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Purpose: Assessment of pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain in correlation with the clinical picture and illness acceptance. Material and methods: The study group included 120 patients (67 males and 53 females) aged 43.07 ± 8.74 years (range: 18 – 62 years) diagnosed with lumbosacral spine discopathy. The study was conducted between 2008 - 2010. Assessment tools used for the study included: pain intensity scale and Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). Results: Most often the pain was reported in the L4-L5 level of the lumbar spine. The duration of the illness ranged between 1-31 years (6.90 ± 6.47). The majority of the patients in the studied group were physical workers. Nearly half of the patients, 59 (49.16%) described their pain as moderate on a 5-point pain scale. No acceptance of illness according to the AIS scale was noted in 33 (27.5%) patients, the remaining 67 (72.5%) patients declared quite good and average good illness acceptance. We found no significant dependencies of the frequency of pain occurrence, pain intensity, its duration and the type of work. Conclusions: Pain reported due to chronic low back pain by the majority of the patients was of moderate intensity. No correlation was found between the pain and illness acceptance.
Content available remote Choroba i nieśmiertelność
In her text The Angels Know Their Profession Agata Paluch makes a heroic attempt to assess the value of life in general. She mentions its passing commonly unseen in the hasty chaos of small matters. The author presents the evolution of her attitude to illness, conventional medicine and different ways of self-curing. All her struggles are full of dignity, general fight for keeping health as well as a distance to herself, her weakness and the whole process of curing. She refuses to accept the illness and her unattractive body and that defines the narratorauthor’s identity. There are 22 reports about illness weaved into Zuza’s Diary, which is the axis of the book. They describe the suffering and the leaving of people in order to show that all people around die and that the Evil is the immanent feature of the world. The illness does not roll in the void of life and by combining the Diary with the reports the author creates a new quality of this prose. It turns it into a kind of parable of the human, earthly holiness.
Background The profession of a firefighter involves multiple factors that directly or indirectly impact on the person's health. The aim of this study was to establish the correlation between physical fitness of the selected group of firefighters with respect to anthropometric parameters, additional physical activity, and injury rate. Material and methods The study examined 77 men who worked for the State Fire Service (age: 28.87±9.84 years, body mass: 82.13±9.37 kg, body height: 180.12±6.39 cm). Of he study group, 53% of the fire-fighters had normal BMI, 42% were overweight and 5% had first degree obesity. The study used a survey questionnaire concerning the anthropometric data, previous injuries, physiotherapeutic procedures following the injury, and participants' involvement in additional physical activity. A physical fitness test battery was used to determine the correlation between physical fitness and: age, BMI and additional physical activity and injury rate. Results Musculoskeletal injuries accounted for 51% of all injuries. Of all injuries, 56% were occupational. The correlations between the results of the handgrip test were insignificant with respect to BMI and age, whereas in other tests, the correlations were statistically significant (p<0.05). No differences were observed in the results of handgrip test between the group of firefighters who were and those who were not involve in additional physical activity. Comparison of the results obtained by firefighters following the injury and without previous injuries revealed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in the 4 x 10 m shuttle run. Conclusions Age and higher values of BMI are the factors that reduce the level of physical fitness of firefighters. Involvement in additional physical activity is a factor in improving physical fitness of firefighters. Previous injuries the firefighters had suffered did not have an effect on their physical fitness.
Antarctica is one of the last great wilderness areas on Earth. Early Antarctic expeditions during the Heroic Age of Antarctic discovery (1895–1922) returned reports of frostbite, scurvy, snow blindness, and death. Today, over 50,000 people travel to the Antarctic each year via research expeditions, commercial cruise ships (tourism), and research cruises. This study reviewed the existing research reporting the health challenges encountered during modern day travel to Antarctica. The results identified a transition from the Heroic Age when death was common to a contemporary time when death is an uncommon event. The review identified musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries resulting from moving equipment and supplies to be the most common health challenge encountered by long-term land expeditions. Digestive issues such as constipation and dyspepsia were also common in during the coldest months. For tourist oriented commercial cruise ships, motion sickness resulting from rough seas was most prominent. Specifically, the small nature of the cruise ships made them prone to rough seas in Drakes Passage. During scientific cruises where research is primarily conducted aboard the ship, dermatological conditions (viral, fungal, bacterial) such as dry skin, dry lips, eczema are the most common health challenge. Musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries are also common given the physical challenge associated with strenuous research.
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The recently deceased Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, former President of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, which was incorporated into the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, worked tirelessly to guide and support the sick and suffering who have a right to medical care as well as health care workers in an increasingly complex world. This article presents the mission of health care professionals as a service of the various dimensions of life. This form of service strives to restore harmony to life and integrate not only the body’s vital functions but also the physical, spiritual, psychological, and religious spheres of human life. The action of God, who often assumes the role of a physician in the Bible, is the model of such service. Healthcare serves to restore life to its full dynamism and individuals to the ability to live life to its full potential. It is also a service of the sanctity and Gospel of life, which guides healthcare professionals’ special relationship with the sick and the reality of suffering.
Zmarły przed rokiem (w chwili przekazywania tego artykułu do druku mija niemal dokładnie pierwsza rocznica śmierci) Arcybiskup Zygmunt Zimowski, Przewodniczący Papieskiej Rady ds. Duszpasterstwa Chorych i Służby Zdrowia, włączonej już w struktury Rady ds. Rozwoju Integralnego Człowieka, z wielkim zaangażowaniem realizował zadanie prowadzenia i wspierania chorych i cierpiących oraz pracowników służby zdrowia w coraz bardziej złożonym świecie. Zależało księdzu arcybiskupowi, aby papieska dykasteria opiekowała się nie tylko pracownikami służby zdrowia, ale obejmowała swą troską chorych. Oni to bowiem mają prawo do takiej opieki lekarskiej, która może być określona jako służba życiu. Niniejszy artykuł ukazuje misję pracowników służby zdrowia, jako służbę życiu w jego różnorakich wymiarach. Jest to służba polegająca na przywracaniu życiu jego harmonii, zintegrowaniu funkcji życiowych organizmu oraz wzajemnej integracji różnych sfer życia człowieka: fizycznej, duchowej, psychicznej, religijnej. Modelem takiej służby jest styl działania samego Boga, który na kartach Pisma Świętego często występuje w roli lekarza. Służba zdrowia to także służba przywracania życiu jego dynamiki, żywotności pozwalającej żyć pełnią możliwości witalnych osoby. Jest to także służba świętości życia, a nawet służba Ewangelii życia, które wyznaczają pracownikom służby zdrowia określony kierunek relacji do osoby chorego i rzeczywistości cierpienia.
Content available remote Duše, zvyk a svět v Hegelově „Encyklopedii filosofických věd“
This study is concerned with the conception of the soul and its relation to the world in Hegel’s Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. The mediator between soul and world is the phenomenon of custom, which serves to illustrate Hegel’s divergence from “subjective idealism”. While custom at the subjective and objective levels is considered, not only by Kant and Fichte but also by enlightenment philosophers in general, as a reduction of spontaneity, Hegel shows that custom is in fact of fundamental importance for the human self and its freedom. Freedom is not, according to this view, pure spontaneity, but is referred to the given, or in Hegel’s words, to substantiality. It is precisely custom which constitutes a certain substantiality in the midst of subjectivity, providing support to the subject so that it may be present to the world and not reduced by it to the sphere of unreal inwardness.
Referring to Gabriele Reuter’s Novel From a good family, the article discusses the problems which had to be faced by the society of the German Empire. The main character, Agathe Heidling, can be considered as a mirror of this era in German history: On the one hand it was an economically powerful state, very progressive. On the other hand it totally ignored the need for modernization in the social structures. Agathe is an example of the societies’ struggle, being caught between two mental bases: the conservative and the modern one. Agathe’s lack of self-confidence, her mistrust towards both of those mentalities, as well as her cowardice to choose her own way and a childhood trauma that affects her sexual consciousness – all this results in her illness: Hysteria.
The Internet plays an increasing role in human life and it may influence his behavior, feelings and the way how he perceives the world. Its impact is also increasing in the area of human health. Number of people searching for information related to physical or mental health increases every year. This contribution brings an overview of benefits and risks of using the internet in this area. Among benefits there is understanding of symptoms, diagnostics and cure; getting emotional support and sympathy from patients with similar experience; reduction of feeling of isolation; and gaining new skills and behaviors supporting health, and others. Among possible problems there is, for example, risk of making bad decisions about the treatment on the basis of misleading information, or stimulation of unhealthy behaviors. The internet may be beneficial for patients but its using also bears risks. Physicians, psychologists and other people working in helping professions should be aware of them and talk about them with their clients.
Internet zastává stále významnější roli v životě člověka a ovlivňuje jeho chování, prožívání i vnímání světa. Jeho význam roste i v oblasti lidského zdraví. Množství uživatelů, kteří vyhledávají informace související s fyzickým, i duševním zdravím každoročně stoupá. Tento příspěvek podává přehled možných přínosů a rizik využívání internetu v této oblasti. Za přínosy lze pokládat hlavně dostupnost informací o zdraví a s tím spojenou možnost porozumění symptomům, diagnostice a léčbě; získání emocionální podpory ze strany pacientů s podobnou zkušeností; snížení míry pocitu izolace; osvojení si dovedností a způsobů chování, které jsou zdraví prospěšné a další. K možným problémům patří například riziko činění nevhodných rozhodnutí na základě zkreslených informací nebo podpora chování, které je zdraví škodlivé. Lékaři, psychologové a další pracovníci v pomáhajících profesích by si měli být těchto aspektů vědomi a hovořit o nich se svými klienty.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja modelu tworzenia znaczeń (The Meaning Making Model)Crystal Park i Susan Folkman, będącego uzupełnieniem transakcyjnej teorii stresu RichardaLazarusa i Susan Folkman. Artykuł zaznajamia z podstawowymi założeniami tego modelu.Wyjściowe założenie dotyczy związku pomiędzy rozumieniem aktualnej sytuacji trudnej,z jaką człowiek zmuszony jest się konfrontować, a uogólnionym rozumieniem własnego życia. Zdaniem autorek doświadczenie dysonansu pomiędzy rozumieniem konkretnej sytuacjii rozumieniem własnego życia stanowi istotne źródło stresu. Operacje poznawcze pozwalające dopasować oba rozumienia prowadzą do jego redukcji. W efekcie, model wyróżnia specyficzny sposób radzenia sobie ze stresem nazwany: radzeniem sobie skoncentrowanym natworzeniu znaczenia (meaning-focused coping, MFC). Artykuł zawiera opis składowych modelu oraz wnioski wynikające z jego założeń
The aim of this study is to present the Meaning Making Model developed by Crystal Parkand Susan Folkman, which complements Richard Lasarus’ and Susan Folkman’s transactionaltheory of stress. This article familiarises the reader with basic premises of the model. Theinitial assumption concerns the relation between the understanding of the current difficultsituation, which the individual needs to confront, and that person’s general understanding ofhis or her own life. In the opinion of the authors, the dissonance between theof a specific situation and the understanding of life as a whole is a source of substantialstress. On the other hand, cognitive operations enabling adjustment of these two imagesreduce that stress. Consequently, the discussed model identifies a particular method of stressmanagement, namely meaning-focused coping, or MFC. The article outlines the elements ofthis model, as well as conclusions drawn from its premises.
Content available remote Zapiski z (przechodniości) bezradności
Zapiski z nocnych dyżurów Jacka Baczaka (1995) często odczytywane są jako tekst transgresyjny wobec zakazu obrazowania cierpienia, a autorowi zarzuca się wykorzystanie cierpienia innych dla osiągnięcia estetycznych celów. To książka w polskiej literaturze bezprecedensowa i jak dotąd bez kontynuatorów. Zapiski Baczaka, notującego ból, cierpienie i samotność umierających w domu opieki dla przewlekle chorych, zapisującego własną i ich bezradność wobec nieuchronnego, bezowocnie tropiącego bezimiennego „Sprawcę”, pozostają tekstem osobnym na tle rodzimego mikrokanonu literatury o domach opieki i domach starców, od Stanisława Grochowiaka po Mariusza Sieniewicza.
Zapiski z nocnych dyżurów by Jacek Baczak (1995) has frequently been interpreted as a transgressive text both in that it neglects the ban on portraying the human suffering and in that the author deploys suffering of others to his own aesthetic goals. Still this is an unprecedented book in Polish literature, and to this day has not found followers. In Zapiski the author takes note of pain, suffering and solitude of the chronically ill, dying in a nursing home. Yet what he takes note of in fact is his own, and theirs, helplessness towards fate, attempting vainly to trace the innominate „Perpetrator”. His text stands out the exiguous Polish canon of literature on nursing and old people’s homes, ranging from Grochowiak to Sieniewicz.
This article presents the cultural factors which contribute to understanding psychological health and pathology. The definitions of understanding psychological health and ways of approaching treatment were analysed, with particular emphasis on the role of religion. Understanding health and pathology was analysed from the perspective of the distinction between illness and disease. Four academic disciplines tackling this topic – psychology of religion, cultural psychology, indigenous psychology and clinical psychology – were presented as specific ways of approaching a conceptualisation of the above problems.
Content available remote Nemoci, smrt a pohřby Rudolfa II.
This study, based, in particular, on reports, until now unused in research, from foreign envoys to the Imperial Court; the Hapsburgs’family correspondence, the post-mortem report, deals with the course of the illnesses of Rudolph II., his death and funeral ceremonies in Madrid and Prague. In connection with the spread of the reports of the death of the Central European ruler during the year of 1612, the authors have attempted to gain an insight into the contents and means of communication at the Imperial Court in Prague. They have not failed to pay attention to the activities of influential courtiers and their intelligence networks. At the same time they traced the communication routes between Prague, Antwerp, Brussels, Florence, Madrid, Nuremberg and Rome along which the information about the death of Rudolph II and preparations for his funeral spread. The focus of this study lies in the interpretation of the symbolic importance of the social body of the deceased Emperor. From the lying-in-state of the corpse to the requiem mass, he was entering the collective memory as a virtuous ruler, a Christian knight and a defender of the Catholic faith, like his famous ancestors of the Hapsburg dynasty.
Content available remote Ferdinand I. ve svědectvích o jeho nemocech, smrti a posledních rozloučeních
This presented study focuses on determining the causes of the illness, courses of treatment, the preparation for the death and symbolic messages conveyed at the funerals of Ferdinand I, based on the dispatches of envoys, personal correspondence of the Imperial family, official correspondence of court dignatories and an iconographical analysis of the sources. Attention is also paid to the impact of the gradually deteriorating general health of the biological body of this Central European ruler in terms of a weakening of the sovereign’s grip on power and the exercise of his everyday regal duties between 1563 and 1564. At the same time, the chosen historical-anthropological approaches and concepts of symbolic communication make it possible to observe the creation of the image of the social body of the deceased emperor at the moment of his death on 25th July 1564 and during the final obsequies which took place thirteen months later, namely on 6th and 7th of August 1565 in Vienna and on 21th and 22nd August 1565 in Prague. During the display of his remains at a castrum doloris, the ceremonial funeral procession and the requiem mass, Ferdinand I entered the collective memory as a Christian knight, a wise and righteous ruler of extensive territories in Central Europe, where, after his biological death, his bereaved sons took over the ruling power by the grace of God. The dramaturgy of final farewells and the use of symbols in speeches celebrated loudly the continuous tradition of the Christian rule of the Habsburg dynasty.
The paper is devoted to the changes that occurred in the domain of health impairment in English. It presents twelve words, such as Old English adle or untrumness as well as the modern terms like syndrome, depicts their etymology and cognitive background. It shows the motivation of word-creation on the morphological and cultural basis in order to create a coherent picture of the evolution of the concept and its realisations.
Content available remote Między miłością a śmiercią, czyli Iwana Turgieniewa koncepcja ludzkiego losu
W artykule przedstawiono genezę, istotę i różnorodne uwarunkowania koncepcji miłości tragicznej autorstwa Iwana Turgieniewa (1818–1883). Rosjanin początkowo próbował uchwycić naturę miłości w następstwie lektury dzieł rosyjskich i zachodnioeuropejskich twórców doby romantyzmu: George'a Gordona Byrona, Johanna Wolfganga Goethego, Aleksandra Bestużewa, Włodzimierza Benediktowa. W nieco późniejszym okresie swego życia patrzył na związaną z nią problematykę również poprzez pryzmat osobistych doznań i doświadczeń życiowych. Stworzona przez pisarza, pesymistyczna w swej wymowie, koncepcja miłości tragicznej jest elementem składowym Turgieniewowskiego światopoglądu. Trzeba rozpatrywać ją wespół z refleksjami autora Opowieści tajemniczych, dotyczącymi specyfiki ludzkiej egzystencji.
The article presents the origin, the essence and various conditions of the concept of tragic love depicted by Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883). Initially, the Russian was trying to catch the nature of love as a result of reading works of Russian and West European Romanticism authors — George Gordon Byron, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Alexander Bestuzhev, Vladimir Benediktov. In a later period of his life, however, Turgenev was perceiving the issue of tragic love also through the prism of his personal feelings and life experiences. The concept of tragic love created by the writer, pessimistic in its meaning, is a component of Turgenev's world-view. It should be considered together with his thoughts regarding the specific nature of human existence.
Maria Ostasz w jednym z artykułów dokonuje przeglądu – syntezy polskiej prozy dla dzieci i młodzieży drugiej połowy XX wieku. Wymienia powieści dziecięco-młodzieżowe, baśnie, przykłady fantastyki literackiej, a także liczące się ośrodki badań nad literaturą dziecięco-młodzieżową oraz mechanizmy sterowania ówczesnym rynkiem czytelniczym. Niniejszy tekst, podkreślający potrzebę ciągłości badań historyczno-literackich literatury czwartej czy osobnej, jak zwykło się określać literaturę dla dzieci i młodzieży, zawierać będzie przegląd – próbę syntezy polskiej prozy dziecięcej początków XXI stulecia: jej warunki rozwoju, problematykę oraz wartości (estetyczne, społeczno-kulturowe, moralne), jakie ze sobą niesie. Dokonuję przeglądu problematyki prozy dla dzieci, którą odnajdziemy na stronie Polskiej Sekcji IBBY – Stowarzyszenia Przyjaciół Książki dla Młodych oraz Fundacji ABC, prozy ważnej ze względu na pełnione funkcje: teleologiczną, aktywizującą, kompensacyjną, terapeutyczną, dydaktyczno-wychowawczą, edukacyjno-poznawczą i ludyczną.
The text contains the attempt of the synthesis of the Polish children’s prose of beginnings of the XXI century – conditions for the development of this artistic work, its issues and values (social and cultural, moral, aesthetic). I am making the trial of classification of issues of the prose for children which we can find on the Polish side of the Section IBBY and of the Foundation ABC; important prose on account of performed functions: teleological, activating, compensating, therapeutic, teaching, educational.
W artykule ukazano działalność stowarzyszenia Centrum Ochotników Cierpienia w archidiecezji warmińskiej, jego cele i założenia pastoralne. Ponadto zaprezentowano duchowość wspólnoty oraz szkic do biografii założyciela stowarzyszenia – sługi bożego ks. prał. Luigiego Novarese, którego beatyfikacja odbyła się 11 maja 2013 r.
The article presents the activities of the association the Centre of Volunteers of Suffering in the Archdiocese of Warmia, its pastoral goals, and objectives. Moreover, the author discusses the spirituality of the community and includes a biographical sketch of the founder of the association – the Servant of God, Fr. Monsignor Luigi Novarese, whose beatification took place on 11 May 2013.
Der Artikel präsentiert die Tätigkeit des Vereins „Zentrum der Freiwilligen des Leidens“ in der Erzdiözese Ermland und seine Ziele und pastorale Grundlagen. Außerdem zeigt er die Spiritualität der Gemeinschaft und enthält ein Biogramm des Vereinsgründers – Msgr. Luigi Novarese, der am 11. Mai 2013 seliggesprochen wurde.
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