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Metaphorics of light and color as means of the author’s modality expression, being realized through the use of mineralogical lexics, is considered on the poetic texts of M. Voloshin, the original poet of the Silver Age. Peculiarities of the mineralogical lexics metaphorical usage as a method of representation of the emotional-ethical and axiological poet’s guidelines, determining the essence of the author’s modality as a text-building category, are stated.
The article presents the individual characteristics of the language (idiolect/idiostyle) of the columns written by Henryk Martenka from “Angora” in 2015. These are among others: humour, irony, colloquial, lexical innovation, original epithets, styling, quotes with argumentative function, rhetorical strategy questions, making understatements. They demonstrate the originality, conceptualization of subsistence of his author, his consciousness and metalinguistic reflection and bring the reader closer to world’s attitudes, opinions and values.
This article is about a source of phraseological units which were identifi ed in Panteleymon Kulish’s linguistic creativity. The language valuation of Kulish’s writings in the Ukrainian language of different historical periods was characterized. The writer’s information about his biography and epistolary was analyzed as evidence of chronicles’ interest. Attention is paid to the Ukrainian spoken of the phraseology in Samovydets’s Chronicle, Grygoriy Grab’yanka’s Chronicle, Galicia-Volyn chronicle. The infl uence of the old Ukrainian written tradition on selection phraseological units in Panteleymon Kulish’s creativity was shown. The function of stylistic categories of idioms in Kulish’s idiostyle in the context of the adoption of chronicle tradition was partially described. This was done in an attempt to estimate the achievement of modern phraseography according to the codifi cation of phraseological units which actively function in the writer’s lingual practice.
This article presents a lexico-semantic analysis of Nikolay Gumilev’s “Garden of the Soul” poem (1907). In the early 20th century, there appeared a special type of depiction in art – a depiction of the author’s inner state. Analyzing the idiostyles (individual styles) of the poets from the Silver Age, we have defined it as a psychological self-portrait, the type of character depiction wherein the poet uses the artistic format to characterize his or her mental state when creating the work of art. One of NikolayGumilev’s early poems, “Gardens of the Soul” (1907), fits into the category of the psychological self-portrait. In his early poems, the poet had already demonstrated the basic features of the future neo-romantic trend in Russian poetry, known as acmeism (from the Greek Üêìç (acme), the height of the blossoming season), founded by Nikolay Gumilev himself. By opposing themselves to the symbolists, the acmeists turned to the description of the material world. First and foremost, they tended to replace the referent with characterization in metaphorical constructions, and describe abstract notions through analogies with the material world. In his poem “Gardens of the Soul” the author describes his inner world through the metaphor of the garden. On route from referent denotations of the words garden and soul to the metaphorical meaning of the phrase “gardens of the soul”, the readers find themselves neutralizing the concrete semantic components, while other semantic components are actualized. The study uses lexicosemantic analysis and socio-philological experiments. The article summarizes the results of a survey, in which the respondents of various age and social groups interpret the text of the poem. The metaphorical transfer between the notions of the soul and the garden is carried out through not one, but several ways: epidigmatic (3%), lexicosemantic (39%), attributive (25%) and lexico-derivational (33%).
The study presented in this article is based on a corpus of 200 songs by a Russian poet and singer Boris Grebenschikov. The cognitive space of sacredness is one of the key spaces in the artistic discourse worldview of Boris Grebenschikov. The authors emphasize that the sacredness in the interpretation of the Russian poet does not relate to any specific religion. It is universal and mystical but, at the same time, it is emphasized anthropocentrically. The authors demonstrate the specifics of the poet's artistic depiction of sacred phenomena, physical objects and substances through explicit and implicit lexical nominations and descriptions. Descriptions of impossible or unknown spatial-temporal phenomena, events, and hidden knowledge are referred to as markers of the implicit representation of the sacred. The same goes with the names of especially important substances, e.g., salt, water, dust and unnatural phenomena. The linguoconceptual analysis of Grebenschikov’s idiostyle aimed at uncovering the cross-cutting motives and characteristics of the poet’s entire work is of a functional and pragmatic nature.
The journalistic output of Bolesław Prus is so vast that it requires adetailed analysis. Therefore, the present article is not acomprehensive study of the writing technique of the Warsaw chroni-cler, and neither is it afull presentation of his journalistic idiostyle; instead, it is supposed to depict the most typical features of his style. Two indicators of his journalistic internal style – the genre fluency and stylistic easiness – have been discussed at length; both features indicate an exceptional character of the style of Aleksander Głowacki. The characteristic elements of his idiostyle have been taken from 16 texts of different lengths, which are joined by the common topic, the Ogród Saski, apublic garden in central Warsaw.
Niniejszy szkic nie ma za zadanie kompleksowej analizy idiostylu Bolesława Prusa, realizowanego w tekstach publicystycznych (jest to niemożliwe ze względu na ogrom dorobku dziennikarskiego pisarza), wskazuje jedynie na pewne charakterystyczne elementy warsztatu pisarskiego kronikarza Warszawy. Omówiono dwa wyznaczniki wewnętrzne stylu dziennikarskiego – płynność gatunkową i swobodę stylistyczną. Obie cechy wskazują na wyjątkowość kronikarskiego pióra Aleksandra Głowackiego. Charakterystyczne elementy idiostylu zaczerpnięte zostały z 16 tekstów różnej długości, które łączy wspólny temat: park miejski w centrum miasta – Ogród Saski. Analizie poddane zostały takie środki stylistyczne, jak peryfraza, metafora, metonimia, neologizmy czy paralelizmy składniowe.
Specific of language and creativity of I. Nechui- Levytskyi’s in the context of history of Ukrainian literary language is outlined. The analysis of idiostyle writer is carried out after presence in the artistic texts of conceptual lexical units which form lexical-associative field “intelligentsia”. The basie structural and semantic types of metaphors are considered with key words dream, idea, heart, soul. Activity of comparisons and artistic definitions is marked in the system of figurative and stylistic language means of the researched prose. The last definitions are concemed such concepts, as “intelligentsia”, “nationalism”, “life”.
The author presents an oven iew of bibliography deahrg wuh Polish and Russian writer’s dictionaries. He shows a concept of lexicographic research on idiostyles proposed by B.A. Larin. He also discusses the issues of creating monolingual and bilingual writer’s language dictionaries.
Content available remote Translating Anna Karenina - to the Question About the Pragmatics of Translation
The article deals with the stylistic peculiarities of the translations made by R. Pevear and L. Volokhonsky, L. and A. Maud, J. Carmichael of the novel Anna Karenina by L. Tolstoy on the basis of pragmastylistics and comparative analysis. It tries to analyze the text of the novel using the lingo-stylistic characteristics in accordance with the national bias in the way of thinking and individual creative preferences of every translator taking an attempt to introduce a foreign picture of the world to his countrymen. It underlines the impact of Tolstoy’s complicated attitude towards the customs and traditions of the Russian Orthodox church and the specific relationship of the author of the novel with God and its manifestation in the description of the heroes’ characters. In stresses how vital it may turn out to preserve the author’s ideostyle - lexis and syntax (the word order, the choice of them and the length of the sentences) for the successful interpretation of the writer’s views and stance by the reader.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of presentation of a human and his demonstration by natural phenomena and objects in artistic idiostyle of a Russian bard and poet Boris Grebenshchikov’s. Particular explicational schemes that belong to the general pictorial model of human naturalization were described with respect to the concepts of the naturefacts, which are most characteristics of poet’s aesthetic picture of world.
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie prezentacji osoby i jej przejawów poprzez zjawiska i przedmioty naturalne w artystycznym idiostylu rosyjskiego barda i poety Borysa Griebienszczikowa. Opisane zostały poszczególne schematy eksplikatywne, które są częścią ogólnego modelu naturalizacji człowieka z uwzględnieniem konceptów – faktów naturalnych najbardziej charakterystycznych dla estetycznego obrazu świata poety.
The author addresses the issue of how peculiarities of Gogol’s narrative style can be retained in the translations of “Petersburg Stories” and “Dead Souls”, with special focus on the attitude of the narrator towards what is reported. The main attention is paid to constructions with the qualificator russkij ‘Russian’ referring to phenomena deeply rooted in Russian culture and, on the face of it, serving to highlight the national “local color”. Still, on a closer inspection one finds that, contrary to expectations, relevant constructions reflect alienation of the narrator with respect to reported events, being a kind of exoticisms and thus additionally complicating translation. It is well-advised for Gogol’s translators to be mindful of this special variety of exoticization characteristic of his prose.
The article presents language idiosyncracies of Sr. Bernardina Maria Jabłońska (187-1940), co-founder of the Congregation of Albertine Sisters Serving the Poor (ZSAPU). Sr. Bernardina Jabłońska’s variable feature of religious idiostyle is a combination of sublime qualities (which may be embodied as poetic) and colloquial style. Sublimeness is achieved primarily through artistic means, mainly comparisons and metaphors. Colloquialism is represented by diminutive and hypocoristic formations, lexical and phraseological colloquial expressions (including colloquial comparisons), and quasi-dialogical syntactic constructions.
W artykule przedstawia się osobliwości języka s. Bernardyny Marii Jabłońskiej (1878-1940) współzałożycielki Zgromadzenia Sióstr Albertynek Posługujących Ubogim. Cechą znamienną religijnego idiostylu s. Bernardyny Jabłońskiej są łączące się cechy wzniosłość (mogąca być ujęta jako poetyckość) i potoczność. Wzniosłość osiągana przede wszystkim poprzez środki artystyczne głównie porównania i metafory. Potoczność wyrażana zaś przez formacje deminutywne i hipokorystyczne, potocyzmy leksykalne i frazeologiczne (w tym potoczne porównania) oraz budujące (quasi)dialogowość konstrukcje składniowe.
Content available Henryk Sienkiewicz i poezja – krytyka, praktyka
Subject to analysis in this article are the poetic and the metapoetic statements made by Henryk Sienkiewicz. Even though the latter category is now and then analysed in lingustic research – as part of the analyses of Sienkiewicz’s legacy as a columnist and a reviewer – the former category remains terra incognita for language researchers. The first part of the article analyses the key concepts of Sienkiewicz’s metapoetic statements (e.g. talent [gift, talent] or prostota [simplicity]) as well as the stylistic qualities of these statements (e.g. poetic nature, emotionality). The second part of the article features a linguistic analysis of the idiostylistic qualities of Sienkiewicz’s poetic works: grammar of rhymes, selection of stylistic means (e.g. parallels and epithets) as well as his choice of the lexical stock.
The article presents the analisys of language idiostyle of Robert Makłowicz, the presenter and author of television cuisine program „Makłowicz w podróży” and his characteristic language elements. The author also discusses the place of television cuisine programs in the medial environment and tries to describe elements characteristic for Makłowicz’s idiodiscourse.
Podstawą do stwierdzenia, że słowotwórcze leksemy innowacyjne są powszechne w poezji Mykoły Winhranowskiego jest ich systematyzacja i klasyfikacja. Wśród nich najliczniejszą grupę stanowią leksemy utworzone przez złożenie podstaw; utworzone za pomocą przyrostków jako formantów słowotwórczych; utworzone z wykorzystaniem jednocześnie przedrostków i przyrostków. Rzadko spotykane są neologizmy utworzone za pomocą wyłącznie przedrostków. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono różne rodzaje okazjonalizmów poety, które autorka analizuje na podstawie wymienionej klasyfikacji. Istotną rolę odgrywa także postawa autorska Winhranowskiego, którą badaczka odbiera jako ważny aspekt psycholingwistyczny w procesie kształtowania indywidualnego stylu twórczego.
The systematization and classification of neolexemes in Mykola Vingranovkyi’s poetry prove that the author used them for creating his own literary idiostyle. Among such kinds of words, the most widespread are formed by compounding the stems. The other variants of the poet’s words are formed by suffixation and also prefixal-suffixal derivatives. Much less common is to find neologisms formed by only prefixation. In the article, the researcher studies different types of occasional lexemes, analysis of which had been based on the aforementioned classification. In this case, the writer’s position is very important. The author shows how the psychoanalytical aspect of the poet’s outlook is present in his linguistic presentation of the world.
У сучасній українській лінгвістиці з огляду на її загальну антропологічну спрямованість доволі продуктивними є когнітивні дослідження, зокрема й у царині художнього тексту, що дає змогу описати мовні засоби його інтерпретування на рівні концептуальних структур. До базових концептів у категоризації світу належить ЧАС. Мета дослідження – окреслити засоби художньої концептуалізації добового часу та їхнє функційно-семантичне навантаження в прозових текстах М. Вінграновського, розглянути художню концептуалізацію добового часу з огляду на ідіостильові риси мовотворчості письменника. У дискурсі малої прози М. Вінграновського художній час не зводиться до відтворення властивостей фізичного часу. Модель часу М. Вінграновського глибоко закорінена в міфопоетичну картину світу й пропущена крізь призму індивідуального світосприйняття оповідача. Лінгвальне вираження ідеї часу відбувається через реалізацію окремих темпоральних значень. Носіями часової семантики в тексті є найчастіше іменники, дієслова, прислівники, прикметники. Крім того, розглядаємо розгорнуті контексти з темпоральним змістом. Як показує дослідження, М. Вінграновський переважно вдається до відтворення циклічності часу. Відповідно набувають важливого значення образи частин доби. Концепти ДЕНЬ, НІЧ, РАНОК, ВЕЧІР у мові аналізованих творів вербалізовано словами різної частиномовної належності, що містять відповідну часову сему. Номінативні поля, що формують їхнє художньо-смислове наповнення, доволі розгалужені. Для кожного з концептів ядро становлять іменники, які називають частини добового колообігу (ранок, день, вечір, ніч), до приядерної зони належать їхні синоніми (світанок, досвіток; надвечір’я), прислівники на означення часу тривання дії (вночі, ночами; вдень), початкової часової межу (зранку, вдосвіта; звечора); дієслова, що передають стан природи відповідно до добового часу (розвиднятися; вечоріти, смеркати, темніти). До ближньої периферії входять іменники та якісні прикметники, які, поєднуючись із темпоральними назвами, передають зорові, звукові, тактильні, психологічні характеристики частин доби. За нашими спостереженнями, провідний прийом концептуалізації добового часу – зображення міжчасся, розтягання часу. Дальню периферію у вираженні аналізованих концептів формують індивідуально-авторські образні контексти з назвами небесних світил, природних, просторових реалій, назви тварин, актуалізовані в пейзажних замальовках. Найбільш показові для асоціативно-образної концептуалізації частин доби є метафори руху, кольору, горіння. Варто акцентувати, що у сприйнятті добового часу ціннісні маркери розставляє саме оповідач. Специфіка художньої концептуалізації добового часу зумовлена ідіостильовими настановами автора, тяжінням до кінематографізму. Образи природного часу передають ідею циклічності, природної гармонії часоплину, переживання цінності кожного моменту людського життя. Їхнє втілення зумовлене ракурсом бачення наратора, його емоційним станом.
In modern Ukrainian linguistics, given its general anthropological orientation, cognitive research is quite productive, including in the field of literary text, which allows us to describe the linguistic means of its interpretation at the level of conceptual structures. The basic concepts in the categorization of the world include TIME. The purpose of the study is to outline the means of artistic conceptualization of daily time and their functional and semantic load in M. Vingranovskyi’s prose texts, to consider the artistic conceptualization of daily time in view of idiostylistic features of the writer’s language. In the discourse of M. Vingranovskyi’s short prose, artistic time is not reduced to the reproduction of the properties of physical time. M. Vingranovskyi’s model of time is deeply rooted in the mythopoetic picture of the world and passed through the prism of the narrator’s individual worldview. Lingual expression of the idea of time occurs through the realization of individual temporal values. Carriers of temporal semantics in the text are often nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives. In addition, we consider detailed contexts with temporal content. As research shows, M. Vingranovskyi mainly resorts to the reproduction of the cyclical nature of time. Accordingly, the images of parts of the day become important. The concepts DAY, NIGHT, MORNING, EVENING in the language of the analyzed works are verbalized with words of different parts of speech, which contain the appropriate temporal sema. The nominative fields that form their artistic and semantic content are quite branched. For each of the concepts, the nucleus consists of nouns that name the parts of the circadian cycle (morning, day, evening, night), the synopsis zone includes their synonyms (dawn, predawn, twilight), adverbs to denote the duration of the action (at night, nights, by day), the initial time limit (since morning, before dawn; since evening); verbs that convey the state of nature in accordance with the time of day (to dawn; to grow dark, to get dusky, to darken). The near periphery includes nouns and qualitative adjectives, which, combined with temporal names, convey the visual, sound, tactile, psychological characteristics of parts of the day. According to our observations, the leading method of conceptualizing the time of day – the image of the time, the stretching of time. The far periphery in the expression of the analyzed concepts is formed by individual authorial figurative contexts with the names of celestial bodies, natural, spatial realities, names of animals, actualized in landscape sketches. The metaphors of movement, color and burning are the most revealing for the associative figurative conceptualization of parts of the day. It is worth emphasizing that in the perception of the time of day value markers are placed by the narrator. The specificity of the artistic conceptualization of the time of day is due to the author’s idiosyncratic guidelines, the attraction to cinematography. Images of natural time convey the idea of cyclicity, the natural harmony of time, the experience of the value of every moment of human life. Their embodiment is due to the perspective of the narrator, his emotional state.
The article reflects the experience of using the original software system “Hypertext Search for Companion-Words in Author’s Texts”, which allows one to find recurrent lexical combinations in the work of an author (the “corpus” direction of research) or in a thematically (by key lexical items) defined corpus of poems by various authors, right up to all Russian poetry (a “thematic” line of research). In the identified lexical combinations, a common lexical set is distinguished, due to the commonality of actual life or of language material, to common features of human perception, or to widespread associations. In this way a leitmotiv-based lexical environment emerges. It contains the dominant components of lexical combinations. Outside the leitmotiv set remain variations – lexemes that are occasionally added to the leitmotiv core in specific texts and thereby individualize those texts. These are optional components of combinations. Identifying the dominant and the optional components of lexical combinations is effective for comparing different authors and for establishing what they have in common and where they differ in their poetic interpretations of the same topic.
Статья отражает опыт применения оригинального программного комплекса «Гипертекстовый поиск слов-спутников в авторских текстах», который позволяет обнаружить повторяющиеся лексические комбинации в творчестве того или иного автора («корпусное» направление исследований) или в тематически заданном определенной ключевой лексемой корпусе стихотворений разных авторов вплоть до всей русской поэзии («тематическое» направление исследований). В выявленных лексических комбинациях выделяется общий лексический ряд, обусловленный общностью объективного жизненного или языкового материала, общими особенностями человеческого восприятия, распространенными ассоциациями. Так создается лейтмотивная лексическая среда. Это доминантные компоненты лексических комбинаций. За пределами этого лейтмотивного ряда остаются вариации – лексемы, которые изредка добавляются к лейтмотивному ядру в конкретных текстах и тем самым индивидуализируют эти тексты. Это факультативные компоненты комбинаций. Выявление доминантных и факультативных компонентов лексических комбинаций эффективно для сравнения разных авторов и установления общего и отличного в их поэтических интерпретациях одной и той же темы.
The article is devoted to coloristic range description of the novel The Smoke of the Fatherland by K.G. Paustovsky. The quantitative and qualitative lexemes composition, which forms it has been revealed. The functional load of color dominants and the ratio of national color picture of the world and the individual author’s has been established; as well as some special features of K.G. Paustovsky’s creative manner of color-writing.
Longos, pisarz starogrecki końca II w., autor pastoralnego romansu „Dafnis i Chloe” żył w epoce „drugiej sofistyki”. Jego stosunek do religii i wiary dość poważny: wiara w istnienie bogów i pietyzm wobec kultu bóstwa autentyczne, a obrazy bogów i opowiadania o cudach przez nich tworzone, nie stanowiły dodatku do opowieści fabularnych, a ważną ich część. Tak samo należy rozpatrywać poświęcenie romansu Erosowi, Nimfom i Panowi. Zdaniem autorki, kwestia stosowania elementów mitycznych w romansie Longosa pozostaje aktualna.
Longus, the ancient Greek writer of the end of the second century, who wrote the pastoral novel „Daphnis and Chloe”, lived in the epoch of the „second sophistry”, when artistic and moral values were actively overvalued, in the epoch, when vision and treatment of religion was changed and rural gods, Pan and Nymphs, were honoured only as a tradition and mainly among villagers. Longus’ attitude toward religion and beliefs was serious enough: faith in gods’ existence and worship to the cult of deity were real for him, and images of gods and narrations about wonders, which they create, were not just an addi-tion to artistic narrative, but an important part of it. Moreover, there is a necessity to ex-amine the dedication of the novel as a gift to Eros, Nymphs and Pan. We consider the elements of myth as not an artistic reception, but as an important component of the writer’s idiostyle, his world outlook. A question about using mythical elements in the Lon-gus’ novel, the subject of our scientific research, is considered to be actual.
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