The article presents the results of inclinometric measurements and numerical analyses of soldier-pile wall displacements. The excavation under investigation was made in cohesive soils. The measurements were conducted at points located at the edge of the cantilever excavation support system. The displacements of the excavation support observed over the period of three years demonstrated the pattern of steady growth over the first two months, followed by a gradual levelling out to a final plateau. The numerical analyses were conducted based on 3D FEM models. The numerical analysis of the problem comprise calculations of the global structural safety factor depending on the displacement of the chosen points in the lagging and conducted by means of the φ/c reduction procedure. The adopted graphical method of safety estimation is very conservative in the sense that it recognizes stability loss quite early, when one could further load the medium or weaken it by further strength reduction. The values of the Msf factor are relatively high. This is caused by the fact that the structure was designed for excavation twice as deep. Nevertheless, the structure is treated as a temporary one.
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The article presents back analysis to estimate geotechnical parameters of fill layer. The agreement between field measurements and theoretical calculations was examined. Displacements of a cantilever CFA bored pile wall were monitored. The inclinometric measurements were taken directly after pile construction and according to excavation process. Over 200 calculation series were performed, with changing fill parameters. The calculations employed the actual geometric and material parameters of the pile wall, as well as geotechnical parameters of layered soil. The parameters estimated through back analysis were the angle of internal friction and Young’s modulus of fill layer. In the case discussed, pile wall cap displacement was the response of the system, and soil medium parameters were the input data. The agreement between theoretical calculations and inclinometer measurements was assessed in accordance with two functions. The measured horizontal displacements of excavation support structure assumed different values at the two inclinometer sites analysed. Back analysis results for these sites are approximately convergent for a final excavation depth.
The slope movement has been examined in 4 boreholes located on it, on the base of systematic inclinometer measurements performed during two years. The movement was equal to few millimetres or even centimetres per year, depending on the borehole. Current deformation activity observed on the slope means that application of any static model for stability calculations would be incorrect. Thus, the mass was modelled as creeping material and calculations of the movement have been carried out using Burger's creep model and finite difference method. The results of inclinometric measurements allowed both for choosing parameters of the model and for verification of calculation results. The measured deformations occurred in shallow range, up to 6 m. Calculations proved that although the soil is nearly homogeneous from a lithological point of view, it has different mechanical parameters with values increasing with depth. Only differentiation of the parameter values depending on the depth allow for confinement of the movement to shallow depth range. The final results show satisfactory agreement between measured and calculated results which developed in two years. The elaborated numerical model could serve as a tool for prediction of further slope deformations.
Na podstawie dwuletnich pomiarów inklinometrycznych w czterech otworach rozmieszczonych na zboczu przeprowadzono badania ruchu osuwiskowego zbocza. Prędkość przemieszczeń wynosiła od kilku milimetrów do kilku centymetrów rocznie. Aktualne deformacje zbocza wskazują, iż zastosowanie do analizy stateczności jakiegokolwiek modelu statycznego jest niewłaściwe. W związku z tym, masyw zbocza modelowano jako materiał wykazujący właściwości reologiczne (pełzanie) oraz wykonano obliczenia procesu deformacji metodą różnic skończonych, stosując model pełzania Burgersa. Wyniki pomiarów inklinometrycznych umożliwiły zarówno dobór wartości parametrów modelu, jak i weryfikację wyników. Mierzone deformacje występowały w strefie płytkiej, na głębokości do 6 metrów. Obliczenia dowiodły, że chociaż masyw jest jednorodny litologicznie, to wartość jego parametrów mechanicznych rośnie wraz z głębokością. Tylko wprowadzenie takiego zróżnicowania do modelu numerycznego pozwala na ograniczenie przemieszczeń do płytkiej strefy. Rezultaty końcowe wskazują na zgodność między wynikami dwuletnich pomiarów i obliczeń. Opracowany model może służyć do prognozowania przemieszczeń zbocza.
Artykuł powstał na podstawie doświadczeń autora z badań 24 osuwisk karpackich w Beskidzie Niskim, Średnim i na Pogórzu (Bednarczyk 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007). Projekt był finansowany przez Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny z funduszu na cele zabezpieczenia zagrożonych odcinków dróg publicznych oraz infrastruktury. W jego ramach wykonano dokumentacje geologiczno-inżynierskie oraz instrumentację osuwisk. System monitoringu zawierał punkty pomiarów przemieszczeń wgłębnych, piezometrycznego poziomu i ciśnienia wód gruntowych. Badania kontrolne wykonywane w latach 2005-2007 umożliwiły identyfikację zasięgu osuwisk i ich dynamiki oraz określenie czynników aktywujących osuwiska i uwarunkowań zastosowanych metod badawczych. Uzyskane dane zostały częściowo wykorzystane w projektach stabilizacji dostosowanych do typów osuwisk, jak również przy sprawdzeniu skuteczności zabezpieczeń. Decyzje o wyborze metody zabezpieczenia osuwisk często są podejmowane bez niezbędnej instrumentacji i pomiarów, co może prowadzić do nieefektywnych decyzji o możliwości i metodzie stabilizacji.
Presented paper is based on mass movement investigations conducted by the author on twenty-four flysch landslides in Beskid Niski, Średni Mts. and Pogórze. Research financed by European Investment Bank was conducted for the purpose of landslide counteraction, for the roads and infrastructure safeguarding. Inside the project engineering geological reports and landslide instrumentation were prepared. Monitoring network included ground movement, water level and pore pressure transducers. Control monitoring measurements conducted in years 2005-2007 allowed landslide dynamic, depth and activating factors prediction together with instrumentation and monitoring circumstances. Obtained data were partly used in counteraction projects design and control. Decision of stabilization methods often are chosen without instrumentation and monitoring and could cased ineffective decision of stabilization possibilities and methods.
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