In the National Museum in Krakow there is a project of the iconostasis made in watercolor on cardboard with signature MNK III-r.a. 18617. The handwritten inscription in its upper left corner says that it has been prepared in 1911 by the “Krzywicki and Morawski” company from Radom. This company was chosen to create the architectural structure of the oak-carved iconostasis to the Orthodox Church of the Protection of Virgin in Kozienice. This church on the Warsaw street in 1905-1906 was funded by the 25th Smolensk Regiment. After the transfer of troops, from the 1911 this Orthodox Church started function as a parish, and in 1915 was abandoned. In the following year it was the catholic church of The Queen of the Polish Crown, for Polish legionaries. After the a brief using by the Polish Catholics after the first world war, in the years 1938-1939 this degradable building was demolished. The project of the iconostas preserved in Krakow is a valuable source for research into the original interior of the Orthodox Church. Thanks to this project I could find fragments of the original iconostas and main altar in the church in Brzeźnica. Today, these fragments are the part of two retables: in the sanctuary and in the north chapel. In the oak structure of former iconostas preserved several of the original icons, which in conjunction with the architectural project allowed to recreate the original altar barrier program.
This paper presents typology and selected examples of interconfessional conversions of lemko temples, after “Vistula Operation” 1947 in Poland. It also shows the process of transformation of spatial and functional structures as well as iconography of the temples and their iconostases, implemented throughout adaptation for the Roman Catholic churches. It covers problems in architectural conservation as well as essential ideological aspects of symbolical and liturgical nature.
As a part of the preparation of my master’s thesis at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, I undertook an extremely difficult task of separating two paintings placed on a common wooden support. The subject-matter of my thesis was the deacon’s doors of the iconostasis from the former Orthodox church in Opaka. The 18thcentury painting which had once decorated the doors was entirely repainted by Teofil Kopystyński in 1912. The chemical analyses that were carried out led to the detection of oil binder in the 20th century paint layer and oily tempera in the original paint layer, which is probably combined with the oil & resin finish layer. There was an intermediate oil layer between individual paintings, however no varnish was detected on the surface of the original composition, which made the separation process more difficult. After performing some preliminary tests, I finally decided to carry out the task by means of the “chemical” method, where dimethyloformamide solvent vapours are used to soften the surface paint layer. For this purpose I used a special sealed chamber, where the increased temperature resulted in the evaporation of the solvent, which had an impact on the paint layer being transferred through its protective face (i.e. the Japanese tissue-paper stuck with Velpon). I cut the softened paint layer into fragments by means of a scalpel. After many months of very difficult and dangerous work, I managed to remove the 20th century painting in two pieces, thereby uncovering the 18th century painting composition. After preparing reverse sides of both pieces and sticking them on intermediate carriers (paper interfacing with the use of Acrylkleber 360 and 498 HV), it was possible to remove the protective face and integrate the separated composition. I placed the removed painting on a wooden support using Beva Gel adhesive.
W referacie przedstawiono wybrane przykłady międzykonfesyjnych konwersji cerkwi łemkowskich, dokonanych po „Akcji Wisła” 1947 r. w Polsce. Ukazano proces przetworzenia struktur przestrzenno-funkcjonalnych i rozwiązań ikonograficznych tych świątyń, zrealizowanych podczas ich adaptacji na kościoły rzymskokatolickie. Ujawniono zarówno występujące wówczas problemy natury konserwatorskiej, jak też istotne aspekty ideowe, natury symboliczno-liturgicznej.
This paper presents selected examples of interconfessional conversions of lemko temples, after "Vistula Operation" 1947 in Poland. It also shows the process of transformation of spatial and functional structures as well as iconography of the temples, implemented throughout adaptation. It covers problems in architectural conservation as well as essential ideological aspects of symbolical and liturgical nature.
In June 2020, 100 years have passed since the actual start of the demolition of the Orthodox cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Warsaw. The largest Orthodox temple in Poland has been open to the faithful for 3 years only. However, it has become legendary like no other, because of its “second life” – the fate of the cathedral’s equipment and usage of materials obtained during its demolition. The author describes ambiguous history of the fate of movable equipment and elements of decor of the temple, presenting examples of it further usage. Referring to the example of an iconostasis from an Orthodox church in Krzemień in Belarus, author shows the emerging “urban legends” regarding the use of equipment from the capital’s cathedral.
W czerwcu 2020 roku minęło 100 lat od faktycznego rozpoczęcia burzenia prawosławnej katedry pod wezwaniem św. Aleksandra Newskiego w Warszawie. Ta – największa w Polsce – świątynia prawosławna służyła wiernym zaledwie 3 lata. Jak żadna inna cerkiew obrosła jednak legendami. Zwłaszcza w zakresie jej „drugiego życia”, czyli losów wyposażenia soboru oraz wykorzystania pochodzących z jego burzenia materiałów. Autor opisuje zarówno niejednoznaczną historię losów wyposażenia ruchomego świątyni, jak i elementów jej wystroju. Na przykładach prezentuje losy materiałów budowlanych i wykończeniowych pozyskiwanych z soboru. Odwołując się do przykładu ikonostasu z cerkwi w Krzemieniu na Białorusi, autor pokazuje tworzące się „miejskie legendy” dotyczące wykorzystania sprzętów ze stołecznej katedry.
The article discusses the large sections of a 17th-century iconostasis hitherto unknown to scholars and the conservation services, which have been discovered in the attic of the filial Orthodox church of St John the Theologian in Nowoberezowo (Hajnówka district). It is the earliest extant iconostasis in the Podlachia region and most probably one of the oldest in the lands of the former Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania. Its discovery was made during inventorying procedures carried out by the Catalogue of the Monuments of Art in Poland. An analysis of the records of church visitations from the years 1727, 1759 and 1784 has made it possible to trace the transformations in the structure of the iconostasis in the course of the 18th century and to propose its conjectural reconstructions in the condition it had in the early 18th century and after 1771.
Artykuł omawia odnalezione na strychu cerkwi filialnej św. Jana Teologa w Nowoberezowie (pow. hajnowski) nieznane nauce i służbom konserwatorskim duże fragmenty pochodzącego z ok. 2.–3. ćwierci XVII w. ikonostasu – najstarszego zachowanego na Podlasiu, zapewne jednego z najstarszych na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Odkrycia dokonano podczas prac inwentaryzacyjnych prowadzonych przez zespół Katalogu Zabytków Sztuki w Polsce. Analiza treści aktów wizytacji świątyni z lat 1727, 1759 i 1784 pozwoliła na prześledzenie przekształceń obiektu w XVIII w. i opracowanie domniemanych rekonstrukcji stanu z początku XVIII w. i po 1771 r.
The paper indicates a complex meaning of the iconostasis both in sacred art and the liturgy of the Orthodox Church. Selected examples illustrate a process of historical development of the iconostasis, contemporary variety of forms and its influence on worship celebrated in the Orthodox church.
Przedstawiony tekst wskazuje na wielopłaszczyznowe znaczenie ikonostasu w sztuce sakralnej i w liturgice Kościoła prawosławnego. Prezentacja historycznego rozwoju, miejsca, złożonej funkcji i symboliki ikonostasu następuje przez to na tle wyjaśnienia roli, znaczenia i symboliki prawosławnej świątyni jako całości. Wybrane przykłady ikonostasów ilustrują proces historycznego rozwoju ikonostasu, współczesne zróżnicowanie jego form i nierozerwalny związek z cerkiewnym nabożeństwem.
A monograph study on the Orthodox Monastery of the Holy Trinity at Markowo near Witebsk (Vitebsk) is presented. It shows the Monastery’s history as seen against religious conflicts between the followers of the Orthodox and Uniate Churches in the 17th cand 18th centuries, the conflicts particularly vivid in Witebsk where the memory of the assassination of Archbishop Jozafat Kuncewicz (1623) made the restitution of the Orthodox Church a sensitive issue. The Ogiński family were the founders and benefactors of the Markowo Monastery in the 17th century. In harmony with the Eastern monastic tradition, the complex of buildings grouped around a courtyard created an almost self-sufficient ‘separate town’. It was composed of the following: two Orthodox churches: the wooden one of the Holy Trinity (after 1685-1690), richly furnished, and the brick one of the Intercession of the Theotokos (1754-1755), together with monastery buildings. Additionally, two wooden Orthodox churches belonged to the Monastery: the cemetery one of St Nicholas and of St Praxedes (both ca 1730).
Artykuł jest monograficznym opracowaniem monasteru Świętej Trójcy w Markowie pod Witebskiem. Przedstawia jego dzieje na tle konfliktów religijnych między wyznawcami prawosławia a unitami w XVII i XVIII w., szczególnie żywych w Witebsku, w którym pamięć o zabójstwie abp Jozafata Kuncewicza (1623) czyniła z restytucji prawosławia kwestię bardzo drażliwą. Fundatorami i dobroczyńcami markowskiego monasteru w XVII w. była rodzina Ogińskich. Zgodnie ze wschodnią tradycją monastyczną, zespół budowli skupionych wokół dziedzińca tworzył niemal samowystarczalne „osobne miasto”. Składały się nań: dwie cerkwie: drewniana Świętej Trójcy (po 1685-1690) o bogatym wyposażeniu i murowana pw. Pokrowy [Opieki Najświętszej Marii Panny] (1754-1755) oraz zabudowania klasztorne. Do monasteru należały jeszcze dwie drewniane cerkwie stojące poza jego murami cmentarna św. Mikołaja i św. Praksedy (obie ok. 1730 r.).
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