Ground reaction measurement in landing gear laboratory tests is used in order to gain knowledge about loads transferred to the aircraft structure. Ground reaction level is defined during aircraft design phase and it is required not to exceed limit value in real construction. Load from landing affect directly strength of aircraft structure especially mounting points what translates both strength of aircraft structure especially mounting points what translates both on safety and weight of the final design. Meeting the safety requirements is crucial in aviation regulations conformity. Landing gear ground reactions evaluation is performed during laboratory tests in order to meet the compliance with the ground load requirements assumed in design phase. Proper test method is crucial to prove the actual load. One of the methods is landing gear dynamic drop test where landing forces are measured. Force measurement is made in several ways according to test stand construction and test object specifics. In this article, three methods are described due to author’s experience in landing gear tests. Proposed techniques cover two direct and one indirect force measurements. Direct approach is based on strain gauge measurement principle. One is a strain gauge plate fixed to the ground while the second one is based on strain gauges attached to landing gear mounting nodes. Indirect approach is based on the acceleration of the tested object, which by definition is correlated with the force applied to the structure. Obtained test results allow determining the kinetic energy absorbed by landing gear during drop test. In this article author also presented numerical integration of the time history data and compared them with simulation results in order to show equivalence of all three of the test methods and to prove correctness of the test initial conditions determination.
Autor przedstawia definicję częstotliwości i jej jednostkę oraz omawia cyfrowe, bezpośrednie i pośrednie pomiary częstotliwości przywołując dla nich wzory matematyczne.
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The fIow interrupter technique is an attractive method of respiratory mechanics measurement. Lack of reliable algorithms for processing of the data measured as well as a low level of the routine informativity schemes disqualify the method as a useful tool in clinical and diagnostic practice. The theoretical basis of the enhanced interrupter technique (EIT) prepared by the authors is a chance to change the role of the technique in the set of available measurement methods. In the report, computer investigations showing an advantage of EIT over the most popular methods of the postocclusional data analysis, characterised in literature, are presented. Beside the evidence of an improvement of the basic algorithm informativity, also an increased accuracy of the results in the simulation experiment organised by the authors has been shown.
Podstawą efektywnej gospodarki energetycznej w budynku są wiarygodne dane pomiarowe, które można wykorzystać do stworzenia praktycznych miar określających wydajność energetyczną. Archiwizowane pomiary parametrów energetycznych pozwalają na stworzenie raportów i trendów, które następnie po analizie umożliwiają znalezienie wszystkich elementów mających wpływ na chwilową charakterystykę energetyczną budynku. Pomiary zużycia energii mogą być wykonywane na kilka sposobów: bezpośrednio mierząc aktualnie pobieraną energię, porównawczo (np. ze stworzonymi wcześniej profilami zużycia energii) lub pośrednio wykorzystując informacje umożliwiające wyliczenie lub oszacowanie aktualnie pobieranej energii na podstawie danych o urządzeniach ją pobierających i informacji z innych systemów technologicznych lub z systemu automatyki budynku (BMS). W artykule przedstawiono pośrednie metody pomiaru zużycia energii elektrycznej dla celów oświetleniowych, zasilania sprzętu biurowego i komputerowego, infrastruktury informatycznej oraz podgrzewania ciepłej wody użytkowej. Pokazane zostało wykorzystanie informacji (sygnałów) pochodzących z systemu automatyki budynku takich jak informacja o obecności, informacja o załączeniu i wyłączeniu poszczególnych urządzeń dla wyliczenia pobranej przez poszczególne podsystemy energii elektrycznej.
Reliable measurement data that can be used to create practical measures defining energy efficiency is the basis for efficient energy management in building. Archived measurements of energy parameters allow to create reports and trends, which then enables the analysis of all elements which influence the energy performance of the building. Measurements of power consumption can be performed in several ways: directly measuring the currently available energy, comparatively (eg. with earlier created profiles of energy consumption), or indirectly calculating or estimating the current power consumption using the devices specifications and information from building technological systems or building management system (BMS). The article presents the indirect method of measuring electricity consumption for lighting, office and computer equipment, IT infrastructure and hot water preparation (DHW). It shows the use of information (signals) coming from the building management system, such as information about the presence, information about individual devices switching on and off for calculation of current power consumption by the various subsystems of electricity.
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