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Content available Czym jest współczesna ekologia człowieka
Human ecology is a synthetic transdisciplinary science concerned with human life and culture as a dynamic component of ecosystems. Human ecology (HE) synthesizes parts of the knowledge of several classical disciplines in a specific way. The essence of HE is the interaction between humans and the total environment. While the whole idea of HE is originated in anthropology, the first time the term .human ecology" was used in geography and next in sociology. Historically, in its monodisciplinary stage of development, the problems of several classical disciplines related to man and environment were called human ecology. The next stage was the multidisciplinary state, related to IBP (International Biological Programme), presenting a patchwork of information without syntheses. Contemporary HE offers more than a patchwork of knowledge and is based on system theory. In human ecology, human evolution and ontogeny are understood as processes of adaptation and adjustment to the environment. HE may be considered to have two parallel foci: an academic HE as a scientific discipline, and an action-oriented HE (environmental engineering, preservation, education, and health protection against environmental deterioration). In HE several divisions and research perspectives may be defined: 1. Philosophical problems of HE; 2. Social and biological problems of human-environment; 3. Environmental problems of human biology and 4. Cultural adaptive behavior.
Content available Dzieje placówek ekologii człowieka w Polsce
Poland is the country where a first scientific institution under the name of Human Ecology (HE) had been established. It took place in 1960 in the National Research Institute of Mother and Child. In 1969 this institution was moved to the Institute of Ecology of the Polish Academy of Sciences under the name of Laboratory of Human Ecology then changed into the Department of Human Ecology. In the middle of the 60s, the Laboratory of Human Ecology and Paleopathology was created in the Department of Mediterranean Archaeology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the 70s the Department of Hygiene and Human Ecology existed in the College of Physical Education in Katowice. HE is the main interest of the Department of Human Populational Ecology, Institute of Anthropology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Since 1999 the Division of Human Ecology within the Department of Biology and Human Ecology exists in the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław. In 2000 the Department of HC in the Institute of Ecology of the Polish Academy of Sciences was canceled and then in 2001, the Unit of EC in the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University was created. Within this Unit, two Chairs were formed: Human Biology and Cultural Anthropology. The first one contains three Departments: 1. Auxology and Gerontology; 2. Genetics of Human Population and Demography; 3. Public Health and Nutrition. The second Chair has two Departments: 1. Ethnology and Anthropogeography; 2. Urban and Space Planning.
Content available Od etologii zwierząt do ekologii człowieka
The title "From the ethology of animals to human ecology" acknowledges both the theories of evolution developed in numerous scientific fields of science, and the academic achievements of Konrad Lorenz and his partners, the development of which are shown through the order of studies they published, from the scope of classical ethology and the row of humanities, to philosophy and human ecology. Lorenz conducted an ethological examination of human culture, thereby uncovering its biological bases, its dynamics, social pathologies and means for overcoming them. Thanks to this Lorenz gained an insight into the character of the crisis of contemporary civilization, described and diagnosed it, presented the causes and proposed a cure. Lorenz recommended mobilizing efforts to create an ecological ethos for those surviving on Earth. Today it isn't possible to predict the future of Homo sapiens on our planet, however we have a duty to prepare for our struggle to survive. It is not only about survival, but to the preservation of the human way of life. This is a matter of biological and spiritual survival. Therefore, Lorenz's ethological humanism takes on the mantle of a new 'evolutionary humanism".
In the first report, the specific monthly rate of changes of body build measures, typical for a studied group of youths and /or seasonal changes according to climatic conditions were not observed (Siniarska et al., 2005). The preliminary results suggested that observed changes rather depend on an adjustment to conditions and mode of life than to changes in nature. In the present report changes in particularly studied individuals were analyzed to verify the previous hypothesis suggesting that the rate of development has an immediate (causal) sense. The problem of whether the pubertal spurt is a single developmental effort or series of changes with dominance of intensified increments was considered. To explain the phenomenon of difference in onset of the pubertal spurt and its intensity in various populations, monthly measurements were conducted in individuals being at the age of puberty. The results show that each individual and its variable show a different rate of changes. It suggests that the rate of development and changes in body mass and fat mass are occasional. It rather depends on living conditions, mostly on nutrition and mode of life (physical activity and leisure). The only regularity shows that rather short (1-3 months) periods of rapid growth (saltations) are divided by slower growth periods (stasis), but their duration and time of occurrence have a very individual character. The rate and rhythm of each body build variables are also different. These phenomena depend rather on condition s in which the development of each individual occurs, as well as on its genetic predispositions and eco-sensitivity. It is probable, that differences in onset and intensity of pubertal spurt depend on alternations between periods of saltations and stasis of growth processes and on changes in body mass. These studies need to be repeated during a longer period of time (at least within a 5-year period ), in different climatic conditions and social groups.
The main aim of this work concerns the answer to the question of whether the general regularity of seasonal differences in changes of height, weight, and body components during ontogeny in tropics exists. If so, whether this phenomenon depends on cyclic changes in nature or this rather is an adjustment to local conditions and mode of life.  To answer this question the studies took place in the tropical climate of Yucatan and included 49 boys and 47 girls aged 11-12 years and being of Maya, Mestizo, and Creole origin. The youths were attending two schools that were located in rather poor districts of Merida (the capital city of the Yucatan State, Mexico). The investigations started in February 2002 and ended in November 2003 and were continued monthly. The standard anthropometric methodology was applied to measure body height, weight, arm, waist, hip, and calf circumferences, and five subcutaneous fat folds (biceps and triceps brachii, subscapular, suprailiac and calf). Bioimpedance techniques were used to estimate fat mass (FM ), fat-free mass (FFM ), and total body water (TBW). The results show that general regularities in monthly or longer rates of stature increments and increments or declines of body mass do not exist. There are not similar regularities of changes even in groups of coevals of the same gender and within the youths coming from the same district. Each variable shows a quite specific rate of change.
In the present, the third publication included in this volume, the main topic considers the explanation of the existence of any relations between studied variables of body builds during the period of 22 months, e.g. from the beginning till the end of investigations. At that time the considerable changes related to the pubertal period took place. The results of the correlation matrix between studied variables and factor analysis for the whole material and for each gender separately are presented. It is seen that there are differences between boys and girls in the interrelation concerning studied variables and in separated latent factors. It is rather related to differences in the phase of puberty (more advanced girls than boys in this process), although the same calendar age. Girls who mature earlier are characterized by greater initial stature and greater body weight, BM I fat mass (including subcutaneous fat tissue), and fat-free mass at the beginning and end of the study than girls who mature later. However, later matured girls show, in the whole investigated period, greater increments in stature and weight than earlier matured ones (of the same calendar age). At the earlier stage of puberty (boys under study) the factor one (F I) representing body mass and its increments, is associated with final body height (at the end of study), whereas F3 is associated with initial height (at the beginning of the study). This association is reverse at the latter phase of puberty (girls under study), while F I (also representing body mass but not its increments) is associated with the initial height, whereas final height represents the separate factor (F3).
Ecological meaning being in accord with the nature; ecological is a natural. The ecological protection is a concern for the naturalness. In the case of a man (the human person) this means not only a protection of the nature but also of the society and the info component. These are integral areas of the natural environment of man-person. The ecological protection is the care of a man; it is to be able to realize the meaning and purpose of the existence of the human person – so that man could live in accordance with his naturalness. It is a moral imperative. The morality in this case is a set of natural rules. Their observance helps maintain the naturalness of the world. Education, especially the institutional education, helps in maintaining the ecological state of the world. The school is seen as a specific ecological niche. The actions against the education destroy the naturalness of environment; destroy natural environment of the human person and of man-person.
Kościół katolicki zawsze stał na stanowisku, że droga do rozwiązania „problemu ekologicznego” choć wiedzie przez naukę, technikę, ekonomię i politykę, jednak nie może zatrzymać się tylko na tych dziedzinach. Decydującą rolę w kształtowaniu zachowań proekologicznych odgrywa wszystko to, co ogólnie określamy jako humanistyczny aspekt ochrony przyrody. Ten aspekt, na który ciągle w swym nauczaniu kładł nacisk Jan Paweł II, tworzy właściwa hierarchia wartości, zakorzeniona w danej społeczności, która decyduje o określonej postawie człowieka wobec przyrody. Jana Pawła II koncepcja „ekologii ludzkiej”, twórczo rozwijana przez Benedykta XVI, powinna być bezcennym drogowskazem w rozwiązywaniu groźnego dla współczesnego świata kryzysu ekologicznego.
In June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro a United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) is planned. The objectives of the upcoming Conference include, as the organizers have announced, renewing political obligations in the field of sustainable development, evaluation of progress and taking a stance on arising challenges. The topics of the planned UN conference revolving around the idea of sustainable development have been raised for many years in the teaching of the Catholic church in the writing and speeches of its Popes. The Catholic church’s standing has always been the road to solving „the environmental problem”, although it leads through science, technology, economy and politics, cannot simply include these areas only. The key role in shaping pro-ecological behaviours belongs to everything that we generally refer to as the humanistic aspect of nature conservation. This aspect, underlined repeatedly in the teaching of John Paul II, consists of a relevant hierarchy of values, rooted in each community that decides on given attitudes of man towards nature. This paper presents the main ecological themes, with the focus on those oriented towards the now fashionable issue of sustainable development, grounded in the teaching of John Paul II. The Pope’s suggestions regarding the solution to the environmental crisis involve many themes that are pioneer in relation to those of the previous heads of the Holy See. However, in order to present the continuity of teaching by the Church in the area of interest, the main concepts of the environmental message of John Paul II’s predecessor, Pope Paul VI, are remembered. The environmental solutions according to John Paul II are continued by Pope Benedict XVI, therefore the last part of this paper includes the vision of the human-environment relationship present in the teaching of the current Pope.
Artykuł prezentuje Amosa H. Hawleya neoekologiczne teorie średniego zasięgu dotyczące community, szczególnie typu miejskiego. W ujęciu tego autora community jest mechanizmem adaptacyjnym społeczności lokalnej, którego przestrzenny kształt zależy od technologii, przede wszystkim transportowo-komunikacyjnych. Miasto to community o charakterystycznym wzorze przestrzennym, a jego podstawową rolą jest pełnienie funkcji centrum usługowego. Urbanizacja jest wzrastającą organizacją specjalistów i zależy ściśle od dostępnych technologii transportowo-komunikacyjnych. Hawley dzieli historię urbanizacji na okresy powiązane z postępem technologicznym w tej dziedzinie. We współczesnych procesach urbanizacji wydziela trzy fazy: okres budowy miast oraz okresy metropolizacji i rozpraszania organizmów miejskich.
The article presents Amos H. Hawley's neoecological theories of middle range concerned with community, especially an urban community. In the paper, community is viewed as an adaptive mechanism whose spatial shape depends on technology, especially communication and transport technology. An urban community is a community with a characteristic spatial pattern. The main function of an urban community is to act as a service centre. Urbanization, in Hawley's conception, is the growing organization of specialists and is connected with transport and communication technologies. The author divided the history of urbanization into periods related to technological progress. Three phases are distinguished in the contemporary processes of urbanization, namely: the city-building phase, metropolitan phase and dispersal of urban organisms.
During ontogeny, there are many phenomena that significantly differentiate humans from other mammals, including Primates. The present considerations and analysis of regression applied for many species to illustrate allometric relations of developmental spurts of height and weight to final values of these parameters in adults, allow to compare processes of growth of Homo sapiens with other Primates and to submit the following results: In Homo sapiens, the maximal rate of growth in length and body mass exists at the prenatal period (during gestation), and after birth, it decelerates. In the evolution of human ontogeny, two new stages occurred: The first one is „childhood" which is manifested by slow body growth and intense brain development. The second one is named „adolescence" and includes pubertal spurt of many body variables. In Humans, as compare with other Primates, the infancy and juvenile stages had been shortened. Human puberty begins when the postnatal rate of growth in height and weight is the lowest since birth and there is a considerable delay in puberty and sexual maturation than in other Primates. The adolescent growth spurt shortens the time needed to reach sexual maturity, which could have been much longer as the result of a slow growth that childhood. Sexual dimorphism in the intensity of pubertal spurt of body mass is smaller in Humans than in other Primates. On the contrary,  sexual dimorphism in the onset of puberty and growth rate in height at this stage is rather well manifested. The adolescent stage is divided into two parts because there is a delay of years between puberty and the onset of the adult reproductive stage of life.
The article presents a trial of including ecological contents to religion teaching programme in the II class of preparatory school. Ecological contents in this programme concern following issues: human ecology, natural parental planning, personal dimension of human activity in the universe, ecological values, solidarity of human and nature, patriotism in contemporary times, nation and family in the trend of eco-development.
Body height reflects the standard of living in the first 18–20 years of life, while its changes serve as an index measuring the wellbeing of the society. Steady growth of body height in the Polish territory started in the 1860s. The changes recorded in earlier periods were reversible: the highest average was noted in Late Middle Ages, with body height then regressing until mid-19th century. The evolution of body height in Japan and Korea is a reflection of genetic and environmental conditions. The Japanese were higher than Koreans in the mid-20th century, but as the level of economic development of both countries became equal, the height of Koreans surpassed the average height of the Japanese. Even more dramatic influence of the environment can be noticed in the comparison of the body height of South and North Koreans over the 20th century.
Congenital candidiasis is a severe complication of candidal vulvovaginitis. It occurs in two forms, congenital mucocutaneous candidiasis and congenital systemic candidiasis. Also newborns are in age group the most vulnerable to invasive candidiasis. Congenital candidiasis should be considered as an interdisciplinary problem including maternal and fetal condition (including antibiotic therapy during pregnancy), birth age and rare genetic predispositions as severe combined immunodeficiency or neutrophil-specific granule deficiency. Environmental factors are no less important to investigate in diagnosing, treatment and prevention. External factors (e.g., food) and microenvironment of human organism (microflora of the mouth, intestine and genitalia) are important for solving clinical problems connected to congenital candidiasis. Physician knowledge about microorganisms in a specific compartments of the microenvironment of human organism and in the course of defined disorders of homeostasis makes it easier to predict the course of the disease and allows the development of procedures that can be extremely helpful in individualized diagnostic and therapeutic process.
Adaptation of life to the environment occurs at two levels - that of an individual and that of a population. In the first step of the process of adaptation variability is produced. It provides necessary material for the second step - selection. Variability is generated during the phylogeny, from one generation to the next. However, variability can also be generated during individual ontogeny at least by protective mechanisms of instinctive behaviors of animals and conscious cultural human actions. Variability originates from point mutations and chromosomal aberrations occurring during transmission of genetic material from generation to generation and through activation, or deactivation, of genes that alters their expression. This variability determines phenotypic differences among individuals. Variability thus produced is subjected to selection because how a phenotype is formed determines its ability to survive and to produce offspring. In human populations, adaptation occurs via biological and via cultural processes. Humans with their culture - especially medicine and social care - protect lives of individuals who otherwise would have been eliminated by natural selection.Hereditary differences among various geographic groups of modern people occur with low frequency - just a fraction of a percentage point. From observations of phenotypes it can be concluded that both structural alterations in the DNA and differences in gene expression cause variations, the majority of genes are inactive at various stages of ontogeny, while various portions of the genotype become active at different times in the life of an individual.Environment influences variation in three ways: (1) by causing mutations or by altering gene expression and (2) by providing conditions for the formation of a phenotype coded by a particular genotype and (3) as a factor of selection, including occurrence of cultural behaviors modifying effects of natural selection. It seems that the main aim of future research in human ecology should be search for the answer to following questions: 1. Can gene expression be changed during ontogeny? 2. To what extent such changes can be inherited? 3. To what extent is there an increase in the occurrence of genes that do not allow survival without special care (genetic load), and 4. How will all this influence future of our species? 
The patterns of physical growth (stature, BMI, subscapular and arm fat-fold thickness, upper and lower extremity length, chest circumference, arm, and hip breadth, and age at menarche) were studied in 857 of Maya and Mestizo girls and 1314 of Creole girls aged 6-18 years. Data were collected between 1998-2001 in primary, secondary, and high schools of Merida, Capital City of the Yucatan State, Mexico. The ethnicity of girls was defined using their two surnames (from the father and mother side). The results show that Creoles are taller, have more abundant fat tissue, and greater BMI, especially at the age of 11 years, which means that they are better prepared to start pubertal spurt. Maya girls have relatively longer upper extremities to lower ones, greater biacromial breadth, and chest circumference to stature than Creoles, which shows their more stocky body build. The adolescent (pubertal) spurt in height starts earlier in Creoles (9-10 years) and its rate is greater (max. = 7.48 cm/ year) than in Maya and Mestizos girls (10-11 years; max. = 6.25 cm/year). In Mayas and Mestizos, there is only a slight difference between the rate of changes before and during the pubertal spurt. There are no significant differences in age at menarche between girls from both ethnic groups (11.96 in Mayas and Mestizos and 12.04 in Creoles), but there are statistically significant differences between age at menarche of studied girls and their mothers (12.4 for both groups) in each ethnic group. There is evidence that the onset of pubertal spurt in height and its rate may depend on ethnicity. Creoles may lead to a more “westernized” style of life than the Maya and Mestizos girls.
The aim of the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si’ is neither settling of the controversies around the reasons of the ecological crisis, nor making concrete proposals for its solution. The Pope reveals rather the deep roots of the crisis. They are inherent in a greedy and mindless attitude to the environment. That attitude leads to a kind of “wasteful and consumerist superdevelopment”. It means that only a few profit from the resources of the earth, which have originally been destined for all. One of the keywords for understanding the encyclical is doubtlessly a term “human ecology”. According to that term not only the habitats of plants and animals should be protected but also human life and the requirements of the human nature, independently from their development stage, health and social status. The ecology is according to Pope Francis not a marginal subject of Christian reflection but it refers to the essence of Christian life founded on the Gospel itself. That is why the ecological spirituality is also very important. It enables to shape the adequate attitude to every human being and to the natural world.
Celem encykliki papieża Franciszka Laudato si’ nie jest ani rozstrzyganie toczących się sporów wokół przyczyn kryzysu ekologicznego, ani też proponowanie konkretnych rozwiązań. Papież odsłania raczej głębokie korzenie tego kryzysu. Tkwią one w chciwym i bezmyślnym odniesieniu człowieka do otaczającego go świata. Nastawienie to prowadzi do „rozrzutnego i konsumpcyjnego nadrozwoju”, w ramach którego nieliczni korzystają z bogactw, które pierwotne zostały przeznaczone dla wszystkich. Problematyka ekologiczna jest ściśle związana z kwestią społeczną i problematyką ubóstwa. Słowem kluczowym do zrozumienia tej encykliki jest niewątpliwie pojęcie „ekologii ludzkiej”, a więc logiki, dzięki której człowiek troszczy się nie tylko o habitaty roślin i zwierząt, ale respektuje życie i wymagania ludzkiej natury w każdym pojedynczym człowieku, niezależnie od jego stanu zdrowia, zamożności czy stadium rozwoju. Ekologia nie jest dla papieża Franciszka marginalnym tematem w chrześcijaństwie, ale dotyka samego sedna życia zbudowanego na Dobrej Nowinie. Dlatego istotna jest także duchowość ekologiczna, w ramach której będzie pielęgnowane właściwe odniesienie do samego człowieka oraz do świata przyrody.
The ecological perspective is a new paradigm of research – it means a look at reality taking into account four factors. These are: the central unit, the environment, natural ecological economics and development. This natural-scientific point of view is expanded in human ecology. First of all, the study included also other sciences (humanities, theology). Each of these four factors is also expanded. The basic unit is the human person, the environment is nature and society, the natural ecological economics means living in accordance with the nature of all creatures and the development means the integral development of the human person.
Perspektywa ekologiczna oznacza paradygmat naukowy, czyli spojrzenie na świat z uwzględnieniem czterech faktorów, które stanowią fundamenty tej perspektywy. Są to: jednostka centralna, środowisko naturalne, naturalna ekonomia środowiskowa (ekologiczność) oraz rozwój. Taki wypracowany przez ekologów-przyrodników sposób patrzenia na badaną rzeczywistość zostaje w ekologii ludzkiej poszerzony. Przede wszystkim do badań włączone są inne nauki, także humanistyczne. Poszerzony też jest każdy z faktorów. Jednostką podstawową jest osoba ludzka, środowiskiem przyroda i społeczeństwo, ekologiczność oznacza życie zgodne z naturą wszystkich stworzeń, a rozwój to rozwój integralny osoby ludzkiej.
The paper attempts to analyse, as to how distance education mechanisms can be effectually used for sustainability in areas of the human environment, health and management of the natural resources. Short review of methodological experiences in education of knowledge-based society for common action with experts for promotion sustainable development is based on over 20 years activity in this field of the AGH Open University and the Open Seminars on Sustainable Development and ca. 40 years of informal, problem-solving education in linkage with interdisciplinary case studies. Further this model will be sustainable in terms of clean technology used, for the benefit of the human environment and better quality of life. The concept is related to long-term international cooperation of the Polish author (e.g. from 1983 with Indian scientists) on human ecology, medical elementology, ecotoxicology and biotechnology as well as future requirements of the National Open University in India.
Artykuł stanowi próbę oceny możliwości zastosowania mechanizmów edukacji na odległość w celu skutecznej promocji zrównoważonych działań w dziedzinach środowiska człowieka, zdrowia i oszczędnej gospodarki zasobami przyrody. Zwięzły przegląd doświadczeń metodycznych w zakresie edukacji społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy nawiązuje do ponad 20-letniej działalności w tym zakresie Uniwersytetu Otwartego AGH oraz Otwartego Seminarium nt. Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, a także do 40-letniej nieformalnej edukacji ukierunkowanej na rozwiązywanie problemów w powiązaniu z badaniami interdyscyplinarnymi. Model ten służy zrównoważonemu rozwojowi, ponieważ promuje technologie proekologiczne pożyteczne dla środowiska człowieka i wpływające na poprawę jakości życia. Nawiązuje on też do wieloletniej międzynarodowej współpracy polskiego współautora ( od 1983 r. z indyjskimi naukowcami) w zakresie ekologii człowieka, elementologii medycznej, ekotoksykologii i biotechnologii oraz potrzeb rozwojowych Narodowego Uniwersytetu Otwartego w Indiach.
Content available Kościół a ekologia ludzka
Polonia Sacra
tom 23
nr 1(55)
The article discusses the problem of human ecology in the context of the Catholic Church teaching. The term “human ecology” puts a strong emphasis on the fact that man has his own nature which needs to be respected and which must never be manipulated according to his own wishes and desires. Therefore, when one says it is our duty to protect the natural environment, one must not forget that this responsibility also includes protecting human rights and needs. In other words, man is responsible for all creation, both nature and people. The main principle of this philosophy is to respect and protect human dignity, which, in turn, indicates that human life has to be protected from the moment of its conception till the moment of its natural death. Everyone’s dignity has to be recognized, accepted and never marginalized. All people, regardless of their health, social status or age, deserve respect. Pope Francis appeals to everyone to respect others with no exceptions: the poor, the sick, the disabled, immigrants and the old. To work out such an ecological ethos requires education: it is important to emphasize the importance of achieving harmony within one’s own self and solidarity with others. It is essential to adopt a life-style of simplicity, moderation and discipline, which will help to live according to the paradigm: “more to be than to have”. Moreover, it is absolutely paramount to forge a sensitive conscience, which helps to respect and protect both the natural and human environments.
Artykuł omawia problematykę ekologii ludzkiej w kontekście nauczania Kościoła. Samo sformułowanie „ekologia ludzka” podkreśla, że człowiek ma naturę, którą winien szanować, i którą nie może manipulować według swego uznania. Kiedy mówimy więc o obowiązkach wobec przyrody, to musimy pamiętać, że są one związane z powinnościami wobec osoby ludzkiej. Człowiek jest bowiem odpowiedzialny za środowisko życia. Chodzi zasadniczo o poszanowanie godności osoby ludzkiej, która zakłada szacunek do życia od momentu poczęcia do naturalnej śmierci. Należy więc uznać godność wszystkich ludzi bez możliwości ich marginalizacji. Na szacunek zasługują wszyscy, niezależnie od zdrowia, pozycji społecznej czy wieku. Papież Franciszek apeluje więc o szacunek wobec ubogich, chorych i niepełnosprawnych, migrantów i osób starszych. Wypracowanie etosu ekologicznego wymaga edukacji. Należy w niej zwrócić uwagę na harmonię wewnętrzną z samym sobą oraz solidarność z innymi. Istotna jest tu postawa wstrzemięźliwości pomagająca żyć według paradygmatu „bardziej być”, niż „mieć”. W wychowaniu nieodzowne jest też formowanie wrażliwego sumienia pomagającego otaczać szacunkiem zarówno środowisko przyrodnicze, jak i środowisko ludzkie.
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