Niniejszy artykuł to próba wskazania jakie znaczenie i funkcje pełnią ideały w życiu społeczno-politycznym na początku XXI wieku. Ideały jako wartości zasadnicze, które należy urzeczywistnić, wyznaczają kulturowy horyzont działań jednostki i społeczeństwa. Jednakże ich „atrakcyjność” sprawia, że traktowane są instrumentalnie celem realizacji partykularnych interesów politycznych. Ideały w życiu społeczno-politycznym pełnią rolę mitów, natomiast mityczna organizacja świata jest w kulturze stale obecna.
The article is an attempt to show what significance and functions fulfill ideals in socio-political life at the beginning of the 21st century. Ideals as fundamental values, that should be realized, set the cultural horizon for the activities of the individual and society. However, their “attractiveness” makes that they are treated instrumentally to pursue particular political interests. Ideals in socio-political life play the role of myths, while the mythical organization of the world is constantly present in culture.
Эта статья является попыткой показать, какое значение и функции выполняют идеалы в социальной и политической жизни в начале XXI века. Идеалы как фундаментальные ценности, которые должны быть реализованы, устанавливают культурный горизонт для деятельности человека и общества. Однако их «привлекательность» означает, что с ними обращаются инструментально, чтобы преследовать определенные политические интересы. Идеалы в общественно-политической жизни играют роль мифов, а мифическая организация мира постоянно присутствует в культуре.
The main idea of the considerance is to pay one’s attention at the ideal of a Christian, on the basis of St Paul’s Great Letters (1 Cor, Gal, 2 Cor, Rom). People are really eager to face sanctity: with God, with a holy man. The sanctity constitutes a kind of a pattern, an exempler to follow for an ordinary person – an exempler of its magnanimousness. The very basic human values can be definitely called as the Christian ones, as God dedicated his life in the name of the values defendence. The Christian sanctity is absolutely not about any sort of suerhumanity. It is about unusual skills, talents which not everyone is gifted with. The Christian sanctity is an obedience based not on its own greatness, but on the one that lets God to be gifted by his greatness. People have extremely serious expectations from different religions. One of them are ready answers on tough questions, concerning human existence, which deeply move human hearts: what the final and the wordless mystery is that overwhelms our existence, which we take our beginning from, towards which we constantly head for. One of the answers can be found in the New Testament, which the Great Letters of St Paul’s constitute a truly important part of.
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