The article examines the conceptual scope and the capacity of the right to privacy. The study analyses the conceptual scope of ways of formulating the right to privacy and its sources in the literature. In the light of this relationship: value – personal rights – right of the subject, the considerations center on proving the fundamental thesis of the article – that the right to family life is an independent value formulated within a framework of isolated personal rights. The considerations focus on the juxtaposition of the two rights – to privacy and to family life – to determine their mutual relationships and prove the thesis adopted at the beginning of the article.
Publiczne prawa podmiotowe należą do jednych z podstawowych pojęć prawnych. Pojawiają się na rożnych płaszczyznach badawczych, pełnią także różne role w prawie cywilnym, w prawie administracyjnym czy też w prawoznawstwie. Chociaż rozwijały się pod wpływem doktryny prawa cywilnego, obecnie są także istotną konstrukcją prawną w prawie administracyjnym i w prawie konstytucyjnym. Treścią praw podmiotowych jest możliwość żądania określonego zachowania się podmiotu, w takim znaczeniu będzie również żądanie pomiotu uprawnionego do określonego zachowania się przez państwo.
The concept of individual rights as one of fundamental concepts of jurisprudence has been developed from various points of view including different research platforms and contents. Even a casual contact with the concept of legal rights makes one certain that, in fact, there are different roles this fully conceptual category functions in jurispru¬dence, civil and administrative law. Because of this assumption it is necessary to focus attention on the issue of in¬dividual legal rights in the above mentioned divisions of law. Individual legal rights evolved under the doctrine of civil law and are now their fundamental assumption. They are currently the legal structure of both administrative and constitutional law what justi¬fies using the term ‘public’. The rights and freedoms as set out in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland are the fundamental public legal rights due to both their structure and content. One should not identify public individual rights with legal norms because public individual law results from the interpretation of legal norm as far as the individual is concerned. After establishing of such a law it is necessary to cover the area of social life with administrative law regulation. Public individual law involves a certain conduct by the entity administered. The manifestation of this law are not duties but rights of the entity administered.
The article aims to demonstrate, based on a synthetic analysis of key rulings of the ECHR, new trends in interpretation which modify or complement the prior systemic interpretation of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Celem badawczym jest wskazanie – na podstawie syntetycznej analizy kluczowych wyroków ETPC – nowych tendencji interpretacyjnych modyfikujących bądź uzupełniających dotychczasową systemową wykładnię prawa do wolności myśli, sumienia i religii.
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