Attractiveness of Lviv as an urban tourist destination has grown over recent decades. The increase in numbers of visits and visitors to this city inevitably makes an important impact on local economy, cultural developments, community life, etc., and consequently gives rise to certain sustainability issues. In order to assure a long-term planning and effective management of the city’s tourism assets it is essential to run monitoring programs aimed at spotting problem areas and determining needs for changes in local tourism development. This paper aims at using indicators of sustainability of Lviv urban destination as a central instrument for improved planning and management of tourism business in the city. The research methods combine SWOT analysis and a survey carried out in 2016 in a joint effort of the authors, students of Lviv Ivan Franko National University majoring in Tourism and the City Institute commissioned by Department of Tourism of Lviv City Council. As the results of SWOT analysis suggest, main strengths of Lviv urban destination include: a) an abundance of cultural, architectural, historical and religious attractions; b) a big number of cultural and touristic events and festivals regularly held in the city; b) an increasing amount of educational offerings to people who want to get qualifications in tourism-related fields, as well as numerous opportunities for professional improvement of tourism industry workers. The opportunities mainly consist in: a) favorable conditions for the growth of businesses involved in tourism service; b) increasing income to the city budget generated by tourism industry; c) sociocultural benefits available to the local community such as a growing number of art objects, cultural venues and other assets that can be used and enjoyed by the local residents, as well as improved accessibility of various city facilities for the disabled. Among the major weaknesses and threats are a) lack of a strategy for the development of tourism industry in the framework of the overall Strategy of the city competitiveness; b) uncontrolled construction works in the historical part of town, excess of cars and traffic congestions, limited space for tourists; c) runaway of local inhabitants from the historical part of the city; d) the increased use of resources, infrastructure overload, and the problem of wastes disposal. After processing all the data collected in the study, we were able to determine the key indicators of the destination sustainability, namely tourist attractiveness of the city and tourist satisfaction with the destination. The former indicator is built upon the following sub-indicators: the presence of cultural, historical and religious sites, cultural events and entertainment, hospitality of the local population, general atmosphere and beauty of the city. The latter indicator includes information about tourist evaluation of the quality of such tourism services as accommodation, food and catering, tourist information, transportation as well as factors like availability and prices for public commodities and services, transport connections with other cities, condition of roads, security issues, etc. As a result of indicator analysis, indexes of Lviv attractiveness as an urban tourist destination and tourist satisfaction with local tourism services were calculated.
Wiele problemów, z jakimi borykały się miasta w XX w. wymusiło konieczność poszukiwania nowych koncepcji rozwoju miast, kształtowanych w duchu idei rozwoju zrównoważonego. Wiek XXI jest czasem ich wdrażania. Nadrzędnym celem rozwoju współczesnych miast powinna być wysoka jakość życia mieszkańców, osiągana przez politykę równoważenia aspektów ekonomicznych, społecznych i środowiskowych. Na drodze osiągnięcia tego celu stoi wiele barier i przeciwności [Kistowski 2003], zwłaszcza w Polsce, w sytuacji permanentnego niedoboru środków finansowych w budżetach miast.
The overriding goal of development contemporary cities should be high quality of life, which is achieved through a policy of sustainability the environmental, social and economic aspects. The present article attempts to assess the degree of sustainability of the development of Wrocław in these aspects. Different levels of environmental, social and economic indicators of development of Wroclaw, shows a lack to obtain an adequate level of balance in the functioning of the city. The best situation occurs in the aspect of economic, ecological sphere needs to be improved, while the most unfavorable changes relate to the social dimension. The social aspect requires the largest commitment by the authorities to improve an existing situation, in order to prevent the deteriorating of residential conditions and counteracting a decrease of quality of life in Wrocław.
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Współczesne badania nad problematyką rozwoju są w dużej mierze zdominowane przez dwie koncepcje: rozwoju społecznego (human development) oraz rozwoju trwałego (sustainable development), przy czym często poszczególni autorzy koncentrują się wyłącznie na jednym zagadnieniu. Zwraca się jednak uwagę, że obie te koncepcje są wzajemnie powiązane na kilka różnych sposobów. Trwałość jest uwarunkowana poziomem osiągniętego rozwoju społecznego oraz jednocześnie brak trwałości w postaci nadmiernej degradacji środowiska może być barierą w rozwoju społecznym. Celem niniejszego opracowanie jest integracja obu koncepcji, jak również ocena rozwoju poszczególnych krajów poprzez zestawienie wskaźnika rozwoju społecznego z wybranymi wskaźnikami trwałości: skorygowanych oszczędności netto oraz śladu ekologicznego.
The concept of sustainable development is currently one of the main concepts of the long-term strategy of economic and social growth. It is understood as the need to preserve three types of capital, i.e., man-made, human and natural, treated as production factors forming the basis of human well-being for future generations (in accordance with the principle of intergenerational equity). At the same time, many authors point out that the concepts of well-being, quality of life and social justice need to be revised. One of the most important modern proposals is A. Sen’s concept of human development. The purpose of this paper is to integrate these two concepts and to assess the sustainability of the achieved level of development of selected countries based on the indicators of Human Development Index (HDI), Adjusted Net Savings and Ecological Footprint.
Sustainable development assumes achieving different goals in different areas – economical, ecological and social proportionally. The general aim is to achieve better quality of life for present and future generation. One of the areas that is great potential of achieving sustainability is transport. Through monitoring indicators of sustainable transport the European Union give feedback about the progress towards sustainable development. The article covers analysis of changes in chosen sustainable transport indicators. The overall picture in analyzed years is rather unfavourable, however there are areas, where positive changes can be seen. Those indicators are: energy consumption of transport relative to GDP, greenhouse gas emissions from transport and people killed in road accidents.
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