This article attempts to show which incorrect forms used because of foreign language problems are considered to be means of building a sense of humour in German jokes about Turks. Analyses include selected sketches from the Comedy-show “Was guckst du?!” and jokes about Turks from websites.
The article attempts to answer the question of what the themes of German jokes about Turks are and what role stereotypes play. The form of the joke and all means used to build humour, primarily incorrect forms used intentionally, are also important.
A special place among the research conducted in the field of linguistics, but also other scientific disciplines, is occupied by the broadly understood issues of humour. The aim of the project is primarily to show ways and mechanisms of generating humorous effects in German and British panel shows. Spoken spontaneous humorous utterances have not undergone sufficient studies. The existence of comedy has its origin in the noticing of inconsistent elements constituting structure or content of a comical act. Emphasis has been put on presenting how humorous content is constructed. The explanations were delivered thanks to pragmalinguistic theories and GTVH. There is possibility to include methods used in cognitive linguistics as well. In the research field remain axiological elements as well as the cultural background. The compilation consisting from video clips from both- German and British panel shows, allowed the creation of a comparative base to reach linguistic and cultural conclusions revealing differences and similarities between the compared programmes of the same type that were produced in different countries.
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Kompetencja humorystyczna, którą można zdefiniować jako zdolność rozpoznawania i rozumienia humoru, jest istotnym składnikiem kompetencji semantycznej i pragmatycznej. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcono ewolucji znaczenia tego terminu w lingwistyce przełomu XX i XXI wieku oraz jego wykorzystaniu w akwizycji języków obcych i badaniach nad komizmem historycznym.
The concept of competence in linguistic humour research. Summary: Humour competence, which can be defined as the capacity to recognize and understand humour, is an important aspect of semantic and pragmatic competence. This paper is devoted to the evolution of the concept of humour competence in linguistics at the turn of the 21th century as well as its use in studies on second language acquisition and historical humour. Keywords: humour competence, joke competence, humour research
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