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This article examines the relationship between science and theology within a critical realist framework. Focusing on the role of metaphysics as a unifying starting point, especially in consideration of theological issues that are concerned with corporeality and temporality (such as in the incarnation). Some metaphysical challenges that lead to the appearance of “paradox” in the incarnation are highlighted, and the implications of two forms of holistic scientific ontology on the appearance of a paradox in the incarnation are explored. It is concluded that ultimately both science and theology are concerned with the nature of reality, and the search for coherent models that can describe the unseen. Whilst one should maintain a criticality to any realist conception of theological and scientific theories, a shared metaphysics ensures theological doctrine can continue to be interpreted with relevance in a world in which scientific thought is increasingly stretching into the meta-scientific.
The article considers the set of problems in O. Sych’s novel, providing artistic transformation of the main ideas of “Tibetan Book of the Dead” into the sphere of national and existential searchings of the main hero Orest. The author analyses compositional peculiarities of the novel: twinnery, sense inversion, profound metaphoric ambiguity of Uroboros.
In the face of the escalating Iconoclast heresy in the 8th century there appeared the necessity of establishing whether the veneration of icons is justifiable from the Christian viewpoint. The debate primarily concerned the Christological question of venerating Jesus Christ’s icons. St. John of Damascus (675–749) is considered to be one of the most outstanding defenders of sacred icons. We owe to him the first Catholic theology of the icon. His work, „The Defence speeches against those who reject sacred icons” constitutes the answer given to the iconoclasts. The most important argument justifying the veneration of icons is the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God being the image of the invisible God. The incarnation which liberates one from idolatry lies at the root of a positive vision of matter. John of Damascus refers to the ancient Christian tradition of icon veneration recognizing the word and the image as its essential elements. His teaching would play a key role during the Council of Nicaea in 787.
nr 1(36)
This article aims to be a confrontation with Nancy’s “deconstruction of Christianity”. For Nancy to deconstruct Christianity means to point to the places where Christianity itself overflows its status as religion and as metaphysics. Nancy shows how the three Christian mysteries (Trinity, Incarnation, Resurrection) are not merely explainable metaphysically and how they thus open the thought of the new relation between body-mind. These theses have been criticized by Jacques Derrida reading of Nancy’s work in Le Toucher. Jean-Luc Nancy. Derrida turns his attention to a certain strand of the tradition which he calls “haptological” (from the Greek haptein, to touch). This tradition is implicated in the metaphysical gesture insofar as it thinks touch in terms of identity, homogeneity, immediacy and self-presence, even when it emphasizes a certain interruption or distance. According to Derrida, this is Nancy’s complicity with some form of metaphysical thinking. The conclusion of this article aims to expose the multidimensional discussion between philosophers.
nr 2
This paper focuses on three fundamental notions-realities which describe human life and constitute at the same time its foundation and the space of participation in it. The triad culture – education – truth describes the most essential human experiences, simultaneously, defining the direction of their deepening and creative developing. Certainly, in the times like these when everything is questioned notions-experiences that belong to this triad are not problem-free. What is more, they are deemed to be superfluous, especially in ultra-left-wing ideologies in which suicidal tendencies are easily discernible. Taking this into consideration, it is hardly possible to avoid polemic attitude towards numerous questions even those most essential since in their semantic field the greatest confusion may be detected. That is why there are numerous attempts to answer the question how, in the face of such a dynamic spiritual condition of the world, those fundamental issues can be dealt with within the frames of anthropology, and how they can be justified from the anthropological point of view. This reflection is rather philosophical in character, however, it is also inspired by the fundamental Christian truth which says about the incarnation of the Son of God and about the salvation of man made by Him.
Content available Atanazjańska terminologia teologii wcielenia
Vox Patrum
tom 38
Hac in dissertatiuncula nonnulla selecta verba, substantiva ac expressiones in doctrina S. Athanasii de incarnatione adhibita exponuntur.
nr 2
The idea of incarnation is one of the Christian theological concepts that has exerted the strongest influence on philosophical thought in Europe and which was repeatedly referred to in the twentieth century. The paper presents three reinterpretations of this biblical category. Carl Gustav Jung interprets incarnation in the spirit of Gnosticism, as a process of the psychological individuation of God and man; Hans‑Georg Gadamer employs the idea of the inner Word, Verbum interius, to analyse the dogmas of incarnation and the Trinity: seeking in them a solution to the mystery of language; while Michel Henry reaches for the Bible and theology to face anew the issue of human corporeality. These attempts to rethink the theological aspects of the Incarnation of the Son of God reveal the role of this notion in the development of modern psychology, the hermeneutic philosophy of language as well as in anthropology. At the same time, a philosophical reinterpretation of incarnation provides an impulse to rephrase the questions about the relationship between philosophy and theology, as well as faith and reason, good and evil, the relationship between God and man, the mind and the body, as well as speech and thinking. On the other hand, provisional answers to these questions may rekindle theological thought and contribute to the revival of reflection on issues such as the Holy Trinity, the Immaculate and Virgin Conception, or a privation theory of evil. The article provides a starting point for just such a multi‑faceted analysis.
tom 33
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The aim of this article is to discuss the baroque texts that are concerned with the theme of circumcision as described in the gospel. In religious culture, Jesus’ childhood “produced” signs referring to the allegorical and symbolic layer. It is primarily the Jewish ritual of circumcision that was invoked by seventeenth-century authors. It turns out that it plays an important role in poetic considerations that refer to motifs related to the Christmas period, enter into a dialogue with the religious (or theological) tradition, trying to grasp the meanings attributed to the circumcision of Jesus.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest omówienie barokowych tekstów, które dotyczą wyeksponowanego w ewangelii wątku obrzezania. W kulturze religijnej dzieciństwo Jezusa „wytwarzało” znaki odwołujące się do warstwy alegorycznej i symbolicznej. To przede wszystkim żydowski rytuał obrzezania zostaje przywołany przez siedemnastowiecznych twórców. Okazuje się, że odgrywa on ważną rolę w poetyckich rozważaniach, które odwołują się do motywów związanych z okresem świat Bożego Narodzenia, wchodzą w dialog z tradycją religijną (czy teologiczną), próbującą uchwycić znaczenia przypisywane obrzezaniu Jezusa.
Between nature and grace. The category of deification in the document of the International Theological Commission Theology, Christology, An- thropology of 1981. In the 1981 International Theological Commission published a document, which is titled Theology, Christology, anthropology. This document discusses some basic Christolog- ical issues and the ones that needed to be more explained. One of them is the deification category. The purpose of this article was to indicate the main interpretation lines of this category in this International Theological Commissions document. First of all, the article indicates a significant relationship between deification and the mystery of Christ, espe- cially with His incarnation. Secondly, it is shown how deification is connected with divine grace. Afterwards, the article discusses connection between deification and exaltation hu- man nature. Finally, it is mentioned about the main road, which is leading to this target - the use of the sacraments of the Church.
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The article is an attempt to explain sensual depictions that are constantly present in Norwid’s works – albeit they are sometimes hidden – by means of cognitivistic categories. On the example of two texts two different ways are shown, in which these depictions are used by the poet. A fragment from the drama Cleopatra and Caesar illustrates Norwid’s technique of realistic description, and the poem Fate – the technique of allegory.
Vox Patrum
tom 38
Nel suo scritto Giovanni Cassiano esamina i piu scuotanti tesi di Nestorio: negazione della divinita al Cristo e negazione del titolo theotokos alla sua Madre. Con gli argomenti presi dalia Sacra Scrittura e dal credo di Antiochia l'autore del trattato cerca di dimostrare la piena divinita di Cristo.
Quaestio de Dominica Incarnatione iam antiquorum christianorum animos tum movebat tum incitabat, quod hoc vere magnum Mysterium ab illorum temporum hominum mentibus et cogitandi modo plane diuque abhorrebat. Quin immo, discrepantibus virorum doctorum sententiis mox factum est, ut multae eaeque turpissimae haereses orerentur, ambiguis vero enuntiationibus et dictis crebrescentibus haec periculosa et animis vere letalis pestis latius in dies grassaretur.
Content available Wcielenie w teologii Marcelego z Ancyry
Vox Patrum
tom 38
Marcellus perceives the incarnation of Jesus as the moment when not only does the Logos assume a human body, but a change also occurs in God himself. The change consists in the expansion of a monad into a triad. It is the second transformation already. The first one took place at the beginning of creation. It was then that the Logos passed from the State of being „in God" to being „with God". Marcellus underlines that neither the first nor the latter can be defined as generation. The term „generation refers only to Jesus' birth from Mary. The changes undergone by God, first at creation, then at the incarnation, are not of permanent nature. On the contrary, they are temporary and reversible. Upon completing the history of the world, God will return to the monadic State. The incarnation will also come to an end. Marcellus presents the incarnation as temporary and „external" in relation to the Logos. When the „carnal economy" is completed, the Logos is to return to His original State of resting „in God".
Vox Patrum
tom 38
Quia Constantinopoli multi Arii et praesertim Apollinarii sectatores versabantur, Gregorius Nazianzenus tamquam episcopus iilius urbis veram doctrinam de Incarnatione exponere christianis ob retigiosas disputationes confusis voiuit.
In seinem Kampf gegen die nestorianischen Irrtumer verwarf Kyrill von Alexandria alle Bezeichnungen, die den inneren und wesenhaften Charakter der Vereinigung beider Naturen in der einen Person des Logos nur unzureichend prazisierten. Nestorius, der die Verschiedenheit beider Naturen nach der Menschwerdung betonte, verstand diese Verschiedenheit ais Trennung beider Naturen, was im Grunde genommen zur Annahme zweier getrennter Tragersubjekte in Christus fuhrte.
Vox Patrum
tom 38
Der Artikel stellt einige Aspekte der dogmatischen Lehren des hi. Ambrosius von der Menschwerdung dar. Vor aiiem legt Bischof von Maiiand groBes Gewicht auf die Tatsache der Menschwerdung des Sohnes Gottes. Nur zweite Person der Trinitat hat den Leib angenommenkein Vater, sondern Sohn Gottes. Hi. Ambrosius betont auch, dass Christus wahrer eingeborener Gottes Sohn und wahrer Sohn der Jungfrau Maria ist. Er spricht aiso von wahrer Gottheit und von wahre Menschheit Christi. Die Lehre von der personaien Einheit Christi mit der scharfen Trennung zwischen seiner Gottheit und Menschheit gehórt zu seinen wichtigsten Erreichungen. Hi. Ambrosius ist darum einer von den Voriaufern der Inkarnationsiehre des Konziis von Ephesus (431) und Chaicedon (451).
Content available Tajemnica wcielenia w nauczaniu Leona Wielkiego
Lo studio ha di mira segnaiare i tratti principaii di cristoiogia di s. Leone Magno, maturata nel contesto di due tradizioni teoiogiche: aiessandrina e queila antiochena. Muovendosi nei soico di una precisa terminoiogia teoiogica di Agostino, Leone deiinea una visione di cristoiogia „integraie" che parte dallo schema di tre eiementi: natura divina, natura umana e Funione in persona del Verbo.
Lo studio ha di mira segnalare i tratti principali di cristologia di s. Leone Magno, maturata nel contesto di due tradizioni teologiche: alessandrina e quella antiochena. Muovendosi nel solco di una precisa terminologia teologica di Agostino, Leone delinea una visione di cristologia „integrale" che parte dallo schema di tre elementi: natura divina, natura umana e l'unione in persona del Verbo.
In the art the Theme of Incarnation was illustrated in a rich scene repertiore creating its prototypes at the early Romanesque and Romanesque period. It was also the time of dynamically forming motifs in the art that defined the Gothic art and to a high degree modern one. In the fine arts such a model of Incarnation was made by Nativity scene.
La ricerca dei termini teologici, i quali sono stati adoperati da Tertuliiano per descrivere il mistero dell’incamazione, comprende tutti i testi che sono stati frutti deila poiemica dell’Apologista con tutti coloro che rientrarono nell’area della teologia eterodossa cristiana del II secolo.
La ricerca dei termini teologici, i quali sono stati adoperati da Tertulliano per descrivere il mistero dell’Incarnazione, comprende tutti i testi che sono stati frutti della polemica dell’Apologista con tutti coloro che rientrarono nell’area della teologia eterodossa cristiana del II secolo.
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