In a postindustrial economic world, information economies are key components in local, regional and national development. These are service economies, built on the production, consumption and dissemination of information, including education, health care, outsourcing, tourism, sustainability and related human welfare services. We explore the geography/knowledge intersections in Poland’s voivodeships and poviats by using the volumes of information or hyperlinks about selected information economies. Google hyperlinks are electronic knowledge data that can be mapped to highlight the areas of most and least information about certain subject categories. While some mapping results are expected, such as Warsaw and Krakow, being prominent, in other regions there are unexpected gaps within eastern, northern and southern Poland, including some places near major metropolitan centers. There is a significant difference between the cities with poviat rights, which stand out in the number of information on items comparing to the poviats that surround them. The majority of poviats in Mazowieckie voivodeship are surprisingly recognized as core areas on the map of knowledge, nevertheless they are considered undeveloped from the economic point of view.
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Artykuł Dobro odbiorcy w kodeksach etyczno-zawodowych psychologów prowokuje do refleksji nad zmianami w sposobie rozumienia przez psychologów dobra człowieka oraz nad znaczeniem tego faktu. Celem tego komentarza jest próba wskazania na potencjalne ryzyko związane z próbą jednoznacznego zdefiniowania dobra odbiorcy usług psychologicznych. Przyjmując za obowiązującym w Polsce Kodeksem Etyczno-Zawodowym Psychologa, że naczelną wartością w pracy psychologa (również tego, który będzie autorem uzupełnień aktualnej kodyfikacji) jest dobro drugiego człowieka, podsumowaniem komentarza jest refleksja: czy - dla dobra odbiorcy usług psychologicznych - istotniejsza od precyzyjnego zdefiniowania przez psychologów („dawców" tych usług) pojęcia dobra nie będzie koncentracja psychologów na adekwatnym rozpoznaniu natury podmiotu tego dobra?
The article "Client Welfare in Psychologists' Ethics Codes" provokes reflection on changes in the way psychologists understand human welfare and on the significance of this fact. The aim of this comment is to point to the potential risk involved in attempting to define client welfare unambiguously. The essence of the comment - assuming, after the Code of Professional Ethics for the Psychologist currently in effect in Poland, that the paramount value in the work of a psychologist (including one who will introduce additions to the current codification) is the other person's welfare - is the reflection on whether it will not be more important for the welfare of the recipient of psychological services that psychologists (the "providers" of these services) focus on determining the nature of the "subject" of this welfare accurately rather than precisely define the concept of welfare.
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