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Content available remote Prognozowanie izolacyjności akustycznej
Autor analizuje materiałową izolacyjność akustyczną ścian z cegieł o różnej grubości w skali częstotliwości z wykorzystaniem modelu obliczeniowego w programie Insul, a następnie prezentuje wyniki uzyskane w sytuacji rzeczywistej in situ. Rozważania dotyczą sytuacji przewidzianych w przepisach określonych polskimi i międzynarodowymi normami.
The Author analyses the material acoustic insulation of brick walls of different thicknesses in the frequency range using a calculation model including the Insul program, and then presents the results obtained in situ. The discussion concerns the situations provided for in the regulations defined by Polish and International standards.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykęwzmacniania słabonośnych podłoży zbudowanych z gruntów organicznych. Zagospodarowanie terenów, na których do niedawna fundamentowanie było niemożliwe lub nieuzasadnione ekonomiczniestaje się koniecznością. Posadowienie obiektu inżynierskiego na podłożu organicznym wymaga zastosowania specjalistycznych zabiegów wzmacniających.Alternatywną wobec tradycyjnych sposobów posadowienia w takich warunkach stają się metody bezpośredniej modyfikacji właściwości mechanicznych podłoża in situ.Do takich należy miedzy innymi metoda wgłębnego i powierzchniowego mieszania gruntu in situ. Koniecznym etapem stabilizacji są laboratoryjne badania wytrzymałości kompozytu. Pozwalają one ocenić wpływ stosowanych spoiw na poprawę właściwości ulepszanego gruntu organicznego. Jest to niezwykle pomocne przy weryfikacji i projektowaniu właściwego składu kompozytu grunt -spoiwo stosowanego w warunkach in situ.
This paper deals with the problem of weak organic subsoil strengthening. Development of the area, which until recently foundation work was impossible or economically unjustified, becomes a necessity. Foundation engineering facility on organic subsoil requires the use of specialized strengthening treatments. An alternative to traditional methods of foundation under such conditions becomes the method of directly modifying the mechanical properties of the subsoil in situ. These include, interalia, a DeepMixing Method and Shallow Mixing Method. Laboratory strength tests of the composite are a necessary stage of any stabilization. They allow you to assess the impact of binders to improve properties of the strengthened organics oil. It is extremely useful for the verification and designing the correct composition of the soil-binder composite used in situ.
W referacie przedstawiono dobór dynamicznego modelu wybranych zapór ziemnych z rdzeniami. Wykonano obliczenia z uwzględnieniem zastanego poziomu piętrzenia wody podczas badań dynamicznych in situ analizowanych obiektów. W pracy rozważano trzy warianty modelu. Model analizowanych konstrukcji przyjęto w postaci sprężystej tarczy pracującej w płaskim stanie odkształcenia. W poszczególnych wariantach uwzględniono odpowiednio: 1) stałe materiałowe przyjęte na podstawie danych z literatury, 2) naprężenia efektywne w gruncie wynikające z ciężaru wody i ciężaru gruntu, 3) stopień nasycenia gruntu wodą.
In the paper selection of dynamic model of chosen earth dams have been presented. Calculations were executed with regard of existing water level during dynamic investigation in situ of analyzed structures. In the study three variants of dynamic model have been considered. The model of analyzed structures has been assumed as elastic shield in plain strain. In particular variants of model there have been assumed: 1) material data properties taken from literature, 2) effective stresses in soil resulting from weights of water and soil, 3) saturation ratio.
Przedmiotem rozważań była budowa i weryfikacja przydatności numerycznego modelu do symulowania sprzężonych zjawisk cieplnomechanicznych zachodzących w konstrukcji drogi pod wpływem temperatury. Badano możliwość odtworzenia warunków powstania uszkodzeń termicznych nawierzchni drogowej oraz rozwarstwień wynikających z działania skrajnie niskich temperatur. Dostępne w literaturze pomiary temperatury in situ oraz analiza wrażliwości pozwoliły na ustalenie warunków brzegowych oraz oszacowanie wpływu brakujących parametrów cieplnych.
Construction and verification of the coupled thermomechanical model of road structure was the main purpose of this paper. Numerical model was utilized to simulate structures behavior under extreme winter conditions. Our intention was to recreate real conditions leading to thermal damage of the road. Thermal in situ measurements and sensitivity analyses were necessary to establish boundary conditions of the model and to evaluate some unknown thermal properties.
The paper presents a preliminary discussion of the results of the first Polish attempt to estimate the in situ target strength TS (dB). The subject of the study was the freshwater fish vendace Coregonus albula L. This species is a typical planktivore which inhabits the pelagic zone of Lake Pluszne (903 ha area, 51 m maximum depth) located in northeastern Poland. A Simrad EY-500 type split beam echosounder at a frequency of 120kHz and with a beam width of 7x7 degrees and pulse duration of 0.3 ms was used for acoustic measurements. The trace tracking method with an EP 500 program were used to analyse the data. Control fishing in various water layers was conducted made using pelagic trawl. The dependencies of TS (dB) on fish body length L (cm) were determined for the average values of TSS.A. = 20 log L -66.8 ± 0.3 SE, TSS.A. traces = 20 log L - 66.4 ± 0.2 SE and TSmax = 20 log L -65. 7 ± 0.3 SE.
The shallow water area of the coastal fringes is important to take into consideration in fish stock assessment because a great part of the stock, especially for the small pelagic fish is distributed in this area (20). In shallow water research vessels are prohibited to navigation (usually <20m) and usually only small boats can be used. One of the main source error in acoustics fish sampling is due to the avoidance reaction generated by the three dimensional noise diagram emitted by the boat. In this paper we highlighted the importance of wind direction and strength in the noise diagram emitted by the boat under in situ condition. A comparison of the noise level of two boats (a Research Vessel and a Speedboat equipped of similar echo sounder) has been made before simultaneous records of echo sounder data: the speedboat is more silent as revealed by in situ hydrophone measurement and near the ICES recommendations. The observation of shoal echo sounder descriptors shows an avoidance reaction as expected more important for the noisier boat: there the schools avoid more the research vessel. The avoidance reaction is characterised by a deeper position of the fish school barycentre, in the water column, detected by the research vessel and a shoal minimum depth higher than for the speedboat. The effect of noise diagram difference is clear on the same shoal descriptors, the difference appears for the vertical position of the barycentre and minimum altitude.
tom z. 258
W referacie przedstawiono podział i rodzaje konstrukcji obudów przecinek ścianowych oraz problemy ich wykonania i utrzymania wynikające ze specyficznych pełnionych przez nie funkcji oraz lokalizacji w zróżnicowanych warunkach geologiczno -górniczych. Na podstawie doświadczeń, obserwacji, prowadzonych badań in situ i obliczeń numerycznych omówiono problemy ich bezpiecznego stosowania oraz przedstawiono przykłady poprawy ich nośności w trudnych warunkach geologiczno - górniczych.
The paper presents classification, type of framework arch support for longwall entries and problems of their function and location in different geological and mining conditions. Special attention has been paid on the flatten standing support which is more and often used in coal mines. On the base of experience, observation and testing in situ discussed problem of destabilization of standing support an presents new applications in different geological and mining conditions.
tom z. 258
W artykule pokazano, że stosowany dotychczas do celów prognozowania deformacji powierzchni opis obniżeń stropu w rejonie krawędzi eksploatacji w postaci funkcji progowej prowadzi do istotnych błędów prognoz deformacji terenu górniczego, szczególnie w zakresie niepełnych niecek obniżeniowych. Na postawie wyników pomiarów in situ oraz przeprowadzonych numerycznych symulacji zachowania się stropu bezpośredniego podano propozycję funkcji, którą z dużym przybliżeniem można aproksymować rzeczywisty kształt linii ugięcia stropu.
The paper shows that the description of roof subsidence in the area of mining edges in the form of a threshold function, gives as a result large errors in prediction of mining area deformations, especially in the range of not fully developed subsidence basins. On the basis of in situ measurements numerical simulations of direct roof behavior have been evaluated, and also a function for accurate approximation of real shape of roof yield line.
Príspevok podrobnejšie analyzuje veľkosť zvislých deformácií (sadnutia) pre rôzne zaťažovacie stavy, ktoré môžu nastať počas výstavby a prevádzky vodnej elektrárne v Gabčíkove. Na riešenie problému bola použitá MKP. Vypočítané hodnoty sú porovnané so skutočne nameranými hodnotami zvislých deformácií podložia vodnej elektrárne.
Content available Composite zones produced in situ in the Ni3Al phase
The study presents the results of research on the development of composite zones in castings based on the intermetallic phase of Ni3Al. Composite zones were obtained by placing packets with substrates for the reaction of titanium carbide in a foundry mould. To provide a variable carbides content in the composite zone, two compositions of the packets were prepared. The first packet contained only substrates for the reaction of TiC synthesis; the second one also contained a filler. The resulting composite zones in castings were examined for the filler effect on changes in the volume fraction, size and morphology of carbides in the zone. In addition, the effect of filler on the mechanical properties of the zone was verified, observing changes of Vickers hardness in this area. It was found that the presence of filler in the composition of the packet for synthesis reduced the content of carbides, as well as their size and morphology. Lower surface content of carbides reduced hardness of the zone, which enabled smooth control of the mechanical properties. At the same time, the use of the selected filler did not disturb the course of the TiC carbide synthesis.
Podano wyniki analiz mikrobiologicznych i chemicznych próbek gruntu zanieczyszczonego olejem kreozotowym na terenie zakładu przetwórstwa drewna. Wybrany teren zakładu o powierzchni ok. 0,12 ha poddano bioremediacji metodą in situ z wykorzystaniem autochtonicznych drożdży Yarrowia lipolytica do bioaugmentacji gruntu. Zastosowano trzy preparaty drożdży - komórki immobilizowane w alginianie sodu i skrobi oraz zawiesiny komórek. Do badanego gruntu wprowadzono około 2*10[do potęgi 12] komórek drożdży (238 g). Na pod-stawie uzyskanych wyników jednoznacznie wykazano poprawę struktury gruntu i zmniejszenie zawartości występujących na tym terenie zanieczyszczeń. Sumaryczna zawartość wielo-pierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych zmniejszyła się 3-krotnie podczas 9 miesięcy bioremediacji. Znacząco wzrosła jedynie zawartość antracenu. Zanieczyszczenie olejem kreozotowym, mierzone jako suma węglowodorów ropopochodnych (TPH), zmniejszyło się o prawie 70% na terenie, gdzie wprowadzono drożdże unieruchomione (immobilizowane) w alginianie sodu oraz o ponad 33% na całym badanym obszarze. Wprowadzenie unieruchomionej biomasy drożdży Y. lipolytica wzbogaciło eukariotyczną mikroflorę gleby, poprawiając stosunek liczby bakterii do liczby drożdży i pleśni. Z gruntu poddanego procesowi oczyszczania, obok szczepów gatunku Y. lipolytica, wyizolowano i zidentyfikowano także drożdże Rhodotorula glutinis oraz Cryptococcus albidus.
Creosote-contaminated soil samples collected within the premises of a timber processing plant were made the subject to microbiological and chemical analysis. An area of approximately 0.12 ha was chosen for in-situ bioremediation involving an autochthonous Yarrowia lipolytica yeast species. Use was made of three yeast preparations: cells immo-bilized in sodium alginate or starch, and yeast suspensions. The number of yeast cells introduced into the soil approached 2*10 12 (238 g). The results obtained have revealed substantial improvement in the soil structure and noticeable reduction in the concentrations of the particular contaminants detected in this area. During nine months of bioremediation, the total content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons decreased threefold, but a significant increase was observed in the concentration of anthracene. Contamination with creosote oil, expressed as the level of total petroleum hydrocarbons, was reduced by about 70% in the area treated with sodium-alginate-immobilized yeasts, and by more than 33% over the entire area examined. The introduction of immobilized Y. lipolytica biomass enriched the eukariotic microflora of the soil, improving the proportion of bacterial counts to the counts of yeasts and those of mould. Apart from the strains of Y. lipolytica, another two yeast species were isolated from and identified in the soil being bioremediated - Rhodotorula glutinis and Cryptococcus albidus.
Ballasted columns are an interesting technique for improving compressible soils in situ. Their major advantages are to reduce compaction, increase the bearing capacity of soils, accelerate consolidation, and eliminate the risks of liquefaction during earthquakes. Thanks to these advantages, reinforcement processes are considerably developed in the field of geotechnical construction and this is on an international scale. Numerical modelling is a necessary and effective alternative for approaching the real behavior of soils reinforced by ballasted columns. The present work aims to change several parameters, being, among others, the number of columns, the rise of the water table, and the friction angle. With this in mind, a parametric study was carried out in order to determine the influence of certain parameters on the settlement results and observe their influence on the mechanical behavior of the soil using the Plaxis 2D calculation code. This study found that the correct choice was based on the number of columns, which is three, while the increase in groundwater level does not have a significant influence on the results.
Metodą SHSB (Selfpropagating Hightemperature Synthesis in Bath) wytworzono kompozyty in situ na osnowie fazy międzymetalicznej Ni3Al wzmocnione cząstkami TiC lub TiB2, przy czym fazę wzmacniającą wygenerowano w trakcie samorzutnej reakcji egzotermicznej w brykiecie proszkowym metal - niemetal w kąpieli metalowej. Wytworzone kompozyty charakteryzowały się brakiem porowatości, wysoką stabilnością termodynamiczną, jak również brakiem reakcji chemicznych na granicy osnow - cząstka wzmacniająca, co pozwalało na wyeliminowanie degradacji struktury w warunkach wysokotemperaturowej eksploatacji. W pracy przedstawiono także wyniki analizy charakterystyk mechanicznych wysokotemperaturowego odkształcania (b - e) tych kompozytów.
Using SHSB technique, composites in situ based on intermetallic phase Ni3Al reinforced with TiC or TiB2 particles were fabricated. The reinforcing phase was generated by spontaneous exothermic reaction proceeding in metal bath in a metal - non - metal powdered briquette. Thus fabricated composites were free from porosity, possessed high thermodynamic stability and were characterised by absence of chemical reactions at the matrix - reinforcing particle phase boundary, which effectively presented structure degradation under high - temperature service conditions. The results of mechanical characteristics analysis of high - temperature deformation (b - e) these composites also presented in the paper.
Content available Copper extraction by wet chemical method
In many countries large deposits of copper with no locally established copper based industries occur because known methods for extraction are prohibitively expensive and unaffordable. This study reports on an affordable and sustainable method for the extraction of copper. This was achieved through the use of a wet chemical method which makes use of hydrazones prepared in situ from chicken dung leached solution. The method involves the reduction of copper (II) ions leached from copper ore to zero valence using chlorine treated solution prepared from chicken droppings at a temperature range of 60-70 °C. The ore samples were pulverized to 250 micro millimetres and leached with hydrochloric acid to obtain leachate containing copper ions. The dissolved copper was reduced to copper metal and obtained by filtration. It was confirmed by XRFS analysis that, the metal purity was found to range between 60 and 80% depending on the ore used. In another experiment, chicken waste solution was used to extract copper from the ore. To the mixture, chlorine gas was then bubbledthrough a glass delivery tube to prepare the hydrazone in situ at a temperature range of 60-70 °C and a pure copper metal was obtained. The findings from this study have shown that there is great potential for the production of copper at low cost and this could be applied in both small-scale cottage industries and large industries using readily available resources such as chicken dung.
What curatorial gesture would make it possible to give rise to a temporary museum in situ where anthropogenic inscriptions could be presented by the living exhibits themselves? In this article the past of the Anthropocene is defined as a time of intensified activity of Homo sapiens in the early Holocene, before our impact on the hydrosphere, geosphere and atmosphere became irreversible. The author ponders whether the current definition of a natural history museum can incorporate a project of a living, embodied, post-anthropocentric and post-institutional museum. She suggests plants as essential partners in the human becoming across the biosphere. Chlorophyll organisms initiated the Great Oxidation Event, or Oxygen Catastrophe, which led not only to the extinction of anaerobic organisms but also to the proliferation of oxygen-dependent life, including humans. The human-plant co-existence is studied through the consequences of the ‘desire for sunlight’ of the former and the ‘desire for mobility’ of the latter. Synanthropic plants, which thrive growing next to people, emerge as the protagonists of this story, with the shared interspecies history and anthropogenic mutations inscribed in their bodies. This is a story of the human–plant co-evolution where contemporary, ‘spontaneous’ synanthropic plants are depicted as agents. In this context the author describes the artistic practices of Andrea Haenggi, analysing them as curatorial gestures for an interspecies dialogue within the framework of a ‘museum setting’.
W referacie opisano metodę remediacji wód podziemnych za pomocą szczelnej izolacji i aktywnej bariery, przedstawiono warunki stosowania tej metody oraz problemy temu towarzyszące. W technologii szczelnej izolacji oraz bariery aktywnej zanieczyszczenia są usuwane bezpośrednio w warstwie wodonośnej przez przepływ skażonego strumienia wód podziemnych przez barierę aktywną.
A new technique of groundwater remediation called funnel and gate system is passive remediation, where contaminants are removed into aquifer by flow through reactive walls filled with reactive material. This paper presents this technique and describes conditions and problems which accompany it.
tom Vol. 70, nr 3
The temperature evolution and the mechanical characteristics of pseudoelasticity TiNi alloys have been studied experimentally at different strain rates. During SHPB testing, the temperature changes were in situ measured by an infrared system recording infrared radiation emitted from the surface of the specimen. It was found that the temperature evolution and the mechanical behavior has a remarkable strain rate effect. With the strain rate increasing, both phase transition subsequent stress and modulus of loading the phase transition stage were higher, exhibiting significant strain and the strain rate hardening characteristic. They were accompanied by the temperature increasing, which suggest that the stress increments result from the temperature change, independently of the strain rate. Calculation analysis results show that latent heat and the dissipated energy in the form of the hysteresis loops, are mainly the sources of the temperature change.
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