This article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of educational influence of musical art in the formation of the child’s personality of the preschool age. The author notes that the development of a preschooler, his formation as a person - a cardinal problem for preschool education. Musical art has an inexhaustible potential impact on the internal world of the child, it is a kind of means of communication, promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of a personality, the formation of his world, as repeatedly told the writers, composers, teachers, psychologists, art historians, scientists in various spheres. In the direction of humanistic education through the art of music it is transformed into personal human values that are essential in human life. Aesthetic education of preschool children by means of music is aimed at developing the ability to perceive, feel and understand beauty, notice the good and bad, act independently, joining thus to different types of artistic activity. The author stresses that I. Gazina in her study has noted that the Ukrainian folk music and song that are easy to comprehend, highly emotive and full of meaning, reflecting the traditional Ukrainian national culture, undoubtedly the best educational factors impact on preschool children. Music for them is natural ambience that evokes creativity, develops artistic and aesthetic abilities of the individual, specifically affect the underlying processes of the internal world of the child, the formation of patriotic feelings and the formation of interest in the Ukrainian national values which, in turn, is a sure foundation for further formation of the citizen-patriot with wide national consciousness and identity. National culture is the basis of formation of a fully developed personality and its implementation. Musical activity creates the necessary conditions for the moral education of the individual, the formation of his moral qualities, education foundations of general culture. National education by means of music aimed at the formation of patriotic feelings and interest in Ukrainian national values, in turn, is a reliable foundation for the further formation of a citizen-patriot. Thus, the art of music has a great educational potential, the use of which contributes to the formation of the child’s personality of the preschool age.
This paper aims to recount a shared experience of some psychology students – an intellectual adventure of exploring one’s own approach towards human relations and nature on the way to becoming a psychotherapist. To become practitioners, the students need to choose a certain psychotherapeutic training based on one of the main psychotherapeutic theoretical approaches. The following are mentioned in this paper: psychoanalysis, cognitivebehavioral therapy, humanistic/existential and the postmodern narrative approach. Exploring the assumptions underlying different modalities and practices is also considered here to be an ethical challenge. It is reckoned that the choice of a specific psychotherapeutical practice bound to a theory shapes the identity of the therapist and the patients, forms the language and behaviour through which the future therapist will express his own Self and influence the Other. Referring to postmodern inspirations, the author speaks in favour of making an endless effort of recognizing the assumptions underlying different practices – as the only way for not taking a potentially violent and impervious attitude in the relationship between the therapist and the patient.
The subject of the article is comparative analysis of the technocratic and humanistic models of production management. The negative tendencies in contemporary organisations occur as a result of technocratic culture. To improve this situation, it is necessary to change the technocratic model of production management to a humanistic one. The paper presents the humanistic form of work as a concept leading to high economic efficiency and employee satisfaction.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza porównawcza chnokratycznego i humanistycznego modelu zarządzania produkcją. We spółczesnych organizacjach występują negatywne tendencje technokratyczne. Aby poprawić tę sytuację, konieczna jest zmiana technokratycznego modelu zarządzania produkcją na humanistyczny. W artykule przedstawiono humanistyczną formę zarządzania jako koncepcję prowadzącą do wysokiej efektywność ekonomicznej i zadowolenia pracowników.
W artykule poruszam problem sprzeciwu Heideggera wobec współczesnej nauki i techniki. Heidegger uznaje je za źródło upadku metafizyki oraz kryzysu filozofii. Już w swych pierwszych pracach próbuje zmierzyć się z tradycją metafizyczną i przedstawia doświadczenie i myślenie w oparciu o założenia fenomenologii Husserla, filozofii życia, a także hermeneutyki Diltheya. Heidegger odchodzi od historycznego ujęcia dziejów człowieka i pokazuje je w nowym świetle. Mimo że myślenie Heideggera o tradycji metafizycznej uległo ewolucji, to jednak przewodnim problemem jest u niego kwestia prawdy, która konstytuuje się w myśleniu. Jak twierdzi Heidegger, „nauka nie myśli”. Nie odrzuca on jednak nauki i techniki, ale koncentruje się na myśleniu źródłowym, którym ani nauka, ani technika się nie zajmują. We współczesnej debacie na temat humanistyki cyfrowej stanowisko Heideggera jest bardzo interesujące, ponieważ pozwala nabrać dystansu do technicznego ujęcia humanistyki i pokazuje konieczność zwrócenia się ku myśleniu źródłowemu, które leży u podstawy każdego myślenia, także humanistycznego.
In my article I present the problem of Heidegger’s objection against contemporary science and technology. In his opinion it is a source of fall of metaphysics and philosophy’s crisis. In his first works Heidegger undertakes the problem of metaphysical tradition and presents experience and thinking based on Husserl’s phenomenology and philosophy of life and hermeneutics in Dilthey. Heidegger goes away from historical depiction of human history and presents it in new light. Despite Heidegger’s thinking about metaphysical tradition has evaluated, his main problem still remains the truth, which constitutes in thinking. Heidegger says “science doesn’t think.” But he doesn’t reject the science and technology and focuses on source thinking, which isn’t in their area of interests. In contemporary debate about digital humanistic Heidegger’s attitude is very interesting because it lets to take distance to technical depiction of humanistic and shows necessity of turning to source thinking, which is a base for any thinking, also humanistic.
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