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Content available remote Dochód gospodarstw domowych jako kategoria ekonomiczna
W artykule zwraca się uwagę na rolę i miejsce dochodów gospodarstw domowych w naukach ekonomicznych. Ta kategoria ekonomiczna to jednocześnie część dochodu narodowego, strumień pieniądza tworzący popyt na rynku, niezbędny do zaspokojenia potrzeb, miernik i wyznacznik poziomu życia społeczeństwa. Dochody gospodarstw domowych są bardzo interesującym materiałem badawczym dla osób zajmujących się polityką dochodową, polityką socjalną i wieloma innymi aspektami życia społecznego.
Household budget surveys provide the main source of information about the levels and differentiation of revenues, outgoings, quantitative consumption and other living conditions of different population groups.
The paper provides an overview of the information sources, methodology and main findings of the research of quality of life and poverty using indicators of subjective well-being applied by state statistics agencies in Ukraine. The paper describes the system of indicators for self-evaluation of the attained level of well-being, the level of satisfaction from meeting the basic living needs, and the limitations in consumption abilities of selected population groups due to hard conditions. In addition, methodological approaches in national statistics practice are discussed for the case of analysis of economic deprivation and for infrastructure development as indicator of geographic accessibility of services and non-geographic barriers causing the deprivation of access. Also, this paper reviews the factors that underlie the deprivations and define the percentage of population that is particularly affected by multiple deprivation in Ukraine. It covers the data on dynamics and analyses the distribution of deprivation by different population group, for several years. Finally, it describes further steps on the way to enhance the information capacity of subjective wellbeing studies, particularly as regards implementation of the contemporary approaches in international perspective, including Europe.
In this article, the author has attempted to analyse the problem of making purchase decisions concerning both everyday consumables, such as food, beverages, household chemicals, cosmetics, etc., and durable goods (real properties, cars, furniture, audio/video devices and household appliances) in the Polish households. They are often made independently by a single person representing the given household, and to a certain extent, they also constitute an outcome of the arrangements between the household members. Therefore, the main point of the study was to determine whether the consumption structure in the Polish households develops according to the traditional model as assumed by the neo-classical economics, or if a democratic model starts to prevail. Another issue studied was the influence of the most significant demographic characteristics, such as sex, age, education, social group or place of residence, on the manner in which the said decisions are made. It seems that the survey results analysed are sufficient grounds for claiming that the democratic model of the purchase decision making, with regard to both the everyday shopping and buying of durable goods, will gradually become more and more popular in the Polish households primarily due to predominance of this model in younger households.
In this paper, on the base of research results, there is shown the specificity and the hierarchy of objectives as well as common forms of savings for households in Opole Voivodeship. This analysis was done on the assumption that households represented by the model affect the financial management of the differences in saving preferences.
The analysis of the official sources and expenditures towards the reproduction of labor suggests that households mainly provide current consumption, which is the economic basis of a simple reproduction of the labor force. At the same time households costs for expanded reproduction of the labor force is insufficient. This applies particularly to education and healthcare. To improve the situation regarding increasing of revenue sources and directions of households expenditures at the national level it is nessesary to implement the following algorithm of sequential steps: 1) reduce population differentiation in terms of its average per capita income; 2) a policy of stimulating an increase of household expenditures for expanded reproduction of the labor force; 3) enhance the educational level of the population; 4) provide activities directed at popularization of a healthy way of life, physical culture and sports.
The problem of monetary aspect of welfare in employees’ household was undertaken in this paper. In order to identify the households in danger of poverty, the binary logit models approach was applied. It was found that the estimation of models without the interaction terms results in misspecification error. Due to this, the interaction terms, between the socio-economic factors of households were included in the model. The obtained results can have significant importance in the aspect of social policy in Poland.
The aging of population is a common problem in the modern economy and finance. Reverse mortgage is one of alternative ways of raising citizens’ standard of living after retiring by obtaining financial benefits accumulated in a residential property. The aim of the study is to evaluate a role of equity release service in providing additional household income for senior citizens illustrated by the case of a reverse mortgage. This type of service consists in transformation of non-liquid, tied-up in property capital into liquid financial resources. Thanks to capital conversion, senior citizens can supplement retirement benefits without a need to leave their property. The research hypothesis verified in the study stated that benefits paid as equity release in the form of a reverse mortgage provided greater support for women than for men. That hypothesis was rejected.
W artykule przedstawiono dane o zużyciu wody wodociągowej przez gospodarstwa domowe w 2010 r., jego zróżnicowanie regionalne, a także stały spadek jednostkowego zużycia per capita: z 219 litrów na dobę w 1988 r. do ok. 100 litrów ostatnimi laty. Zaprezentowane dane, wskazujące iż mimo spadku zużycia, w wyniku upowszechnienia wodomierzy mieszkaniowych, opłaty za wodę rosną na skutek drastycznego wzrostu taryf.
The article presents data on waterworks water consumption by households in 2010, its regional distribution. as well as constant decrease of unit consumption per capita: from 219 liters daily in 1988 to c.a. 100 liters daily in the recent years. The presented data indicate that, despite the reduction of consumption due to popularisation of household water meters, the charges for water grow as a result of drastic increase of rates.
Przedstawiono przegląd najnowszej literatury światowej w zakresie oszczędnej armatury czerpalnej, procentowego zużycia wody w gospodarstwach domowych na różne cele, programów edukacyjnych i ekonomicznych środków kształtowania polityki ograniczania zużycia wody.
A review of latest world publications concerning the sparing water fittings, characterization of water consumption in house keeping, educational programmes and economical means od developing policy of water consumption limitation have been presented.
Program Wykonawczy do II Polityki Ekologicznej Państwa na lata 2002-2010 zakładał opracowanie do końca 2006 r. i wdrożenie do 2010 r. przez jednostki samorządowe systemu dwupojemnikowej (z wydzieleniem frakcji organicznej) zbiórki odpadów domowych. Potem odpady organiczne będą dostarczane do kompostowni o mocy przerobowej 10, 30 i 50 tys. t/rok.
The article attempts to explore the applicability of the household model to the monastery of Bawit in Middle Egypt as seen through the papyrological documentation. By focusing on features and functions of household underscored in definitions used by sociology and economy, it defines the monastery as a unit where material and symbolic value was produced and transmitted, and brings to light connections between people, materialities, and labour.
In this study, the effectiveness of classical regression models to forecast the indicator of mass accumulation of waste was investigated. The economic and infrastructural variables were used as explanatory variables. The conducted studies show that applying regression models can produce forecasting models generating errors at an acceptable level although only for the municipalities of urban and urban-rural administrative type. For the models where the following were selected as explanatory variables: income indicator, mean number of persons living in a residential building, proportion of arable land in the structure of land use, percentage of buildings in the municipality covered by the waste collection scheme, and the functional type of municipality, the error in the forecast obtained for the test set amounted to 12%–14%. Using the same set of explanatory variables for the rural municipalities caused the models to display forecasting errors for the test set ranging from 35% to 50%. Also, applying another combination of input variables gathered in the course of the studies did not result in developing models of better quality. Therefore, further studies are necessary in the search for more effective methods or other variables describing the mass waste accumulation indicator in rural municipalities.
W pracy badano przydatność klasycznych modeli regresyjnych do prognozowania wskaźnika nagromadzenia odpadów. Jako zmienne objaśniające wykorzystano wskaźniki ekonomiczne i infrastrukturalne. Z wykonanych badań wynika, że stosując modele regresyjne można opracować modele prognostyczne generujące błąd na akceptowalnym poziomie ale tylko dla gmin o typie administracyjnym miejskim i miejsko-wiejskim. Dla modeli, w których zmiennymi objaśniającymi były wskaźnik dochodu, średnią ilość osób zamieszkujących budynek mieszkalny, udział użytków rolnych w strukturze użytkowania, procent budynków w gminie objętych systemem zbiórki oraz typ funkcjonalny gminy uzyskano błąd prognozy dla zbioru testowego na poziomie 12–14%. Wykorzystanie tego samego zestawu zmiennych objaśniających dla gmin wiejskich spowodowało, że opracowane modele miały błąd prognozy dla zbioru testowego na poziomie 35–50%. Również wykorzystanie innej kombinacji zmiennych wejściowych zgromadzonych w trakcie badań nie umożliwiło opracowanie modelu lepszej jakości. Konieczne są więc dalsze badania w kierunku poszukiwania efektywniejszych metod lub innych zmiennych opisujących wskaźnik masowego nagromadzenia odpadów na terenach gmin wiejskich.
The closer and further economic environment has an important impact on the organization and functioning of a household. The impact results from a relationship, which occurs between the most important institutions and economic sectors and a household as a management entity, all resulting from the mutual service offering process. Therefore, the global crisis causing certain repercussions in the economic and social realm influenced the functioning of households, which, in turn was reflected both in their attitudes towards the crisis and taking adjustment efforts. The aim of this publication is to present results of original research carried out on a representative sample of households from Zachodniopomorskie region, about their attitudes and behavior towards the crisis relating to functioning of household in the economic realm, including consumption and situation in the area of work and psychosocial sphere.
Bliższe i dalsze otoczenie ekonomiczne ma istotny wpływ na sposób organizacji i funkcjonowanie gospodarstwa domowego. Wpływ ten wynika z relacji zachodzących pomiędzy najważniejszymi instytucjami i sektorami gospodarki a gospodarstwem domowym jako podmiotem gospodarowania, powstających w procesie wzajemnego świadczenia usług. Dlatego też kryzys światowy, wywołując określone reperkusje w sferze ekonomicznej i społecznej, wpłynął na warunki funkcjonowania gospodarstw domowych, co znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie zarówno w ich postawach wobec kryzysu, jak i podejmowanych działaniach dostosowawczych.Celem publikacji jest prezentacja wyników badań pierwotnych przeprowadzonych na reprezentatywnej próbie gospodarstw domowych regionu zachodniopomorskiego na temat ich postaw i zachowań wobec kryzysu, odnoszących się do funkcjonowania gospodarstw w sferze ekonomicznej, w tym konsumpcji i sytuacji w zakresie pracy oraz w sferze psychospołecznej.
The article discusses the specific character of financial needs, their placement in a hierarchy, and the evaluating of the characteristics of financial products. It presents research, conducted among groups of students, which links financial needs with the perception of the value of the products. The results indicate that a limited number of factors influence the perception of such value. These factors play a key role in satisfying (financial) security needs, setting the price of service and the variety of choice, which guarantees a better fit to clients’ individual needs.
The economic system of the Republic of Poland was studied with the use of econometric modeling. Simultaneous equation system model that describes interdependence of major macroeconomic indicators of Poland and its household’s indicators was built. Several imitational experiments were made with the model to show the government’s economic policy influence on the country’s economic system.
Content available Financial security of Polish households
A household’s financial security is essential for the satisfaction of the needs and wants of its members, both communal and individual. It constitutes a kind of foundation for all of a household’s financial decisions that impact its standard of living. The article aims to assess the level of financial security of Polish households in 2005–2013. The research draws on data from Genworth Index, HBS conducted by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) and Social Diagnosis (Diagnoza społeczna) overseen by the Social Monitoring Council. The study shows that Poland is characterized by a low level of financial security relative to other European countries, especially Western and Scandinavian. More than three-quarters of Polish households experience financial problems and exhibit both a low propensity to save, and low savings rates.
Bezpieczeństwo finansowe gospodarstw domowych jest szczególnie istotne z punktu widzenia możliwości zaspokojenia potrzeb wspólnych i indywidualnych jego członków. Dla gospodarstw domowych stanowi ono swoisty fundament, na bazie którego mogą podejmować decyzje finansowe mające wpływ na poziom ich życia. Głównym celem artykułu jest próba oceny poziomu bezpieczeństwa finansowego gospodarstw domowych w Polsce po wstąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Postawiony w artykule problem badawczy opracowano na podstawie danych pochodzących z badań Genworth (Indeks Genworth), Budżety gospodarstw domowych (GUS) oraz Diagnozy społecznej. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że Polska należy do państw o relatywnie niskim poziomie bezpieczeństwa finansowego na tle państw Europy, w szczególności w odniesieniu do państw zachodnich oraz skandynawskich. Ponad trzy czw arte polskich gospodarstw domowych przynajmniej czasami doświadcza problemów finansowych, ponadto charakteryzuje je niska stopa oszczędzania i skłonność do takich zachowań.
The paper presents changes in consumption in Polish households occurring in the context of internationalization and globalization of markets. The characteristics, forms and manifestations of consumption’s globalization as well as socio-economic determinants of private consumption and their inflence on the consumption of food products, industrial goods and services were presented. Available statistics of GUS (Central Statistical Office) were used as a source.
W artykule zaprezentowano zmiany w konsumpcji w sektorze polskich gospodarstw domowych zachodzące w kontekście umiędzynarodowienia i globalizacji rynków. Wskazano na cechy, formy i przejawy globalizacji konsumpcji oraz uwarunkowania społeczno-ekonomiczne spożycia prywatnego i ich wpływ na kształtowanie się tego spożycia produktów żywnościowych, przemysłowych i usług. Wykorzystano źródła dostępnej statystyki GUS.
Content available remote Stacjonarne ogniwa paliwowe i ich zastosowanie w gospodarstwach domowych
Development status of residental (domestic) stationary fuel cells, their power share and share of different world's regions in different applications are described. For residential power and heat generation, in the range 0.5 do 10 kilowatts, mainly polymer electrolite membrane fuel cell and solid oxide fuel cell are currently being considered.
Bliższe i dalsze otoczenie ekonomiczne ma istotny wpływ na sposób organizacji i funkcjonowanie gospodarstwa domowego. Wpływ ten wynika z relacji zachodzących pomiędzy najważniejszymi instytucjami i sektorami gospodarki a gospodarstwem domowym jako podmiotem gospodarowania, powstających w procesie wzajemnego świadczenia usług. Dlatego też kryzys światowy, wywołując określone reperkusje w sferze ekonomicznej i społecznej, wpłynął na warunki funkcjonowania gospodarstw domowych, co znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie zarówno w ich postawach wobec kryzysu, jak i podejmowanych działaniach dostosowawczych.Celem publikacji jest prezentacja wyników badań pierwotnych przeprowadzonych na reprezentatywnej próbie gospodarstw domowych regionu zachodniopomorskiego na temat ich postaw i zachowań wobec kryzysu, odnoszących się do funkcjonowania gospodarstw w sferze ekonomicznej, w tym konsumpcji i sytuacji w zakresie pracy oraz w sferze psychospołecznej.
The closer and further economic environment has an important impact on the organization and functioning of a household. The impact results from a relationship, which occurs between the most important institutions and economic sectors and a household as a management entity, all resulting from the mutual service offering process. Therefore, the global crisis causing certain repercussions in the economic and social realm influenced the functioning of households, which, in turn was reflected both in their attitudes towards the crisis and taking adjustment efforts. The aim of this publication is to present results of original research carried out on a representative sample of households from Zachodniopomorskie region, about their attitudes and behavior towards the crisis relating to functioning of household in the economic realm, including consumption and situation in the area of work and psychosocial sphere.
This essay seeks to show the Polish household in the communist time as a space of modernity and modernisation activities. The chronological framework is set between 1957 – the date the Home Economics Committee affiliated to the League of Women was set up to contribute to, and be a mouthpiece of, the everyday life modernisation policy – and 1980, being the symbolic borderline between the modernity discourse and the Polish 1980–1 crisis discourse about household. In this context, the article reconstructs both the activities of social actors who created the ‘scenarios of modernity’ for the household and the reception of the messages in question in the village of Bogate in the District (powiat) of Przasnysz.
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