The objective of this paper is to outline the economic effects which are related to using airports for consolidated flows of passengers in the airline industry. In the airline hub-and-spoke networks traffic is streamlined to airport hubs. Various economic effects of hubbing, concerning ground operations, waves of incoming and outcoming flights and aircrafts, transfers of passengers also airport congestion and carrier competition to airport assets and services have been elaborated. Economic effects result in both revenue- and costs-side of the network carrier and market position of the airline, impact carrierʼs strategy and affect market structure.
Niniejszy tekst przybliża najnowsze trendy w zakresie międzykontynentalnego transportu towarów i osób. Przybliża uwarunkowania hubu morskiego i lotniczego. Zwracając jednocześnie uwagę na fuzje dużych przedsiębiorstw armatorskich i inne sposoby przezwyciężania kryzysu na rynku frachtowym. Podejmuje także tematykę otwierania dotychczas nie eksploatowanych akwenów żeglugowych z jednej strony oraz rewitalizacji istniejących połączeń pomiędzy rozdzielnymi obszarami oceanu światowego. Uwzględnia poszukiwanie alternatyw przewozowych.
The following paper reveals the newest trends according to the intercontinental transport of goods and passengers. It brings closer the framework of the sea- and air hub. Paying attention on fissions of the biggest sea transport companies as well as other means taken in order to overcome the current fright market crisis. On the one hand the article also takes into consideration the subject matter of opening till now not exploited sea regions. On the other hand reveals the revitalization of existing ties between separated parts of The world Ocean. It also respects search on traffic alternatives.
The paper discusses; It is the HUB of Ataturk Airport. as well as international and domestic flights at Ataturk Airport in terms of traditional and low-cost. The evolution of the airline begins with a summary of the cynologically. paper describes the physical and capacity characteristics of Ataturk Airport. It examines HUB types by dividing them into 3 pieces. In terms of HUB types, it specifies the type of Ataturk Airport. It shows the network structure of Ataturk Airport and analyzes the usage of Ataturk Airport about its market share. Ataturk Airport has a natural HUB quality thanks to its geographical location efficiency. To a large extent, he owes the network's breadth. By connecting Asia and Europe, it has the ability to provide the most transportation network in the world. Is examining the world-wide size of international and domestic airlines entering the airport. As well as the locations of Domestic airports connected by Ataturk Airport. Low-cost and traditional airlines. classifies local airlines and international air routes in low-cost and traditional aspects. Turkey offers to regulating the operation of the airport, airline flight frequencies into the table. Offers seating capacity of companies. This allows the possibility of determining the flight capacity. Regionally examines flight destinations. Again, the services preferred at Atatürk airport are shown on the table in proportions. At the end of the comparison, the results are examined. Ever since we started air transportation, we have found new ways of traveling more safely everyday with technologies that push the limits of our imagination. Air transport has been connecting the continents with each other. Increased the volume of trade and made it easier to trade with the HUB concept. Airline companies are in the advertising competition while the safety of the flight is at the forefront. Each is more aimed at flying to the region and more often operating. At this point, the limits of competition have been so difficult that our lives have entered different levels of service, including low-cost and traditional. Low-cost airline companies aimed to reduce their costs by cutting some services in the airplane. such as the right to baggage being offered as a separate entitlement other than the ticket price. this service does not mean to cut off safety precautions regularly. Airlines continue to keep all security systems as strong as ever. The purpose of these discontinuities is to make as much of the costs of course as possible and to offer cheaper tickets to passengers. On the other hand, traditional airlines aim to keep passengers 'journeys as comfortable as possible by keeping passengers' services at a nearly luxurious level. Whichever is chosen depends on the needs of the traveller at the moment. Of course, it is no surprise that air travel in the world is so popular. Despite the fact that it is the most expensive transportation vehicle compared to land, sea and railway transportation, İt has always been the first preferred transportation facility by making the travel speed and the intercontinental passage very easy. This intensive preference certainly ensured the formation of HUB centers. HUB is a transfer center built on the world we mean. There are various transfer centers in the world. The most important feature for a HUB is the fact that it is the center of the transfer points. This ensures that the traveler or objects reach the point where they need to reach it strategically in the fastest and safest way without making too many transfers. When we examine in this context as a HUB. HUB is a natural Ataturk Airport in Turkey. Ataturk Airport is located on an area of 11,776,961 m2. The terminal with a capacity of 27.5 million passengers per annum has an area of 330.500 m2, 62,500 m2 domestic lines terminal and 268,000 m2 international lines terminal. Ataturk Airport has three pists. Two concrete paved runways is 3000x45 meters. The other is 2600x60 meters and it is covered with Asphalt (Stone Mastic). The right of intention is owned by DHMİ (State Airports Authority) and the terminal operator is TAV Holding. Ataturk Airport is a 60-year-old city that serves the nearest million passengers and is an important hub. Ataturk Airport, shortly growing today, Europe is the fourth largest, the world's 13th airport has become. Ataturk Airport serves more than 160 passengers daily giving. Ataturk Airport has a great advantage due to its location which connects Asia and Europe. which Ataturk Airport is the 6th airport with the highest hub connection worldwide. Today, 128 airline companies from the Ataturk Airport make an entrance to and depart from Ataturk Airport with 276 destinations in 110 countries of the world. Among them airline companies internationally among the world's greatest; Lutfhansa, Air France, KLM and more. When we look at domestic airline companies, we see that HUB carrier is Turkish Airlines with a market share of 75%. Onur Air, Atlas Global and Pegasus Airlines are other stakeholders. When we look at low-cost airline companies that operate at Ataturk Airport, we can say that there are few at the level that can be tried compared to the traditional airlines and domestic airlines. We can see that the biggest traditional local airline company is Turkish Airlines. Pegasus Airlines is the local airline company that has taken the lead in terms of low-cost service. Market share for service type, the result is as follows; Traditional airline companies are the ones that make the most flights to Ataturk airport with a rate of 98.4%. Low cost carriers are operating at 0.9% at Ataturk Airport, including Onur Air and Pegasus Airlines.
W artykule przedstawiono perspektywy rozwoju rynku usług transportu lotniczego. Ich rozwój jest ściśle związany z rozwojem gospodarczym państw i regionów. W oparciu o prognozy największych producentów sprzętu lotniczego przedstawiono popyt na usługi transportu lotniczego do roku 2030. Szczegółowa analiza popytu pozwala na określenie konkretnych instrumentów działania na konkurencyjnym rynku. Ponadto w artykule dokonano charakterystyki największych wyzwań dla przewoźników funkcjonujących na rynku lotniczym. Omówiono wybrane problemy rozwoju rynku, a także wskazano na najważniejsze instrumenty procesów restrukturyzacyjnych. W ciągu najbliższych kilku, kilkunastu lat z pewnością nastąpi dalsza współpraca pomiędzy przewoźnikami a podmiotami zarządzającymi infrastrukturą lotniczą, czego efektem będzie zmniejszenie liczby lotów krajowych, partnerstwo przewoźników w tworzeniu i funkcjonowaniu hubów lotniczych, wpływ przewoźników na procesy związane z rozbudową i modernizacją infrastruktury.
The article presents the perspectives of development of air transport services market. Their development is related to the economic development of countries and regions. The article presents the characteristics of the major challenges for carriers operating in the aviation market. Discusses some of the problems of market development, pointed out the major instruments of restructuring. The last part of the article is the analysis of the impact of air carriers at airports.
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