Purpose: The paper presents experimental results that concern hydromechanical bulging of copper and P265TR1 steel axisymmetric component whose relative wall thickness was s0/D=0.04 (where s0 is the wall thickness and D is outer diameter of tube segments). Design/methodology/approach: The basic parameters of the hydromechanical process of bulge forming are: liquid pressure and axial loading. The process is employed while manufacturing pipe connections, including axisymmetric components. Copper pipe connections are used in hydraulic, heating, gas and waste water systems. The technology involves placing a tube segment in a die-cavity, pouring some liquid over it, and sealing the faces. Findings: The experimental investigations, described in the paper, on hydromechanical bulge forming of copper and P265TR1 steel axisymmetric component with the ratio h/d1=0.67 (where h is height and d1 is diameter of spherical cup) aimed to compare the wall thickness distribution in longitudinal sections of axisymmetric components. Besides it, the aim of experimental inwestigations was to compare patterns of pressure changes and force at relative displacement up to ∆l/l0=0.06. Research limitations/implications: The results obtained in the experiment might be used as guidelines to develop a technological process for manufacturing such type of connections with the method of hydromechanical bulge forming. They also could be helpful while applying the method to industrial practice. Originality/value: The experimental investigations, described in the paper aimed to determine the possibility of hydromechanical bulge forming of axisymmetric components made from copper and steel tubes, compare force waveforms at the constant upsetting ratio, compare distribution of wall thickness.
W artykule porównano zmiany grubości ścianek w różnych przekrojach jedno- i dwustronnych różnoprzelotowych łączników skośnych rozpęczanych hydromechanicznie z rur stalowych. Łączniki uzyskiwano przy jednakowym stosunku spęczania wynoszącym Delta/l/l/0 = 0,44 i względnej grubości ścianki s/0/D = 0,05. Średnica korpusu łączników wynosiła D = 32 mm, średnica króćca d = 29 mm oraz kąt między korpusem a króćcem alfa = 70 stopni. Zarówno w przypadku łączników jedno- oraz dwustronnych w strefie czaszy króćców zanotowano pocienienie ścianki (nieco większe w przekroju wzdłużnym łączników dwustronnych - 20 % w porównaniu do jednostronnych, gdzie było około 10 %). W korpusach natomiast w obu przypadkach występowało pogrubienie ścianki, które w strefie czołowej maksymalnie wynosiło około 60 %. W strefie króćców w łącznikach jedno- i dwustronnych charakter rozkładu grubości różni się od siebie. W króćcu łączników jednostronnych następuje pogrubienie ścianki (10-50 %), natomiast w dwustronnym w części nachylonej pod ostrym kątem do korpusu, występuje zarówno niewielkie pogrubienie (15 %), jak i pocienienie ścianki (10 %) w pobliżu promienia przejścia króćca w czaszę.
The process of hydromechanical bulging is a type of liquid pressure forming, in which the external upsetting force is additionally applied. The process is employed while manufacturing pipe connections, including T-pipes and cross-joints. Steel pipe connections are used in power, chemical, machine building, bicycle and automotive industries. In hydraulic, heating, gas and waste water systems, copper pipe connections are used. The method of hydromechanical bulging of T-pipes was patented in 1973 (in Poland). The technology involves placing a tube segment in a die-cavity, pouring some liquid over it, and sealing the faces. The paper presents the comparison of changes in wall thickness in various sections of hyromechanically bulged unequal one- and two-sided skewed steel pipe connections. The connections, of the relative wall thickness s/0/D = 0.05, were made at the constant upsetting ratio Delta/l/l/0 = 0.44. The connection body diameter was D = 32 mm, the pipe branch diameter d = 29 mm and the angle between the body and the branch alpha = 70 degrees. The wall thinning is observed in the zone of branch caps, both in one-sided and two-sided connections (slightly greater in the longitudinal section of two-sided connections - 20 %, when compared with those one-sided, where the thinning is approx. 10 %). In both types of connections, however, wall thickening occurs in their bodies, which in the frontal part amounts to max. 60 %. The character of density distribution is different in the branch zone of one- and two-sided connections. In the branch of one-sided connections only wall thickening is found (10-50 %), whereas in two-sided connections, in the part inclined at the acute angle to the body, both small wall thickening (15 %) and thinning (10 %) occur close to the radius of the branch transition into the cap.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych rozpęczania hydromechanicznego stalowych łączników skośnych z jednostronnym oraz dwustronnym odgałęzieniem o średnicy części rurowej D = 32 mm i średnicy króćca d = 29 mm oraz kącie rozwarcia między korpusem a króćcem wynoszącym α = 70 stopni. Na ich podstawie stwierdzono, że przy stałym stosunku spęczania Δl/l0 = 0,32 i podobnej zmianie ciśnienia długość króćców h w łącznikach jednostronnych nieznacznie wzrasta wraz z długością początkową rury l0 natomiast nie ma istotnych różnic w uzyskiwanych przebiegach sił nacisku. Przy stałym stosunku Δl/l0 = 0,44 rozpęczanie hydromechaniczne łączników z dwustronnym odgałęzieniem wymaga zastosowania większego ciśnienia niż dla łączników jednostronnych, przy czym uzyskane siły nacisku są mniejsze dla łączników dwustronnych. Charakter zmian grubości łącznika jest taki sam, pomimo zwiększenia stosunku spęczania z Δl/l0 = 0,32 na Δl/l0 = 0,44. Względny stosunek pogrubienia s/s0 jest większy dla łącznika rozpęczanego z większym Δl/l0.
The method of hydromechanical bulging of pipe connections was patented in 1973. It was used by the patent author for the research on steel T-pipes and cross-joints. The process of hydromechanical bulge forming is a variety of liquid pressure forming. It consists in placing a tube segment in a die-cavity, pouring some liquid over it and sealing the faces. As a result the liquid pressure rises and the pipe is upset. As a result, we obtain bulged a pipe connections with identical or different branch and outer diameters. The characteristic feature is that it makes use of the external upsetting force, which considerably simplifies the material flow in the radial direction and prevents the wall from thinning in the bulging area. The basic parameters of the hydromechanical process of bulge forming are: liquid pressure and axial loading. Hydromechanical bulging is applied mainly to the series production of hydraulic installation and sanitary facilities including tubes with a changeable diameter, T-pipes and cross-joints. There are presented the experimental results of bulge forming of the steel one-sided and two-sided skewed pipe connections at diameter D = 32 mm and diameter of branch d = 29 mm and α = 70 degrees. It has been established that for constant ratio Δl/lo = 0.32 and for similar pressure change branches lenght h in one-sided pipe connections increases together with the initial pipe lenght too. It has been also established that there are not any significant differeces in obtained changes of forces. Characteristic of the change of the pipe connection thickness is the same, despite increasing the ratio from Δl/l0 = 0.32 to Δl/l0 = 0.44. Relative thickness ratio s/s0 is higher for the pipe connection hydromechanically bulged with higher Δl/l0. The parameters of technology (pressure of liquid, force) were determined, which may be directives to implement it into production.
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