The subject of this work is determining optional number of points, the center and missing asymptote of hyperbola defined by three optional points and one asymptote. Presented problem is solved by two methods: the first one – based on using parallel chords determined according to Pascal theorem, and the second one issued from known construction of points of hyperbola defined by asymptotes and one point.
We have begun to innovate our lectures within the course “Geometry on Computer”. These innovations are supported by the FRVS grants. We use programs GeoGebra and OpenSCAD for teaching plane and 3D geometry. The GeoGebra allows us to concentrate on mathematical and geometrical principles of solving problems. OpenSCAD is basic programmable 3D CAD modeler. The content of the course has been compiled with respect to requirements of students in their future studies and practical engineering use. In this paper we present application problems where following principals of classic geometry are used: articulated antiparallelogram, parametrization of functions and their use in 3D modeling and solving navigation problems.
Díky grantu FRVŠ jsme inovovali predmet “Geometrie na pocítaci”. Pro názornou výuku rovinné a prostorové geometrie využíváme programy GeoGebra a OpenSCAD. Snadností použití nám GeoGebra umožnuje zamerit se na matematické a geometrické problémy rešených úloh. OpenSCAD je jednoduchý programovatelný 3D CAD systém. Problémy rešené v tomto kurzu jsme se snažili vybírat s ohledem na jejich možné využití v následujícím studiu nebo praxi. V tomto clánku ukážeme praktické využití nekolika úloh klasické geometrie: kloubový antiparalelogram, parametrizace krivky a její využití ve 3D modelování, rešení navigacní úlohy.
The paper compares and contrasts the use of hyperbole or exaggeration in general spoken Czech and English. The research is based on the analysis of two samples consisting of 100 hyperbolic instances in Czech and 100 instances of hyperbole in English. The Czech sample was randomly taken from the oral part of the Czech National Corpus ORAL2008; the English sample was randomly selected from the “spoken context‑ govern” and “spoken demographic” sections of The British National Corpus. The analysis focuses first on the formal realization of hyperbole in the two samples. Secondly, the occurrences of hyperbole are classified semantically (quantitative versus qualitative hyperbole) and, thirdly, they are examined from the lexico‑ semantic point of view (hyperbolic source domains). By comparing the situation in Czech and English, the study aims to test the hypothesis of universal source domains of hyperbole. Finally, the occurrence of conventionalized instances of hyperbole as opposed to creative instances of hyperbolic nonce‑ usages is investigated. Last but not least, the study provides the overall frequency figures of hyperbole in the spoken form of both languages identified in the samples.
Celem tej pracy jest pokazanie jak uzupełnić metody siatkowe wyznaczania punktów hiperboli lub paraboli przez podanie konstrukcji punktów charakterystycznych tych krzywych, bez odwoływania się do zaawansowanych treści geometrii rzutowej. Autorki pokazują konstrukcję wierzchołka paraboli określonej przez dany kierunek D_, punkt C, punkt A ze styczną t. Wykorzystywana jest tylko konstrukcja odcinków proporcjonalnych. W przypadku hiperboli określonej przez dane wierzchołki A i B oraz punkt C konstrukcja siatkowa jest uzupełniona o sposób wyznaczania asymptot tej hiperboli. Metoda jest nieco bardziej złożona niż w poprzednim przypadku, ale do jej zrozumienia także wystarcza znajomość geometrii elementarnej, twierdzeń Pitagorasa i Talesa. W przypadku hiperboli określonej przez dany jej punkt C oraz asymptoty s i t, podana konstrukcja jej wierzchołka, wykorzystująca tylko równość pól odpowiednich równoległoboków, opiera się na znanym twierdzeniu o odcinkach prostej przecinającej hiperbolę i jej asymptoty.
The aim of this paper is to show how to complete the known net-like method for the case of a parabola or a hyperbola without using advanced methods of projective geometry. Only a construction of proportional segments is applied. Authors present a construction of the vertex of a parabola when its ideal point D, a point B, and a point A with the tangent t are given. In the case of a hyperbola defined by its vertices A and B and a point C, the net-like method is completed by a construction of the hyperbola asymptotes. To understand the idea of this construction, a bit more complicated than the previous one, basic skills of elementary geometry, Pythagoras’ theorem and Thales’ theorem, are sufficient. In the case of a hyperbola defined by its asymptotes and a point, the presented construction of its vertices considering some parallelograms equal in area, follows from the well-known theorem about a line intersecting the hyperbola and its asymptotes.
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