childlessness – between Fate and Choice
Childlessness in marriage is still socially defined as otherness. It is a deviation from the current cultural standard and – as a consequence – it requires explanation and legitimization, especially when the otherness is deliberate. The aim of the conducted qualitative research was to establish personal definitions of the situation of childlessness in marriage applied by persons aged 50 and older. The study focused on cultural patterns of experiencing and validating this non-standard lifestyle. 21 interviews centered on this issue were conducted. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the most important variables determining the model of experiencing childlessness in marriage by the subjects were the causes of childlessness and the significance of having children in their individual hierarchy of values. In each individual case, the way of experiencing childlessness results from the configuration of the recognized order of motivation and evaluation. It also seems that the order of evaluation is significant to the entire functioning of these persons. It is relatively independent from the objective cause of childlessness.
The performed cytogenetic analysis included 454 young Leine ewes, aged 3-8 months, coming from heterosexual twins and multiplets. Out of them, the studied 431 animals had a normal diploid chromosome number - 54,XX. Leukocytic 54,XX/54,XY chimerism was identified in 23 young ewes, which makes 5.06% of the studied group of animals.
Od wielu lat niepłodność pozostaje przedmiotem dyskusji medycznych, jak i prawnych. Choroba ta jest problemem o szerokim zasięgu społecznym, dotyka bowiem coraz większej liczby osób starających się o potomstwo. Uznanie niepłodności za chorobę a procedurę zapłodnienia pozaustrojowego za jedną z metod jej leczenia ma swoje doniosłe konsekwencje prawne. Z jednej strony mamy do czynienia z konstytucyjną ochroną prawa do ochrony zdrowia niepłodnej pary, ale z drugiej strony jawi się kolejna konstytucyjna wartość wymagająca ochrony – życie mającego się urodzić dziecka. Ustawodawca dostrzegł potrzebę uregulowania metod leczenia niepłodności, czego konsekwencją jest ustawa z dnia 25 czerwca 2015 r. o leczeniu niepłodności. Tematem artykułu jest ocena, na ile i czy w ogóle ustawodawca w przedmiotowej ustawie zapewnia ochronę prawną zdolności do życia zarodka.
Infertility has been an object of many medical and legal discussions for years. This disease is widespread among society since it affects more and more people trying for a baby. The statement that infertility is a disease and in vitro fertilization is one of the methods of its treatment has significant legal consequences. On the one hand we are dealing with the constitutional protection of health of an infertile couple, but on the other hand we have to remember about another constitutional value which should be protected – a life of an unborn child. The legislator noticed a necessity for regulation of methods of infertility treatment and therefore the Infertility Treatment Act of June 25, 2015 was adopted. The main topic of this article is to evaluate whether the legislator managed to provide legal protection for embryo’s ability to live and to what extent.
Niepłodność staje się coraz większym problemem związków małżeńskich. W jednakowym stopniu dotyczy ona mężczyzn i kobiet. Mając na uwadze wartość płodności i rodzicielstwa (w wymiarze indywidualnym, społecznym i eklezjalnym), z pomocą bezdzietnym małżeństwom stara się przyjść medycyna. Korzysta ona z dwóch skrajnie różnych metod. Z jednej strony są to metody sztucznej prokreacji. Z drugiej strony są to metody naturalne. W licznych dokumentach Magisterium Kościoła odrzuca metody sztuczne jako godzące w godność dziecka i jego rodziców, a nierzadko także niosące ze sobą duże zagrożenie dla zdrowia dziecka i jego matki. Jednocześnie bioetyka katolicka odnosi się z szacunkiem do metod medycznych leczących stany chorobowe utrudniające poczęcie i urodzenie dziecka. Warunkiem jest uszanowanie naturalnego aktu prokreacyjnego w łonie małżeństwa.
Infertility has become more frequent problem of the married couples. Equally it affects both men and women. Taking into consideration the value of fertility and parenthood (in various dimensions: individual, social and ecclesial) the medicine attempts to come with necessary help to childless couples. It uses two extremely different methods. On one hand there are methods of artificial procreation. On the other hand there are natural methods of procreation. In numerous documents the Magisterium of the Church rejects the artificial methods as discriminatory against the rights and dignity of the child and the parents, and often carrying an enormous danger to the health of the child and the mother. At the same time Catholic bioethics accepts and approves the medical methods healing the diseases, which are the obstacles in conceiving and delivering a child. The condition is to respect the natural act of procreation within the married couple.
Objectives Abnormalities in the timing and course of spermatozoa capacitation and hyperactivation underlie common pathologies related to male infertility. Recent data shows that low frequency electromagnetic waves may influence cell membrane potential and permeability. It is therefore possible that low frequency electromagnetic waves could affect the maturation and motility processes of spermatozoa. The 43-kHz wave generator was used for modeling the impact of environmental exposure to low frequency electromagnetic radiation on human sperm. Material and Methods Sperm samples were gathered from 103 fertile, healthy men aged 25–30 years old and performed computer-assisted sperm analysis. After initial examination, each participant’s semen sample was divided into 2 aliquots (control and experimental) and placed in separate automated incubators. The samples constituting the experimental group were placed into the exposure system that emitted 43-kHz electromagnetic waves. Sperm motility was assessed at 3 h, 12 h and 24 h. Results Exposure to a 43-kHz radio frequency increased the percentage of sperm in progressive motility by up to 5.8% and the velocity of said sperm by up to 2 μm/s. Moreover, the total number of hyperactivated spermatozoa was significantly increased in the semen exposed to the electromagnetic signal. Conclusions In vivo environmental exposure to 43-kHz waves may promote the development of infertility related to premature capacitation outside of the vaginal tract. Exposing semen to this particular frequency may also boost the capacitation and hyperactivation of spermatozoa in vitro, prior to conducting assisted reproductive therapies.Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(6):723–739
W przestrzeni medialnej w Polsce można spotkać pojęcie Naprotechnologii jako alternatywy dla procedury in vitro. Często w dyskusji pojawia się wiele mitów i nieprawdy dotyczących takiego sposobu leczenia. Naprotechnologia, stworzona przez prof. Thomasa Hilgersa, jest nowym spojrzeniem na zdrowie kobiety i mężczyzny. Uwzględnia ona naturalne biomarkery płodności dzięki obserwacji za pomocą Modelu Creighton bazującego na kobiecym śluzie. Na każdym etapie diagnostyki i leczenia Naprotechnologia szanuje ludzkie życie od samego poczęcia oraz wzajemną godność małżonków. Nie stosuje ona też procedur wspomaganego rozrodu z powodów etycznych. Naprotechnologia jest częścią szerszej dyscypliny naukowej, jaką jest przyczynowe leczenie niepłodności. Dzięki dokładnej diagnostyce i obserwacji cyklu możliwe jest postawienie prawidłowej diagnozy dotyczącej przyczyny niepłodności. Właściwa diagnoza jest punktem wyjścia dla wdrożenia specjalistycznego leczenia farmakologicznego i chirurgicznego zarówno wobec kobiety, jak i mężczyzny. Prawidłowo stosowana Naprotechnologia i przyczynowe leczenie niepłodności cechują się wysoką skutecznością leczenia niepłodności małżeńskiej.
In the media space in Poland, you can meet the concept of Naprotechnology as an alternative to the in vitro procedure. Often, many myths and untruths appear in the discussion regarding this method of treatment. Naprotechnology is a new look at the health of women and men created by prof. Thomas Hilgers. It takes into account natural fertility biomarkers thanks to observation with the Creighton Model based on the female mucus. At every stage of diagnosis and treatment, Naprotechnology respects human life from the moment of conception and the mutual dignity of the spouses. It also does not use assisted reproductive procedures for ethical reasons. Naprotechnology is part of the broader scientific discipline of restorative medicine in infertility. Thanks to the accurate diagnosis and observation of the cycle, it is possible to correctly diagnose the cause of infertility. A proper diagnosis is the starting point for the implementation of specialized pharmacological and surgical treatment for both women and men. Properly used Naprotechnology and restorative medicine are highly effective in treating marital infertility.
An ethno-botanical survey of Vijayapur district comprising five tehsils was conducted during February 2014 to December 2015. The main purpose of this survey was to document the traditional use of medicinal plants for primary infertility in women in vijayapur district. 13 species belonging to 13 genera and 12 families were found to be used to treat primary infertility. The scientific name, family, local name, habit along with part used and mode of their administration are provided.
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