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The studies covered the branches: sugar industry, fruit-and-vegetable processing and potato processing plants. The analyses of water consumption and quantities of wastewater formed in 24 production plants were performed in the paper. A comparison of water and wastewater management in three branches showed that the highest water consumption is in fruit-and-vegetable processing. The data collected in the paper indicates the drop of water consumption in potato as well as fruit-and-vegetable industry. The values obtained for sugar industry indicate that it is the least diversified branch.
Content available Ocena zdolności technologicznych kraju
Poprawa zdolności technologicznych pozwala żyć obywatelom danego kraju prościej i bardziej efektywnie. Głównym celem pracy jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób obecnie podchodzi się do mierzenia zdolności technologicznych kraju. Z uwagi na tematykę niniejszej pracy skoncentrowano się na wskaźnikach dotyczących gospodarki jako całości. Dlatego też w pracy omawiane są wskaźniki poziomu zdolności technologicznych kraju, które stanowią na ogół miary możliwości w zakresie uczenia się i absorpcji wiedzy. Część tych wskaźników na poziomie makro stanowi tak zwane miary pośrednie danego zjawiska, gdyż w sytuacji oceny na przykład jakości kapitału ludz-kiego na poziomie gospodarki występują problemy z uzyskaniem właściwych danych do pomiaru za pomocą wskaźników bezpośrednich. Są to więc miary uproszczone, które mogą nie oddzielać wpływu jednych zmiennych od drugich na kształtowanie się końcowego wyniku i ulegać wpływowi różnych sił zewnętrznych, jak przy wykorzystywaniu produktu narodowego czy produktu krajowego per capita do określenia zmian w poziomie produktywności uczenia się kraju. Niemniej jednak prezentowane wskaźniki w podziale na wyróżnione kategorie, w tym technologię informa-cyjną, należą do często stosowanych mierników poziomu zdolności technologicznych kraju przez uznanych badaczy tej dziedziny.
Improvement of technological capabilities allows citizens of a given country to live easier and more efficiently. The aim of this paper is to present the current approaches to measure country’s technological capabilities. For this reason, this work focused on analysis of indicators for the economy as a whole. Therefore, in this work are discussed indicators determining the level of country’s technological capabilities, which are usually measures of the capacity to learn and absorb knowledge. Some of these indicators at the macro level are indirect measures of a given phenomenon because when estimating for example human capital quality at the level of the economy, there are problems with obtaining relevant data to measure by direct indicators. There are thus the simplified indices that can not separate the impact of some variables from others variables on the final outcome and be influenced by a variety of external forces as in the case of using national product and gross domestic product per capita to determine changes in the level of country’s learning productivity. However, the indicators presented in the division over the studied categories in this work, including information technology, are often applied to evaluate technological capabilities by famous researchers in the field.
Artykuł ocenia aktualne trendy i wskaźniki charakteryzujące społeczeństwo informacyjne. Odniesione to zostało do wyników badań empirycznych uzyskanych drogą sondażu diagnostycznego przeprowadzonego na studentach pedagogiki.
This thesis evaluated the current trends and indicators characterizing Information Society. It was referred to the results of empirical studies that have been obtained through diagnostic survey conducted on the students of pedagogy.
There are main criteria and components of education quality, the system of control of the quality of providing educational services on different levels: student – teacher – university represented in the article. The main provisions of carrying out quality assurance due to the nowadays dimensions by higher educational institutions are revealed.
Business survey analysis is the group of essential methods of systematic monitoring and analysing the state of the economy or its branches. One of their main objectives is anticipating the short and long term future changes in the economy. This paper shortly describes the methodology of testing business activity of freight road transport in Poland. Such testing has been conducted quarterly at the Motor Transport Institute in Warsaw for almost 16 years now. The article also contains evaluation of the economic condition of the selected transport companies, conducting domestic and international haulage of goods.
The author of the article presents the image of the Macedonian transformation dynamics according to the analysis of selected reports published annually by influential international research institutes, organizations and opinion‑forming media, which evaluate the political, economic and social situation in various countries of the world in the 2000s. The paper introduces the preliminary results of a research project involving critical analysis of reports on the situation in Macedonia and particular public policies of the Republic, which are included in publicly available and are cited – by politicians, the media, public opinion – international reports, which use the indicators commonly applied in the world. The main areas of analysis are: the degree of the competitiveness, economic freedom and rule of law on the market and the state; the level of the democracy, political rights and civil liberties; the degree of the equality and welfare of the society and – finally – the status in the security area, i.e. the main indicators of the peace and stabilization of the Republic of Macedonia.
A regional development is activating the sector of small and medium enterprises and local and is developing new initiatives supporting relieving the unemployment in the total economy and individual regions. In the market economy whereas formed this sector is performing the complementary function towards large firms and the public sector as well as constitutes the back cooperative and assisting functioning of large corporations. They think that small and medium-sized enterprises can gain an advantage above large entities, peculiarly in situations of the quickness to respond to the changing environment, of opening for exploiting the innovation, simple entering the corporate negotiations, enterprising using chances of different type and market chances, fast flows of information. Presenting a MSP character sketch is a purpose of this study wedlug Accounting Act being in force, structure of areas of activity and the evaluation of chosen results finasowychi with determining their impact on development
In modern scientific-educational surroundings the effective educational technologies are inseparable from open educational resources, electronic learning devices and distance learning technologies. One of such forms of education is distance learning, in which the transfer of information is carried out remotely by technical means of communication. The problem of implementation of the distance learning is thoroughly described in foreign and Ukrainian didactic literature (articles, thesis researches, monographs, etc.), but the problem of individual approach to distance learning is not presented. The goal of this research is to analyze the tactical ways of implementing individual learning approach to distance course in higher education. The author uses theoretical methods of research (such as analysis and comparison) and empirical ones (such as observation). The article reveals the essence of the concept of "distance education", "distance learning", "individual approach to students’ learning". It is also determined the basis of distance learning, established its advantages and disadvantages. The special attention is paid to individual selection of didactic material of the distance course according to the abilities of the student’s personality. The basic factors of design and development of didactic materials are described; the concept of individual personality traits is suggested that form a subsystem of intellectual sphere and subsystem of interpersonal relationships. An important advantage of this approach is psychological safety and comfort of the learning environment (prevention of complexes, fears, helplessness, etc.) that becomes another factor of studying optimization. The mentioned above approach to distance course as a result promotes the development of the individual personality, which can be called a “student-centered learning”. The article’s material makes it possible to take into account the individual learning approach to distance studying, which will promote the high quality of learning, and become the basis for self-improvement and cognitive development of the individual.
Based on the analysis of the scientific literature the author reveals the essence of monitoring the quality of education, the functions of education quality monitoring, the principles for monitoring structures; clarifies the distinction between monitoring and control. It is found that the objects of monitoring can be as separate sub-systems of education, and the various aspects and processes occurring in these systems. It should be noted that monitoring generates information system, which is constantly updated and indicates the continuity of monitoring includes measurement technology of the existing state of the object. It is noted that monitoring is very similar to the control, but monitoring requires compliance with the maximum objectivity and reliability of the information obtained, therefore, is carried out by special technology independent (external) researchers, in contrast to the control. It is determined that the monitoring study in the sphere of education is held for the purpose, depending on the object of assessment, the level of study and level of generalization of the results. The main objects of monitoring in education are clarified. The advantages of external monitoring of the quality of education and internal are detected. They are manifested in the quality and status of the information received. External monitoring provides: standard information; high accuracy and reliability of information; the basis of the state and departmental statistical reporting; information basis for analysis and for the formulation of educational policy at all levels; the possibility of generalization and comparison at any level of educational management; the predictability of conclusions and recommendations; recognition of the results at the state and interstate levels; transparency of the results of educational activity; openness of the education system of the country in which created a national system for monitoring performance of the education sector. External evaluation is carried out by the independent experts (foreign, third parties or instrumentalities that are not interested in the results).
Among the main principles of implementing pedagogical conditions of formation of personal and professional skills of the future music teachers at the vocal training ckasses in higher school we singled out the following: the principle of physical self-improvement of students; the principle of social and civic orientation of professional activities of students of Art departments; the principle of improving performance skills during concerts and theatrical activities; the principle of cultural and aesthetic approach to training. The next step of our research is oriented at the study of criteria and levels of personal and professional development of future music teachers in the process of vocal studies at the university. Problems of professional and personal development of teachers of artistic disciplines have been revealed in the works of V. Orlov, A. Pietielin, Yu. Sverliuk et al . Despite the theoretical results obtained in these studies remains unexplored in theoretical terms, and at the same time, exacerbates the practical need for solving the problem of formation of personal and professional qualities of the future teacher of vocal music in the process of teaching. The purpose of the article isto outline and substantiate the criteria and levels of formation of personal and professional qualitiesofthefutureteachersofmusicinvocaltraining. The article considers the properties inherent in the student’s age, which influence the development of the conditions for the formation of personal and professional qualities of the future specialist. In view of these features, three groups of criteria have been singled out (criteria reflecting changes in the physical state of students which are directly related to the quality of singing, criteria reflecting the students’ conscious desire to participate in sponsorship and charitable activities, criteria reflecting activity in training and participation in festivals and professional competitions), and determined the levels of becoming of personal-professionalqualities. Continuing formation after Stanislavsky exploring the field of actoe’s perception, in which to the paramount importance belongs to consistency, balance of internal and external manifestations of mood, defined in this study as congruence, M. Chekhov draws attention to the so-called “sixth sense of the actor”– a sense of partner, which he defines as “the ability to be ready ... to open” towards his/her partners. The quality of congruence indicates how sincere is the person in the expression of his/her emotions, how the ability of displaying affection is developed. To identifying the components of congruence, important were data received as a result of peer review methodology of nonverbal communication of A. Kuznetsova.
One of the important objectives of quality education of physical training teacher is to develop their readiness for implementation of the variant modules of physical training curriculum for students of 5–11 forms in the process of professional activity. Primarily, this is due to the existence of a quite clear relationship between the state of pupils’ health, potential to improve schoolchildren’s physical ability, their versatile physical training and level of readiness of physical education teachers for the implementation of a new content, forms and methods of physical education in modern school. This dependence is determined by the quality of professional training of the future physical education teachers, which is a significant factor in preventing negative impacts of pedagogical process. At the same time in the research literature there are no criteria and indicators, against which the effectiveness of readiness formation of the future physical training teachers to implement variant modules in the professional activity can be judged. The aim of the article is to determine the criteria and indicators of structural components of future physical training teachers’ readiness to implement variant modules in the professional activity. Based on the papers of researchers who have studied various aspects of physical training teacher’s professional readiness we concluded that the willingness of the future physical training teachers to implement variant modules in the professional activity will be successful if this model has the following structural components: motivational, theoretical, motional and design. According to each component of readiness structure of the future physical training teachers to implement variant modules in the professional activity we have formulated criteria and have defined levels: high, low and sufficient. We have described indicators, which correspond to levels. Prospects for further research can be experimental verification of efficiency of readiness formation of the future physical training teachers to implement variant modules in the professional activity.
Od lat koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju jest jednym z głównych celów w opracowywanych dokumentach strategicznych. Pojawienie się koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju w nauce oraz strategiach rozwoju państw oraz lokalnych i regionalnych jednostek terytorialnych wywołało konieczność opracowania metod jego pomiaru oraz budowy baz danych, które zgromadzą informacje niezbędne do prowadzenia skutecznej polityki i monitoringu. Cele rozwojowe formułowane w dokumentach strategicznych są określane najczęściej przez identyfikację wyrażonych w sposób mierzalny czynników kluczowych, które analizowane są w sferze: gospodarczej, społecznej, środowiskowej, instytucjonalnej i przestrzennej. W artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia z budowy Modułu Wskaźników Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (MWZR) na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym funkcjonującym przy Banku Danych Lokalnych (BDL) GUS oraz wskazano możliwości rozwoju produktu zgodnie z zasadą od problemu do jego rozwiązania, co można opisać sekwencją: presja – stan – reakcja (ang. Pressure – State – Response).
For years, sustainable development has remained one of the leading objectives in strategic documents. The emergence of the concept of sustainable development in science and in the development strategies of countries, as well as local and regional territorial units, has resulted in the need for developing methods of its measurement and the construction of databases which could collect information indispensable for conducting effective policies and monitoring. The development oriented goals presented in strategic documents are most often defined by the identification of key factors, expressed in a measurable way, which are analyzed in economic, social, environmental, institutional, and spatial terms. The paper discusses experiences gained in the construction process of the Module of Sustainable Development Indicators at local and regional levels, being part of the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office. The author also presents product development possibilities in accordance with the principle: 'from problem to solution', which can be described by the sequence: Pressure – State – Response.
tom 4(88)
Założenia koncepcji trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju są wdrażane do różnych działów gospodarki, w tym do leśnictwa. Celem zrównoważonej gospodarki leśnej jest utrzymanie żywotności i potencjału produkcyjnego lasów w długim czasie, zachowanie ich bioróżnorodności oraz wszystkich funkcji pełnionych przez lasy, tj. : gospodarczych, ekologicznych i społecznych. Jednak konieczne jest monitowanie, czy przyjęte cele są osiągane, a zasady – przestrzegane. W związku z tym, stosuje się różne metody oceny zrównoważenia, najczęściej zestawy mierników. Celem artykułu jest analiza wybranych, powszechnie stosowanych systemów wskaźników oraz próba oceny stopnia zrównoważenia polskiego leśnictwa i zmian zachodzących w gospodarce leśnej.
The principles of sustainable development are implemented in many sectors of the economy, including forestry. The main aim of sustainable forest management (SFM) is to preserve the vitality of forests and their productive potential in the long term, maintain their biodiversity and all the functions: ecological, economic, and social ones. It is crucial to the process of sustainability that the assumed goals are achieved and that the principles are respected. In SFM, various methods of assessment are used, usually based on a system of indicators. The aim of the paper is to analyse selected, commonly used indicators and to estimate the level of sustainability in the Polish forestry and its changes in time.
W artykule poruszono problematykę pomiaru stopnia innowacyjności gospodarki. W pierwszej i drugiej części zarysowano okoliczności i przesłanki zastosowania pewnych koncepcji do dokonania takiego pomiaru oraz przedstawiono podstawowe wskaźniki oparte na pomiarze działalności B+R i jej efektach oraz bezpośrednie wskaźniki innowacji. W trzeciej części naszkicowano perspektywę oceny tych wskaźników i jej kryteria, w czwartej i piątej zaś miary te poddano analizie z punktu widzenia ich adekwatności do porównania stopnia innowacyjności gospodarek. Szczególnie skoncentrowano się na ograniczonej przydatności wskaźników pośrednich do oceny innowacyjności krajów rozwijających się.
The article deals with the issues related to measuring the innovativeness of an economy. Parts one and two outline the contexts and premises behind the application of certain approaches to such measurement and present crucial indicators based on the measurement of R&D activity and its effects as well as direct indicators of innovation. Part three sketches the perspective and criteria for the evaluation of these coefficients; parts four and five analyse these measures from pointing terms of their applicability to comparisons of innovativeness of economies. The discussion thereafter focuses on the limited usefulness of indirect indicators to the estimation of innovativeness of developing countries.
The author specifies that during the process of reform realization in the sphere of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine there appeared a challenge connected with a necessity to increase the efficiency of future primary school teachers’ professional preparation, their ability to take care of a child, pay attention to him and assist to development of his personality. The author characterized criteria levels and indicators of formation of future teachers’ readiness to health forming activities at primary school. As indicators of motivational criteria the author considers: positive motivation to implementation of health forming activities at primary schools; desire and focus to work in educational sphere; belief in the importance of the chosen profession as a primary school teacher; the need to apply their knowledge and skills in health forming activity with younger students. The author classifies as a cognitive performance criterion: consistency, strength and depth of knowledge of children’s anatomy and physiology with the basics of genetics, bases of valeology, life safety and methods of teaching the basics of health; quality professional terminology. As the indicators of procedural criteria author considers to be: the level of professionally oriented skills for the organization of health forming activities at primary school. Indicators of personal criteria, according to the author are: the level of communication skills; the level of empathy; the level of commitment to self-development of primary school teachers. It is stated in the article that the results of constanting phase of pedagogical experiment, conducted by the author, became the basis for the identification and study of theoretical pedagogical conditions of formation future teachers’ readiness to health forming activities at primary school, which include: specification of the content of training future teachers of specific care to health forming activities at primary schools; the use of innovative educational technologies in the subject-subject interaction between the teacher and students; development of creative potential of primary school teachers in the process of research and practices
Content available remote Ocena ekonomiczna procesów w systemie zarządzania jakością
tom Nr 45
W artykule przedstawiono jedną z metod doskonalenia zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, jaką jest efektywnie funkcjonujący system zarządzania jakością. Sprawny system zarządzania jest ukierunkowany na określone cele przedsiębiorstwa. Ma on się przyczyniać do ogólnej poprawy jego działania, a przede wszystkim do poprawy sytuacji finansowej. W tekście omówiono przykłady zastosowania wskaźników ekonomicznych do oceny funkcjonowania procesów w systemie zarządzania jakością.
The paper presents one of the methods of company's management improvement. The method presented is implementation and effective functioning of quality management system. The management system of the company is focused on predefined goals. It is supposed to improve company's actions and financial situation. The paper shows examples of economic indicators application to assessment of processes performed by quality management system.
In the article are disclosed the essential characteristics of selected criteria, indicators and parameters of formation of students of vocational and technical educational schools readiness for professional and career improvement. Today in the native and world pedagogy the problem of formation of readiness for professional and career improvement has been actualized, which determines successful realization of professional career of the personality and success of the state in general. The problem of development assessment criteria of student achievements is very important and in its development were engaged and are engaged such leading national and foreign scientists: J. Babansky, V. Bezpalko, V. Lozova V. Polyansky, D. Rumyantseva, V. Slastyonin, M. Fitsula, M. Yarmachenko and others. Competence approach to vocational training considers the fact that the subject of evaluation should not be a simple sum of knowledge, skills and experience of the student, but formed competence, i.e. general and professional knowledge, based on knowledge, experience, values, abilities that are «direct productive force». The developed technique involves the formation of knowledge and skills that ensure readiness for professional and career self-improvement, and are combined to seven clusters corresponding to the selected components of readiness: motivational, targeted, self-reflection, action-operating (which contains components of self-improvement, design, research), value-evaluative. Based on the analysis of scientific views about the readiness of students of vocational-technical schools for professional and career self-improvement and results of our research we have identified the following criteria for its formation: target, semantic, operational and activity, estimated-resulted. The author while analyzing of scientific research and publications argues that the test of mastering educational units by students requires informed choice of evaluation criteria agreed with features of the used methodology. There are characterized bases of a technique of readiness formation for further professional and career self-improvement, which is the author's working, explains the choice of the described criteria, indicators, parameters and techniques testing various aspects of readiness.
The purpose of the article was to determine the characteristics of the components of content, criteria, indicators and levels of health-preservingcompetence of the future social pedagogues and social workers. It is argued that insufficient health of social pedagogues and social workers makes it impossible for their professional development, full realization of the potential and professional growth. In the article the essence of key concepts is clarified; based on the theoretical positions of the analyzed studies the components, criteria and indicators of health-preserving competence of the future social pedagogues and social workers are highlighted. Thus, the structure of health-preserving competence of the future social pedagogues and social workers includes interaction of motivational, information, technology and reflective components. To assess the level of development of the health-preserving competence of the future social pedagogues and social workers for the motivational component the orienting-evaluative criterion was elected; for the information component – cognitive-valeological criterion was selected, for the technology component – criterion of organizational activity was selected, and for the reflexive component was elected control-evaluation criterion. On the basis of the components, criteria and indicators, the levels of formation of the health-preserving competence of the future social pedagogues and social workers during training, namely: high, medium, low, were identified. Results of the study aimed at determining the initial level of formation of health-preserving competence of the future social pedagogues and social workers showed that the students lack initiative in teaching, they are insufficiently informed and poorly oriented to the implementation of the health-preserving technologies; they are not interested in the improvement, preserving and promoting health. Prospects for further research are seen in the definition of educational environment which will be effective for forming health-preserving competence of the future social pedagogues and social workers during training.
The structural components of cultural readiness of future specialists in agriculture are proved in the article and corresponding criterions and formation levels of these components are proposed.
W artykule zostały przedstawione strukturalne komponenty kultury przyszłych specjalistów w rolnictwie. Zaproponowano równieŜ odpowiedni zestaw kryteriów i stworzenie poziomów tychŜe komponentów.
The article is devoted to the monitoring component of multicomponent system of scientific-methodological supply of professional-pedagogical culture formation of the future physical training and sport specialist in the process of professional training, which is a complex structured technology that includes conditions, objects, criteria, indicators, methods of diagnostics, and stages of monitoring. It has been offered to use category “professional suitability”, which is understood as dynamic, relatively stable, optimal level of combining biologically and socially preconditioned premise of a personality, which are necessary for successful professional activity in physical culture and sport sphere as the initial characteristic in formation of professional-pedagogical culture of the future physical training and sport specialist. Content of professional suitability of physical training and sport specialist comprises professional-pedagogical direction of a person, mental, physical (general and special physical) suitability, individual-psychological peculiarities of a personality. We have singled out professionally preconditioned peculiarities of professional suitability of the future specialist which take into consideration important qualities of a specialist. It has been shown, that on the basis of professional suitability of a student in the process of education competence (knowledge in the broad sense) is forming, in the process of professional activity in higher educational establishment and after higher school stage “professionalism” (skills in broad sense) and “professional skills” are forming as phenomena of high level of professional-pedagogical culture of physical training and sport specialist. On the basis of consideration of peculiarities and interdependence of components of professional-pedagogical culture of physical training and sport specialist we have developed the complex of criteria, indexes and methods of diagnostics for measuring levels of formation of studied personal phenomenon. We have proposed value motivational, gnostic-cognitive, activity procedural, creative criteria which act as characteristics of measurement, number measuring of which are indicators. Represented criteria and indicators give opportunity to realize monitoring of professional-pedagogical culture formation of the future physical training and sport specialist in the context of professional training of higher educational establishment which is understood as methodological apparatus of diagnostics which contains valid, reliable methods which serve as the basis for identification of quantity and quality characteristics of studied phenomenon.
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