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W artykule podano wstępne wartości niektórych współczynników korygujących wartość wyjściową działek gruntowych, określoną w podejściu mieszanym przy zastosowaniu wskaźników szacunkowych, obejmujące: stopień ciężkości gleby, stopień kultury gleby, stosunki wodne i zagrożenie erozją (k1 do k4), niekorzystne warunki agroklimatyczne (k5) oraz sąsiedztwo lasów (k6). Współczynniki korekcyjne do wzoru na wartość gruntów ornych (W/go) zależą od klasy bonitacyjnej (określone parametry standardowe) i wynoszą dla poszczególnych cech gleb w granicach od -0,10 na 1 stopień zagrożenia erozyjnego do 0,05 na 1 stopień ciężkości, kultury gleby, czy na 1 grupę kategorii warunków wodnych. Dla agroklimatu wynoszą one w zależności od uprawianych roślin od -0,18 do 0, a dla różnych warunków sąsiedztwa lasów z gruntami ornymi od -0,30 do 0,07. Podstawowe dane o cechach przyrodniczo-rolniczych gruntów ornych, obok wywiadów i autopsji w terenie, uzyskujemy w szczególności z map glebowo-rolniczych i towarzyszących im aneksów.
The paper presents preliminary values of some coefficients correcting the basic value of ground plots, established by the mixed approach method with the use of valuation indices comprising: degree of soil compactness, degree of soil culture, water conditions and erosion hazard (k1 to k4), unfavourable agroclimatic conditions (k5) and neighbourhood of woods (k6). The corrective coefficients to the formula of the arable land value (W/go) depend on soil classes (and attached to them standard parameters) and they range, for various soil features, from -0,10 per one degree of erosion hazard to 0,05 per one degree of soil compactness, soil culture, or per one group of water conditions categories. For the agroclimate they range depending on the type of plants, from -0,18 to 0, and for various conditions of forest neighbourhood with arable lands from -0,30 to 0,07. Basic data concerning natural - agricultural features of arcable lands, except for reviews and land investigations, can be obtained mainly from soil - agricultural complexes maps supplemented by annexes.
The paper deals with selected subjects in the European EUREKA "Baltecologicalship" 'E!2772 project. Within the project, preliminary designs offour feeder (short shipping) ships have been developed based on the market trend research, design knowledge and experimental investigations. The following tasks were to be performed for one of the ships: defi ning optimum building conditions (timescale, production technologies, ecological aspect), selecting shipyards meeting the minimum production capacity requirement. For that purpose an index method was developed (based on the design and production indices). Then an index analysis was performed of the production capacities of selected shipyards (and also different configurations of cooperation between them) and results were presented in a form of the Gantt diagrams. Final conclusions were drawn.
Content available remote Calculation models for acoustic analysis of sacral objects
Application of the technique of singular value decomposition (SVD) for analysis of acoustic properties of sacral objects has been presented in the paper. Previous researches by means of the SVD technique were related to the simplified calculation model basing on a three-index observation matrix. The next stage of researches presented in the paper is an attempt of decomposition of the observation matrix containing five partial indices of the index acoustic assessment of sacral objects. The matrices obtained through the SVD decomposition have been used for calculation of weights of partial indices applied for the global assessment of acoustic quality of the sanctuaries. The comparison of acoustic assessments of the sanctuaries by the global indices containing traditional weights and the weights obtained by means of the SVD technique has been performed.
Content available remote Index method of the acoustic quality assessment of sacral buildings
Regardless of numerous references concerning investigations and creation of acoustic conditions in sacral buildings, there is a lack of a uniform, specific methods which allow to assess the acoustic quality of such interiors. The new index method of assessing acoustic properties of sacral buildings by means of a single number – the global index of an acoustic quality – is presented in the paper. The global index is a function of several partial indices. The method of the calculation of the global index as well as of five partial indices, namely: the reverberation index, the intelligibility of speech index, the uniformity of loudness index, the external disturbance index and the music sound quality index are given. The proposed scale of the tentative assessment of the acoustic quality of interiors of sacral building on the bases of the global index is shown. The index method was applied to four selected roman-catholic churches.
Content available remote Global index of the acoustic quality of sacral buildings at incomplete information
The global assessment of acoustic quality of sacral building was, up to the present, performed when the full information about the object - determined by partial indices calculated from the measurements of acoustic parameters - was known. The formula for calculating the global index of acoustic quality at incomplete information by means of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is given in the paper. Having only one of the indices - the reverberation index - it is possible to approximately assess the acoustic quality of the church. Application of the SVD method required certain modifications of the previously proposed index method. The technique of decomposition into singular values enabled the transformation of initial variables being in the form of correlated indices - into mutually orthogonal new variables. The decomposition versus singular values was done on the previously built empirical model of the index observation matrix of sacral objects. Due to this operation the weight values, which were applied in the global assessment of acoustic quality of sacral objects, were obtained. The approximate theoretical models containing information on interdependency of partial indices - were developed. The developed formula for the global assessment of acoustic quality - at incomplete information on the sacral object - was applied for comparing acoustic qualities of ten churches.
The paper presents an innovative approach for the index assessment of the acous- tic properties of churches. A new formula for an approximate single number index to assess selected acoustic parameters of church interiors, such as reverberation time (RT), speech intelligibility index (RASTI) and music clarity index (C80), is presented in the paper. The formula is created by means of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method. An innovative approach for calculating the weights of partial in- dices is shown by solving the problem of redundant information, i.e., the system of overdetermined linear equations, using a computed pseudoinverse matrix. The new procedures for calculating the values of three partial indices and the single number index to assess selected acoustic parameters are presented. The proposed method was verified by measurements in several selected churches.
A new approach to acoustic quality assessment of churches during simulation tests is proposed in the article. The numerical global index, based on four partial indices: reverberation, speech intelligibility, music sound index and a proposed new one – sound strength index, assesses the acoustic parameters of the model of the tested church in a complex manner. The global single number index was obtained from 17 simulations of acoustic adaptation options of the investigated church’s interior. The equation of the approximate global index has been obtained by means of singular vectors, obtained from Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Index Observation Matrix of Simulation Variants (IOMSV). The weights of four partial indices and a universal equation of the global index have been calculated using the SVD technique to solve the problem of correlated acoustical parameters. The global index may be a helpful tool during simulation tests of acoustic quality assessment of churches. The proposed final equation of the global index does not require knowledge of the SVD technique and the values of acoustic parameters preferred for churches. Therefore the methodology proposed is easily applicable.
Celem pracy było opracowanie koncepcji określania kierunków rozwoju obszarów wiejskich na podstawie wartości zasobów środowiska przyrodniczego typowych gmin rolniczych. Przedstawiona koncepcja jest kolejnym, czwartym krokiem metodycznym autorskiej metody indeksowej (Majewska, 2015). Opracowana metodyka postępowania obejmuje: (1) sposób określania nowych funkcji obszarów wiejskich dostosowanych do lokalnych zasobów środowiska, (2) sposób określania i prezentacji mocnych i słabych stron obszaru, (3) działania wspierające kształtowanie środowiska obszaru wiejskiego stosownie do nowych funkcji obszaru, wraz ze wskazaniem możliwego źródła finansowania. Proponowane sposoby analizy i wykorzystane narzędzia sprawiają, że może ona być wykorzystywana do opracowania strategii rozwoju gmin o typowo rolniczym charakterze w gminach oraz bieżącego monitorowana jej realizacji.
The purpose of the paper has been working out of the concept for determination rural development directions, based on the environmental resources of the typical agricultural communes. The presented conception is the fourth methodology step of author's index method (Majewska, 2015). The developed methodology of proceeding comprises: (1) way of determining the new rural areas functions, which are adapted to local environmental resources, (2) way of description and presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of the area, (3) supportive actions for rural area environment improvement, accordingly to the new functions, together with indication of the possible financial sources. The proposed analytical methods and used tools make this method useful for working out development strategy of the typical agricultural communes and current monitoring of its realization.
Content available remote Budownictwo podstawowym użytkownikiem materiałów i wyrobów drzewnych
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań, pozwalających na kompleksową analizę rynku materiałów i wyrobów drzewnych wykorzystywanych w budownictwie. Stosując metodę wskaźnikową, po raz pierwszy w Polsce dokonano kwantyfikacji zużycia materiałów i wyrobów drzewnych w tym dziale gospodarki, z uwzględnieniem zarówno rodzajów materiałów, jak i segmentów rynku budowlanego.
This article presents results of research which enable a comprehensive analysis of market in wood materials and products used in construction. By using the index method, for the first time in Poland there was made a quantification of the use of wood materials and products in this branch of the economy.
In parallel with research conducted using conventional methods, a uniform index method for assessing the acoustic quality of Roman Catholic churches has been developed. The latest version of the index method has been created using the index observation matrix of 12 churches which have been rated by means of the single number global index. Assessments of the acoustic quality of any Roman Catholic church, using two calculation models: the Global Acoustic Properties Index (GAP) and the Global Index (GI), are shown in the article. The verification was performed on the example of one church, showing the way of calculating global indices to assess the acoustic quality of a new facility. The next stages in the development of the index method for assessing the acoustic quality of churches were taking into account the audience, using simulation tests and determining the spatial distribution of the single number GAP index in an examined church. An attempt to use the GAP and GI calculation models to assess the acoustic properties of some churches is also shown in the article.
The article presents modified global assessment indices, developed in previous studies, for measuring the acoustic quality of Roman Catholic churches: the four-parameter Gap index and the Gi index based on five acoustic parameters. The replacement of RASTI, previously used in the acoustic assessment of churches, with STI has broadened the scope of church assessment and contributed to an improvement in the accuracy of the proposed method. Verification of new calculation procedures was performed on the 12 churches included in the calculation model and, additionally, on another church.
W artykule przedstawiono zmodyfikowane, opracowane w ramach wcześniejszych badań, wzory na wskaźniki globalne oceny jakości akustycznej kościołów rzymsko-katolickich: 4 parametrowy Gap oraz bazujący na 5 parametrach akustycznych wskaźnik Gi. Zamiana dotychczas używanego w akustycznej ocenie wskaźnikowej kościołów RASTI na STI poszerzyła zakres możliwości oceny kościołów oraz przyczyniła się do poprawy dokładności zaproponowanej metody. Weryfikację nowych procedur obliczeniowych przeprowadzono na 12 kościołach wchodzących w skład modelu obliczeniowego oraz dodatkowo na przykładzie jednego kościoła.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań zużycia materiałów drzewnych w Polsce przez gospodarstwa domowe oraz w miejscach użyteczności publicznej. Posługując się metodą wskaźników modelowych dokonano po raz pierwszy kwantyfikacji zużycia materiałów i wyrobów drzewnych w tej dziedzinie. Zużycie materiałów drzewnych obliczono dla dwóch kategorii: zużycia produkcyjnego (przez krajowy przemysł drzewny) i zużycia finalnego (przez ostatecznych konsumentów krajowych).
This article presents results of research into consumption of wood materials in households and public utility places, that is in the sphere connected with trade, operation of offices, hotels, schools, hospitals and other structures, as well as their surroundings such as parks, garden, playgrounds and areas intended for sport and recreation in Poland. For the first time in Poland quantification of consumption of wood materials and products in this area was done using the model indices method. In line with the aim of the study consumption of wood materials was calculated for two consumption categories: production consumption (by domestic wood industry) and final consumption (by domestic end-users).
Content available remote Pozycja konkurencyjna polskiego sektora drzewnego na rynku krajowym i europejskim
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań, pozwalających na kompleksową analizę pozycji konkurencyjnej przemysłów sektora drzewnego na rynku krajowym oraz europejskim. Badaniami objęto przemysły: drzewny, celulozowo-papierniczy i meblarski. Analizy dokonano na podstawie danych statystycznych. Badania miały charakter retrospektywny i obejmowały lata 2002-2006. Wykazano, że na rynku krajowym pozycja konkurencyjna sektora drzewnego jest silna. Przemysły tego sektora charakteryzują się wysoką i stale rosnącą dynamiką eksportu oraz lepszymi niż przeciętnie wynikami finansowo-ekonomicznymi. Polski sektor drzewny zajmuje bardzo dobrą pozycję konkurencyjną w Unii Europejskiej. Najwyższą pozycję konkurencyjną spośród wyrobów tego sektora zajmują meble. Z badań wynika, że głównym źródłem przewagi komparatywnej polskiego sektora drzewnego są niskie koszty pracy, a także duże zasoby i dostępność surowca drzewnego.
The aim of this article was to present results of research allowing for comprehensive analysis of the competitive position of the wood sector industries in domestic and European market. Research included such industries as: wood, pulp and paper, and furniture. The analysis of the competitive position of the wood sector was done based on statistical data. The research was retrospective and covered the period 2002 - 2006. The competitive position of the wood sector industries is strong in domestic market. Compared to other processing industries the wood sector is characterized by high and constantly growing dynamics of exports and financial and economic results which are better the average. Wood materials and products amount to 11% of Polish exports. The main product group in Polish trade is furniture - almost 90% of its domestic production is exported. Polish wood sector has a very good competitive position in the European Union and the best position within it has the furniture. Compared to the European Union Polish sector is characterized by low labour productivity.
The research question undertaken in this paper is the evaluation of recharging infiltration in the vicinity of Dręszew. This village is located about 40 kilometres north of Warsaw. The research area is located in the Bug River Valley. Determination of effective infiltration is very important as it is largely responsible for recharging the aquifer. Currently, many methods and tools exist for determining infiltration. However, it is necessary to make the selection of the method dependent on the purpose, the scope of the study, and the scale of the study area, but also the temporal aspect should be taken into account. Two methods were used to assess groundwater recharge. The first one is an index method based on the calculation formula proposed by Witczak (2011). The calculations were performed using ArcGIS v. 10.3. software. The second recharging infiltration assessment method was used to solve the reverse of the hydrodynamic model. A numerical groundwater flow model was built using the VisualMODFLOW program. Two methods were used to ensure mutual verifiability. In excess of this, the choice of the indicator method along with the mathematical modelling method was related to the fact that both assume the influence of the presence of a shallow groundwater table, from which evaporation is possible, sometimes exceeding recharge.
Porównano chemiczną, instrumentalną i wskaźnikową metodą oznaczania zawartości azotanów w świeżych warzywach, zróżnicowanych w poziomie tych związków między 10 a 4000 mg N-NO3/kg. Stwierdzono bardzo wysoką korelację rzędu 0,99 między metodą zalecaną w normie PN-92/A-75112 (zmodyfikowana metoda kolorymetryczna wg Griessa) a metodą potencjometryczną. Metoda wskaźnikowa, chociaż powtarzalna, pozwala tylko na zakwalifikowanie warzyw do dość szerokich przedziałów zawartości azotanów.
Colorimetric analysis using direct reduction with cadmium as described in Polish Standard PN-92/A- 75112 was selected as the reference method. The Potentiometrie method using Mettler Toledo ion-selective nitrate electrode and the trace method using Merckquant (Merck) test papers were compared with it. The test material comparised 16 vegetables classified into 3 categories (leaf, fruit, root) harvested from an experimental plantation. They were grown and fertilized according to standard agricultural procedures. The level of nitrates (N-NO3), as determined by the chemical method, ranged from 12 to 3945 mg/kg of the product. Eight samples were used to test each vegetable species by each method. For the chemical method, by maximum deviation from the average was -6% and +6%, while the corresponding value for the Potentiometrie method was -6% and +4%. In spite that for 11 species a statistically significant difference at p=0.01 was shown to occur between the results of the chemical and Potentiometrie determinations, the difference between those methods was within 6% in 10 cases, within 10% in 6 cases, and higher than 10% only in 2 species, the Potentiometrie result being always higher. The correlation coefficient of almost 0,999 confirms a high agreement between the results obtained by the Potentiometrie and the chemical method. The test papers yielded consistent results; however, they made it possible merely to include the individual vegetables into one of the nitrate nitrogen-content ranges of 0-100, 50-150, 200-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000-5000 mg/kg.
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