Nel recente magistero dei papi si trovano alcune affermazioni concernenti la correlazione teologica fra la Trinità e la famiglia umana. Il modello originario della famiglia deve essere ricercato nel mistero trinitario della vita di Dio. Il tema della famiglia come immagine della Trinità rappresenta una sfi da per larifl essione teologica. Qual è il fondamento, la portata e i limiti di un’autentica analogia familiare della Trinità?
We współczesnym papieskim nauczaniu podjęty został wątek korelacji teologicznych między Trójcą Świętą i ludzką rodziną. Pierwowzoru wspólnoty rodzinnej należy szukać w trynitarnej tajemnicy Życia Bożego. W tym obszarze tematycznym trwa dyskusja teologów systematyków; formułowane są pytania dotyczące fundamentu, znaczenia i ograniczeń „rodzinnej” analogii Trójcy. Z jednej strony Trójca jest zwierciadłem rodziny, źródłowym paradygmatem jej stworzonej tożsamości, z drugiej zaś strony rodzina jawi się jako widzialne odbicie niewidzialnej Trójcy. Obie te perspektywy pozostają w interakcji. Refl eksja na temat rodziny chrześcijańskiej jako żywej ikony Trójcy ma znaczenie nie tylko w obszarze dogmatycznym, lecz również etycznym i duchowym.
Recent papal teaching has raised the topic of the theological relationship between the Trinity and the human family. The primordial model of the family is to be sought in the Trinitarian mystery of God’s life. This whole area is still under discussion by theologians; they formulate questions about the foundation, meaning and limitations of an analogy of the family with the Trinity. On the one hand, the Trinity is the mirror of the family, the source paradigm of its created identity; on the other hand, the family is seen as a visible reflection of the invisible Trinity. These two perspectives interact with each other. Refl ection on the Christian family as a living icon of the Trinity is important not only in the dogmatic but also in the ethical and spiritual forums.
Recent papal teaching has raised the topic of the theological relationship between the Trinity and the human family. The primordial model of the family is to be sought in the Trinitarian mystery of God’s life. This whole area is still under discussion by theologians; they formulate questions about the foundation, meaning and limitations of an analogy of the family with the Trinity. On the one hand, the Trinity is the mirror of the family, the source paradigm of its created identity; on the other hand, the family is seen as a visible reflection of the invisible Trinity. These two perspectives interact with each other. Reflection on the Christian family as a living icon of the Trinity is important not only in the dogmatic but also in the ethical and spiritual forums.
Nel recente magistero dei papi si trovano alcune affermazioni concernenti la correlazione teologica fra la Trinità e la famiglia umana. Il modello originario della famiglia deve essere ricercato nel mistero trinitario della vita di Dio. Il tema della famiglia come immagine della Trinità rappresenta una sfida per la riflessione teologica. Qual è il fondamento, la portata e i limiti di un’autentica analogia familiare della Trinità?
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