Ławiak Alicja, Academic youth as a representative of a new phase in a social development. About the condition of identity in youthfulness. Culture – Society – Education no 2(16) 2019, Poznań 2019, pp. 235–244, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2019.16.15. The post-modern reality, including the multitude of changes and expanding volumes of offers force the individual to continually redefine themselves. A person existing in contemporary reality is permanently on the search for their identity, in order to finally find the most suitable one, which (as it usually turns out nowadays) does not exist. Youths make a choice within the range of education offers. They more often than not decide to study, with studying being the reason for delaying the moment of entry into adulthood and taking over social roles that are specific for the period of young adulthood. In making this choice, young people enter the phase of so-called emerging adulthood, which for a while now has been a new, separate phase of development, fitting in between adolescence and young adulthood. They are not passing through the complex process of puberty any more, however, they do not always have a mature identity. They find themselves in a period characterised by intense exploration. The article attempts to describe the specifics of this stage, additionally presenting an overview of studies on the mode of coping with issues of identification characterising the early adulthood period.
In the social-cognitive model of identity formation Berzonsky, (1989, 2011) distinguishes three styles of identity formation: informational, normative and diffuse-avoidant. In order to measure these three styles Berzonsky developed Identity Styles Inventory (ISI). Factorial validity of the questionnaire was usually established via Confirmatory Factor Analysis with parceling (Crocetti, Rubini, Berzonsky, Meeus, 2009; Crocetti, Shokri, 2010; Zimmermann, Biermann-Mahaim, Mantzouranis, Genoud,Crocetti, 2012). Recently Cieciuch (2010) challenged the results obtained in those analysis and demonstrated that the diffuse-avoidant style should be treated as two-dimensional constructin Poland. In the meantime Berzonsky (2010) developed a revised version of ISI (ISI-4). We address the problem pointed out by Cieciuch (2010) in the Polish data collected with ISI-4. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, as well an inspection of the association between identity styles and both personality traits and priorities of values strongly support the necessity to split the diffuse-avoidant style measured by ISI-4 in Poland into two subtypes.
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Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie możliwych powiązań postaw wobec globalizacji w ujęciu Senejko i Łosia ze specyfiką stylów tożsamości w ujęciu Berzonsky’ego. Zbadano 601 osób w wieku 16-26 lat, uczniów, studentów oraz osoby pracujące z województwa dolnośląskiego. Użyte były kwestionariusze: Świat-Ja (postaw wobec globalizacji) oraz Inwentarz Stylu Tożsamości (ISI-5). Wyniki otrzymane za pośrednictwem analiz korelacyjnych oraz skupień pokazują, że osoby z silnie wyrażoną postawą akceptującą wobec globalizacji charakteryzują się przede wszystkim stylem informacyjnym, a najsłabiej – stylem normatywnym oraz dyfuzyjno-unikowym. Postawa krytyczna wobec globalizacji występuje w postaci dwóch skupień: (1) z silnymi postawami krytyczną i akceptującą (osoby z takim układem postaw charakteryzują się silnie wyrażonym stylem informacyjnym tożsamości i zaangażowaniem, a najsłabiej – stylem normatywnym); (2) z silnymi postawami krytyczną i lękliwą (jednostki z tym układem postaw charakteryzuje przede wszystkim normatywny styl tożsamości i zaangażowanie). Dla osób z silnie wyrażoną postawą lękliwą wobec globalizacji typowe jest natomiast stosowanie stylu dyfuzyjno-unikowego lub normatywnego, najsłabiej zaś wyrażony jest w tej grupie styl informacyjny oraz zaangażowanie. Analiza skupień umożliwiła również wyodrębnienie osób z postawą zdystansowaną wobec globalizacji, które charakteryzuje dosyć silne zaangażowanie tożsamościowe.
The main aim of the article is to show the possible relations between attitudes toward globalization as described by Senejko and Łoś and the specificity of identity styles as described by Berzonsky. The participants were 601 people aged 16-26 – school students, university students, and working people from the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, Poland. We used the following instruments: The World–I Questionnaire (measuring attitudes toward globalization) and the Identity Style Inventory (ISI-5). The results obtained in correlational analyses and cluster analyses show that people with a strongly manifested accepting attitude toward globalization are characterized mainly by the informational style and the least strongly by the normative and diffuse-avoidant styles. As the results showed, the critical attitude toward globalization occurs in the form of two clusters: (1) with strong critical and accepting attitudes (people with this configuration of attitudes exhibit a strongly expressed informational identity style and commitment and a weakly expressed normative style); (2) with strong critical and fearful attitudes (individuals with this configuration of attitudes mainly exhibit the normative identity style and commitment). People with a strongly expressed fearful attitude toward globalization typically use the diffuse-avoidant or normative styles, while the least strongly expressed identity style in this group is the informational style and commitment. Cluster analysis made it also possible to distinguish people with a distanced attitude toward globalization, characterized by fairly strong identity commitment.
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