This article shows that the most sensitive indicator of local and regional karst activity in territories of apparent karst processes is the behaviour of karst lakes. The authors propose a hydrogeological monitoring methodology for the karst process based on the phase-measuring geoelectric control method in the coastal zone of karst lakes. The geoelectric current control of hydrogeological changes in the medium at local levels uses a multi-frequency vertical electric sounding combined with a phase-measuring method of registering the geoelectric signal. These proven methods permit to distinguish variations of spatial parameters and the electric conductivity of several layers at a time. Moreover, they significantly increase the noise resistance and sensitivity of the measuring system. An adaptive algorithm function of the measuring complex for geoelectric monitoring of karst lakes’ coastal zones was developed to control the operation of facilities and data collection systems. Based on an example of a lake where karst processes are active, the key zones of hydrogeological control were identified depending on karst manifestations. The research confirmed the possibility of local and regional monitoring of the development and forecasting of destructive karst-suffosion processes based on hydrogeological regime observations of karst lakes.
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Złoże soli kamiennej w Łężkowicach eksploatowane było w latach 1968 -1988. Obecnie kopalnia znajduje się w stanie likwidacji. W czasie trwania eksploatacji otworowej, naruszono naturalne warunki hydrogeologiczne na obszarze pola otworowego i w jego otoczeniu. Zasoleniu uległy wody powierzchniowe i gruntowe oraz rzeka Raba, wytworzyła się niecka osiadań oraz powstawały zapadliska powierzchniowe. Od roku 1988 (koniec eksploatacji) prowadzono tylko prace zabezpieczające do końca roku 1997. W roku 1998 po kilkuletniej przerwie rozpoczęto intensywne podsadzanie komór poeksploatacyjnych. W drugiej połowie 1999 roku wprowadzono do podsadzania zespołu komór 127-134, znajdujących się w obrębie Otworowej Kopalni Soli "Łężkowice", żużle z hałdy Huty im. T. Sendzimira. Wiosną 2001 roku zaprzestano stosowania tego materiału. Nadal stosuje się do podsadzania materiały pochodzenia naturalnego. Skutki podsadzania żużlami z hałdy Huty im. T. Sendzimira obserwowane w wodach gruntowych są przedstawione poniżej. W referacie zebrano i przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w obrębie wód złożowych, czwartorzędowych i powierzchniowych, prowadzonych w okresie od zastosowania materiału do dziś.
The rock salt deposit at Łężkowice was exploited in the years 1968-1988. Currently the mine is in liquidation. During the exploitation of the solution salt mine natural hydrological conditions in the well field and within its vicinity were violated. Salinity of surface, ground waters and the Raba River significantly increased a subsiding trough and surface collapse holes were formed. Since 1988 (the end of exploitation) till the end of 1997 only conservation works were carried on. In 1998, after several years break, intensive backfilling of the post-exploitation excavations was started. In the second half of 1999 metallurgical slag from the waste ground of the T. Sendzimir Steel Plant was introduced as a backfilling material in the group of excavations 127-134, which were located in the area of the Solution Salt Mine. In spring 2001 the application of that material was ceased. Since then only natural materials have been used for backfilling. The effects of the backfilling with slags from the waste grounds of the T. Sendzimir Steel Plant on ground waters are presented below. The paper presents the results of investigations of the Quaternary and surface waters in the range of the deposit, which have been carried out since the time when the material was introduced until today.
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