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Content available remote Warunki mieszkaniowe w Polsce na tle krajów europejskich
In the paper housing conditions in Poland compared to European countries were presented and analyzed. The research includes all European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The examined measures of housing conditions are: overcrowding rate, average number of rooms per person, severe housing deprivation, housing cost overburden rate and share of total population living in a dwelling with different housing problems.
Content available remote Housing Conditions in Portugal
This paper aims to analyse the changes that have taken place over the last decade in housing conditions in Portugal, based on data collected in the last two Housing Censuses (1991 and 2001) published by the Portuguese National Statistics Institute.The information available for this period indicates intensive construction dynamics in Portugal. The real estate development in some NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) exceeds the growth in the number of households, pointing clearly to a concentration of investments in housing, and has broadened and accentuated previous tendencies in the expansion and structural transformation of areas under construction. When considering this situation, two issues arise: the way in which this dynamic in production mirrors the relationships between households and housing, and the main spatial variations in these processes.Thus, the changes operated in the occupancy and ownership of housing are described, with particular attention paid, on the one hand, to an increase in easy access to home ownership, to the detriment of other forms of housing occupancy and, on the other, to changes in the profile of buildings, as well as more qualitative aspects of the housing stock.Despite the substantial expansion of the housing stock and improvements in its quality, as a result of the many social housing programmes implemented by successive governments, some NUTS still display significant housing deficiencies.
The object of the study is the residential sector in cities and housing policy instruments used in the housing market. The aim of the study is qualitative and quantitative analysis of the housing and housing policy instruments used to increase housing demand. The study used a statistical method that was used for comparative analysis of transaction prices for primary and secondary housing market. The study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of buying an apartment in the primary market with the participation of MdM program grant. Subsidizing the purchase of an apartment in the primary market is ineffi cient. Development of housing for rent for people creating new households, would be the cheapest and most rational method of implementation of their housing needs.
The task of maintaining Polish prefabricated housing stock is a challenge due to its scale. These assets are still nearly 50% of the multi-family houses in use. They are in good technical condition. To define the objectives and scope of improvements, the manager needs to account for not only technical merits but also the user/flat owner point of view. As observed in practice, estate managers rarely strive to identify the needs of residents. This study investigates into opinions and needs of inhabitants of a housing estate in Lublin, south-eastern Poland. A series of surveys were carried out at five years intervals to capture their evolution. The questions concerned accessibility, deficiencies in local amenities, the condition of the estate’s infrastructure, buildings and flats, and opinions on priorities of improvement measures. The survey results are intended as input for planning the modernization of the estate.
Content available remote Zarządzanie zasobem mieszkaniowy spółdzielni mieszkaniowej (analiza przypadku)
Specyfika zarządzania zasobem mieszkaniowym wynika przede wszystkim ze szczególnej sytuacji prawnej nieruchomości mieszkaniowych, z historycznych uwarunkowań oraz z faktu, że te nieruchomości są jeszcze traktowane jako zasób o charakterze socjalnym. Ważne znaczenie wpływające na organizację i ekonomiczne uwarunkowania zarządzania nieruchomościami mieszkaniowymi ma różna forma własności zasobu. Przedmiotem poniższego opracowania jest analiza procesu zarządzania zasobem mieszkaniowym spółdzielni mieszkaniowej. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i ocena organizacyjnych i ekonomicznych problemów zarządzania spółdzielczym zasobem mieszkaniowym, na podstawie wybranego przypadku
The housing resources management results mostly from the legal status of the properties. The historical background causes the fact, that this type of properties are perceived as the social housing resources. The properties ownership status influences the organizational and economical conditions of property management. The analysis of the housing resources management process in the housing co-operatives is the subject of the paper. The main goal of this paper is to present and evaluate the organizational and economical issues of housing resources management based on the particular case.
From 1945 to 1991 development of housing construction in the Ukraine and in Russia was similar in style and consisted of 4 stages related to political changes. After separation the differences in the spatial image became clearer. According to the statistical information we will see more differences in housing architecture, but in principal in this stage the development of housing is still close.
Od 1945 do 1991 roku w przebiegającym równolegle rozwoju mieszkalnictwa na Ukrainie i w Rosji można wydzielić 4 etapy powiązane ze zmianami w politycznych wartościach państwa. Po rozpadzie ZSRR i osiągnięciu niezależności państw, mieszkania Ukrainy i Rosji zaczynają się różnić bardziej. Opierając się na prognozach statystycznych, spodziewamy się pojawienia nowych lokalnych zjawisk społecznych i przestrzennych.
Content available remote Działania gmin w zakresie mieszkalnictwa na przykładzie Gminy Miejskiej Kraków
In Poland, municipalities play a key role in pursuing the housing policy focused on satisfying the housing needs of the local community. The housing stock of a municipality was separated mainly to satisfy the housing needs of households which achieve a relatively low income and are not able to cope with this task alone. Therefore, a municipality should take all actions which promote the effective use of the existing housing stock. However, because of burdens arising from the transformation of the previous economic system, actions taken by municipalities in respect of housing are often not able to meet the needs of part of the local community. In the article the authors indicate the specificity of the problems in the field of housing policy of Krakow Municipality (KM) and the ensuing KM activity in the management of the owned housing stock in the view of the applicable law.
W Polsce gminy odgrywają najważniejszą rolę w prowadzeniu polityki mieszkaniowej ukierunkowanej na zaspokojenie potrzeb mieszkaniowych społeczności lokalnej. Mieszkaniowy zasób gminy wyodrębniony został przede wszystkim w celu zaspokajania potrzeb mieszkaniowych gospodarstw domowych osiągających stosunkowo niskie dochody i nie będących w stanie sprostać temu zadaniu samodzielnie. Dlatego gmina powinna podejmować wszelkie działania sprzyjające efektywnemu wykorzystaniu istniejącego zasobu mieszkaniowego. Jednak z racji obciążeń wynikających z transformacji poprzedniego systemu często działania gmin w zakresie mieszkalnictwa nie są w stanie doprowadzić do zaspokojenia potrzeb części lokalnej społeczności. W artykule autorki wskazują na specyfikę problemów z zakresu polityki mieszkaniowej Gminy Miejskiej Kraków (dalej: GMK) i wynikającej z niej aktywności GMK w zakresie gospodarowania posiadanym zasobem mieszkaniowym w świetle obowiązujących przepisów prawa.
Content available remote Local Instruments of Housing Policy in Poland
Artykuł podejmuje problem efektów polityki mieszkaniowej realizowanej na szczeblu lokalnym. Przeanalizowano wybrane działania podejmowane przez gminy w Polsce w latach 2005-2015 i dokonano ich oceny w podziale na województwa. W tym celu posłużono się analizą dynamiki zjawisk i skonstruowano wskaźnik syntetyczny, opisujący wyniki uzyskane w gminach poszczególnych województw. W wyniku analizy stwierdzono, że do województw o najbardziej pożądanych wynikach należą: zachodniopomorskie, dolnośląskie i łódzkie. Najniższe wartości wskaźnika efektów działania władz lokalnych odnotowano dla województw podkarpackiego, świętokrzyskiego i opolskiego.
This paper addresses the effects of housing policies implemented at a local level. We analysed and evaluated selected actions undertaken by local governments in Poland in the years 2005-2015. For this purpose, we analysed the dynamics of the phenomena and constructed a synthetic indicator, describing the results obtained by local governments. As a result of the analysis, we state that the regions with the most desired results are the following provinces: Zachodniopomorskie, Dolnośląskie and Łódzkie. The lowest values of the local authorities’ effects indicator were recorded for Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie and Opolskie provinces.
Content available remote Warunki mieszkaniowe w Polsce na tle krajów europejskich
In the paper, housing conditions in Poland compared with European countries were presented and analyzed. The research includes all the European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The examined measures of housing conditions are: overcrowding rate, average number of rooms per person, severe housing deprivation, housing cost overburden rate and share of total population living in a dwelling with different housing problems.
W artykule zaprezentowano i przeanalizowano warunki mieszkaniowe w Polsce na tle krajów europejskich. Badaniem objęto wszystkie kraje Unii Europejskiej oraz dodatkowo Islandię, Norwegię i Szwajcarię. Przeanalizowane mierniki warunków mieszkaniowych to: wskaźnik przeludnienia, liczba pokoi przypadająca na osobę, wskaźnik bardzo złych warunków mieszkaniowych, wskaźnik przeciążenia kosztami mieszkaniowymi oraz odsetek populacji z różnymi problemami mieszkaniowymi.
The main goal of the study is to analyse the residential real estate market in Ukraine from the point of view of the need and the possibility of increasing its energy efficiency. Also, it aims to justify effective financial and credit mechanisms for ensuring measures to improve the thermal protection properties of residential and nonresidential real estate, in particular by introducing energy efficiency development projects. With this research we investigated Ukraine's housing stock and utility tariffs and concluded that a beneficial strategy to be applied in Ukraine is the energy-efficient retrofit of real estate. This is one of the most effective ways to re-profile unclaimed real estate units in the existing state or to reconstruct inefficiently used buildings. Also, we reviewed selected methods of energy efficient residential real estate development and mechanisms of financing energy efficient renovation of real estate used in the EU. And, in our view, the next step of the Ukraine in the direction of improving the energy efficiency of housing should be the effective operation of a dedicated/specific energy efficiency fund to ensure stable financing of housing modernization projects, which will allow for a comprehensive renovation of buildings and lead to significant annual energy savings in this end-use sector.
Obszar działań dotyczący nieruchomości mieszkaniowych skupia zarówno inwestorów (deweloperów), nabywców (gospodarstwa domowe), kredytodawców, jak również podmioty regulujące sposób obrotu (polityka nadzorcza, twórcy programów rządowych). Dlatego też istotne jest dostarczenie rzetelnych informacji o czynnikach kształtujących poziom zaspokojenia potrzeb mieszkaniowych w Polsce. Celem badań przedstawionych w artykule jest określenie przestrzennego zróżnicowania determinant kształtujących warunki mieszkaniowe w Polsce zdefiniowane przy pomocy wybranych wskaźników statystycznych. Do badania sytuacji mieszkaniowej w Polsce wykorzystano dane statystyczne, uzyskane od Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego (GUS) z 2015 r., oraz program ArcGIS, GEODA i R-CRAN.
Since housing real-estate activity area comprises both investors (developers), buyers (households), loan givers, as well as trade regulating bodies (supervisory policy, governmental program developers), it is essential to provide reliable information on factors which have an effect on the level of meeting housing demand in Poland. The aim of the study presented in the article was to determine the spatial diversity of the determinants which affect housing conditions in Poland, determined using selected statistical indices. Statistical data obtained from the Main Statistical Office (GUS) for 2015 and ArcGIS, GEODA and RCRAN software were used to analyse the housing situation in Poland.
This paper presents main problems associated with flat renting in Poland. The authors identify the housing resources that constitute the main source of rented flats.
Purpose: The purpose of the publication was to attempt to present housing cooperatives as a competitive entity in relation to other entities forming the „real estate stock”. The resource of housing cooperatives was presented and compared to the resource of other entities operating on the real estate market in Poland. It also shows how housing cooperatives are performing on the real estate market in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research on the competitiveness of housing cooperatives in the real estate market was nationwide. The number of dwellings put into use by particular entities operating on the real estate market in Poland has been analysed with a division into voivodships. The standard of buildings put into use has been characterized, and the quality of housing stock management has been analysed. Data concerning the number of dwellings completed has been obtained from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office and from the Analysis and Monitoring System form the Real Estate Market (AMRON). Findings: The legally and historically established position of the owner of often huge housing resources and the gap between housing cooperatives to function without any assessment of their competitiveness. Legal changes, which include the right to transform a cooperative right into separate ownership of premises, the right to change the property manager from a cooperative to a competitive commercial entity, undoubtedly force housing cooperatives to compete in the housing market in Poland. Originality/value: To date, competition between operators in the property market has not been studied. In this publication, the authors examined the competitiveness of housing cooperatives in relation to other business entities.
The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the size and structure of housing stock located within the borders of Uniejów, as well as studying the existing dwelling conditions. In the first part of the article the authors present a brief historical overview of housing development and contemporary location of residential areas in the examined small town. Analysis of housing conditions, the results of which were presented in the second part of the paper, were based on surveys conducted in 2013, which also allowed to obtain an inhabitants’ opinions on the subject. The collected data and performed analysis of dwelling conditions in Uniejów lead to the conclusion that, in general, they have improved slightly in recent years (this is also a feature of the whole set of small towns in Poland).
The interconnectedness of the market approach with social aspects has become an extraordinary sensitive question at the transformation of housing policy in the Czech Republic. In spite of existing dominant trend based on the “economisation” of housing sector, the social groups which are disadvantaged in access to their adequate housing and are entirely dependent on the public service assistance, i.e. in our country's conditions particularly on municipalities. The paper deals with housing problems at municipal decision level. It presents, provides documentary evidence and evaluates the present status of the privatisation process of housing stock in the Czech Republic, compares this status to other advanced European countries and predicts the impact of present situation on further development in the housing sector at the level of municipalities and cities.
Mimořádně citlivou oblastí transformace bytové politiky v České republice se stala otázka provázanosti tržního pojetí s jejími sociálními aspekty. I přes dominantní trend, který vychází z „ekonomizace“ bydlení, je potřeba neopomíjet sociální skupiny, které mají při zabezpečování svého přiměřeného bydlení problémy a jsou odkázány na podporu ze strany veřejné správy, v našich podmínkách především obcí. Článek se věnuje problematice bydlení na komunální, decizní úrovni. Uvádí, dokumentuje a hodnotí současný stav privatizačního procesu obecního bytového fondu v České republice, srovnává tento stav s vyspělými státy Evropy a predikuje vliv současné situace na další vývoj problematiky bydlení na úrovni obcí a měst.
The quality, development and spatial differentiation of the housing stock belongs to the basic indicators of a functional urban structure, having impact on the shaping of a variety of social phenomena in the urban environment. The example of Olomouc clearly illustrates how a town has been evolving since the end of the 19th century when it ceased to be an important military fortress with all its life taking place within the walls. Any construction works and related development of the town was conditioned and heavily limited by its military function as long as till the abolotion of the fortress status (and the partial demolition of the fortification) in 1886. This contribution endeavours to evaluate the development of the current structure of Olomouc’s housing stock, assessing its quality and spatial differentiation and especially focusing on the housing construction in specific periods of the 20th century. Based on the data of the housing stock from the 2001 census, a typology of specific town quarters form the viewpoint of the quality of housing was proposed.
Kvalita, vývoj a prostorová diferenciace bytového fondu patří mezi základní ukazatele funkční struktury města a má vliv na formování řady sociálních jevů v urbánním prostředí. Na příkladu města Olomouce můžeme od konce 19. století názorně pozorovat, jak se vyvíjelo město, které bylo do té doby významnou vojenskou pevností, kde se veškerý život odehrával uvnitř hradeb. Jakákoliv výstavba a s tím spojený rozvoj města byl až do zrušení pevnostního statutu (a částečného zbourání opevnění) v roce 1886 podmíněn a zásadně limitován jeho militární funkcí. V následujícím příspěvku se pokusíme zhodnotit vývoj stávající struktury bytového fondu Olomouce, posoudíme jeho kvalitu a prostorovou diferenciaci, a zvláště se zaměříme na výstavbu v jednotlivých obdobích 20. století. Na základně dat o bytovém fondu ze Sčítání lidu, domů a bytů 2001 provedeme typologii jednotlivých částí města z hlediska kvality bydlení.
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