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Content available remote Kilka uwag o bezpieczeństwie zdrowotnym i zagrożeniu terroryzmem
The problem area of safety can be dealt with in many different ways. In my opinion, one of the more and more often appearing problems of the globalized world is protection against threats existing in the sphere of health safety and prevention of threats connected with terrorism. It seems only too appropriate to begin considerations on the question of health safety and preventing the terrorism threat with an attempt at defining the multi-form notion of safety. The practice to date shows that the problem area is still raising numerous controversies. However, the question of safety dealt with in the first part of the present considerations was discussed in the context of two phenomena: prevention in the area of health safety and terrorism threat. Especial attention should be paid to two phenomena taking on two forms: terrorism and health safety. Even though the heterogeneity of the phenomena does not allow accepting uniform procedures within safety protection, the need to elaborate uniform strategies and preventive mechanisms appears to be the common denominator. I am aware of the fact that the presentation of the problems undertaken in this paper is of the fragmentary character only, but I hope that in the future it will provide a strong impulse to make further deepened analyses and conduct comparative research.
In this paper, we consider the utilization of the graph and network theory in the field of modeling and simulating the dynamics of infectious diseases. We describe basic principles and tools and show how we can use them to fight against the spread of this phenomenon. We also present our software solutions that can be used to support decision-making activities.
Introduction: In this article, selected issues concerning sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in post-war Poland (until 1989) have been described. Sanitary problems which occurred in Poland directly after the Second World War and the development of infectious diseases’ epidemiology have been included. Purpose: To summarize the establishment, development and modification of sanitary and epidemiological structures, the introduction of vaccinations as well as other medical means of overcoming infectious diseases, improving people’s living conditions and health situation. Materials and methods: Literature related to the topic and archival materials from the Voivodeship Sanitary-Epidemiological Station in Gdansk were used. Archives included a vaccination programme valid between 1975 and 1989 and a two-week specimen report concerning morbidity rates of infectious diseases and chemical poisoning. Results: Thanks to the archival materials, issues concerning infectious diseases were emphasized. The the utilized literature brought out the National Institute’s for Public Health role as an authority in the cooperation with other healthcare institutions, influenced the formation and organization of sanitary and epidemiological service in Poland. Conclusions: The historical background of this text has been presented as a secondary subject, however, the years 1945-1989 comprising the time-frame of this article were a period of great changes. One of them was the formation of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.
The article focuses on the general principles regarding personal protection of people during a pandemic. The author indicates the difference between the concepts of an epidemic and a pandemic, characterizes civil protection, and specifies classification and possibilities of incorporating personal means of protection against biological infection. The text also highlights measures that contribute to protection of health and life of civilians as well as personal means of protection in the armed forces.The publication is based on the analysis of available literature on the subject. In the research process, the author used his many years of experience in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland (the chemical troops), including data gathered from simulation of conduct in CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) contaminated environment.
Homelessness is an urgent problem for any civilised society. It becomes the subject of examination of several fields of science such as social work, medicine, nursing, public health, law, sociology, psychology, theology, ethics, economy, environment and so on. In the paper, the authors analyze individual types of homelessness and social and health forms of assistance. They pay attention to the causes of homelessness, they describe the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the related right to treatment, the right to social services. In the Czech Republic, they approximate the importance, objectives and tasks of the association of asylum houses and dormitories, similarly indicating the situation in the Slovak Republic. They pay particular attention to health risks in the homeless community (mental disorders, infectious diseases, viral hepatitis, HIV/AIDS) and access to healthcare for the homeless.
The investigation of migration can help us understand how the types of migration interact with each other as well as with the various local/national ‘immobilities’. Migrants pose special challenges to healthcare systems, in their origin as well as destination countries. Available data on this topic, following EU interests and policies, focuses on health problems of vulnerable migrant groups, often directed exclusively to issues that can affect the local population. This paper aims to set some explanatory contexts when it comes to the relationship between migration and healthcare within the European context.
The paper aimed at comparison of the horse radish Armoracia rusticana Gaertn healthiness in two methods of cultivation: using foliar fertilizers and fungicides (conventional cultivation). Horse radish plants were observed during vegetation and at the moment when disease symptom s appeared on leaves in each experimental treatment the disease and its severity were identified. For this reason the percentage of diseased plants was determined on 25 plants from each plot and the degree of their infection was estimated. Following a generally accepted 9-degree scale of infection for a majority of crop plants, a scale for horse radish leaf infection with pathogens occurring on the plantation was developed, on which 9 means healthy plants while 0 - very strong infection, over 70 % of diseased plants. A cultivation method significantly modified the degree of horse radish infection. In comparison with fungicide protection cultivation of horse radish using foliar fertilizers significantly reduced development of pathogenic fungi, such as Phoma lingam (Tode: Fr) Desm. and Verticillium dahliae Klebahn. On the other band fungicide protection is particularly recommended if Albugo candida (pers) O. Kuntze appears on plantations. In effect only due to foliar fertilizer application the share of infected plants increased by 10 % at simultaneous increase in the degree of their infection by 2.4 (degree of the scale). Applied foliar fertilizers, as compared with fungicide protection, bad no significant effect on the percent of plants with Alternaria spp. and Cylindosporium concentricum Grev. symptoms.
Celem pracy było porównanie zdrowotności chrzanu (Armoracia rusticana Gaertn) w dwóch sposobach pielęgnacji: z zastosowaniem nawozów dolistnych i z zastosowaniem fungicydów (uprawa konwencjonalna). Podczas wegetacji obserwowano rośliny chrzanu, z chwilą pojawienia się zmian chorobowych na liściach na każdym obiekcie badawczym przeprowadzono identyfikację i ocenę nasilenia danej choroby. W tym celu na 25 roślinach z każdego poletka określono procent roślin chorych oraz stopień ich porażenia. Wzorując się na ogólnie przyjętej 9-stopniowej skali porażenia dla większości roślin uprawnych, opracowano skalę dla porażenia liści chrzanu przez patogeny pojawiające się na plantacji, według, której 9 - oznacza rośliny zdrowe, O - porażenie bardzo silne; powyżej 70 % roślin chorych. Sposób pielęgnacji silnie modyfikował stopień porażenia roślin chrzanu. Pielęgnacja chrzanu z wykorzystaniem nawozów dolistnych w porównaniu z ochroną fungicydami znacznie ogranicza rozwój grzybów chorobotwórczych, takich jak Phoma lingam (Tode: Fr) Desm. (sucha zgnilizna kapustnych) i Verticillium dahliae Kłebahn (czernienie pierścieniowe korzeni). Z kolei ochrona fungicydami jest szczególnie wskazana w przypadku wystąpienia na plantacji chrzanu białej rdzy krzyżowych (Albugo candida (pers.) O. Kuntze). Efektem stosowania samych nawozów dolistnych było zwiększenie o 10 % udziału roślin porażonych przy jednoczesnym zwiększeniu ich stopnia porażenia o 2,4 (stopnia skali). Aplikowane nawozy dolistne w porównaniu z ochroną fungicydami nie miały istotnego wpływu na procent roślin z objawami czerni krzyżowych (Altemaria spp.) i cylindrosporiozy (Cylindrosporium concentricum Grev.).
The Corona pandemic, which has dominated everyday life since the beginning of 2020, has brought Sections 178 and 179 of the Austrian Criminal Code (StGB) into the focus of criminal law discussion. They criminalize endangering other people through certain diseases: The perpetrator can be punished if he or she risks to transfer a disease, of which the presence must be reported to public authorities according to the law, to at least about ten other persons. Not least because these offenses have not had particular practical relevance up to date, several dogmatic questions remain unresolved, to which this paper provides an answer. These include, in particular, the extent to which a behavior must be dangerous for the health of others to lead to a criminal liability, how to deal with a lack of dangerousness that is determined ex post, and whether and under what conditions criminal liability by omission can exist. The proposed solutions are examined for their practical suitability based on typical “Corona cases” such as visiting so-called “Corona parties”, ignoring a segregation duty or concealing contacts during contact tracing. To answer the unresolved dogmatic questions, it is first necessary to present the relevant literature and second to interpret the criminal law provisions according to the recognized interpretation methods (especially systematic interpretation and historical will of the legislator). This will lead to new solutions that partially differ from the prevailing opinion.
Objectives: The aim of the study has been to analyze the epidemiological data on sharp injuries among health care workers before and after the implementation of regulations related to the conduct of the register of sharp injuries. Material and Methods: We hypothesized that the introduction of legislation would change the existing low reportability of sharp injuries and reporting incidents would increase. In Poland the binding regulations, dating back to 2013, require the employer to keep a record of sharp injuries. Therefore, we compared the data from before and after the entry regulations. Data was collected from the records of occupational exposure/accidents at work in hospitals in the Łódź Province during 2010–2014. The feedback came from 36 hospitals (return index = 51.5%), representing a total annual average of 13 211 medical workers. Results: The incidence of injuries did not change significantly over the period 2010–2014, and the number of reported injuries in 2014 (the year when the Regulation had already been effective) was even lower than in the previous years. The average annual injury index was 12.31 injuries per 1000 employees (95% confidence interval: 11.48–13.16/1000). The incidence of injuries among nurses was significantly higher than in other groups of medical professionals (p < 0.05). These injuries most often occur while using needles (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The obligation to record occupational exposures set forth in current regulations is not likely to improve the reliability of reporting the incidents actually taking place. Further research should focus on identifying barriers to reporting cases of exposure to potentially infectious material. Action should be taken to raise awareness of medical personnel about the possible effects of exposure to infectious material, in particular, the benefits of the implementation of early post-exposure procedures. Perhaps it will increase the reporting frequency of sharp injuries of medical personnel. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(1):37–46
Content available Szczepienia ochronne w Polsce
Najskuteczniejszą metodą profilaktyki w zwalczaniu chorób zakaźnych są szczepienia ochronne. Szczepienia dają możliwość kontrolowania rozwoju chorób, a w wielu przypadkach pozwalają je całkowicie wyeliminować. W artykule przybliżono czytelnikowi wiedzę z zakresu historii szczepień, rodzajów odporności organizmu oraz typów szczepionek. Przeanalizowano ponadto uregulowania prawne z zakresu szczepień obowiązkowych i zalecanych w Polsce.
Vaccinations are the most effective prophylactic method in control of infectious diseases. Vaccination allows both the supervision of infectious diseases’ dissemination and, in many cases, their eradication. This paper introduces the reader to the knowledge of the history of vaccination, types of immunity and vaccines. The legal regulations concerning mandatory and recommended vaccinations in Poland were also analyzed.
W pracy przeprowadzono symulacje rozwoju epidemii dla kilku wybranych patogenów chorobotwórczych: odry, świnki, ospy wietrznej, ptasiej grypy oraz eboli. Badania przeprowadzono dla niewielkiej odizolowanej populacji liczącej 1000 osobników. Do analizy wykorzystano model SEIR. Obliczenia przeprowadzone zostały w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym.
The paper presents simulations of the development of the epidemic for a number of selected pathogens: measles, mumps, chicken pox, avian flu and ebola. The study was conducted for small an isolated population of 1000 individuals. For the analysis, the epidemic model SEIR was used. The calculations were made in a spreadsheet.
Content available remote Pandemie i epidemie XX I XXI wieku
Pandemie i epidemie towarzyszą ludzkości od zarania dziejów, a przez większość znanej historii, łatwo przenoszące się, ciężkie choroby stanowiły po prostu przykry element codzienności. Dopiero gwałtowny rozwój medycyny, który rozpoczął się na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, uczynił z nich zjawisko rzadkie, a przez to paradoksalnie niezwykle dotkliwe dla doświadczanych przez nie społeczności.
Content available The Voivodeship Governor’s Role in Health Safety
One of the voivodeship governor’s areas of public activities encompasses health safety. Being the element of this safety, health protection is the area requiring both responsible and efficient measures, as well as considerable financial means. One of the aspects of the governor’s activity within this area is preventing and eradicating human infections and infectious diseases. Within the local area competence, the governor may announce a sanitary epidemiological risk or an epidemic on the territory of the entire voivodeship or its part, introducing orders, prohibitions or obligations provided for in the laws in force.
Jedną z publicznych sfer działania wojewody jest przestrzeń bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego. Ochrona zdrowia, jako element tego bezpieczeństwa, jest tym obszarem, który wymaga zarówno odpowiedzialnych i skutecznych działań, jak i znacznych nakładów finansowych. Jednym z aspektów aktywności wojewody w przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego jest zapobieganie oraz zwalczanie zakażeń i chorób zakaźnych u ludzi. W granicach właściwości miejscowej wojewoda w tym zakresie może ogłosić stan zagrożenia epidemicznego lub stan epidemii na obszarze całego województwa bądź jego części, wprowadzając przy tym ustawowo określone nakazy, zakazy czy też obowiązki.
The causes of the great migratory movements are most often war conflicts, natural disasters and natural disasters, but the movement of people is also conducive to the development of infrastructure, including civil aviation and globalization - traveling for tourism, economic, seeking a place of better existence. The aim of the study is to characterize and assess the scale of the phenomenon of migration of the population and its eff ects on the health situation of Polish citizens. Currently, we don’t know much about the extent of transmission of diseases imported in Europe. Migration and imported infections are changing the distribution of infectious diseases in our region, the increase in the number of migrants and refugees is increasingly important for the epidemiology of infectious diseases. WHO experts emphasize that infectious diseases are primarily associated with poverty, exposure to infections and incomplete vaccination status. Currently, the increase in cases of measles, and hepatitis especially of type A and B is observed, while the low or almost negligible risk of disease concerns diseases transmitted by the vector, such as schistosomiasis, malaria, and leishmaniosis. It should be noted that in the case of many diseases, it is possible to prevent them by protective vaccinations and improve sanitary and living conditions.
Przyczynami wielkich ruchów migracyjnych najczęściej są konflikty wojenne i katastrofy naturalne. Jednak przemieszczaniu się ludzi sprzyja także rozwój infrastruktury, w tym lotnictwa cywilnego, oraz globalizacja – podróże w celach turystycznych, ekonomicznych lub w poszukiwaniu lepszego miejsca do życia. Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka i ocena skali zjawiska migracji ludności i jej skutków dla sytuacji zdrowotnej mieszkańców Polski. Obecnie niewiele wiadomo na temat zasięgu przenoszenia chorób importowanych w Europie. Migracja i przywożone infekcje zmieniają dystrybucję chorób zakaźnych w naszym regionie, a wzrost liczby migrantów i uchodźców ma coraz większe znaczenie dla epidemiologii chorób zakaźnych. Eksperci Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia podkreślają, że choroby zakaźne są związane przede wszystkim z ubóstwem, narażeniem na infekcje i niepełnym statusem szczepień. Obecnie odnotowuje się wzrost zachorowań na odrę i wirusowe zapalenie wątroby, zwłaszcza typu A i B; natomiast małe lub wręcz znikome ryzyko zachorowania dotyczy chorób przenoszonych przez wektor, jak np. schistosomatoza, malaria, leiszmanioza. Należy zaznaczyć, że w przypadku wielu chorób istnieje możliwość zapobiegania im poprzez szczepienia ochronne oraz poprawę warunków sanitarnych i bytowych.
The article deals with the occurence of whooping cough epidemics using the example of the parish of Detva in the 1860s. However, the problem is more complicated in that the disease appears in the church registers as a cough (tussis), not as a whooping cough (pertussis / tussis convulsiva). Therefore, it was repeatedly verified in the medical literature and sources of the time whenever these terms are correlated. I present how whooping cough is characterized, and how its epidemics manifested themselves in the past. Another part of the text is an analysis of register records, indicating cough, or whooping cough as the cause of death based on records of burials from the parish of Detva in today's central Slovakia. Victims who perished of a "cough" died in every year of the analyzed decade. That was also the main reason why I chose this period. My goal was to find out the basic demographic characteristics of the epidemics, such as the average age of the victims, the gender ratio and the proportion of deaths of cough victims to other deceased. Then I would calculate the crude death rate of whooping cough victims and analyzing the seasonality of epidemics. In addition, the research also follow the course of the infection in different parts of the parish, comparing the primary centre of the parish, i.e., the town of Detva, with the periphery of the region, which was made up of estates scattered in the hills.
Staphylococcus aureus jest czynnikiem wywołującym wiele chorób zakaźnych, takich jak infekcje skóry, bakteriemia, zapalenie wsierdzia, zapalenie płuc i zatrucia pokarmowe. Organizm ten był pierwotnie wiodącym patogenem szpitalnym, a następnie w środowisku społecznym pojawiły się odrębne epidemiologicznie klony.
Współczesne migracje stawiają przed każdym krajem - celem migrantów wiele wyzwań. Poza problemami politycznymi, społecznymi i ekonomicznymi, ważnym problemem wynikającym ze skali migracji jest kwestia zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa epidemiologicznego. Obecny kryzys migracyjny w krajach ‘starej UE’, a zwłaszcza w Niemczech, sprzyja rozprzestrzenianiu się chorób zakaźnych. Dostępne dane dla Niemiec pokazują istotny statystycznie wzrost zachorowalności na gruźlicę, syfilis, krztusiec, WZW B, a nawet na malarię. Wzrost liczby osób chorych stwarza realne zagrożenie epidemiologiczne dla ludności w Niemczech. Niekontrolowany ruch wewnątrz państw UE oraz wysoki poziom dostępności transportowej czyni to zagrożenie jeszcze bardziej poważnym.
Modern migrations pose many challenges for each country - the goal of migrants. In addition to political, social and economic problems, an important problem arising from the scale of migration is the issue of the threat of epidemiological security. The current migration crisis in the 'old EU' countries, especially in Germany, is conducive to the spread of infectious diseases. Available data for Germany show a statistically significant increase in the incidence of tuberculosis, syphilis, whooping cough, hepatitis B, and even malaria. The increase in the number of ill people poses a real epidemiological threat to the population in Germany. Uncontrolled traffic within EU countries and a high level of transport accessibility make this threat even more serious.
Content available Szczepienia ochronne dla pracowników
The objective of the article is to present the institution of employee vaccination and its current legal status. The considerations include examining vaccinations for employees from the perspective of their mandatory or voluntary nature and their consequences for the parties of the employment relationship. Employee vaccinations are related to such issues as the employer's obligation to protect the life and health of employees, the outcome of an employee's refusal to undergo preventive vaccinations, and responsibility for employee vaccinations. The investigated subject is crucial in the light of the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, causing the COVID-19 disease and the resulting possibility of vaccinating employees against this disease.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie instytucji szczepień ochronnych dla pracowników i omówienie obecnego stanu prawnego tej instytucji. Autorka analizuje szczepienia ochronne dla pracowników z perspektywy ich obowiązkowego bądź zalecanego charakteru oraz idące za taką kwalifikacją konsekwencje dla podmiotów stosunku pracy. Ze szczepieniami pracowniczymi wiążą się takie zagadnienia jak obowiązek pracodawcy ochrony życia i zdrowia pracowników, skutki odmowy pracownika poddania się szczepieniu ochronnemu, a także kwestia odpowiedzialności za szczepienia pracownicze, zwłaszcza rozstrzygnięcie, czy obciąży ona pracownika czy pracodawcę. Tematyka artykułu jest szczególnie istotna w świetle obecnej pandemii koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 powodującego chorobę COVID-19 oraz powstałą w związku z nią możliwością szczepienia pracowników przeciwko tej chorobie.
At the moment, the shortcomings in the system of responding to crises in the health sector lie in the imperfection of the response order and management mechanisms. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the legal regulation and reflection of public health emergencies in China, as exemplified by the case of 2019 coronavirus. The paper discusses the legal framework for the regulation of emergency situations in public health in China for the period from the end of 2019. The importance of preventing and controlling the epidemic is substantiated, and shortcomings in the work to combat the epidemic are analysed. Particular attention is paid to issues of informing the public and the rule of law in emergency situations in public health. The provisions of the legislation of the People’s Republic of China in public health emergencies were also examined. The paper is of practical importance not only for China, but for the entire world in the prevention and control of coronavirus.
Niedociągnięcia systemu reagowania na kryzysy w sektorze zdrowia tkwią w niedoskonałości kolejności reagowania i mechanizmów zarządzania. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie regulacji prawnych i odzwierciedlenie sytuacji kryzysowych w zakresie zdrowia publicznego w Chinach, na przykładzie epidemii koronawirusa z 2019 r. W artykule omówiono ramy prawne regulowania sytuacji nadzwyczajnych w zdrowiu publicznym w Chinach. Udokumentowano znaczenie zapobiegania i kontrolowania epidemii oraz przeanalizowano niedociągnięcia podczas zwalczania epidemii. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na kwestie informowania opinii publicznej i praworządności w sytuacjach nagłych zdarzeń odnoszących się do zdrowia publicznego. Przeanalizowano również przepisy Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej dotyczące sytuacji kryzysowych związanych ze zdrowiem publicznym. Artykuł ma praktyczne znaczenie w zapobieganiu i kontroli koronawirusa nie tylko dla Chin, ale dla całego świata.
Roman Franciszek Henryk Nitsch was born on September 5, 1873 in Podchybie. In 1899, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University. Until 1915, he worked as an assistant in the Department of Hygiene of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, cooperating with Prof. Odon Bujwid. In 1915 he was nominated as an associate professor of hygiene and bacteriology. In 1920, he was appointed full professor of bacteriology at the University of Warsaw. For the rest of his life, he was associated with the research center in Warsaw. He died on 29 March 1943. Roman Nitsch’s scientific activity, which mainly involved his research on vaccination against rabies, is a significant contribution to the development of Polish medical microbiology. The analysis of Roman Nitsch’s scientific achievements proves that he was a continuator of Ludwik Pasteur’s and Odon Bujwid’s - his predecessor and teacher - research thought, as well as the author of pioneering works that shed new light on the world of microbes, which was then only gradually being discovered.
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