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tom 43
nr 4
The paper deals with the impact of the EU entry on knowledge management in the hotel industry in Slovenia. For this purpose, the empirical research on knowledge management was carried out among hotel managers. It explored the changes in knowledge management between 2003 and 2006; that is before and after Slovenia entered the EU. The research revealed a progress in this period of time in knowledge management goals definition, transformation of not-owned into owned knowledge, inclusion of knowledge management in business reports, identification and elimination of the gaps between planned and actual knowledge. On the other hand, there was no further progress in the field of strategies and policy of knowledge management, perception of the importance of knowledge management's measurement, development of measures of knowledge management and diminishment of barriers to knowledge development. Further, several recommendations are suggested for hotel managers.
tom 28
nr 2
The aim of the paper is to discuss the current state, implementation capabilities and barriers to the implementation of sustainable development principles in the hotel industry in Poland. The paper examines the issue on the basis of the evolution and implementation of sustainable development principles at hotels. Best practices are analyzed in terms of the introduction of these principles and practical problems in the implementation process are also scrutinized.
The aim of the study was to identify the activities of the tourism sector which in the opinion of residents protect the natural environment of Lubelskie Voivodship. Efforts were also made to determine which activities have the greatest impact on the selection of accommodation by respondents and whether hotels fulfill the concept of sustainable social development. The size of the selected sample was 1157 respondents. The method of diagnostic survey was applied, and a direct survey was the technique, both conducted on the basis of an original questionnaire. Statistical calculations were performed using discriminant analysis and the level of education was the criterion for grouping. It has been shown that the following factors were the most important when choosing accommodation: cost-effective energy policy, including good insulation of the hotel building where respondents would stay, and a proper water management policy by the hotel company. Environmental protection was mentioned with activities that have the greatest impact on the natural environment. It has been found that it is necessary to use experiences of other countries in pursuing appropriate policies for sustainable development of a society, to monitor these policies, and to use devices which would limit the destruction of valuable and expensive resources. Both residents and organizations acting over a given area should be involved in the protection of natural resources.
Celem pracy było wskazanie działań sektora turystycznego, które w opinii mieszkańców, chronią środowisko naturalne Lubelszczyzny. Starano się również określić, które z działań wywierają największy wpływ na wybór noclegu przez respondentów oraz czy hotele prowadzą koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczeństwa. Wielkość wyselekcjonowanej próby badawczej określono na 1157 respondentów. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, a techniką była ankieta bezpośrednia, przeprowadzona w oparciu o autorski kwestionariusz. Obliczenia statystyczne przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem analizy dyskryminacyjnej, a zastosowanym kryterium podziału na grupy badawcze był poziom wykształcenia. Wykazano, iż przy wyborze miejsca noclegowego najważniejszymi czynnikami były: oszczędna polityka energetyczna, w tym dobra izolacja hotelu, w którym mieliby mieszkać respondenci oraz prowadzenie właściwej polityki wodnej przez przedsiębiorstwo hotelowe. Przy działaniach mających największy wpływ na środowisko naturalne wymieniano ochronę środowiska naturalnego. Stwierdzono, iż należy wykorzystywać doświadczenie innych krajów w prowadzeniu właściwej polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczeństwa, monitorować go oraz wykorzystywać urządzenia, które ograniczałyby niszczenie cennych i kosztownych zasobów. W ochronę zasobów naturalnych powinni być zaangażowani zarówno mieszkańcy, jak i organizacje działające na danym terenie.
Productivity and product and service quality are the foundations upon which an economy builds its competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency. Research focuses on the specific characteristics of productivity and the quality of hotel products and services in the case of the Croatian hotel industry. The objective of research is to identify and propose measures to increase productivity and improve the quality of the Croatian hotel industry, and in this way, enhance its competitiveness on the world tourism market.The task of this research is to provide a theoretical definition of the relationship between productivity, quality and competitiveness; analyses and assess long-term trends in productivity in Croatia's entire hotel industry; assess the quality of hotel offerings; analyze and assess productivity in the case of a large Croatian company; and finally, put forward measures to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the Croatian hotel industry.
Many companies know that the essence of business success lies in a responsible approach to entrepreneurship. Smart companies therefore not only focus on financial issues and economics, but also on the environmental and social issues related to their business activities. Green marketing is a modern tool with which to adopt current environmental trends across a broad spectrum of business activities, including those of the hotel industry, and is increasingly being perceived as providing a competitive advantage. The aim of this article is to find out consumersʼ perceptions of green marketing as a source of competitive advantage in the hotel industry. It includes a literature review of both domestic and foreign sources on the issue of green marketing and its usage within the hotel industry. The main part of the article is an analysis of the principles that underly the use of green marketing in the hotel industry, which is based on the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among Slovak consumers. On the basis of the analysis, proposals are put forward for the effective implementation of these principles in the hotel industry.
During a single season, animators work with several thousand hotel guests. Parents and their children expect entertainment and attractions at a high level. Certainly, animation is a lot of fun. However, it is associated with numerous challenges. The aim of this study described in this article was to identify the most common benefits and challenges reported by animators in the survey conducted the by authors. The first part outlines the job of a leisure animator in the light of the literature. The main part is concerned with the benefits of working as an animator and challenges that animators can face in their work. The study is based on data collected during an online questionnaire survey involving 110 animators from Poland, working in various travel agencies. The findings confirm the main hypothesis of the study: opportunities to interact with people and travel are the most frequently reported advantages of leisure animation. Animation is also seen as a chance for self-fulfillment and continuous development. However, the job is associated with a lot of stress and long working hours, which constitute one of its challenges.
Subject and purpose of work: The subject matter and purpose of the publication is presentation of the significance of hotel consortia as a factor which optimizes transaction costs. Within the article a brief essence and origins of the concept of transaction cost, as well as evaluation of views on it have been presented. An attempt was made to divide transaction costs. Within the publication determinants of transaction costs have been presented and the conditions concerning transactions have been described. Within the article forms of conduct of hotel business have been outlined. Publication contains characteristics of hotel consortia, their rankings and places on the hotel market. The article reveals the role of forms of cooperation as a tool in modifying transaction costs. An advantage of consortia in managing transaction costs in relation to other forms of conduct of business activity in the hotel business. Materials and methods: Research methods consisted of factual analysis of transaction costs based on available data applied as well as of an attempt to forecast their development in the future. Materials on the basis of which the publication was created is the available subject literature as well as netographic information. Results: Results of research indicate clearly that hotel consortia contribute to limiting of costs of functioning of hotel objects. Conclusions: Show that hotel consortia constitute a chance for independent entrepreneurs competing against large hotel chains.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Przedmiotem i celem publikacji było przedstawienie znaczenia konsorcjów hotelarskich jako czynnika optymalizującego koszty transakcyjne. W artykule przedstawiono pokrótce istotę i genezę pojęcia kosztu transakcyjnego, ewolucję poglądów na jego temat. Dokonano podziału kosztów transakcyjnych. W publikacji przedstawiono determinanty kosztów transakcyjnych oraz opisano przesłanki dotyczące organizowania transakcji. Przedstawiono też formy prowadzenia biznesu hotelarskiego. Zawiera charakterystykę konsorcjów hotelarskich, ich rangi i miejsca na rynku. Artykuł pokazuje rolę form kooperacji jako narzędzia w modyfikowaniu kosztów transakcyjnych. Pokazano przewagę konsorcjów w zarządzaniu kosztami transakcyjnymi w stosunku do innych form prowadzenia działalności w branży hotelarskiej. Materiały i metody: Metody badawcze polegały na analizie faktycznych kosztów transakcyjnych na podstawie danych, jak również próbie ich prognozy rozwoju w przyszłości. Materiały w oparciu o których powstała publikacja to dostępna literatura usunąć, jak również wiadomości netograficzne. Wyniki: Wyniki badań wskazują jasno, że konsorcja hotelarskie przyczyniają się do ograniczania kosztów funkcjonowania obiektów hotelowych. Wnioski: Badania pokazują, że konsorcja hotelowe stanowią szansę dla niezależnych przedsiębiorców w konkurencji z dużymi łańcuchami hotelarskimi.
Sustainability has become a trend that has become dominant in the industry not only for their environmental implications but for its implications in reducing costs and corporate image in a market increasingly diverse and competitive. In the hotel industry as in all other branches of industry have had to adopt policies that tend to minimize these negative impacts that might have on the environment in which they are established, so the problem to raise is to choose which is the most appropriate method and strategies to achieve this goal of sustainability. The aim of this document is to make a review of the different methods that have been adopted in the hotel industry to make it friendlier with the environment and to know the benefits of these practices. Among the findings it was found that these methods range from human resource management, innovation and resource savings to its relationship with the community. In the end there´s a list of what for this author are considered most important elements or steps that may contribute to the construction of a sustainable hotel business
La sustentabilidad se ha convertido en una tendencia que se ha vuelto dominante en la industria no solo por sus implicaciones ambientalistas sino por sus implicaciones en la reducción de costos y la imagen empresarial en un mercado cada vez más diverso y competido. En la industria hotelera como en todas las demás ramas de la industria se han tenido que adoptar políticas que tienden a minimizar estos impactos negativos que se pudieran tener en el medio en que se establecen, por lo que la problemática a plantear es elegir cual es el método y estrategias más adecuados para lograr este fin de la sustentabilidad. El objetivo de este documento es revisar estos métodos y estrategias que se han adoptado en la hotelería para hacer a esta industria más amigable con el medio ambiente así como conocer los beneficios de dichas prácticas. Entre los hallazgos se encontró que estos métodos van desde la gestión de los recursos humanos, innovación y ahorro de recursos hasta su relación con la comunidad. Al final se hace una enumeración de lo que para este autor se consideran los elementos o pasos más importantes que pueden contribuir para la construcción de una empresa hotelera sustentable.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy społecznej odpowiedzialności w przedsiębiorstwach świadczących usługi hotelarskie. Jego głównym celem jest przestawienie dobrych praktyk podejmowanych przez te obiekty w różnych obszarach społecznej odpowiedzialności i tym samym ukazanie ich zaangażowania w osiąganie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. W artykule w części teoretycznej wprowadzono w problematykę społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu oraz wykazano jej ścisły związek ze zrównoważonym rozwojem.
This article concerns the social responsibility of the companies providing hotel services. Its main goal is to present good practices undertaken by these entities in different areas of CSR and thus demonstrate their commitment to achieving the goals of sustainable development. The theoretical part of the article introduces the issues of corporate social responsibility and demonstrates its close relationship with sustainable development.
Celem opracowania jest analiza roli społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu jako istotnego czynnika w budowaniu dobrego wizerunku i przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa hotelarskiego. W Polsce, mimo kryzysu, ceny utrzymują się na stabilnym poziomie, a placówki hotelarskie postrzegane są jako znakomite miejsca organizacji imprez integracyjnych czy organizacji szkoleń. Znaczenie CSR ma dla hotelarzy wymiar wizerunkowy i finansowy. W znaczeniu wizerunkowym polega na organizacji działań z zakresu CSR, promowaniu takowej koncepcji i wszelkich działań z zakresu obszarów wytyczonych przez normę ISO 26000. W wymiarze finansowym to inwestowanie budżetu w działania CSR, tworzenie nowego wizerunku przedsiębiorstwa.
An aim of the study is to analyse the role of corporate social responsibility as the crucial factor in building the good image and the competitive advantage of the hotel enterprise. In Poland, in spite of the crisis, prices are at the stable level and the hotel establishments are perceived as excellent venues for organising integration events or trainings. Importance of CSR means an image and financial dimension for hoteliers. In image meaning, it consists in arranging the measures in the area of CSR, promoting such a concept, and all actions in the areas marked out by the ISO 26000 standard. In the financial dimension, this means investing budget in CSR measures and creating a new corporate image.
The paper aims at viewing meeting the requirements of hotel business managers functioning and training. As their successful employment and functions performing largely depends on participatory culture acquisition, the paper addresses the research questions: what groups of skills hotel business managers’ participatory professional skills (PPS) consist of; what activities might be used to teach PPS to future hotel business managers; what is the activities’ impact on teaching PPS to future hotel business managers. Case study and pedagogical experiment (the pretest-post-test control and experimental group design) have been applied in the research. Data have been gathered through conversational interviewing. Data source triangulation has been implemented to prove the validity of conversational interviewing questions. The research results in enlisting profession skills as the core of participatory culture. The traditions of the higher school and the requirements of partners participating in future hotel business managers training have been taken into consideration to teach PPS to future hotel business managers. The paper presents the results of testing the impact of the suggested activities program on the level of PPS. Statistical data processing is performed in the MS Excel 2010 environment using the chi-square test with a sample size (n ≥ 100). It shows that the program of activities meets the requirements to the future hotel business managers’ participatory culture acquisition.
The paper presents results from social research on the Polish business representatives potentially interested in using the floating buildings. The main purposes of the study were to assess the level of knowledge about floating buildings and diagnose stimulants and inhibitors of their development in the hotel, catering, and water tourism industry. Combining the quantitative and the qualitative methodology, research was conducted using an on-line survey (CAWI) and Focused Group Interviews (FGI). Both involved a non-probabilistic, purposive sampling to reach a specific subgroup of the industry: owners or employees of catering, hotel or water tourism companies having or considering having a floating building. The group included both new and long-standing companies using facilities on water or with direct and indirect access to the water. The study identified stimulating and inhibitory factors broken down into internal (context-independent) and external (context-dependent) conditions. Results show that in Poland floating commercial buildings are a niche topic but also a developable one. Although 71% of the respondents notice difficulties resulting from the insufficient infrastructure and 66.5% of them indicate the lack of legal regulations, they also see the potential of floating buildings: depending on the industry, from 90 to 95% respondents find them “definitely attractive” or “rather attractive”. The most common reason for rejecting floating development is the lack of attractive moorages in the area (43.5% answers).
Artykuł poświęcono trzem różnym zagadnieniom związanym z realizacją idei społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w przedsiębiorstwach rodzinnych z branży usług hotelarskich. W pierwszej kolejności przeanalizowano wątek nepotyzmu w kontekście realizacji misji społecznej odpowiedzialności. W następnej części artykułu omówiono powinności przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych z branży usług hotelarskich związane z degradacją środowiska naturalnego przez stale rozwijającą się turystykę. W kolejnym, ostatnim punkcie artykułu odniesiono się do znaczenia wykorzystania wsparcia różnego rodzaju instytucji w zakresie realizacji misji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w przedsiębiorstwach rodzinnych z branży usług hotelarskich.
The article is devoted to three different issues related to the implementation of the idea of corporate social responsibility in family businesses operating in the hotel industry. Firstly, the issue of nepotism in the context of the implementation of the social responsibility mission was analysed. The following part of the article discusses the obligations of family businesses in the hotel industry related to the degradation of the environment as a result of the continuous development of tourism. The next, last point of the article refers to the significance of the use of the support from various institutions to implement the corporate social responsibility mission in family businesses operating in the hotel industry.
Wdrożenie orientacji rynkowej jest warunkiem przetrwania i rozwoju każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Na skutek zachodzących zmian to ceny będą prawdopodobnie jednym z ważniejszych instrumentów konkurowania z sobą firm hotelarskich. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja metod ustalania cen w hotelarstwie. Procedura wyboru strategii cenowej składa się z następujących kroków: wybór celu strategii cenowej, ustalenie wielkości popytu, szacowanie kosztów, analiza kosztów, cen i ofert konkurencji, wybór metody ustalania cen oraz wybór ceny końcowej. Wszystkie znane formuły kalkulacji cen podstawowych opierają się na trzech filarach, które obejmują koszty, popyt i konkurencję. W praktyce polityka cenowa nie jest oparta wyłącznie na jednej metodzie. Bardzo często górną granicę ceny wyznacza bariera popytu, dolną natomiast koszty wytwarzania produktu. Racjonalna polityka cen musi opierać się na stosowaniu wszystkich trzech metod, a jej punktem wyjścia winna być akceptowalność w preferowanych segmentach rynku.
Survival and development of every enterprise depends on implementation of the market orientation. As a result of occurring changes, prices will probably one of signifi cant instruments of competition between hotel companies. This article presents methods of price determination in the hotel industry. The procedure of price strategy selection consists of the following steps: selection of the objective of the price strategy; determination of the demand volume; cost estimation; analysis of costs, prices and competitive offers; selection of the method to determine prices; and selection of the final price. All the known price calculation formulas are based on three ideas: costs; demand; and competition. In practice, the price policy is not solely based on one method. Frequently, the upper price limit is determined by the limit of demand; whereas the lower one - by product manufacturing costs. A rational price policy has to be based on application of all the three methods, and should originate from acceptance in preferred market segments.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie kierunków rozwoju współczesnych przedsiębiorstw hotelarskich, będących następstwem zmian zachodzących w ich dalszym otoczeniu. Zmiany w otoczeniu międzynarodowym sprawiają, że w obrębie hotelarstwa zachodzą zjawiska koncentracji poziomej i pionowej. Otoczenie technologiczne wymusza stosowanie nowoczesnych urządzeń oraz systemów rezerwacyjnych. Zmiany społeczno-kulturowe powodują wzbogacenie produktów hotelarskich o usługi związane ze zdrowiem, a trendy demograficzne implikują powstawanie hoteli trzeciego wieku. Otoczenie przyrodnicze determinuje oszczędne zarządzanie zasobami oraz stawia w uprzywilejowanej sytuacji obiekty zlokalizowane na obszarach czystych. Demokratyzacja życia oraz znaczne ułatwienia w przekraczaniu granic są tymi czynnikami prawno-politycznymi, które powodują konieczność powstawania hoteli ekonomicznych. Zmiany zachodzące w obrębie otoczenia ekonomicznego sprawiają, że hotele stosują outsourcing, czy znormalizowane systemy zarządzania jakością. Biorąc pod uwagę powyższe uwarunkowania, zdolności antycypacji zmian w makrootoczeniu będą w przyszłości jednymi z kluczowych kompetencji menadżerów, od których zależał będzie sukces biznesowy każdego przedsiębiorstwa hotelarskiego.
This article sets out to present the directions of development of contemporary hotel companies resulting from changes in their macro-environment. Changes in the international environment case horizontal and vertical concentration within the hotel industry. The technological environment forces application of modern equipment and booking systems. Social and cultural changes result in enrichment of hotel products by health-related services whereas demographic trends imply establishment of the third-age hotels. The natural environment determines the economical management of resources and favours facilities located in clean areas. Democratisation of life and easier border crossing are the legal and political factors that result in the necessity of establishing low-budget hotels. The economic environment makes hotels use outsourcing or normalised quality management systems. Taking into account the aforementioned conditions, the ability to anticipate changes in the macro-environment will be, in the future, one of the key competences of managers on whom development of every hotel company will depend.
Purpose: Recently, the importance of the Internet for the functioning of many enterprises, including entire sectors of the national economy, has been growing. The reason for this is primarily the fact that e-commerce is developing at a very fast pace, which is related to the development of technology, knowledge and innovation. What's more, the changes taking place on the market resulted in the emergence of a completely new participant in the market game, a new type of consumer, hereinafter referred to as e-consumer, which is a specific group of entities using the offers available on electronic markets. E-consumer, using electronic commerce, facilitates the consumption process: identifying needs, looking for solutions, purchasing products and services, answering questions and solving problems. In this context, the aim of the study is to attempt to assess the use of e-commerce in the hotel industry by customers of four hotels based in the city Częstochowa. Design/methodology/approach: In order to achieve the aim of the study, a survey was conducted among 152 hotel customers. In the second place, the relationship between hotel management and e-commerce was examined using the 2 statistics, and to assess the strength of the relationship between the examined features, the T-Czuprow convergence was calculated. Findings: The study showed that the e-commerce enjoys intereset entrepreneurs, but also consumers, for whom it is an attractive and quick form of shopping. What's more, the study showed what factors are important when buying a hotel offer. Research limitations/implications: The conducted study is a pilot study, therefore it requires a deeper study of the issues. Not only due to the number of entities covered by the study, but also factors in the field of e-commerce management. Originality/value: The subject discussed in the study is a source of information for hotel managers, which aspects of e-commerce affect the decision to purchase an offer.
The purpose of the article is to establish the relationship between the market of hotel services and the development of the Lviv agglomeration. The study is based on questionnaire data, statistical analysis and logical reasoning. The author analysed 92 hotels operating in Lviv. Reports and studies of tourist flows and hospitality were conducted by the Tourism Department of Lviv City Council, and the Main Statistical Office in Lviv region. The main objectives of the study included evaluating the Lviv agglomeration in terms of attractiveness for living and doing business in comparison to other regions of Ukraine; identifying changes in the development of urban infrastructure of the Lviv agglomeration and their impact on the development of tourism and hospitality; characterising the hotel services market; identifying current trends in how the Lviv agglomeration is exploiting its current potential in the hospitality. As a result of the analysis, the author presents 1) modern features of the development of the hotel industry in Lviv; 2) an underlying inconsistency of the processes taking place in the Lviv metropolitan area, which is a complex system of relations in the urban space and, at the same time, a factor that determines the important role of hospitality establishments; 3) positive and negative aspects of the impact of the agglomeration on the hotel industry.
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