Właściwości magnetooptyczne ceramiki przeźroczystej zostały przedstawione w prezentowanym artykule. Do otrzymania polikrystalicznego tlenku itru została wykorzystana metoda izostatycznego prasowania na gorąco (HIP, ang. hot isostating pressing), dzięki której otrzymano zwarty spiek o przeźroczystości powyżej 50% w zakresie światła widzialnego. Badanie mikromorfologii powierzchni próbki ujawniła dobrze rozwinięte regularne ziarna o wielkości kilku mikrometrów. Nie stwierdzono występowania porów w ziarnach. Badania strukturalne metodą XRD proszku i spieku potwierdziły obecność w nich tylko fazy regularnej Y2O3. Do wyznaczenia stałej Verdeta w omawianym materiale zbudowano zaawansowany układ pomiarowy. Pomiar efektu Faradaya w badanym materiale Y2O3 wykazał wartości od -180 deg/(T∙cm) do 3 deg/(T∙cm) w zakresie 400-1000 nm. Otrzymany tlenek itru nadaje się do wykorzystania jako materiał magnetooptyczny, a jego dalsze modyfikacje powinny przynieść poprawę tego efektu.
Magneto-optical properties of Y2O3 transparent ceramics are presented in this article. A method of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) method was used to prepare of polycrystalline yttrium oxide, thanks to which dense sinter with a transparency of more than 50% in the visible spectrum was obtained. Examination of micromorphology of the sample surface revealed well-developed regular grains of several micrometers in size. No pores in the grains were found. XRD measurements confirmed only a cubic phase in powder and sinter. An advanced measurement system was built to determine the Verdet constant in the discussed material. Measurement of the Faraday effect in the tested Y2O3 showed values from -180 deg/(T∙cm) to 3 deg/(T∙cm) in the 400-1000 nm. The obtained yttrium oxide is suitable for use as a magneto-optical material, and its further modifications should improve this effect.
The reliability of the mechanical properties of any product plays an important role in the longevity of the product to work properly under various working conditions. In the present study, the effect of preparing brass alloy on its mechanical properties was experimentally studied. Samples of brass (60% Cu-40% Zn) were prepared by hot iso-stating pressing (HIP) sintering method and some main mechanical tests were performed on them included porosity, density, hardness and compression tests. Results of these tests were compared with corresponding tests on commercial brass alloys produced by casting in order to show the effect of the method of preparing on their mechanical properties. There was a significant improvement in the hardness and strength of the sintered alloy due to the increasing in density and decreasing in porosity comparing with the corresponding other casting's alloys. Results showed an improvement in the density values by 8.4% as a result of the significant reduction in the porosity values from 8.65% to about 0.43%. As a result, the strength of the alloys prepared by the heat pressing method has jumped to a value of 600MPa compared to the traditional castings that have a strength of 343MPa.
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