Today, district heating is central to the total heat supply of objects in many countries of the world. The advantages of district heating over decentralized are obvious: high thermal efficiency, the ability to burn low-cost fuels of local origin, small fuel transport costs, less pollution of the environment, through the introduction of highly effective equipment systems, etc. Over the past 15 years, most of Ukraine's neighboring countries have modernized their district heating systems to provide high-quality centralized heat and hot water supply at affordable prices based on financial stability. Ukraine did not make this transition. The current state of the existing district heating systems of the country is conditioned by the fact that its main technologies and equipment were created in the 60's and 80's of the last century. They correspond to optimal conditions of the "era of cheap fuels", in which most of the progressive but costly technologies of insulation of housing, the effective transformation of primary energy into heat, its transportation, distribution, and regulation were beyond the limits of economic feasibility. Therefore, the specific heat consumption of Ukrainian households per 1 m2 of living space, as well as the specific expenditures of primary energy for holidays and transport of heat, exceeds the corresponding indicators of economically developed countries of western and northern Europe, and in recent years - and indicators of countries - former members of the camp that began earlier to implement measures of insulation of buildings.
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Hot water supply system is controlled by a microprocessor system based on neural network that allows utilizing solar panels capacity at a maximum level in the most efficient way, to calculate and adjust in real-time mode amount of consumed hot water, take into consideration weather forecast for the next day and to utilize reduced tariffs for feeding heat pump during night-time in winter. Proposed system operates using renewable energy and does not pollute the atmosphere. Economic calculations prove the cost-effectiveness of the unit.
System zaopatrzenia w ciepłą wodę jest sterowany przez system mikroprocesorowy oparty na sieci neuronowej, który pozwala na maksymalne wykorzystanie mocy paneli słonecznych w najbardziej efektywny sposób, obliczanie i regulowanie w czasie rzeczywistym ilości zużywanej ciepłej wody, uwzględnienie prognozy pogody na następny dzień oraz korzystać z taryf ulgowych do zasilania pompy ciepła w porze nocnej w okresie zimowym. Proponowany system działa z wykorzystaniem energii odnawialnej i nie zanieczyszcza atmosfery. Obliczenia ekonomiczne dowodzą opłacalności urządzenia.
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