W artykule przedstawiono model płaski stopy człowieka ttfiKjiliwiąjący analizę jej obciążenia w czasie ruchu. Dla danego modelu oprocowano przebiegi wzorcowe reakcji podłoża dla różnych prędkości chodu normalnego i patologicznego, które posłużą do wyznaczenia wartości sił -momentów oddziaływujących w poszczególnych członach stopy. Określono również przy pomocy wideo rejestracji poszczególnych faz chodu człowieka, parametry kinematyczne analizowanego ruchu.
This paper presents a two-dimensional model of the human foot which enables its load analysis during the motion. The standard diagrams of the base reactions for different yelocities of the normal and pathological gait was worked out for this model. Using this model it is possible to evaluate the forces and moments which affect in particular elements of the foot. The kinematics parameters of the analysed motion were determined with the video recording of different phases of human gait.
The article examines the role of food in shaping the Italian national identity based on the example of Italian football language in the most-read Italian newspaper entitled “La Gazzetta dello Sport” (www.gazzetta. it). At first, the concept of identity is analyzed and then its particular shades in the case of Italy and the attitude of Italians toward food, its importance and widespread occurrence within the entire country will be discussed. In fact, the food is a factor which seems to be a bonding element for all Italians and a means of expressing the current Italian national identity. The author identifies it as the Italian culinary identity. The phenomenon can be observed in such presently existing Italian culinary terms as cioccolatino, brodino, biscotto, spezzatino, mangiarsi un gol and the like that are used in Italian football news.