Different analytical models have been evaluated for estimating wind speed of the tropical storm, where the storm-induced wind velocity is calculated as a function of distance from the center of the hurricane. For these models, different parameters such as maximum wind speed, a radius of the maximum wind, hurricane shape parameter, hurricane translation speed and the orientation of the trajectory, etc., affect the shape of a hurricane. Hurricanes Lili (2002), Ivan (2004), Katrina (2005), Gustav (2008) and Ike (2008) from the Gulf of Mexico were used for skill assessment. The maximum wind radius was calculated using significant wind radii (R34, R50 and R64) reported by the National Hurricane Center. Different formulas for calculating the radius of maximum wind speed were evaluated. The asymmetric wind field for each hurricane was generated using analytic methods and compared with in situ data from buoys in the Gulf of Mexico and the H*Wind data. Analytical models were able to predict high wind speed under tropical cyclone conditions with relatively high precision. Among the analytical models evaluated in this research, the model proposed by Holland et al. (2010) showed excellent results. Dynamical wind models such as NCEP/NARR provide wind speed with the coarse spatial resolution which is acceptable for far-field locations away from the hurricane eye. In contrast, analytical models were able to produce sufficiently reliable wind speed within a particular radius from the center of the hurricane. Therefore blending of dynamical and analytical models can be used to provide accurate wind data during hurricane passage in the Gulf of Mexico.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie autorskiej wizji miast przyszłości. Dziś największym niebezpieczeństwem dla miast są postępujące zmiany klimatyczne i związane z nimi zagrożenia. Ok. 1/6 populacji żyje na terenach nadmorskich, skrajnie narażonych na kataklizmy, a tereny zagrożone są, paradoksalnie, najchętniej zasiedlane. Rośnie częstotliwość kataklizmów (huragany i tsunami), potwierdzony jest stały wzrost poziomu morza, a systemy obronne i infrastruktura miast nie rozwija się. Tragicznym przykładem jest Nowy Jork, zdewastowany przez huragany Irene (2011) i Sandy (2012). Proponowane rozwiązania budowania tam i ewakuacji ludności są niezdecydowane, kosztowne i nie dają gwarancji bezpieczeństwa. Proponowane rozwiązanie to bezwzględne podniesienie wszystkiego, co użytkuje człowiek – budynków i infrastruktury. Lekkie, wytrzymałe struktury wiszące znakomicie spełnią to zadanie. Miasto na wysokości funkcjonuje w czasie kataklizmu, do każdego obiektu jest dostęp, a ludzie każdorazowo nie tracą całego dobytku. „Wiszące miasta” są nie tylko bezpieczne, ale także piękne i przyjazne. Połączenia między budynkami, zagospodarowane dachy i podniesione przestrzenie publiczne są postulatami, które w przekonaniu autora powinny być wymagane zawsze i wszędzie, aby upiększać miasta i sprzyjać życiu publicznemu.
The objective of this article is to present an authorial vision of the cities of the future. These days, the worst threat to cities is the progressing climate change with the related phenomena. About one sixth of the global population lives in seaside areas which are extremely exposed to cataclysms but endangered zones are, paradoxically, most inhabited. The frequency of disasters (hurricanes and tsunamis) is rising, a constant increase in the sea level is proved, whereas defensive systems and urban infrastructure are not developing. A tragic example is New York devastated by hurricanes named Irene (2011) and Sandy (2012). The proposed solutions of building dams and evacuating people are shaky, costly and do not guarantee safety. A suggested solution is to raise everything that man uses: buildings and infrastructure. Light, durable hanging structures will fulfill this assignment excellently. A city at a height still functions during a disaster – there is access to every object, while people do not lose their entire belongings each time. “Hanging cities” are not just safe but also beautiful and friendly. Connections between buildings, developed roofs and raised public spaces are postulates which – in the author’s opinion – should be required always and everywhere in order to beautify cities and support public life.
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